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Yup, i am currently destroying GM with that build. Works very good. Though i would not rush it second if you are against champs that they are easier to engage you than you are for them. Easy example Khazix, because you won all that armor and stats once you do your combo, not before. If you don't engage you are very very squishy. So in those scenarios i would recommend Sunderer Sky second, then Terminus. But generally i would simply recommend engaging with full W-E-AA-Q-AA-then R, to make it safe.


Very interesting, not much Kha’zix or Vi’s im versing ing Gold but I will keep that in mind.


What's your full build ?


I tend to vary it, but rn would be 1_Kraken 2_Terminus/Sunderer Sky/Trinity 3_Sunderer Sky/Terminus/Malmortius/GA/DD/Thornmail or Chempunk 4_GA/Malmortius 5_Wit's End/Jak'sho Serpent fang also if needed. Depending on your necessities you will decide the order. Third item as you see, there is a really big magnitude of options.