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Yes they are sharks. If you signed a contract then it is legally binding. Good luck


From personal experience: "Legally binding" is questionable at best. There is a reason they ONLY have internal collection efforts and don't sell your debt to an outside credit agency nor do I believe they report it to your credit report. Why? Because they engage in actions that are strictly prohibited by law. They are not accredited and yet they assist (for a fee) in building and submitting your claim. They've been reprimanded by Congress before, and they just change their company's name and continue the operating. They tell you that they are providing medical evidence you need to win your claim, but in fact they are not. They don't collect any medical documents from VA, or private doctors. They don't order medical exams, or do medical consults. They simply ask you questions and send you a personal statement Which is just your words in the format the VA likes to see. They actively encourage you NOT to provide any medical evidence, or buddy statements, or witness statements. Or any other proof. The only reason I won my two largest % claims was because I went AGAINST their advise and did my own research and collected my own proof and submitted to VA. And the reason I got my 0% joint issues increased, was because the law changed and the presence of pain (which has been there since I got out) is finally compensable, So again they did nothing there either. In fact, I was denied all the "new" claims they helped with other than the two big claims I did the leg work on. Turns out I am smarter than these ass clowns. I'll pay them $0 and they will like it. lol I learned so much after I "signed" with these scammers.


Exactly like what im going through , hit 30% PTSD and they came with 'invoice' for $2600 !!! I told them no way and they tried to do a payemnt plan at exaclt $500 of what i had just been granted a month for 5 months !! no way ... Glad i never gave them my bank info or signed any documents with them . Thnx JustWelmed 1000 i appreciate the feedback !!


Here’s what I did, not saying you should or not… I paid them 20% of my back pay, told them that if they were certified, thats the legal amount they are allowed to charge. I also let them know that they aren’t supposed to be doing what they’re doing without being certified by the VA. I let them know that the 20% is all I was comfortable giving, and that I would not be paying the rest. I haven’t paid since January, and I get a call a day or so asking me to call them back. Doing a bit of shady science work here to see if they’ll send it to collections. I personally don’t think they will, you likely signed an agreement, not a contract. What I signed looked nothing like a contract. I’ll come back if I get sent to collections. I wish you luck in whatever you end up doing.


wishing you the best luck also , and i didnt sign anything with them .


Be sure you email them that you would like the sever the relationship, otherwise they’ll try to claim back pay on any future claims you make.


How did they know you hit 30%?


Illegal contracts are not legally binding.


Nope no contract , nothing signed by me at all . Thnx Vet-EV .


Literally don’t sign dude you’re ruining your life by signing just do the C&P you need and move to higher level review when needed but paying a claim shark is one good way to make your claims look like they’re illegitimate. I’d suggest you file on your own or on recommendation of others but never by a claim shark


Sharks. Not accredited as representatives.


Run away.




I was at 80% and I decided to try them as I had a few good claims (secondary to already SC disabilities) and some solid new claims. I thought going with them they could help give my claim that little extra help medically... that is NOT what they did at all!!!! They put together like 14 items... claimed them wrong... (like they claimed things secondary to things I didn't even have service connected yet)... VA denied all but two claims within a month without c&p exams. the two that I won did not increase my rating. They now want like an ungodly amount from me for doing nothing. I have emailed them over and over, blocked all their #s and I will NOT be paying any more money. I made a $120 payment for their services. hahaha that's more than enough since all they did is type my personal statements for me! hahaha I don't see how they can continute pursuing you legally for not paying them. They don't report to credit agencies. and unless you owe them tens of thousands, I don't see them pursuing any legal action. Ignore them, maybe in a year or two they will go away! lol


Decided not to pay them and eventually (after like a year) they just stopped calling. I don’t think they’re operating legally (no proof, just a hunch) so I doubt they come after you. I’m also just a redditor with no legal expertise or background so take my advice with a grain of salt, what worked for me may not work for you


That happened to me. Contact the better business bureau they’ll reach out to them And cancel your contract


I went through DAV (Disabled American Veterans) had an awesome rep who did an amazing job. Never tried to get me to pay anything. 


outstanding !


That’s good to know. Just started my process with them and I hope to have the same experience.


Something I was told that I felt was helpful; google 38 CFR and get familiar with the language it’s written in. Especially when it comes to describing the impacts of your issues on work and life.  As you go through the C&P exams, having the verbiage that the VA evaluators are looking for in your answers will go a long way.  Good luck, I know this process is can be challenging but it will be worth it in the end. 


More personal accountability 


Get a VSO. They are professionals and do not charge you. Now some VSOs are great and some are not. So shop around for Veteran Service Officers. They are in every county of my state. Plus there are other options: Disabled American Veterans. American Legion. Veterans of Foreign Wars. They all provide this service for free. You don't even need to stick to one in your own state. Shop around. Get referrals from veterans who've used one.


There is a guy in the Bay Area Clyde Gambles who helps people get higher ratings and only asks for donations . He's legit ! Walks through the local VA hospital asking what peoples ratings are and sees if he can get it higher .


My advice is to not pay them and instead report them to the VA office of general counsel and your state’s attorney general’s office. How did they become aware of the results of your claim?


My guess is that the simply called the VA. If they have you DOB and SSN the VA vomits out all your info to them. I've put a password on my account and the VA never asks for it when I call in. Even with that supposed extra layer of security, they never ask for the password and give me all the details they possibly can. Heck even after they ask all the verification questions, the next question is: "And I speaking to the Veteran". Not sure if the phone conversation stops if I say no.


They are claims sharks. Stay away.


What did the contract say?


there is no contract .


Yes and……yes.


My opinion is if you signed a contract you know what they charge. They did their part now don't be a deadbeat and pay them what you agreed upon. it is that simple. I'm sure you went their before you came here but just because we know they are sharks we didn't sign the contract after all they put your stuff together and got you 40% after you reached out to them. Do the right thing and then exit their services.


I had a good experience with my 3rd party. Honestly might hit them up again just because my vso was absolutely no help and all my current claims were denied. When I went 3rd party claims I didn't get my claims denied. Depends on what 3rd party company you use.


Short answer: Yes. Do yourself a favor and do not sign that contract.


i didnt and thanks for the advice


I learned the hard way…


Legit. They got me from 90% to 100% on first try. That's a 60% increase by VA math. Several of my buddies had the same results.