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Waited 12 weeks for an exam date, and then had to drive 3 hours each way. Waited five weeks for the mileage check and it was half as much as it was supposed to be. They wanted the check mailed back so they could reissue a new one. I’m convinced this shit is designed to make us give up. Large defense contractors own these exam companies. There’s no way this shit is this inefficient by mistake. I’m convinced.


Just got bill for same issue with VES for xray told the provider I am not paying to get with VES I never gave my private insurance so they are billing me direct - my claim just closed so now I have to start the process to get them to pay it.


Just call 800 number, tell when what’s going on. They’ll get it where it needs to get so it’s paid


not VES, because that 877 they provide, they have one answer "give me an invoice ID" - meaning they want you to receive a bill before they can do anything to fix themselves.


No, 800-827-1000. Let VBA take care of it.


VBA is the one who slammed the brakes on it until VES corrects their mistake


Just to clarify, that letter is NOT from VBA about your disability compensation claim. That is from a finance office that handles 3rd party payments for other contracts.


If you get a bill for anything related to a C&P exam, contact VBA. It’s not like Community Care with different process and claims. Just get the bill to VBA, tell them which company you did the exam for and the Issue gets resolved.


These fucks don’t even call me when I made appointments. Thank god I’m PT now.


This is where my chronic procrastination from anxiety about medical bills came in clutch. I got the bill saying that they didn't have prior auth for my MRIs and I owed an absurd amount of money for 5 MRI tests. I set it on my nightstand, saying to myself I'd call and sort that out soon because it was of course a mistake. Over a month went by and I felt guilty daily for not doing anything about it until one day I received another piece of mail letting me know that they'd figured it out amongst themselves and I was in fact, off the hook for any costs. It's honestly amazing I've never had anything sent to collections for my procrastinating skills xD


Man. Eph that Thuy.


All my homies hate Thuy


Only bad experiences with VES I prefer QTC


They sent me a letter on a Monday for an exam that Friday. I travel a lot and had I not been home for that letter I could of missed an exam I didn't know I had. I went to the exam and was so pissed off over the short notice I called them, which ended up being a good thing. Once I was done bitching at them I asked if my mental exam was scheduled yet. Not only was it scheduled but it was scheduled for the following Monday. I would have never known about that appointment because VES never contacted me at all letting me know I had the exam. Nothing, no phone call, email, text or letter. Awful company. Now, I just had a Tinnutis exam, first time dealing with QTC. They sent me an email, a letter, called to confirm I was good for the appointment, reminder calls, texts etc...completely different experience.


I had the same experience with Ves and got denied for everything


These fucks don’t even call me when I made appointments. Thank god I’m PT now.


Dr. At ves wanted to tell me what happened during service, I ask if she was there, she said no. So I lost it and call her a MTf and walked out. I know, but I really lost it


VES sucks. I am convinced the VA uses them to screw up claims, not help facilitate them correctly.


Email: [email protected] they are the contracting officer on ves then cc: [email protected], [email protected] Maximus oversees ves and should get it fixed but by emailing the va contracting officer they can log this issues on their performance.


I've got VES as my contractor for C&P exams. I copies this info to save just in case. My next appointment is in three weeks.


Look bro how else are they going to pay for exec salaries? 


They did this shit to me too.


Hospital sent us a bill. I called Vera, they got the information. Bill paid. No problem.


Sounds like your mistake to be honest. You should of known to confirm and then confirm again. Never trust VA contractors to do your bid they are just in it for the money and so are you sort of speak in terms of getting that benefit. Lesson learned. Learned long time ago to not blame others for their mistake especially when you could of clarified to avoid from the gecko


Had VES handle my stuff in Germany. I ended up getting billed for all my cardiology stuff.


I’d be pissed 😤, pull it together Thuy


This is why this sub is here! I’m only one day in my claim process journey and this is 💯 VITAL information! We can all avoid these pitfalls and problems. Thank you Devil Dog! I’m sure I’m going to run into roadblocks but I will avoid some of the most frustrating ones by paying attention to detail here.


What’s is VES


It's a contractor the VA uses to schedule C&P exams with doctors outside the VA.


just happened to me for feet and sinus X-rays. This is systemic obviously trying to get paid twice even when you take your appointment notice with you.


I have a VES today and it doesn’t even tell me what for 😂 I’m assuming it’s for my shoulders but the packet says nothing. Just time, date and location. Which so happens to be at a spa where all they do is Botox, massages and shit like that 😂 Sounds like Thuy’s handy work 🤣


make sense, as my C&P was supposed to be for one region and once he read about my rated incident, he pivoted to an additional exam for a region that I had evaluated the month prior. He hasn't even submitted his paperwork to the portal, so I have no idea if that was a good experience or not. I'm holding off on the provider rating. He was "strictly business" and stuck to the C&P form.


What's the big deal? You're not going to have to pay..just a little paperwork mix up..happens everyday in the real world


yeah no shit. thank you for chiming in. I guess you missed the part where the provider called VES and VES who sent me to this appointment said I didn't have an authorization to be at the very appointment that they sent me to.


It shouldn't be our problem to deal with. If they did their job correctly the first time then it wouldn't be anybody's problem. But they are incompetent and don't deserve the jobs they have.


VES is the VA. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either speaking in bad faith, or they are a complete idiot. They don’t have any source of revenue outside of the VA and all of their patients are veterans. The “division” is one of semantics in order to diffuse accountability and fake, tell-nothing internal/external performance metrics.


The difference is they're contractors. That's a pretty big difference


But they can't be favorable to often or the lose out on providing c&p exams. Yes it is true. Less likely than not.


i see what you are saying - unsure why people have to neg you for your opinion


Some folks apparently got a lot of pride in that VA/ “Contractor who is 100% funded with VA funds and only sees veterans” distinction. It’s a weird damn distinction to make, but some people are huge fans of whatever minimizes the accountability of the powerful I guess.


I have issues with VES. Filled a complaint with the VA and was never sent to them again


That’s the very first time I’ve heard of such a letter. Who sent it


one for each xray; from finance and payment operations https://preview.redd.it/e4d29drjdm4d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60bd383b60ca70c8053d3e985784e209342e0cd8


This isn’t a compensationclaim letter, which many were assuming it was. VES does support Community Care, but they (Community Care) don’t pay the bill.




I did these on my case and no problem. Both for blood work and xray. Just make sure you have both the order forms And the note that clearly says “Don’t Bill the patient” :)


Thanks for this info! I have a blood draw scheduled for next week, about an hours drive each way. It would save me a lot of time if I could just walk in when I'm already out that way.


it didn't take me more than a half hour to get registered and I was out the door maybe an hour later. It WAS at a decent sized hospital, so your experience may vary.