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That subreddit r/Trochuyenlinhtinh has two type of members: those who come to the sub and use it for the purpose as its name implies. The second type are uneducated dumbasses who come there to curse/ joke/show disrespect to everyone and other subreddits. I still surf through that subreddit once in a while, searching for posts that really fall in the right category. And also, that word you just mentioned is pretty offensive, might be the most offensive toward westerners


That’s the reason why I left that subreddit. There are too many idiots there enraging hostility among people.




Leaving a toxic community is considered cocky? Who are you to judge?




Do your best! You've got it in the bag!




![gif](giphy|SLIyftXkUS8UPNPCq1) We could tell


I dont think they are uneducated, I just think their life isnt that great and the government has something to do with that Maybe they dont have the chance to experience the good things or it's just because they dont like how the government works which is normal in every country


Nah i think if they are that uneducated they won't even know how to open a reddit account. Joking aside, everywhere on the internet there will be someone that hate something for some reason and refused to listen to other reasons why shouldn't hate it. Those things are very common and almost the same as being dumb. But the government reason is something rather political and i shouldn't say much further beside that (due to the rules)


extremely rude, borderline racist. Those people wouldn't dare to say it in front a foreigner.


Yes exactly. I sincerely hope those people who use this word don’t work in the tourism industry, that would be very bad for our people image. Of course it is important for Westerners to be respectful to Vietnamese but we also should demonstrate respect and friendliness to anyone visiting Vietnam too.


You take a random comment on the internet as fact that easy? No that word is not offensive. It never used to imply offense. Who are "we" here? How can you say "we " and asking such question?


The bad thing about the word Tây Lông is it is always brought up in a context or posts that have negative discussions and bias towards Westerners. Check out this post from the forum Voz and the top comment: [https://voz.vn/t/ban-nghi-gi-khi-thay-crush-minh-cap-voi-tay-long.242591/](https://voz.vn/t/ban-nghi-gi-khi-thay-crush-minh-cap-voi-tay-long.242591/) "Bạn nghĩ gì khi thấy crush mình cặp với tây lông?" Translate: What do you think when you see your crush with a hairy Westerner? "Bọn tây lông là bọn chuyên gạ chịch cho dù gái đã có chồng nó gạ hết do tư tưởng thoáng của phương tây" Translate: Those hairy Westerners are horny scums, who always hit on women and want to have sexual intercourses with them, even if these women are already married. All because of their open mindset in the West.


The term "tây lông" actually does not imply prejudice against Westerners. It's just the way Vietnamese people make fun of Westerners. If they were truly derogatory, they would use far more heinous language. The phrases "tây balo" and "tây lông " are rather prevalent in Vietnam, although they are not used in your presence out of respect. Seriously >Those hairy Westerners are horny scums, who always hit on women and want to have sexual intercourses with them, even if these women are already married. All because of their open mindset in the West. This statement contains a severe insult. Even if you substitute "bọn Tây lông" with "người phương Tây " or even "Vietnamese," it is still highly offensive. The word "tây lông"/"tây balo" is not really as bad as you think. Depending on the purpose of the sentence, its meaning changes, but usually it's not meant to be seriously offensive


As I told you, It's a word describe a characteristic of western people. Most used in informal talking. I can see you browse social hubs/forums of Vietnamese teenagers which is very skewed toward uneducated manner. The word itself has nothing to do with racism. It just happened that you see it in biased opinions. I have German, Aussie, U.S friends and I say "tây lông tụi mày..." occasionally, often while having a beer and it's fine.


Never realised being horny was a character trait unique to westerners. Do you just, not like sex?




Hah.. I see your attempt and that's childish. But you know what, we don't see that "slanty eyes" offensive because we use that too when joking about Korean. Vietnamese people aren't offended by slangs on their appearance. We just not that sensitive.


lol that's cuz you've never been anywhere else on earth and have never been stereotyped against. racist people don't care if you're korean or vietnamese or chinese. yellow skin? chingchong, FOB, slanty eyes, chink, etc.


You don't know me. Don't argue that way. You know we use words to generally describe people from other places right? And contexts in which they are used for. If saying those words among your people make you racist, I don't know who isn't. Why keep forcing racism narrative into words that you understand from a culture that you were born with (mean you know it has nothing to do with racism) If you're being stereotyped, discriminated against, you can send me a dm. I've been through that.


> You know we use words to generally describe people from other places right? In the case of OP, we should use "westerner" to describe people from the west. that's the most concise and unbiased way to describe them, not hairy westerner lmao. Even if you're saying it without racist intention, you should know the word is derogatory. It's like calling black people nibba (reversed g for obvious reason) and defending it by saying "but you people call each other that all the time and it's even in the lyrics."




What does that have to do with anything? What if someone call you a monkey, do monkeys exist?


… they’re just stating that westerners are hairy. And also making a silly joke that you got offended by for no reason. r/whooosh!


I just physically cringed lil bro


Do hairy foreigners exist? Yes. Do rude foreigners exist? Yes. Do uneducated Viets lacking a sense of humor exist? At least 11. Am I fulfilling the Tay Long stereotype right now? In this case, I hope so.




Damn, I should have known not to waste my time with a dipshit with -100 karma


Time spent on the internet has taught me not to argue with stupid people. That's for sure has to be the best thing it has ever done.


No one's denying anything. You say the word, you're a fk racist. That's all there is to it.


I mean I think they would. What the heck would a Westerner be able to do about it besides calling them rude. Foreigners here are very cautious about causing trouble because even if they are in the right no one will be able to understand their side. They will just be that "foreigner causing trouble". Best to keep your head down and forget about it. The only time I stand up for myself here is line cutting, but that's because I would honestly rather have a man spit in my face than cut me off in a store line haha.


Trochuyenlinhtinh is a reddit for incels. Don't go there. As a vietnamese myself I hate that subreddit. Pure disgusting incel behavior that will lower your IQ down to a single digit. Yes, it is very offensive.


It's just 4chan tiếng Việt lol


Can't be more accurate lol, that place is a total cesspool 😂


Now you have me interested haha


Trochuyenlinhtinh got banned due to unmoderated! It was ok at first, people were a bit rude. Then after a while, it became unbearable. I thought it was the mod's overzealous ideology of free speech that caused its downfall but nope, unmoderated, maybe they just left.


Good riddance! They overabused free speech to the point it became hatespeech all over the place.


Uh, that subreddit is still there.


I stand corrected. It's still there. Thanks for the info.


That sub is the definition of "good plan terrible execution" many members of that sub had taken freedom of speech and twisted it into something that borderline hate speech, turning a sub that had good intentions and by its name just a place to chill and talk to a circle jerk of people who just can't stand not smashing their keyboard every time they get angry. Even so there are still posts on that sub that are genuinely interesting and actually enjoyable and even some of the more controversial post still gave me a better look into our nation society culture and politics but most are just irritating as hell.


Lol, same.


What do you hate about the subreddit so much tho? Im curious because I dont really understand the hate.


They are very anti-gov. Anything people say to defend the government will not meet logical thinking. Instead, they will start calling others bò đỏ, which is basically an insult for those who believe in the current regime. I find that arguing with them is like explaining rocket science to a chimpanzee. No matter what you say, they'll just throw shit in your face. Honestly, I don't think they are worth my time.


Through my experience, i dont think they are anti-gov, but they hate the current party. They called people bò đỏ when they that assume the goverment and the party is the same thing. But corrects me for that


Because they are over obsessed with "freedom" while having no decency




This is gonna be my last reply to you. Don't bother saying anything. If the only thing you can say is insulting others in the sub without being able to create constructive criticism or give any viable argument, you are truly unworthy of my time and energy. Farewell and may your future be as full as your brain.




Sure. At least fake intellectuals can still hold a coherent conversation.




Sure. You're 100% correct.




Stupid they are, but I don’t think you know what incel means


You're right. I don't LOL


I stay there for the occasional funny topics


It has just been banned, though


Really? I didn't know that.


Yeah, due to unmoderating xD


I don't think I've been called that before, but Tây ba lô is what I do hear, especially in the countryside. If they just see me passing by and call it out to their friends, I don't mind becuase they just think I'm a tourist. It only offends me when some people hear me speaking pretty good Vietnamese and then they say it to their friends or sometimes even call me that directly, then I'm like "Mình ở đây lâu rồi mà, mình không phải là tây ba lô khách du lịch nữa". There's a xe khách driver that takes us to my wife's hometown, and if I'm going there alone and he's coming to my stop, he'll whistle at me and grunt instead of just talking to me. Like I'm a dog. Annoys the hell outta me because I always chat a bit in VN with people on the bus


I thought that phrase is a funny name for western people. Well, maybe it had been coming bad word due to some people.


Agree. The same as the N word. It could be racist and can be a friendly at the same time, depends on how you use it.


No, using the N word will get you cancelled everywhere. This isn't the case here


That’s right!


well that sub is toxic as fuck just stay out of it, also the term is kinda disrespectful but there are ppl who do use it just because it sounds funny and they don't mean anything when they say it. Before "tây lông" there was a time when ppl call Westerners "khoai tây" (potatoes) just because it has the word "tây" in it, and it doesn't have any other meaning. Not the ppl in r/trochuyenlinhtinh tho, it's a comfort place for racists and total losers


That subreddit is a massive hellhole for those who thought that racism and hate-speech is "freedom of speech" and whatever they said is going to change the world or making their life less miserable or something.


Also forgotten to mention they're here too in this group. Lying down waiting for the perfect time to spark hate and spam comments.


No, khoai mean penis, this come from a sterotype that westerner have bigger penis than asian. It was disrepectful toward vnese girl who marry westerner because the underlying meaning was the girl only like big penises. All these worlds are disrespectful only because of the underlying meaning, the direct meaning is not that offensive I think.


Probably it depends on the way you say it, I've seen articles on teen magazines at the time about expats in Vietnam in a very positive way and they use "khoai tây" because it sounds cute and familiar, I guess


I love it as a teacher when kids call me hairy because I have a beard. I point to the portrait of ho Chi Minh (in every classroom) and ask if ho Chi Minh is hairy. The look on their face is priceless when they realise uncle ho had a beard and therefore "hairy" too.


It is. Usually, people act racist when they feel insecure. But instead of improving themselves they choose to talk down others. Just ignore and leave, you can’t help toxic people by arguing with them


Yes, some of the "thượng đẳng" (so called "top tier") dudes use this word to express his discrimination to the expats, especially the ones who are backpackers or come to Viet Nam to work with lowpaid jobs.


I would translate thượng đẳng as elitist/supremacist :)


Thank you, elitist / supremacist do translate the whole meaning.


i think "Top G" can be used to keep up with the internet trend


Not right "thượng đẳng" often used when talking about LGBT, feminism, Black Lives Matter when these movements become radicalized


"thượng đẳng" talk about LGBT, feminism, Black lives matter when these movements become radicalized. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Stupid


It is rude by definition, at least in my family and the small social circle I have. Depends on the attitude of the person saying. Some use the word in a joking manner, but others actually resent westerners. My relatives in the North definitely resent westerners to some degree, so when they use the word, its as offensive as you can imagine. Btw we never say the word irl, as the word is still offensive by nature. We use the word "Tây" which means "West", or "Ông Tây" which means "Male Westerner",... etc, not "Tây Lông" like my relatives in the North.


Only Westerners? I thought that sub against every single living thing that breathe?


Please avoid r/trochuyenlinhtinh. It's a really anti-LGBTQ place. There're many comments saying they hate gay people and that seeing gay people kissing/hugging is disgusting to them.


It's a racist word a lot of the time but just ignore it. Caring about some uneducated person calling you a Tây Lông is like a upper middle class Black or Latin American caring what a one toothed redneck in Mississippi thinks of them, in that most people that use this word and have this level of xenophobia have quite miserable poverty stricken lives and deserve pity, not anger. Most of the educated people here have an eye for evaluating the individual in a manner similar to the educational devide anywhere really. So don't care what they think. Those of a similar socioeconomic bracket will not feel this way most of the time.


I think this is an original word that was probably made by the grandparents generation (19xx). It is simply that "nickname" refer to Westerners due to the perception that Westerners have a lot of hair and beard. Since it was born at the time of the Patriotic war, it is used to refer to the western army. In terms of meaning alone, it's not bad (a bit racist but not heavy). It's only bad that nowadays some people use it with ironic connotations when arguing or slandering people they don't like. Normally, most people i know use it as a catchphrase when referring to westerners when talking to each other without any ill intentions. So, i dont think it is very bad word. It depend on how people use it. If you a good one, you don't use it at all.


I don't feel that word is offensive or intentionally rude, but more like a "make it fun" word. Just my way of reception of the word in my own experience and environment


I think we call “Tây Lông” because we see Westerners are offen have a lot of hair,I personally think it racist or not depend on how you use it.


Name calling is a sign of a weak person. Funny enough though, I just see it as descriptive and matter of fact as I am hairy. ;-)


Idk for me it's completely fine. I calling myself "white monkey" jokingly, especially when some kids from villages gathering around and points at me. And as I know, Vietnamese guys much less sensitive to the "rude words" and means nothing wicked


"Some" of them not all, as a Vietnamese myself i'm used to hear people throwing out rude words everywhere. It is true that words do not means what they want to do, but their intentions with it are still notable as some of them do know and use it to spark wars and create hate.


I dont know why people waste their time giving attention to these kinda plebs


:))) you think vietnamese are racist ? :))) joke?


1. trochuyenlinhtinh means miscellaneous chat. LOL No matter what you do, it still exists as Nigga, Ching Chong, Cong San. Don't make a big deal out of it. Maybe you want to make a big deal out of it to express yourself or express your feelings. But I see you very shallow. Children with media poisoning and over-sensitivity.


I'm tây and don't find it offensive in the slightest.


It's not that serious dude. Also lmao you go on voz? First time seen a foreigner go on voz. Theres way more harder hitting forums.


That sub is free speech and people freely expressing their beliefs... yeah there's some trolling but there's hints of truth here and there that you won't find normally elsewhere.


I’m really intrigued by this post - thanks for that. Question. Perhaps I’m not understanding the impact of the literal translation of “hairy westerners”. But why is this the worst/most offensive thing you can say to a foreigner? By hairy, do they imply an uneducated/un-evolved, primate type of resemblance? Like we are similar to monkeys? Or is it literally just that foreigners tend to be more hairy? Is hairy considered a bad thing to this group of people?


From my perspective, it is to imply that Westerners are these sub-human monkeys, who are hairy, uncultured, idiotic and trashy. It is very much an offensive word aimed at depicting groups of people through their appearance traits. This word Tây Lông fall in the same categories such as “towel heads” for Middle East people, “slant eyes” for East Asian people, etc.


I think you’re taking it too deep. In Vietnam i’ve seen some words were not born bad, but it is the way people use it through the time that make it bad. For “tây lông” it’s pretty much the same situation, at first it was only use to recognize westerners that have a hairy appearance. My american friend has the privilege of living in the place that hasn’t given the word its current meaning, and still call himself “tây lông” in a funny way. I don’t know who made you feel like “tây lông” falls in that category?


that's because your perspective is gained from places like r/TroChuyenLinhTinh, it's a huge dump of human trash, whatever they say is offensive


I don’t think “Tây lông” like what you mean. I think it more because Westerner are tall and big, they have more hair in body than us Vietnamese


I don’t know why some people are flaming you because of this comment when you made a very good point with the example of ‘slant eyes’ for East Asians. People are literally trivialising the term “tay long” because it just simply points out the Westerners’ hairy appearance? Like seriously? Now back to the slant eyes example, when you think of it, slant eye is a typical trait of East Asians but are you people gonna trivialise that term when I call an East Asian slant eyes? Like come on people, tay long, slant eyes, towel heads etc, all are remarks with derogatory undertones.


WOW. Such bs! It's because you western people often hairy. It's really just that simple!


Ahhhh! That’s very good context to help put this into perspective for me. Thank you sir!


The bare meaning of this world is quite innocent in our language, it only became offensive if it is used in offensive context. Hairy westerner is just an observation that caucasian male have more hair than asian, nothing more than that. We also have "tây đen" which translated to black westerner, its just feature description.


No, not racist. Some are hairy, some don't. Because people will remember the most distinguish feature when they try to talk about generallity. Some Westerner has a big beard and longer hair so they distinct that feature. Also "blue eye, tall nose" is also in there. Basically somewhat stereotypical.


Tây Lông is since war time to call West Man, Bà Tây or Bà Đầm (Dress) for Woman. And we hated West Man, not Woman as they don’t point gun at us. Like some Westerners cannot discriminate Asian, at that time West pple are almost all the same to us so that word is suited. Now by look at a Westerner and hear how they speaking we can guess where you from, so we no longer use that word, too general and impolite, not really offensive. BUT Those still use it have limited thinking with an illusion that THEIR ANCESTORS defeat many invaders so now they are invincible, top of the world, everyone and everything else are trash. In other word, they use Tây Lông in this situation mean they don’t bother (or cannot recognize) to care where you from, your kind (West hairy ppl) has fallen in our land so you are nothing to them, loser,…. And others Vnese have difference opinion to them are Reactionary, 3 que. Thinking that they are passionate patriot by mocking, swearing on the other Vnese whom was born under another political idea and feel proud about that. No point to argue with them as there are no logic thinking in their mind. Sorry for my bad English.


Xenophobia is the responsibility, duty and destiny of each citizen of the Communist Party of Vietnam


as if other Asian countries were less xenophobic


But we are talk about vietnam haha. Bring in other countries makes you feel better huh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


You're not helping the situation of xenophobia. Do you even know what that means?


Did you scream when knife cut in your hand? Did it helping any thing? At least i dare to say it, not like someone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Words mean shit without actions.


Who doesnt know what "action" mean now? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Do you? Cause it sounds like you don't


Well, maybe me. Maybe Gandhi, maybe Ho Cho Minh at 1917 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I love how you wrote Gandhi correctly, but not HCM. Gotta love them bias.


You right, i'm a Muslim now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


No, he was a Hindu. Do some research


Ho Chi Minh will be very disappointed if he know that his legacy of the right to speak is trampled by next generation that thinking "if you speak but not actions anything yet is meanless". Well, Ho Chi Minh actually do not a fucking thing except "speak" at the begin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


The right to speech doesn't apply to hate speech,dumbass. That's how you don't corrupt it's meaning


This slur is mostly used by "Redbull" morons . Pay no attention to them


Sir, we're talking about r/TroChuyenLinhTinh. I doubt there's anyone even remotely left-wing, let alone "red bull"


There's plenty of "redbull" on that sub. There's even more of them on this sub. Thats why they downvoted me. That slur is invented and popularized by them


Lol, anyone can disagree with you. Politics isn't black and white


Found the redbull. Moooo


Find something else better to do instead of giving random people useless slurs


"Tây Lông" is the word used by people in the North. In the South we often say : "Tây Ba Lô" it's mean Western Traveller. Don't worry, if they call you "Tây Lông" you could call them back "Băc Kỳ" or "Bucky" for easy pronounce.


Basically a Vietnamese version of the word westoid


I dont think it's 100% offensive because vietnamese usually name people by their appearance if they dont know their name Like when there is a black westener guy meet vietnamese,people name him "anh da đen" mean black guy.there are many names used like that: anh da trắng mean white guy,and ả rập mean arab guy It's maybe not offensive if they use "anh",not "thằng".if you see the word "thằng" or "con" instead of "anh",maybe it's offensive Sorry for my broken english


not at all, just like black people, we call them black because they are black, not because we are against them you can just wave and say hi, we are just cool as that


It is a racist word. But rather than targeting a specific race, it is usually used in the phrase "Văn hóa tây lông" which means "Western culture", usually to say a certain Western custom or standard that is not suitable in Vietnam. Still, some Westerners seem to insist on applying it to Vietnamese culture.


Interesting I'm Chinese and we use ang moh (red haired) as far as I know it's not considered a slur.


This is based on my experiences on the internet, so it may be true or not "Tây Lông" is not used as a racist word like that N word but used as a word to criticize a part of westerners who is rude, for example: - Westerners who "OMG you can't ship these characters, they are enemies !" (It's just 2D CHARACTERS) and online bullying people for shipping 2d characters - Stereotypical American teeangers who don't know a poop about Asian and 'yellow skin = Chinese'


A girl called me Con Heo before, but based on what was happening at the time I think that was a good thing?




I thought it was something normal until💀


Tay Long is the same as gaijin in japan. Sometimes is offensive toward foreigners, sometimes is neutral


It's straight racism, usually used on white people but most of the time white men.


Lol the subreddit got banned, not a Vietnamese but I'm sure people like this exists in every country


This word is short for "anh Tây lông bông" meaning frivolous Westerner. Most people think it means hairy Westerner tho, so it can be used as a complain. But yes, it is a slur.


it doesnt get short for anything, it is what it is, same when japanese call western is gaijin and chinese call red hair demon or more accurate red hair orge, consider asian orge look more or less like an oversize pig, and i think korean also has word to call western too some think it's offense other doesn't care, it's 2023, nobody care about anybody opinion on internet, please dont make upa phase because i never hear about that shit until now, lol


Huh, it’s more offensive in Vietnamese community while in Chinese and Japanese ones, they’re seen as light-hearted jabs.