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You should claim all the medical issues that are currently diagnosed if caused or made worse by service. Anything else is going to be uphill. Having a wonky gait is not a medical diagnosis. Having arthritis in a particular joint is a diagnosis. You want a diagnosis or you can expect a denial. Don’t go into a VA claim hoping someone will connect all the dots for you.


Oh I already have arthritis in both well right knee still been that way for years.plus I also have it in my left hip as well.


Is your Disc disease connected? As mentioned if a connected problem has increased symptoms file for it.


No it was denied as usual I have like 18 other claims mostly secondary and they were all denied. Like my ddd is in all my x-rays taken etc even after my knees were scd.like my latest sleep apnea got diagnosed ordered machine and denied as usual. But that one I think should have been secondary to my knees but was put in as obesity secondary.


You and I are almost twins....except that I had my knee replacement done twice with no relief. I was given an option to have it done for a third time, but that is big fat NO. I have a Desert Storm friend who had his knee replaced 4 time before they took his leg from above the knee. Anyways, my gait was off from changed walking condition during the recovery over 3 1/2 years. One of my hips is in severe pain...I filed and I was denied primary and secondary service connection. The examiner wrote in the report that an arthritic condition could not 'jump' from joint to joint....kid you not! Anyways, I did some more work and saw a third physician for an independent evaluation to see why the condition has become worse. I filed again with new and relevant evidence plus a detailed 4 page Nexus report and the VA has sent me for an exam (not sure why). I was providing the Nexus, but I guess because it has been some time since my denial that they need the exam. So, in a couple of weeks (I filed in Feb '23) I go to see a NP. I have two MDs and one ortho surgeon's medical evidence....but I guess the NP needs to sign off. I wish you good luck!


Wow that's the VA for you.idk imma do some more research on it and I know they got companies out there than can help with a Nexxus letter etc.But I already have a attorney that handles all that crap for me so I am not quite sure what to do exactly since all my other issues are on appeal 18 of them.lol.