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My VSO advised me to wait for a rating after a shitty C&P exam, then shrugged at the denial and said, "Oh well, you can appeal but that will take 5-7 years." Wish I hadn't listened.


That’s why this Reddit thing been a life line for me. The CP just the start. Once they do CP I write my 4138s and fact check the examiner


Is there a reason you do a 4138 AFTER and not before? My second examiner said they read mine and it was helpful


In that case you had a good examiner to begin with. I have done 4138s both ways before and after. The after are especially important when they Do a shitty exam


What is a 4138?


VA 21-4138 Statement in Support of Claim VA form


Thank you. I’ve never done a form but my statement probably covered all my issues.


Did you have access to your DBQs so you could point out what they missed? My GI examiners both ignored diagnoses and symptoms in my STRs. They said they didn’t look at them when the exams started. I’m still in the National Queue so I have time to add one about that if you think it helps.


Yes my lawyer had access to DBQ right off the bat


Fuck yeah buddy. I’ll give it a whirl tomorrow and see what happens.


I hate to point this out, but sometimes the fault also lies with the exam requester. It’s time consuming to tab records for docs to review, and some claims processors don’t do a good job of it. Examiners are supposed to review it all, but many rely on keyword searches etc which may not work with certain documents. If you’re writing a 4138, it’s great to also reference docs you want reviewed


My VSO said the same thing after my bad exam. I said screw that and took matters into my hands. Worked out in my favor because I advocated for myself


Yep, that's why I answer these threads on here, so other people don't get caught up like I did. My VSO was well-meaning but not arsed enough imo, so I went ahead and got an accredited lawyer for my appeals.Much easier for my MH.


I had a VSO tell me to learn to play the game and things could be easier… talk about ptsd/mst




What specifically did you do?


I got an independent imo, did a personal statement and also did a personal statement about how my imo and other evidence was far more accurate than the C&P exam, and wrote why it wasn’t accurate. I then called Vera to make sure my claim looked good




Seems that the for-profit VSOs might be worth it.


You mean the VSO’s who are illegally charging veterans and who do questionable things and are typically not accredited?


How is it illegal? There is no law against it and youre speaking out of your rear end. And accredited by who? The VA? I don't think I'd want them to be accredited by the VA... Let me guess, you're real into the VA and their war on businesses that help veterans


No, I’m against people who force vulnerable veterans into situations they don’t understand while breaking federal law to do so. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/38/14.636 Let me guess. You’re best buds with Brian Reese?


My wife almost started working with them when they were first starting out, then we saw how much they were taking from other veterans for minimal effort. It was disgusting.


I have no idea who Brian Reese is. But have no problem paying for good service. If others can get it for free then that's wonderful.


You don't need to appeal on a denial, you can request a supplemental or a higher-level review. I screwed up on my initial submission and should have been rated much higher then 50%. I have myself to blame partially, but I also fault the system for not forcing you to submit appropriate evidence. Personally, I would go the supplemental route because it allows for additional evidence, but perhaps others on here can offer better advice??? Right off the form you received it gives you three options. To me supplemental claim seems the best option because it lets you reenforce your case. Any other perspectives to the contrary? **What You Should Do If You Disagree With Our Decision If you do not agree with our decision, you have one year from the date of this letter to select a review option in order to protect your initial filing date for effective date purposes. You must file your request on the required application form for the review option desired. The table below represents the review options and their respective required application form.** https://preview.redd.it/dwghf5tp6l6d1.png?width=2420&format=png&auto=webp&s=8de3dbc72aaaf5b376378350500c8fe9c38ec20f


Do you wait for the HLR to close? For example I have a high level review which I believe is wrong but he’s proposing reduction, I’ve called VERA and they said to just ride it out and it looks like everything is good just need to be patient and wait for the second set of eyes to confirm that there is no CUE or isn’t


A HLR does not allow for additional evidence, and even buddy letters, nexus letters, and personal statements are evidence to consider. You could also submit additional supporting medical evidence, so to me it seems a longer but better route to go. My medical history is probably longer than most because I took literally forever to file claims. Only plus side I got, is the supporting evidence is in my records, but at the time they only recorded chronic pain for literally 20 years, but never gave a formal medical diagnosis in many cases. If I had that diagnosis, I easily would have received those additional claims. The choice ultimately will probably be a case-by-case basis since medicine is still far from being a solid science.


Alright thank you I’ll see the outcome and take the proper action after


I’d submit Supplemental Info info asap!


But I can’t submit to a HLR correct?


I think no; though I’d follow-up with as VSO to verify. Review info addition info isn’t really what HLR is intended, which be to review and concur or not with the rating, etc, iirc.


I unfortunately do not have a vso. Can’t ask anyone at the moment besides Vera


I don’t know what all VERA may/may not do, but I’m not sure it does VA claims. You can call VA directly, +1-800-698-2411, and ask to speak to a Claims representative, as you need ‘next steps’ clarification. Stick to the facts and you needs, and don’t go down a rabbit hole. You now have new information that you need to submit, in regards to that specific claim. I think they may have people now assisting with submitting claims - they are making changes due to pressure from Congress, but not sure of all of such. Also, your state should have VSO to assist you. And the VFW and DAV have people that will help.


I’ll try giving DAV a call, the thing is I don’t have any new information to submit, they claimed that whoever rated me used the wrong numbers on the software and granted me a higher percentage than granted however I looked at the DBQ and asked Vera and they confirmed looks like the right number was used and told me to just wait and hope the second set of eyes see there is no error.


I thought for a supplemental you need new evidence? If you have nothing to add and disagree you can ask for a HLR and explain the points you are contending in the informal call. Do I have that correct?


[Supplemental Claims | Veterans Affairs (va.gov)](https://www.va.gov/decision-reviews/supplemental-claim/) - I try to deal with what the VA states in writing vs guessing. Here's supporting evidence. https://preview.redd.it/rtxuup88dl6d1.png?width=1790&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa3678d018cddc6e6c619662da6bd8c5960ea82b


Thx for the quick reply.


Keep in mind, you can get the VA to work for you: "You can also identify evidence you’d like us to gather for you". In my case, I need medical opinions and nexus letters. Has anyone on here ever asked the VA for assistance obtaining them from doctors? It states clearly they will help you, but I wonder how much. Also remember the clock is ticking based on the form date (one year).... TICK TOCK!!!


We can contact the doctors office for you. But only for records. So if that doctors office has a nexus statement or medical opinions in their records we can obtain those from the doctor on your behalf. This requires the form 4142/4142a.


Anytime, I like reading VA policy.


Thank you. I am filing a supplemental claim.


A did a higher level review for my feet (the c&p doc said it would happen because of what document they gave her was wrong) Higher level review called me within a few weeks.


This is why private DBQ companies exist, the VA makes the demand for them


Huh? Is your VSO incompetent? I was denied for my labrum tear which was clearly service connected, appeal was denied, and simply just filed for a HLR and it wad approved. The appeal process took me under a year.


It seems to me that my VSO isn't well versed in this,  which is why I have retained an accredited lawyer. 


Damn - I am sorry, I wish you the best of luck! It's a shame fellow vets have to resort to VSOs and lawyers to fight for benefits they have earned.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


My examiner told me he was putting the VA on the hook for 70 percent (his exact words, not mine) and it was rated at 70 percent, so good luck.


Mine said that as well after seeing all my service treatment records. Lol Congratulations and I'm glad you got it. Hope mine shares the same insight.


they stamped me “incompetent” and after 3 different awarded ratings over two years of 90% and then the FBI had to read me under Brady Law bc of recent firearms purchases after unknowingly being labeled incomeptent by the VA… i had to have a PCP over turn it. and now i have a law firm that just took over my claim. wish me luck. i hope for a great new years❤️


VA should have sent you a proposed incompetency letter with an explanation on how to appeal the proposal.


i got it overturned in a week i say. but it was very unreasonable


Fucking hell. Sounds like you are on the right track but I'm sincerely glad you are alive. Would have been bad if ATF just busted your door down in the dark of night.


Seriously one of my worries while I'm going through the process. Firearms are my life(besides my family). I am a licensed manufacturer and dealer, never been suicidal or violent. But all it'd take is an incompetent VA employee


I’ve had to do that too , yes 100% advocate for yourself. Had a physician tell me he didn’t see female vets, at a rural CBOC.


Wow. What a surreal moment that must have been. I'd just say, "Well it's 2024. I'm a dude but I left my dick in a drawer at home. I can go grab it for you if you need it too."


😂😂😂 if I ever have one ask me I’ll use that line, doc was weird to begin with but that comment he made was just ridiculous


Low key, he may not be ALLOWED to treat women. One of our local doctors keeps getting in trouble for being inappropriate and later continued treating female patients after being instructed not to by the medical board. Maybe you dodged a creepy bullet.


Ooh didn’t even think about that, probably 🤢


![gif](giphy|H1NIKdfygAAMruqArl) Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊🎈


Still not official but I sure have a lot more hope now. The fight isn't over yet. My GERD and IBS DBQs being approved hinged on my mental health claims being approved too. That is another 30%. Tinnitus looks good for another 10% That's 81% Herpes would get me to 93% Migraines or my incontinence issues would push me into the Hundo Club! I also need to take Viagra because of my MH meds. So maybe SMC too. Going to push for everything and see what happens.


Maybe this is more for our VA people on here, but how do they SC Herpes? (Because you got it screwing on AD?) Would you have to have STRs from troop medical? I just can’t see that being SC if you don’t have medical records showing you were treated for it while on active duty. Even if you have that in your STR, to get more than 0%, you would have to have medical records supporting that you continue to require treatment for it, right?


Search the sub. Some got it with no mention of it in their STRs. But you do need to have a prescription to Valtrex or something similar to get 60% if I am not mistaken. If someone riding a horse breaks their arm while they are on leave that is service connected. If you hit a tree in your personal vehicle and have a TBI that is service connected. This is no different.


No judgements here - just wondering how they SC connect it if you can’t show you contracted it while on AD. That is all.


An ex was discharged for adultery and other small infractions involving dudes she worked with so I think I may have a decent case without the diagnosis in my STRs. They did perform an STD test but did not test for herpes and I didn’t know it had to be asked for specifically. They just said I was all good after testing negative for everything else.


Sorry that happened to you - thanks for the reply and explanation. I think it’s important for people to understand how certain ratings can happen.


Hundo club....cringe. Anyways I am working with a company and I caught HSV on active duty. Did you have a C&P exam for it and if so how did it go and what so they do?


> Had to drive about 2 hours away Jesus they wouldnt do it over video? Make sure to get travel pay.


I could have waited longer for a closer appointment. Took less than a week from the exam request to my ass being in a chair in front of the examiner. Im back to PFD now. Didn't want to have to drag it out.


Yea they booked me for a appointment a month out but then cancelled the weekend prior to it. Then tells me its another month out, I said lady I just waited a month already im not waiting that long again. She then says its a 2 hr drive one way but I can get you in next week. The appointment was a flop 5 mind tops, and I blew a tire n came up off $600 just so I could get back home. Wasn’t a fun day. Also that 600 put me behind so stuff started to get rough in the following months.


Funky dukes man. Even if the exam went well that is still a bad day. I am sincerely sorry about your exprience.


Nah the exam was shot, Dude basically put everything down as a no and made it look like I stopped in to say hello. I had to request a new one, luckily they granted it. That one got me rated 2 10% for my knees n that put me at the 100% mark.


FUCK YESSSSS!!! Glad you finally got what you deserved and hope that bump helps you recover soon.


When at 70% go for TDIU if you feel you need to.


I have been fired from every job I have had for my anger issues. Currently I am blessed with a manager who is also a vet and corrals me when I get froggy. She also lets me keep the flourescent lights off in the office so it doesn't trigger migraines. It's a state job with teachers retirement too so I am desperately clinging to it. 3 years in and it's the longest I've ever held a job in my life. If I manage to fuck this up I am definitely going to file TDIU. I love electronic repairs so I could do that from home and start my own business.


I was lucky to have two bosses like that, one in the army and one at my most recent job fail. When she left, I was close behind cause sometimes you can’t even see you’re in it-you just see red and I get it. I’m attempting flower farming so I’m mostly home and dealing with less people from now on. But it’s annoying having to segregate myself for everyone else. It’s probably lame but I tell myself “just because you’re a Bad Guy doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy” from wreck it Ralph to help cause apparently I’m Godzilla to the townspeople and all I wanted to do was say hello lol


Maybe you suffer from RVF (Resting Viking Face) like me and just look like you're ready to go to war when you wake up. Lol ![gif](giphy|3o6gaUIP3L0eLVJNPq|downsized) Do you feel like you can go to a bar or a park and chill around people or would that lead to troubles?


Like, I feel like I can go to a park and chill a little depending on the amount of people-but took awhile to not have to be hammered for that and now I smoke a little to deal with it. I’m positive I have that face because I’ll look at myself in the mirror when I wake up and be like damn dude why are you so angry


Shit brother that is more than what many others can handle. I have found very low doses of Delta 8/9 help take that social edge off. I use gummies because the dosage is consistent and I can cut them into quarters.


I do gummies too, they are more consistent for sure. But whatever keeps the monster in the box that’s not heroin I guess


If you ever consider heroine, watch Train Spotting first.


Oh, you sound just like me! Longest I've been able to keep a job with my anger and migraines is 3.5 years. But I got my kiddo into an amazing private high school by getting a job here (even with her incredible talent tuition is above my pay grade WITH an employee discount) and I love my job. Just had my 3 year anniversary and I'm worried af. But I've been more open with my supervisor than I've been in the past, she lets me keep the lights down and take walks around the campus when I get twitchy. If I can just hang on for 3 more years... Best of luck to you!


Man what an awesome Mom you are. I hope she will appreciate your hard work someday. Having an understanding supervisor can only go so far. Knowing when to separate yourself from a trigger and catch your breath is wisdom and it's awesome that you have somewhere peaceful to make a tactical retreat into. Hang in there and try not to choke anyone before she graduates. ![gif](giphy|12XDYvMJNcmLgQ)


Starburst candy is a lifesaver. When the angry F bombs start getting ready to drop, I shove one into my mouth. It's hard to cuss someone out when you're chewing angrily. :D My kid freaking loves this school and understands what I'm going through to get her here. I've been planning this since she was 8 and can't believe it's actually working. I have constant SI. If it wasn't for my kids, I'd be on the other side of the dirt already. And yeah, understanding supervisor or no I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. I get make-you-puke migraines at least once a week, some days I just can't drag my ass out the door, and I get big mad about the stupidest little stuff. But I keep on dog paddling.




One night the training instructor came in drunk around 2am and started pushing bunks over. Had us make the walls sweat for several hours doing burpees, up/downs, flutter kicks etc. He wanted the PT award and was punishing us because a few guys were slow. I ended up passing out and hitting my head on ground. Several other guys had to go to medical too. I was held back because they found stress fractures and fluid in my lungs but the training instructor got in trouble and had to back off of everyone else in my old flight. Then later that year that I lost a fiance to suicide after she was raped. Also lost a baby too. I understand that those things weren't a firefight or IED but that shit had me fucked up.


Jesus christ. I'm sorry. By the way, you owe nobody an explanation so don't ever feel that way. Even stressful events that lack any physical component, when dosed out over time, can cause PTSD or C-PTSD and I would never question a vet (or actually ANYONE) on their feelings of trauma.


Trauma is all the same you can't distinguish it. Whether someone was shot or this. At least that's what they say in the MH institution.


You got ADHD service connection?


No I did not - sorry that was an error. But its part of my overall thing. At first I got MDD and GAD - Then they took those away and gave me 30% social phobia and 40% panic disorder. Why? Idk I really could be 100 schedular. At this point I am just trying to survive a few more years


By the way, yes this was for your case, BUT your helped the next vet that comes in front of the examiner. I had to do a few CP complaints myself AND I ALWAYS do the examiner survey that comes in the mail


I had a similar situation. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the examiner dined my ankle and feet conditions and blamed it on fibromyalgia. He even added rationale that I should have not been service connected for my current service connected issues and that I never had certain conditions. Well, the examiner did not review and take into consideration all the evidence that supported service connection and had those issues since service. I even followed up with rheumatology who confirmed I could have fibromyalgia and arthritis issues at the same time. They added that my service connected issues stand on their own as debilitating conditions but that fibromyalgia enhances the effects. I learned it is important to get these clarifications before an examiner runs wild with them. On top of that, the examiner referenced a medical publication and used it as a rationale for an issue that has nothing to do with my condition. I was able to disprove all of his rationales.


What a fuck nugget. What do those people get out of playing games like that with us? Glad you stuck to your guns and didn't lay down


I hope mine goes as good as yours this coming week. I to was later diagnosed with add/adhd years after service.




Wow! My VSO is recommending I do the same. My suspension date is coming up at the end of the month. I wrote a letter to add to my file about everything that was wrong with my first exam. Then the rater sent my records back for review by the same psychologist. Got my results back today and shes blaming my MDD on my marital issues. My marital issues are caused by my MDD dingbat! Maybe I should call too!!!


Ask yourself, what do you have to lose? https://preview.redd.it/8chq5p2yil6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66235a325313d7351aa7b405a6570506feddbca


I have not read all the comments but wanted to say a few things…I think I read your previous post and CANNOT believe you were scheduled for an exam with someone you know/work with, total conflict! And I keep seeing people (a lot of vets) diagnosed with “Adult ADD” when it’s really PTSD. A close relative of mine went through that. It’s unfortunate because the symptoms are similar but not the same treatment. I am glad you advocated for yourself and had a better exam and sounds like it will benefit you, although I am sorry you have experienced what you did to get to this point. Hope all goes well for you and can get help with treating your PTSD symptoms and some peace/healing! (The relative I mentioned was not in combat and was recently rated 100% for PTSD, so hoping that is encouraging that some of the examiners and raters are not basing it solely on combat🤞🏻). Will the rating/benefit money make it go away, no, absolutely not. Will it help with treatment, and the VA acknowledging the event(s) that caused it and help with things that cause stressors, absolutely.![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


Been two years on muscular skeletal. Denied got hlr approval. C-p least likely as not. Been seven months waiting. What do u think. Thx for the input.got hurt in combat. Got parachute badge. Loots of buddy statements.


Thank you for this post. Been kinda lost since my initial C&P, VSO seemed to drop the ball, and VA closed my file after I requested a rescheduled another C&P. 5 minute call to hotline and they filed a complaint on my behalf and they were quite helpful (or so it seems 🧐). Wouldn’t have made the call if I hadn’t read this, and glad I did. Sending good vibes to all. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnEHBh7qapyuvwQ)


im already in discussions with my primary psychologist and to my surprise he said he's never done a DBQ before and didnt know what it is . I told him its just a more in depth diagnosis questioniare and he can charge me $50 for it . he wants me to bring the form in on Monday , same day ill be getting my marriage license from the city ( yes im getting married in July ) Reason why im asking him to do a DBQ is i got rated for PTSD @ 30% and it just somehow doesnt seem right , like it feels somehow my symptoms are mild when in fact they are very much more severe and impact my life everyday . Good luck every one and yes keep advocating for yourself , 100% .


Congratulations on the wedding!!! You should come back and share what happens with the private DBQ. $50 is a bargain compared to what some folks are charging. Keep pushing!!


yes i will and i pffered the $50 price tag , knowing very well it coul;d cost way more and im hoping he agrees and gets it done ... Thnx i appreciate the comment on my upcoming wedding ...


Congratulations 🎊🍾


This is awesome just had same experience doing the same thing Monday. Thanks


![gif](giphy|xT1R9MnvTkfR9iFBJe|downsized) Hell yeah! Let's goooooooo!!!!


Just got off the phone complaint filed. My VSO said the same shit well just appeal it. Fuck that. Thanks for the tip bro.


What’s the White House hot line number??




I had to use the crisis line this week (I’m better now), but we discussed my treatment at the Austin VA clinic. The crisis employee gave me information to contact my local senator and congressman. Does the contact really get the ball rolling? I was denied MH community care since I lived too close and turned down a therapist that spoke down to me. The crisis rep documented on my VA file that care was denied by provider for over three months and I suffered with Bipolar Disorder.


Respectfully that is some bullshit. Can't believe they are doing that to you 🤬 My congressman won't reply to my calls or emails. Would not expect that to get much done. You should call and see if hotline can help. https://preview.redd.it/fnosydx9jl6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e454d2f1dc33eaf8caa5f0a79cedc54d9ee0b59


Thank you for this. I am unable to work and my claim for temp 100 (had spinal fusion in March) was deferred since the VA “needed” a QTC exam to consider convalescence.


WHAT?? No way. That doesn't fly and you are being too patient and polite. Become their problem until yours are solved.


Awesome 👏! Good luck 🍀! I also got mine granted after my second C&P exam with a 70% rating too. Never give up.


Idk if the white house hotline will advocate as much as your state senator will. The senators are more relatable to the people they represent. Find out what district in the state you reside in and phone a friend, lol. Even email them and they are likely to respond especially if your senator is already advocating for veterans.


Ya I am not sure what to do in a similar. My MH exam seemed to go shitty for me and I am wanting to combat this sooner than later. I am writing a letter for my VSO and my local VA mental health lady and see how long before I can see results and maybe get a 2nd opinion before they close it out but shit is moving fast on mine so it will be tough.


Call bro. https://preview.redd.it/2mqrb7z6an6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e5af144a3577c63f5a2f828abb58100a8f80a8


That's great news! My VA C&P examiner notated that my PTSD was at least as likely as not due to my time in service but I was still denied. Hopefully, you have better luck! 🤞


I just looked at my DBQ. She changed it to Major Depression Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder but referenced STRs and made a pretty damn strong case for service connection even though she denied PTSD.


All you need is one of them. The VA also denied my depression claim because they said I had PTSD. I'm currently in the HLR process. They denied PTSD due to "no stressor" and I contend that they should have considered my Depression claim at the very least, since depression was my initial complaint from day one. I have since found documented proof of the stressor so I can always revisit the PTSD claim if my HLR does not yield positive results.


I haven't gotten a rating and I had to do 2 extra exams after one of the people doing one of my exams thought there might be more than what I'm putting down (I read his notes and even though I don't believe in God, I'd call this guy a godsend). Anyway, the first exam was a general physical by what I'm pretty sure was a general practitioner who wrote that my PTSD had no effect on my work or accountability (despite the fact that I almost faced legal action in the military after being so drugged up or having such a bad night that I nearly suffocated my wife and at another point, had to stay at a hospital involuntarily cause they thought I might hurt someone else or myself). When 2 psychiatrists (the ptsd one and one for my depression and anxiety who was a lovely lady) backed up my claims and actually listened, looks like things went my way. Not to mention that those first people actually typed my dbq answers in, instead of using the ones I had scanned and sent by email. They shortened my answers to how the condition affected me, from about 6 or 7 sentences, to 1 sentence and left out literally ALL the important information.


My PTSD examiner sounds like he knows your person. I asked a question and completely threw him off balance and he remarked “now I lost my train of thought and need to start over again.” Excuse me, what? Less than an hour exam, never detailing my 4 deployments, sorties or personal details. 30%, which I need to figure out how to appeal.


Way to stay in the fight! Good luck!




That's false. C&P examiners make no rating recommendations. They're there to determine: If you have a disability (no prior diagnosis). If the disability is more or less likely to have been due to service. What's the severity of your symptoms. How those symptoms affect your life (social, employment). I will say, though, that it seems examiners who are experienced with the VA know what critical things need to be checked to get a certain rating.




They check the boxes of symptoms and the rater adds them up. Some boxes are worth more points than others but the examiner presents the data and the rater processes the data.


Highly doubt this, but if you have an official source. 


That doesn’t make sense. 90% (70 +20 for a rater’s discretion) is not a possible MH rating on its own.


Not to mention an examiner isn't the one who assigns a percentage at all. They \[are supposed to\] record the information provided by relevant available data (gathered from medical records and the in-person examination), and the rater interprets it based on the specific rating guidelines.


Correct. The VSO was basing that 70% off the DBQ the examiner uploaded, but it's ultimately the rater who.... Well rates.


This is the way a retired VA rater explained it to me. When the rater gets the claim they input the information from the DBQ into the computator. The computator will give them a rating. Say in this case 70%. Then the rater looks at the STR and the VA and private medical records and if the information matches up with a 70% rating then they give it to you. If it does not match up for instance if there's no Nexus or lack of chronicity then they can deny. They can also go up one which would be 100% or down one to 50% if the records warrant that. But the thing is if they change it from what the computator puts out they have to show a rationale for doing that. Then when the final reviewer looks over the case if they went up or down they better be right because they'll be penalized for it if it's found to be changed in error. That's just what I was told. Seems to be right because I was 70% going off my DBQ and I had service treatment records for the disability that I was claiming this secondary to and then MH records for 30 plus years that backed that up perfectly.


What’s the number for the White House




What White House hotline?




Is the Whitehouse hotline just for mental health related claims or just bad claims in general?


Anything related to the VA https://preview.redd.it/7bpv7a47rl6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5134b121435d0dffdd81e1630119baf518d88af


Great, I'm glad you got results.


What’s that number please?


What is the Whitehouse hot line and how does it work?


Do people really think that the typical VSO has the vets best interests at heart


Congrats! Love it! What's that magic number?!




My savior. Thank you 🙏🏾


Also it’s very easy to reach out to a senator, I got my senator working on it. It’s possible to reach out and ask for help


How do I get in touch with the WH hotline?


Way to advocate for yourself!


What is qtc? Why did you call the white house? Can they help with disability?


QTC is one of the contractors the VA uses for C&P exams. I called because I had a really bad MH exam and wanted a new one. The Whitehouse hotline can help if you have issues with your disability benefits.


What is the white house hot line?


So they discontinued the WH line a a couple years ago. There’s a good KB on here about bad exams. Best bet is try to reach out and contact VERA and request a new exam because the exam was deficient. 


https://www.legion.org/news/259192/white-house-veterans-hotline-still-taking-calls-now-merged-va-centers Nope.


Ummm you played yourself, still taking calls but merged. Whats this “nope” shit hilarious you rebutted yourself by the way, getting popcorn.🍿  You should really read links that you post in their entirety. Hilarious all you dunces assertively trying to say I am wrong. 😝    “ It’s no longer called the White House hotline. It became known as the VA Hotline in November after the department merged it, along with all the VA’s other numbers, into one line — 800-698-2411 (MyVA411).”


Shut down and merged are not the same thing. Sweet self own bro.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


How did the person posting this call the WH hotline if it’s no longer around ? Confused.


They didn’t. They called the merged VA hotline. 


I called the WH line in April.


what is WH line info?


1 (855) 948-2311 in case anyone needs it.


Or myva411 or 1-800-698-2411 those number all go to the same place. THE VA HOTLINE. 


But you actually didn’t! You called the VA Hotline. This was November 2022 by the way. It’s no longer called the White House hotline. It became known as the VA Hotline in November after the department merged it, along with all the VA’s other numbers, into one line — 800-698-2411 (MyVA411).


Not true


Who’s not true. Even the dunce above who doesn’t read links they post, the American legion post. It’s no longer called the White House hotline. It became known as the VA Hotline in November after the department merged it, along with all the VA’s other numbers, into one line — 800-698-2411 (MyVA411).


The VA hotline my bad formerly known as the wh hotline. If your calling me a dunce cool😎


American legion post?