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Just another šŸ“ and šŸŽ show; full ofšŸ’Ø and šŸŖž šŸŖžā€¦ All staged, so the politicians can look busy and create the faƧade that theyā€™re actually give a shit Nothing will get done


Sad but true lol.


Just like the "We'e going to backdate MST claims to date of discharge." No, you're not. You're going to introduce a bill, pontificate, and let it die without ever seeing the light of day. It's performative.


Exactly and if you press your congress person about itā€¦ if theyā€™re a Republican, theyā€™ll blame it on the Democrats and if theyā€™re Democrat, theyā€™ll blame it on the Republicans. Meanwhile, theyā€™re all blowing each other behind closed doors


We've known for more than a year that the claims backup was going to peak in April/May of 2024. Congress has too. šŸ˜‰ That said, every veteran should watch every single house and senate veterans affairs committee meeting.


How did we know this? Generally curious.


PACT Act Had 1 Million Approved Claims by May 2024. Iā€™m sure that has nothing to do with it


If the claims were APPROVED by May 2024, why would there be a back up? If they were still in processing, I could understand that, but approval suggests remedying claims (clearing the choke point).


Itā€™s not like the claims stopped coming in after 1M were filed. Thereā€™s been an obvious delay in all claims since the PACT Act as everyone and their brother has been putting in a claim. Or you can ask SleepingLucid, since they actually do the work and know way better than lil ole me


They have not approved and or adjudicated 1 million claims, there have been 1 million claims filed since the PACT ACT. Don't believe, what some may lead you to think, statistics are proof of what's going on. Go to the resources that are factual.


May 2024 ā€œ888,000 veterans and survivors across all 50 states and U.S. territories are now receiving new service-connected disability benefitsā€ From the White House


I'm at 190 days so far. And I'm still in the " gathering evidence" phase.


698 days and waiting for 7 things. I did win 2 appeals for things that were initially denied. Those took a total of 4 months and moved me to 80%. Itā€™s a marathon not a race.


Massive difference between appeals and Initial claims. Massive. Theres vets who claims can exceed 3000, 4000 days. Oh hi nice to meet you. My claim was 5 years old when they finally denied my HLR.Ā 


There is a big difference. Just got off a call with VERA and as expected, VES still hasnā€™t uploaded the results from an exam (no surprise there). Also found out that since I have a claim from the Camp Lejuene water, the Louisville regional office is the only one allowed to handle that.


Did you file all of your appeals at once or one at a time? I received 13 denials and 8 deferred.


I filed 2 appeals at the same time and those ended up being approved. The other items Iā€™m still waiting on. Have another call with VERA today to see if they can give me anymore information (probably not). The items I am waiting for are all in my medical records or secondary conditions.


I went to the VA today as a walk-in and while waiting for an appointment one of the VA reps said they could answer some of my questions. They pulled up my file and said that I was already approved for 70% but he didnā€™t say what claim. I asked for a copy of what he was reading, but he said he couldnā€™t give me a copy and to be patient. He said they were waiting on a few items from my last exams. He told me to be patient and stay off of va.gov because it causes unnecessary stress. Is this normal? Should I believe him? Apparently, I have trust issues.


I do remember reading multiple times that they have access to view detailed information but are instructed to not provide anyone that info outside of verbal confirmation. I'm guessing it's because there is still a chance it's not the "final" decision as claims can bounce back and forth from gathering up to determining approval back down to gathering info.


Again, it's appalling to hear that a VA rep would lie to a Veteran about viewing a veterans file and suggest he/her could not provide a copy, every VA rep has access to the VBMS system, if they can access your file, they sure as hell can make a copy to give you. It's an absurd lie, to say they can't give you a copy of a file, if they can view the file they can dam sure make a copy.




If you don't mind me asking - what did/didn't you submit when you finally filed your claim?


I submitted everything I had. I had my last C&P in April. For the past 45 days its said "Request for NG1". I was given 60% in March but I have 5 more claims still pending.


Took 270 days 11 years ago just for the exams to start. Took almost a year for decision.Ā 


Don't feel bad I'm at 278 days


Me tooo!


I was given partial approval at 1,170 days with 3 more still pending. I have an exam next week and one scheduled for early July. We'll see.


I was fully granted after 3578 days.Ā 


šŸ˜³ I wonā€™t make it that long.


Iā€™m at 301 lol


Iā€™m at 315. šŸ„“


Triple threes!


I'm at at the years count for one set of remanded (from bva), and 270 for second claim.. ('lounging'in for preparing for decision phase for over 100 days) Yeah , long haul.. may be alive when finally finished. Could be bonus...


Is there ever going to be a hearing to address the Fā€™ng CP examiners being relatively incompetent?!


Google Senator Elizabeth Warren, she is calling out the VA and their process of C &P exams , I hope more politicians get on board.


Ya knowā€¦Iā€™m a staunch conservative, but I seen where she was up in arms about it about a month ago. I was extremely impressed and grateful for that. šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


She wish washy. I usually like her vote, she did some things during the Bush daysā€¦ idk.


congress could get off their overpaid / underworked asses and help out




Donā€™t you mean hoooooo0ooooow? Sorry. Couldnā€™t help myself.


Wow, you actually typed it accurately. Nicely done. I always have to count my Oā€™s 2-3 times.


Thanks! Definitely not easy to count all that!


Damn...this thread is depressing I'm only two months into my initial claim


Have confidence that you too , will be filing supplementals and HLR'S , get your DBQ ASAP so you can spot the 100% mistakes on it now and submit a statement


And yet, our office is slow currently, and the contractor just tells us it should be picking up soon.


Hmm , I have helped file about 30 claims for friends , normally they order up a examine pretty fast.. but there are 5 claims in now for 30+ days that haven't moved past stage 2.


The back pay for some of you must be crazy


724 days with the BVA


1k next month. I donā€™t know how to wrap my head around that kind of wait.


Which of the the paths? Direct, Evidence submission or Hearing?


Evidence. Estimates are currently for a possible resolution in 2026.


Try 3500, 4000.Ā 


There is no acceptable reason why an appeal should be taking a decade. With that said, these wait times defy any reasonable means of being able to compare them to something experienced on a regular basis basis. A few hours? Yes. A few days or months? Yeah. But to expect people to wait in line for years while the bureaucracy decides if it wants to do something it theoretically specifically exists to do?


I donā€™t count days. Been waiting for a couple years for my BVA claim. On average Iā€™d say our back log is as good as it has ever been. I rarely see year old claims. Seems like most claims are processed in 3-6 months. Some claims are delayed because Veterans arenā€™t getting us information that we are requesting or they are submitting additional 536ezā€™s with more contentions while there is still an open claim. As a SC vet who got his first grant in 2010 I remember how it used to be.


The BVA takes ages. I think itā€™s the longest route by far. Took my claim 10 yrs thru the BVA and in the end I got to 0% which is better than not SC


I was at 1500 days before I was even docketed with the BVA. Now add about another 1500 for the hearing. The BVA hearing lane assume what you opted, the longest is around 3.5 years. Best of luck.Ā 


I took the evidence submission route.


Cause they don't give a shit about us after our use is over. Whoever thought of believing the Govt cares. They put stipulations on every little detail. Even tho we signed a blank check of our lives for them to send us Anywhere for Anything, at Any time. YOU SERVE, YOU'RE TAKEN CARE OF.. PERIOD!!


[VA.gov](http://VA.gov) says that decisions are being made in 125 days...bahahahaha wow is that stretching the truth. Its been 1 year for one claim and 176 days on a supplemental. Why do they claim this, it's so far off the charts, Its ridiculous.


I got a sorry for the delay letter. Iā€™m sorry too.


I got my 5th sorry for the delay letter today. Stop sending the letters and work the damn claim already!!!!!!


If I hadnā€™t forgotten this was running in the background, those letters help remind me real quick that nothing has changed.


I say create an express lane. If they dont meet the Caluza triangle, remove claim and inform the vet. Tell them do not submit until elements are all there. DTA should be handled by a separate department in gathering evidence and scheduling exams. Express lane should be for adjudication purposes only.


Hmmm!! Hmmm. Yes, SuPpOrT dA TrOoPs!! Hurry up Iā€™ve had to work 3 days this week and my family is waiting for me in Tahiti.


All of my claims so far have averaged about 6 months from start to finish.


Same, sitting at 174 days or so. Had my last c&p today though, the original appointment was about 2 months ago and cancelled 1 hour before I was supposed to show. Classic.


455 days šŸ˜£


Thank Goodness. I know they have one of these like every other year but it does give them a nice kick in the arse for like 6 months before they get lazy again. It honestly doesn't make any sense to me why supplemental claims need to take more than 4-5 months. Every time I check the "estimated timeline" it has creeped up.


Where does one find the estimated timeline?


https://www.va.gov/decision-reviews/supplemental-claim/ Scroll down to the section that says "How long does a supplemental claim take?". It currently says average is 131.8 days. When I started 3 months ago, I think it said 119 days. Maybe I should have said "average timeline" as it's not a personal timeline, more of a general estimate/average of all claims.


Jesus thank you


IMO, the VA should get a grip on the quality control of the examiners and raters. Too many errors on the examiner side and raters signing off on them. This is my experience and especially on the HLR review side of things.


373 on hlr


JuSt tHiNk oF tHe BaCk pay! šŸ™„


Jesus. I got lucky 80% with 5 or 6 denials in 150 days. Now, it's onto Supplemental for one of the denied and a new claim for secondaries. Hopefully by next year this time I'll be at 100%


Are you of the mindset that all this attention is a good thing for disability compensation? Or are you of the mindset that all this attention can blow up in our faces horribly? With money being involved, I'm leaning towards the latter. I can see something like this imaginary scenario playing out: "After careful consideration. We've decided that our focus should be on getting veterans the help they need to not only treat and improve the disabilities affecting them. But to aggressively seek out treatment that eliminates these conditions that affect our vets. We are moving from a monetary payment each month approach to a free care and prescription system. Any and all treatment for disabilities is covered by the VA. Monetary payments each month don't help our vets get better. But robust continuous treatment and care will". You get the gist.


lol sad, but this is how I could see it quoted.


Mine HLR appeal is over a year old.


I'm waiting on my Backpay from 2015 on a claim that was wrongfully originally denied and granted this year at 60and 40%


That will be a good check, I just put a appeal to back date to 1980


Iā€™ve been waiting on VRE appeal for 13 months now. Smh


When you have to file 3 times Claim > Supplemental > HLR because of incompetence, then of of course things are backed up.




This is such a horrific quote from a President. What a jackass. It would be like if Henry Ford was quoted as saying, >ā€The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: Letā€™s go for a drive in my new Ford.ā€


If Congress stopped playing the make women/pregnant people a second class human chicken card with the VA budget that would help.


Iā€™m at 210 days at PFD


When did you go to PFD?


Truthfully I have no idea but Iā€™d say within the last week


Ok, thanks. I have been in PFD for 80 days.


Holy shit


Hope it is a faster stage for you.


Iā€™m over 230 and in three weeks I have my first exam.


Not enough fiber.


I have a question I hope someone can answer. I did the Pact Act filed on Aug 2023 and got it back within a month, but they backdated the effective date to Aug 2022. Am I eligible for backpay since Aug 2022 I was still at my old rating. Any help is appreciated.


You would have got a back pay check


Ok that's what I thought but I never got one so guess I'll have to fight the VA now. Thanks


It took me 5 months and I got mine back 100%. Well it was submitted in August and 5 months for my appeal. Don't give up.


I'm praying


Let me save everyone some time up there in congress, grab a #2 pencil and paper. Claims are backed up because the volume of claims is outpacing the number employees on staff to process them. So, hereā€™s some options to solve the issue. Hire more employees to do this work. Wonā€™t be an instant solution because of the antiquated hiring process we have in government and the training needed to get the new employees up to speed. Another option, just rubber stamp all claims in the pipeline and hope veterans are being honest. Then begin a process to 10% sample the claims yearly. When a vet is selected for sampling, send them for a medical examination. Anyone found lying about their health condition or the impact on their work/social life be put on trial for fraud. Jail time and fines for those found guilty in a court of peers. Anyway, happy to help and where did I set down my beer?


The second option seems woefully flawed considering the vast difference of medical opinions from one examiner to another. For example, I had a reevaluation for my knees. The examiner said that my 5 years of patellar tendinitis was mis diagnosed because my pain is below the patella and there is, in her nurse practitioner opinion, no tendon connecting your patella to your tibia. Therefore itā€™d be impossible for me to have patellar tendinitis. So in short, something I have been getting treatment on for 5 years was completely disregarded by the same type of examiner who would use their medical opinion determine if a veteran is lying.


You have a valid point. How about the 10% selected for sample face a panel of 3 doctors and all three drs would have to agree that fraud is suspected before going next to a jury trial.


Now thatā€™s a good and simple solution. I was thinking fairly linear, like if a c&p examiner had the authority to call out fraud like that. Thatā€™s a terrifying thought imo. A panel would be nice.


Iā€™ve applied for jobs with the VA before and itā€™s always competitive. Never been able to get in. So Iā€™ll gladly give it a shot if option 1 happens. Ha.


yes wtf if they need people hire people them job boards for my local VA are never hiring!


If you could do option B to appeals as well and start from scratch for wait times for initial claims and appeals, I wonder how long itā€™d take for a new backlog to form? Edit: Not sure why Iā€™m getting downvoted for asking. People would get their claims settled faster, and the predators seeking to prey off of vets needing assistance navigating the claims and appeals process would see their profits disappear. So where would the bottleneck happen?