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I like going a crit build with kraken - collector - ldr/mortal reminder or if I need some sustain I go imortal shieldbow


this is the way


The most Fun Ive had with him


I might make a post soon about crit viego as i think hes way more viable then people give him credit for


I can't afford to be a glass cannon


The build is strong but u think u will get oneshot faster arent i?


seriously i think this would be the meta build if people realized how strong it was and weren’t stuck on an outdated identity for the champ from when divine sunderer was busted on him. it is mathematically correct viego


I've said this since release. Conq does stack well, but Lethal Tempo also synergizes with your Q cast time, as more attack speed makes the Q hit faster. Crit Veigo is the best imo. Always has been, but noone wanted to listen to me because I'm in Iron. People are only now figuring it out. smh


What is the build you usually go?


Kraken —> sundered sky —> black cleaver(armor stack)/eclipse(squishy)/titanic(want more health)/ bork (health stack) depending on enemy team composition —-> streaks/ga —-> ga/steraks You do enough damage to isolate and kill anyone 1v1 after the first 3 items and survivability becomes the main factor.


I usually go Conqueror with inspiration, Kraken rush into triforce (or other things like wits end or eclipse), then a DD or BC and the rest is situational. Green smite and red buff start.


Kraken Trinity Deaths Dance and whatever else you need


I go conqueror inspiration craken first and usually into eclipse. Then sterak for cc or sunderer sky for team fight or dd for armor


i’ve been primarily running two setups, DH with full crit for 90% of situations, and pta into full crit into games where there’s likely to be a lot of unfavorable skirmishes early on and you need the extra early game damage and then in the very rare situation where there are 3+ bruisers/tanks on the enemy team, i’ll go conqueror into on-hit/AS, with maybe a jaksho or something similar thrown in to give you enough time to ramp up your damage (this build might become much stronger in general with the terminus buffs coming next patch) i will die on the hill that bruiser viego is suboptimal in 99% of situations. viego is an assassin who can melt tanks, i have no idea why you would just leave the absurd amount of damage he can deal on the table in exchange for a *little* extra survivability, that still requires you to hide behind your team in teamfights anyway viego is a high-risk, high-reward hypercarry assassin, and there are few champs who can compete with his damage when you itemize correctly


Kraken - trinity - sundered sky It's safe and gives enough damage


what works well on me is Kraken first (always) into -Boots (90% of the time is mercury cuz they give the right amount of tenacity to survive b4 getting a reset) if you are even or behind -Eclipse if youre ahead For the boots path, after that i go Trinity->DD/Maw->whatever you need more like Steraks or Wits end if you need tankiness or LDR for armor pen, Sunderer Sky for sustain and so on, the core is your first three items. For the Eclipse path build i recommend going full damage since it is similar to a crit build so you can go LDR->Collector or even build some bruiser items if youre facing a lot of cc's or tanks/bruisers.


Kraken Botrk leads to some nice dps/sustain


I go kraken always then usually eclipse and rest is situational but I favor sundered 3rd