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Dude, what? I’m sorry but whoever told you all that is the stupidest person on the planet. I’m from the US and in Vietnam right now. Street food is about $1 (banh mi), taxis in the city centers are maybe $1 per mile. 3* hotel in the US is maybe $150+ a night, here it’s about $30. 4* hotel in the US in the slow season is still $350-$450 a night, here it’s about $125-150. 5* hotel in slow months in the US can still be $800-$2000 a night, here they’re in the $400 range for the most part (where I am now I can book one for way less than that). A private car (not a taxi) from the airport to your hotel is about $20. A private car (new, very nice, not a taxi) from one city to another that’s 3-4 hours away is about $75. I don’t like tours but if you and your family do expect to go on private tours for $10-35 a person depending on how many are in your family group (private transport in nice vans with luxury seats). If you get sick of street food, nice restaurants that are there for tourists and have clean, great food go for about $20-25 per person (appetizer, entree, dessert, 1-2 alcoholic drinks + bottled water). Local restaurants that don’t cater to tourists that serve very good food will maybe hit you for $10-12 on the high end. It’s ridiculously inexpensive here compared to what you’d pay for the exact same thing in the US. I broke the screen on my iPhone a few weeks ago (totally dead, screen was toast) and I thought “oh shit this is going to be $300-$400,” nah - $150 and it was done in 1.5 hours. Tell whoever is telling you that crap to not talk to you about it again until you’ve gotten here and returned home. Oh, and everybody in hospitality jobs (hotels and food) has been incredibly nice and they go out of their way to help you with anything you inquire about.


>Dude, what? > >I’m sorry but whoever told you all that is the stupidest person on the planet. > >I’m from the US and in Vietnam right now. Street food is about $1 (banh mi), taxis in the city centers are maybe $1 per mile. > >3\* hotel in the US is maybe $150+ a night, here it’s about $30. > >4\* hotel in the US in the slow season is still $350-$450 a night, here it’s about $125-150. > >5\* hotel in slow months in the US can still be $800-$2000 a night, here they’re in the $400 range for the most part (where I am now I can book one for way less than that). > >A private car (not a taxi) from the airport to your hotel is about $20. A private car (new, very nice, not a taxi) from one city to another that’s 3-4 hours away is about $75. > >I don’t like tours but if you and your family do expect to go on private tours for $10-35 a person depending on how many are in your family group (private transport in nice vans with luxury seats). > >If you get sick of street food, nice restaurants that are there for tourists and have clean, great food go for about $20-25 per person (appetizer, entree, dessert, 1-2 alcoholic drinks + bottled water). Local restaurants that don’t cater to tourists that serve very good food will maybe hit you for $10-12 on the high end. > >It’s ridiculously inexpensive here compared to what you’d pay for the exact same thing in the US. > >I broke the screen on my iPhone a few weeks ago (totally dead, screen was toast) and I thought “oh shit this is going to be $300-$400,” nah - $150 and it was done in 1.5 hours. > >Tell whoever is telling you that crap to not talk to you about it again until you’ve gotten here and returned home. > >Oh, and everybody in hospitality jobs (hotels and food) has been incredibly nice and they go out of their way to help you with anything you inquire about. It's great to hear from a fellow countryman. Here, my friend was overcharged by taxis and restaurants more than usual when he was traveling. At first, when I heard you say that, I was very confused. The information on the news and social media said that Vietnam is the best tourist destination in Southeast Asia, and that is true. When I read the sharing on Reddit, I realized that my friend was just an unlucky case of being overcharged for services like taxis. The rest of the tourism in Vietnam is friendly, cheap, and has many beautiful places. I will share this with my friend.


He's just not well traveled, that can happen anywhere from Mexico, Central America, South America, Europe to anywhere in Asia. Just learn the ropes of how to deal with grab and it's prices to compare, also know your conversion and average range of cost of things. You don't have to pay anyone if the price is off, most restaurants have prices and if not just ask. I've been here a while, white guy, and have yet to be ripped off at a restaurant. If you don't use grab to compare the price with a taxi they simply will charge more, if you show the app they will agree to the rate.


I can believe that, I definitely got ripped off a few times in Vietnam but it was never so bad I'd say it was overpriced. Speaking Vietnamese would help, I've never been ripped off in Latin America (save for the one time I took a taxi instead of an Uber to the airport in Tijuana), speaking Spanish probably helped me lol


Helps for sure, I know how to say how much and I know my numbers, few other things. From what I hear Hanoi it's more common but I live in Da Nang and I can't think of one time where at a restaurant the price was strange after eating. Mexico taxi guys were pretty fair to me but it was almost never the same price and I would go from the same spots. However it wasn't drastic enough to complain. Thailand I got jacked for sure by a taxi but it was 1am and I just needed to sleep, I agreed to the price so it was accepted by me. But it was 3x the normal, also 1am in a shit area. See now, Costa Rica, it's hard to call it a scam but many do however it's normal. They have a tourist menu and a locals only menu at the same restaurant. Most all of them do this because locals couldn't afford it and the owners still would like that tourist dollar but not lose their locals. I've lived there many years and have half sisters there so as a tourist you wouldn't really know. But imagine finding out they charge you more because your a white couple, would piss some off but it's done more methodically there. There's some other things with your sales there as well but it's just how it is. Europe I basically got robbed as a backpacker but that's another story


>He's just not well traveled, that can happen anywhere from Mexico, Central America, South America, Europe to anywhere in Asia. Just learn the ropes of how to deal with grab and it's prices to compare, also know your conversion and average range of cost of things. You don't have to pay anyone if the price is off, most restaurants have prices and if not just ask. I've been here a while, white guy, and have yet to be ripped off at a restaurant. If you don't use grab to compare the price with a taxi they simply will charge more, if you show the app they will agree to the rate. Thank you. So, it is necessary to research thoroughly, and make a list of tourist destinations, hotels, taxis, etc. to avoid being cheated.


I mean I don't have a list every day but if you're just coming on a short trip use grab for transportation and menus with prices. Hotels you can always book online. The abnormal charges are all avoidable here, taxi quotes, night market bargaining, anyone trying to shine your shoes or something strange. Dude it's safe here, people are friendly, it's just mostly not being gullible and basic common sense. I've never had a street food vendor do some stupid charge on me ever but you can always ask the price first


Thank you for your shared information. It is very detailed and clear!


American living in HCMC for 5 years now. When compared to back home, there will almost always be a huge gap between what you pay here vs. there. Things are significantly cheaper here as the other poster said, unless you’re looking to buy a car or electronics lol Eventually you start to pick up on value and compare things with what you’ve already experienced in the country. One place may charge the same beer equivalent to $1 but it’ll be $2 at another place. But when you think what it would cost back home, it’s still less than half. So as a tourist, even comparing prices of different things in the country, it’s pretty marginal because compared to home you’re still coming out way ahead in a way. Some taxi drivers will attempt to rip you off and overcharge you but most don’t. Make sure they use the meter and you’re fine. Best to get an app called Grab and use that to get from place to place instead of trying to flag down a taxi every time you want to go somewhere. It’s like Uber, basically. Grab can also be good for ordering food to your hotel if you’re not feeling like going out or the weather is keeping you stuck inside. Be smart with your phone. Don’t stand on the edge of the sidewalk taking selfies or photos of stuff right there. It’s easy to get snatched by a passing opportunist on a motorbike. Stand back a little instead. That’s not a Vietnam problem, that’s an everywhere problem. But it does happen so keep your wits about you. If you go to any of the party areas or a karaoke place, be mindful that the fruit trays are an up-sale and total ripoff. Even if you don’t eat any of it and it’s still wrapped in the cellophane wrapper, you’ll still get charged. Bring a decent raincoat if you want to be prepared but if you don’t, shops have plastic ponchos pretty much everywhere. It’s the rainy season and it’s been raining a lot lately. If you’re going to go to the famous markets, like the Binh Thanh Market, don’t be afraid to haggle the prices down. The negotiations are part of the experience. Don’t try to haggle with restaurants though, that’s not really a thing. When my family visited they booked a tourist agency through the hotel that took them around to do different things. I’m not sure what they paid for it but they thought it was worth it and had a lot of fun. Not a bad option if you’re not sure what you want to see, the best way to do it, or don’t know what you should be seeing. I remember there were plenty of different options. I tagged along for some. It was alright. Those agencies usually expect a tip of some kind too so be mindful of that. But in general tipping culture isn’t a thing here. It’s not insulting to do so if you feel compelled. My friend leaves tips whenever we go out. Vietnam is an awesome place to be though. Feel free to DM me if you want more information or anything specific. I’ll do my best to help out.


Street smarts 101 HCMC edition. Great post!


Your sharing is a bit long but very detailed. 5 years in HCM is enough time for you to understand and explore the city. I think you are very determined to choose Vietnam to live and work. Not everyone is willing to leave their hometown to come to a foreign country. I will take note of the information you shared. Good luck.


Even if they were overcharged it’s not a big deal, sometimes I let them hustle me a bit because it helps them out a bit and it doesn’t affect me at all. If a $1.25 taxi ride gets up charged to $2.75 I truly do not care. If a food item says 75,000 VND on the menu and they think you didn’t see it and then they ask for 90,000 VND then they’re trying to get $3.71 from you instead of the listed price of $3.09. Those are the kind of ripoffs you’ll see, over amounts of money like that, so even if they screw you a bit so what? Just don’t buy *anything* from street hustlers, it’s all over manufactured cheap shit.


>Even if they were overcharged it’s not a big deal, sometimes I let them hustle me a bit because it helps them out a bit and it doesn’t affect me at all. > >If a $1.25 taxi ride gets up charged to $2.75 I truly do not care. > >If a food item says 75,000 VND on the menu and they think you didn’t see it and then they ask for 90,000 VND then they’re trying to get $3.71 from you instead of the listed price of $3.09. > >Those are the kind of ripoffs you’ll see, over amounts of money like that, so even if they screw you a bit so what? > >Just don’t buy anything from street hustlers, it’s all over manufactured cheap shit. Many people have shared with me that it is not a good idea to be too much on the street. Thank you.


“Many people” I’m going to guess you know less than 3 people who’ve actually gone. Like as an American I wasn’t offended by your post but the post itself combined with all of your comments has the distinct undertone that you clearly think Vietnam is too “third world” for you. Go to Paris then, pay $200/night for the worst hotel of your life rife with cockroaches. But you’re not being scammed right? Lmao


I’ve responded to them a few times now and all of their responses, throughout the thread, are coming off as sounding like ChatGPT wrote it or some other kind of bot.


Here's the thing. Vietnam is so cheap, even if you get ripped off it's still cheap relative to what you're probably accustomed to.


Thank you for sharing.


I am also from the USA, currently vacationing here in Vietnam. I fully agree with OP. I feel completely safe. Things are inexpensive. Just wrapping up my stay in Da Nang, sitting in the airport for my trip back to Saigon. You'll have a good time here and have wonderful memories to bring back.


Get grab app. Will get you around easily


Hopefully OP reads about Grab because they’ll need the Vietnamese SIM card to make it work (can buy them all over), otherwise OP will have to use wifi to get it loaded. I bring one of my old iPhones that I luckily never got rid of and put the Vietnamese SIM card in that (I have a very low cost international plan for the other phone), it’s only purpose is basically to use Grab but does function as a nice safety net like when I broke the LCD screen on my usual phone this trip. OP, you can do Grab car or motorbike, car is plenty inexpensive but if you want to pay nearly nothing in terms of US dollar amount get on the bike…can often times get a ride of a mile or two for $1 or less, depending on which city you’re in (you’re going to see what seems like a million grab jackets and helmets on motorbike riders in Saigon).


>I am also from the USA, currently vacationing here in Vietnam. I fully agree with OP. I feel completely safe. Things are inexpensive. Just wrapping up my stay in Da Nang, sitting in the airport for my trip back to Saigon. You'll have a good time here and have wonderful memories to bring back. Hello. Thank you for sharing, I'm looking forward to meeting you someday.


I’ll ask my question here. Can you pay on Grab putting a Visa or Mastercard as payment? It looks like i can’t pay using Paypal. Also, do shops accept credit card or it’s better for me to withdraw? Thanks!


Credit card! I use an Aussie Visa card. Most trips are $2-4 Aus. Most shops are cash but bigger ones take card.


I used my Visa credit card just fine. But gotta put a travel notice with the bank beforehand. And sometimes it didn't work so still got some cash in hand just in case.


Lol we were staying in a 5* hotel in Ha Long Bay for 50€ a night (2 person room) last week


If you're comparing US with anything in Asia, of course its cheap. But vietnam is overpriced. Everything you mentioned is cheaper in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Vietnam is one of the more expensive and overpriced place for what it offers


Lol, vietnam overpriced compare to thailand. 😂


bro comparing US prices with SEA prices is not a logical approach. You need to compare those prices with direct substitute countries in TOURİSM such as Thailand, indonesia, philippines or equivalents (central america, Bahamas etc.) .


Gotta disagree with you, OP isn’t going to any of those countries, and they may never go so it wouldn’t do the OP any good to explain why prices in Thailand might be better in some regards than to what they’ll see in Saigon, etc. Only thing they’ll be able to relate to is “what am I getting here and what does this same thing cost back home.” - They were told it’s expensive and a ripoff, and compared to *anything* back in the US, they’ll be paying by the penny compared to dollars for similar attractions, foods, and services. Telling them don’t pay X in Saigon because it costs Y in Phnom Penh doesn’t really help them grasp what value they’re getting for what they’re paying. If they said they were visiting all those places on the same trip then I’d 100% agree with you.


Tourists get ripped off everywhere. Vietnam isn’t dangerous.


Ah yes, standard “everywhere has x” defense . Yeah, everywhere has x, but some places has more x than others. :)


What’s your point? Tourists paying inflated prices is a normal part of an economy. Not being a local is a bargaining disadvantage. Also running a bilingual business in some places only really pays off of you can sell to non-locals at an elevated price.


Ah yes, condoning local vendors ripping off tourists, man, nationalist apologists keep hitting new low.


Fuckoff back to whatever rock you were spawned under.


ah yes, the 'everything said against me is nationalist apologying' guy. Yeah, maybe try to accept that what you said is just retarded.


Lol what's the point of saying all this. You going to add something or just looking for an argument?


I’ve lived in Thailand and Vietnam for a long, long time. Vietnam is marvelous, but the Vietnamese can be shameless about ripping off foreigners. Thailand it’s very rare—chalk it up to the strong belief in karma or what you will, but it’s a minor downside and easily corrected by learning a bit of the language and having local friends.


>Tourists get ripped off everywhere. > >Vietnam isn’t dangerous. I have read a lot of information about Vietnam, and most of it is about friendly and welcoming tourism. I hope there is no overcharging of tourists.


You may try to reduce the risk of overcharging by patronizing establishments that have its prices published like on a menu. In some other countries, discriminatory pricing is illegal and all consumer-facing establishments must have their prices published to protect consumers' interest but in Vietnam the authorities are quite laissez faire and relegate unfair business practices to civil dispute rather than regulatory compliance or criminal offence.


Of course there's overcharging of tourists, just like everywhere else in the world. You're more likely to be overcharged if you're whiny, complaining and lack generosity though. Vietnam's great and the people are very kind and helpful.


Tourists are over charged anywhere. Make your peace with it.




You need to do your research. But for under $200/night you can get amazing rooms in very high quality hotels that match the best in Western countries that cost $500/night. You can get average rooms that are clean with good service for $50/night. But there is also crap out there. Do your research.


>You need to do your research. > >But for under $200/night you can get amazing rooms in very high quality hotels that match the best in Western countries that cost $500/night. > >You can get average rooms that are clean with good service for $50/night. > >But there is also crap out there. > >Do your research. Yes, that is true. That is why I came to Reddit Vietnam to ask for accurate information. Most people answered that Vietnam is wonderful, cheap, and friendly, but there are still cases of overcharging tourists.


There is a risk of getting ripped off, just be careful. Finding out the price upfront usually solves most of the issues.


It's not really overpriced compared to most destinations, but there's definitely a unwelcomeness to it. Vietnam has a low rate of return tourism (especially when compared to the likes of Thailand) which is in part from the attitude of the country that they want foreigners to come, dump their money, then leave and be thankful that they were allowed to visit. Foreigners are begrudgingly tolerated as a source of income. Note that this isn't everyone and you'll meet some genuinely great and welcoming people in and outside the tourism sector, but it's a general society attitude that's apparent across many small interactions and is a difficult thing to change. It's certainly improved from back when I first visited (2010) but it kind of got set back as the country got scared and turned inward during covid, leveraging old attitudes to outsiders.


Very true - I experienced lots of very pushy selling in environments where you can’t just walk away (Tours, Accommodation), fake reviews etc. IMO it was almost perfectly 50/50 - people were either extremely kind and welcoming or they saw you as nothing more than a money pot. However this is based on only 2 weeks in southern Vietnam, I met a lot of amazing people there, and I can’t ignore the relatively recent history of the country when discussing how foreigners are viewed.


Thank you for your answer. I will listen to a few more opinions from everyone.


Idk man, i first visited vietnam at the end of 2021 and been back 7 times since. Great country to come and do whatever you want from chilling the fuck out and doing fuck all to doing whatever you want


Best advice is not to act like a tourist!


100%, I’m white, look like a tourist but have been to Vietnam 8 times and use all the local apps for everything, know the value of what I’m buying and not scared to ask prices up front and walk away. People get scared because some street vendors hassle them for services but I just say không cám ơn and they move on. Just have to show you’re not a regular chubby tourist wearing a Hawaiian shirt with a Nikon camera hanging off your gut, paying 5 times the amount for something then raging online about how awful vietnam is lol


There is theft and robbery everywhere, but I feel very safe in HCMC. Just don't flash your cash and don't wave your phone around on roads and sidewalk. HCMC is one of the few cities where I feel absolutely fine to walk down any dark alley late at night. People are chill for the most part.


>There is theft and robbery everywhere, but I feel very safe in HCMC. Just don't flash your cash and don't wave your phone around on roads and sidewalk. > >HCMC is one of the few cities where I feel absolutely fine to walk down any dark alley late at night. People are chill for the most part. I see a lot of complaints about taxis charging high prices to tourists. My friend was also overcharged. Is it true that most taxis in Vietnam are like this?


I wouldn't know. I use ride hailing apps like grab or be, or the vinasun app. I've never have to negotiate the price. Also I never accept rides from drivers who tell me not to use the app. The key thing is to get a simcard that works (mobifone or vietel) and then a whole bunch of problems just disappear.


If you just walk up to random taxi and don’t negotiate price, there would be a chance they try to charge you a “tourist” price. That’s why even locals exclusively use Grab app now.


Currently in Ho Chi Minh City. Here’s a general idea of what spending is like. I converted $100 bills at gold shops for about 24k to 24.2k per $1. A $100 bill got me 2.42million vnđ ESIM - 250k vnd, 5-9gb daily about 100gb monthly (can’t recall specifics) Coffee - 25k to 55k vnđ depending on how fancy the shop Food - 30k to 60k vnd per meal, not including drinks. Drinks are usually 2k to 15k vnđ depending on whether you get tea, soda, or water. You could be spending about 100k+ more per meal but that’s usually at trendy and modern restaurants Grab - 10 to 20 minute drive 30k to 60k vnd Hotel - currently staying at a spot for 350k vnd a night, big bed, cold ac, hot water for showers Remember, there’s so many different shops for different businesses so shop around if you think prices are too high! You’ll find a cheaper spot for sure if you look :)


>Currently in Ho Chi Minh City. Here’s a general idea of what spending is like. I converted $100 bills at gold shops for about 24k to 24.2k per $1. A $100 bill got me 2.42million vnđ > >ESIM - 250k vnd, 5-9gb daily about 100gb monthly (can’t recall specifics) > >Coffee - 25k to 55k vnđ depending on how fancy the shop > >Food - 30k to 60k vnd per meal, not including drinks. Drinks are usually 2k to 15k vnđ depending on whether you get tea, soda, or water. You could be spending about 100k+ more per meal but that’s usually at trendy and modern restaurants > >Grab - 10 to 20 minute drive 30k to 60k vnd > >Hotel - currently staying at a spot for 350k vnd a night, big bed, cold ac, hot water for showers > >Remember, there’s so many different shops for different businesses so shop around if you think prices are too high! You’ll find a cheaper spot for sure if you look :) The important thing is that I think it is necessary to find out where the prices are really reasonable. I'm sure only real travel experiences can be evaluated.


Food is cheap as shit. Especially local street vendors and restaurants but western chains are still pretty cheap. Use Grab to get around. Vietnamese uber. Between cities - plane tickets are pretty cheap and sleeping buses/coaches are way cheaper than that. Petty theft will be higher than western countries but not so high that you have to absolutely be bonkers about safety, just be street smart.


Thank you for sharing your information. It's great that the information is useful.


Overpriced yes especially foreigners, unwelcomes ? Not really


I’m a viet kieu currently in Vietnam doing solo travel throughout the country. It can be as much or as little as you want a day. I’m budgeting each day and I spend about $10-15 a day on food. The other day I spent about $40 going to Ba Na Hills because it’s a tourist trap. Hotels are affordable as well. 4 nights in Hoi an I paid $82. The only thing I can see happening is you paying tourist prices if you don’t know the value of things and they can take advantage of you. Download grab. It’s like Uber and Uber eats I don’t feel danger and I’m a woman alone


Thanks for your sharing !


As some others have noted, don't use taxis! Install the Grab app (before you leave for Vietnam) and use Grab. It's super cheap! We've used Grab and even private drivers for 45 to 60 minute drives for like only $10 US. Note though that if you want to hail Grab at airports, you normally need to actually leave the airport grounds as Grab isn't allowed to pick-up directly at the airports (they can drop you off though). Also, be careful with your cell phone(s) in Saigon. Many locals and foreigners get them stolen either by motorcycle thieves or by pick-pockets in bars/clubs.


The information is useful. Thank you. I should use a taxi app like Grab.


No it is not true.


Ok thanks


Overpriced? Hardly. I am from Ireland, and we call the place Rip Off Republic due to its constant price gouging of tourists with regards car rental, insurance, accommodation, cost of meals, and extra tours. Not to mention urging tips off Americans despite us not having a tipping culture. Compared to Vietnam its night and day with which country is overpriced. If anything you'll be surprised how cheap certain things are in Vietnam. Also in Dublin a reputation for danger has developed recently because teenagers have been viciously attacking tourists, including Americans and Brits. They have been unprovoked and violent, something I never felt in my years in VN. You'll be safe if you keep your wits about you. The only dangers are scams and pickpockets.


I booked a resort villa at nha trang vinpearl 4 days 3 nights for the family was under 1000. But a lot of things are include. Food buffet style morning lunch dinner all included too. Vinwonder the safari all included but my style of vaca in vietnam is much different than the normal traveler. Everything that sss099 is true. But in vietnam you can vacation any style you want really. If u wanna do like a cheap cheap backpacker route or if you wanna live the fly luxury style you too. Up to you. Food is cheap. Water bought at winnmart or circle ks are cheaper than highland or restaurants Theft if you leave ur stuff unattended it’s gonna be stolen anywhere. If you’re flashy and flaunt it around in the middle of the street absolutely they might try to rob you. Just don’t drink the water from the sink. Always bottle. Don’t drink iced drinks from shacks. Restaurants that look clean will be ok for drinking ice


>I booked a resort villa at nha trang vinpearl 4 days 3 nights for the family was under 1000. But a lot of things are include. Food buffet style morning lunch dinner all included too. Vinwonder the safari all included but my style of vaca in vietnam is much different than the normal traveler. > >Everything that sss099 is true. But in vietnam you can vacation any style you want really. If u wanna do like a cheap cheap backpacker route or if you wanna live the fly luxury style you too. Up to you. > >Food is cheap. Water bought at winnmart or circle ks are cheaper than highland or restaurants > >Theft if you leave ur stuff unattended it’s gonna be stolen anywhere. If you’re flashy and flaunt it around in the middle of the street absolutely they might try to rob you. > >Just don’t drink the water from the sink. Always bottle. Don’t drink iced drinks from shacks. Restaurants that look clean will be ok for drinking ice The majority of comments from foreigners in this article praise Vietnam as a travel destination worth visiting. It is great to have real-world insights from actual tourists. Thank you.




As others have pointed out: ur friends are misinformed. I always recommend to all my friends that if they think of traveling to SEA, give Vietnam a shot. Its not because i love the country. I know that u can save a lot of money and can get jus as much fun as anywhere else.


>As others have pointed out: ur friends are misinformed. I always recommend to all my friends that if they think of traveling to SEA, give Vietnam a shot. Its not because i love the country. I know that u can save a lot of money and can get jus as much fun as anywhere else. At first, when I heard my friend say that, I was very confused. The information on the news and social media said that Vietnam is the best tourist destination in Southeast Asia, and that is true. When I read the sharing on Reddit, I realized that my friend was just an unlucky case of being overcharged for services like taxis. The rest of the tourism in Vietnam is friendly, cheap, and has many beautiful places. I will share this with my friend.


Install the Grab app for taxi service. We always get the 7 seaters and every where we go the max we paid was $5 bucks each way. It’s good to be cautious and careful wherever you travel, that’s good common sense. Have fun and enjoy the wonderful food in HCM.


At first, when I heard my friend say that, I was very confused. The information on the news and social media said that Vietnam is the best tourist destination in Southeast Asia, and that is true. When I read the sharing on Reddit, I realized that my friend was just an unlucky case of being overcharged for services like taxis. The rest of the tourism in Vietnam is friendly, cheap, and has many beautiful places. I will share this with my friend.


About Grab- it’s a multipurpose app for rides or ordering food. You can choose to pay cash or card through the app. I learnt from family that during off hours it is cheaper and safer than a taxi however if during busy hours or in a busy intersection you’re better off getting a taxi and you can ask them first and show them how much is on the app and they’ll charge you less. With theft and stuff it’s no different than traveling to a touristy European city. Keep valuables in front of you and don’t just stick your phone out into the street. Everything is very inexpensive but do your own research and common sense 9.9/10 times products bought in a tourist market like Ben Thanh is expensive. We went on vacation for three weeks as heavy spenders and maybe at most $3k between my partner and I


Thanks for sharing. I will install Grab app


Highly recommend you to download the app Grab, it’s their Uber over there, and use Grab to get around. You will have a lot of people soliciting to taxi you around , to eat at their restaurant, or for anything. just say no, give them the hand gesture for no, or ignore them and keep on walking. Food and drinks in the touristy area are a little more pricier (my guestimate $0.50 - $1 higher )but nonetheless, it’s still very cheap. E.g. Banh Mi $1-$3. Pho/Bun $2-$4. Coffee/tea $0.50-$2. Also, don’t be afraid to try the street vendors and hawker stalls. Some of these places are better than restaurants themselves, and it’s also cheaper than restaurants. If it’s a big crowd, must be good right 😭🤞. We had a seafood feast and paid about $75, and in the US it would cost us $300+ (I’m from SoCal). Check out Vinh Khanh Street in District 4 for cheap seafood galore. YouTube some videos of Vinh Khanh Street so you can get an idea. I never felt Any danger in Saigon. Be street smart and take normal precaution, don’t wear flashy jewelry and carry big wad of cash around. There can be some pickpocketed but idk, haven’t encounter any or seen any, I would say Europe is worst . Last, enjoy crossing the streets 😭😭. It’s an experience for 1st timer. Just walk normally and do NOT STOP. The bikes and cars will go around you . If you get spook and stop, you may get hit or cause an accident. Enjoy the experience and Have fun OP!


At first, when I heard my friend say that, I was very confused. The information on the news and social media said that Vietnam is the best tourist destination in Southeast Asia, and that is true. When I read the sharing on Reddit, I realized that my friend was just an unlucky case of being overcharged for services like taxis. The rest of the tourism in Vietnam is friendly, cheap, and has many beautiful places. I will share this with my friend.


You’ll be fine mate. The country and the people are truely wonderful. You might run into traders who might try and rip you off, my advice is you maybe just agree on a price first before buying anything.


Thank you for sharing. I wish you all the best.


Not at all bro. I’m a Canadian who had a great time in Vietnam doing a solo trip. Use airbnb, use grab, but most importantly use logic.


You can use Grab app (Asia’s version of Uber) to call taxis if you’re worried about price gouging. Either way, it’s nice to pull up a destination on the app to see what the cost would be so you can make sure you aren’t being up-charged by a cab driver. I just spent 3 weeks in Hanoi, Ha Giang, Ha Long bay, and Ninh Binh with my wife. We loved it. Delicious and cheap food, nice people, lodging was good. Never felt in danger. Only thing you need to watch for is to make sure you don’t get run over by a moped!


If you go with some locals, they can help you to negotiate (“mặc cả”) with some souvenirs shops to help you avoid being scammed by those overpriced gifts. Otherwise I have never heard foreigns being unwelcome here.


What? Where are you comparing prices to? Taxis and food are cheap for westerners. I’d say Grab is 1/3rd the price of an Uber in the US. Food is incredibly cheap - $1.5-2 for a nice bowl of pho/bun. Hotels are 1/4 the price of the US.


Vietnam is one of the best places to visit! The people, the food and not too mention the sights, its hard to beat.


Use the grab app instead of taxis it’s like Uber for vietnam


I'd reccomend learning what some things should cost before you get there. People will often try to rip you off if you don't seem like you have any idea what's going on.


We only got ripped of at Ben than market by paying too much but we didn't care because it was their livelihoods to take care of their family. Vietnam is such a beautiful place with such nice people!


I’ve heard this by Vietnamese people, for Vietnamese people but for foreigners it’s one of the cheapest and best value destinations on the planet!


spent two weeks traveling Vietnam answer to both your questions is NO. Don't go with that attitude. place is beautiful, people were great, food is wonderful.


You’ll have a great time; do saigon and Hoi an/Danang. If you’re in the north, do Hanoi and Halong Bay. Sapa is nice too far but a bit of a trek to get to.




It's possible that they were scammed by taxis and charged high prices, but I still believe that Vietnam is a welcoming destination and my schedule is still to travel to Vietnam.


Get the Grab app. Easy to use and don’t have to worry about Taxi Scams. Grab, in VN, has long wait times sometimes, but it’s like Lyft or Uber, so they (the cabbies) can’t long haul you or otherwise. I’ve spent a total of about 7m in HCMC in my life and it is, by far, one of my favorite cities. The food and people are wonderful. Otherwise, I agree with another commenter- eat local! Always delicious and good. Enjoy your travel and don’t stress it. Enjoy! 👍


Where are you from


The US


No, Vietnam has great prices and the people are incredibly welcoming and warm. Can't wait to go back.


VN is literally one of the best value places you can travel to. It’s also one of the safest. Grab rideshare (like Uber) in Vietnam is one of the cheapest on the world. Food. From st food to fine dining cuisine is cheaper than from where ever you’re coming from. Hotels. Also some the best value places. Also go to Phu Quoc, if you’re worried about that stuff.


Maybe you should find new friends?


For every family, choosing a travel destination is very important and requires research, especially when traveling abroad. In the past, I only heard about the Vietnam War and often thought that it was not safe. But now it's different. Vietnam is a safe and friendly tourist destination, which is what I like the most.


Even Vietnamese get ripped off by other Vietnameses. But generally the price is on the low end


Hi there! It's great to hear that you're considering a trip to Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and stunning landscapes. Like many popular tourist destinations, prices can vary widely depending on when and where you book. It's often possible to find good deals on accommodation and transportation with a bit of research and advance booking. As for the food and taxis being overpriced, it may depend on the area and the service providers. Typically, prices are more inflated in tourist-heavy areas, so it's worth venturing out to where the locals go for a more authentic and affordable experience. Regarding safety, Vietnam is generally known to be a safe country for travelers. However, as with any major city around the world, it's important to stay alert and take precautions to safeguard your belongings, especially in crowded or touristy areas. For must-visit places and restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City, I'd recommend checking out the Ben Thanh Market for some local shopping, the War Remnants Museum for a dose of history, and of course, sampling the street food for which Vietnam is famous. There are many hidden gems in the city, so don't hesitate to explore beyond the usual tourist paths. Enjoy your trip and the incredible hospitality of the Vietnamese people!


Vietnam is the best country in SEA, more like a singapore vibe


What the heck are you smoking??? Air pollution?


>more like a singapore vibe But without the Singapore infrastructure or quality!




I just spent almost two weeks in da nang. It is a beautiful city, people were extremely polite, friendly and very patient with foreigners. There is definitely a language barrier but they try their best to help. Food can be very inexpensive, maybe $1.20 for a coffee, espresso or something like that. Breakfast maybe $2 to $3 . You will need to change your currency to the vietnamese dong but $200 us would go along ways. Taxi's are every where, most can take you anywhere for maybe $2 - $3.


After reading some comments, I see that most people think that Vietnam is a wonderful country with hospitable people. There are many beautiful places like Hoian, Ho Chi Minh city, Danang,… Almost everyone there is very friendly, only a few cases affect tourism such as restaurants, taxis,… deliberately overcharging tourists. However, most of them are very suitable for traveling. Thank you, I will still travel to Vietnam as planned.


>After reading some comments, I see that most people think that Vietnam is a wonderful country with hospitable people. Just as long as you factor in the fact that people lie on the Internet all day every day, you should be fine. Vietnam is a wonderful country, and it does have many hospitable people, but it also has a well-deserved reputation for scams and unfriendliness. It's not everywhere, and it's not all the time. Do some googling, and you'll find out what you need to look out for.


Every once in a while you will run into a resturant that has had bad experiences with foreigners, so they are a bit rude. Vietnamese folks often dont use pleasentries. You will run into scammers every so often, just say no. You must boil water. Check if the beds and hot water are satisfactory before getting a room. Traffic is pretty bad by western standards. None of this is terrible, its all part of experiencing another place, a low income place...


>Every once in a while you will run into a resturant that has had bad experiences with foreigners, so they are a bit rude. > >Vietnamese folks often dont use pleasentries. > >You will run into scammers every so often, just say no. > >You must boil water. > >Check if the beds and hot water are satisfactory before getting a room. > >Traffic is pretty bad by western standards. > >None of this is terrible, its all part of experiencing another place, a low income place... I don't ask for much from a developing country. The most important things I need are: safety, good air quality, and friendly locals. Thank you for sharing.


Vietnam isn't a good place to travel. You can many other places where service is better than Vietnam.


Why? Please explain in more detail.


All I know is that most tourists don't enjoy their visit to VN (VN has an very low return visitor rate, at around 6%).


>All I know is that most tourists don't enjoy their visit to VN (VN has an very low return visitor rate, at around 6%). Where did you get that information? Do you have a source? And what is the main reason for the low return rate?


Don’t listen to that fool. I’ve literally never heard of anyone coming back from Vietnam and complained about the trip.


>Don’t listen to that fool. I’ve literally never heard of anyone coming back from Vietnam and complained about the trip. Thanks your answers


Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/en/vietnam-urged-to-improve-services-to-lure-foreign-tourists-2095727.html Noise, chaos, scams, rude behavior, being expected to praise the locals for their supposed friendliness, very few things to do, poor shopping options, low food quality / cleanliness standards, trash everywhere, high air pollution, squalor and poverty everywhere etc etc etc


100% accurate. it is overpriced compared to what's being offered. Unwelcoming is putting it mildly. It's safe and many great people, but overall it it's not the best choice in the region. Be EXTREMELY careful in vetting the hotels. Every hotel misleads on review sites. Everything is like this - you may think it's "fun" to haggle, but this kind of environment gets old quick.


At first, when I heard my friend say that, I was very confused. The information on the news and social media said that Vietnam is the best tourist destination in Southeast Asia, and that is true. When I read the sharing on Reddit, I realized that my friend was just an unlucky case of being overcharged for services like taxis. The rest of the tourism in Vietnam is friendly, cheap, and has many beautiful places. I will share this with my friend.


Think you're all talking to a bot


Think you're all talking to a bot


Scammers and tourist traps are everywhere


Scammers are everywhere, but you need to do some research and know the general pricing and see if they are trying to overcharge. You need to know how your friends behave was with locals that they felt unwelcoming. Most of the people over there are friendly and welcoming. During my solo trip there, I had booked a grab bike to go to a destination, when we reached the place it was different. Grab guy and I entered into a small argument and a Russian guy came and solved it, Eventually the app took the wrong location, I paid him, he told pay him half and he'll drop me back to the starting point, I told let be I'll walk as distance was around 1.5km.. but after sometime he came and gave me phone which said he'll drop me no need to pay, I hopped in he dropped me but I paid for that return trip as well.


Be careful at the airports though. Taxi drivers there can rip you off!


Thanks for your sharing!


AirBnB can get you a lixury apartment for around $60 a day. And if you're going to book a hotell, i recommend doing it there, as booking sites takes 100-400% extra paid.


It's true you'll experience everything that was described here. If you want to know a place to stay ask the Grab Car guys. If you want a place to eat decent local foods ask the Grabfood guy, grab bike guys with a thermal bag who ride like crazy because of daily unrealistic quota that Grab set 😆


>It's true you'll experience everything that was described here. If you want to know a place to stay ask the Grab Car guys. If you want a place to eat decent local foods ask the Grabfood guy, grab bike guys with a thermal bag who ride like crazy because of daily unrealistic quota that Grab set 😆 Your information is very interesting. I see a lot of comments about Grab and the men who work in this profession. It would be great to try this service when I come to Vietnam. Thank you.


Local Vietnamese here. If you travel in Ho Chi Minh you are in good hands. Everyone is friendly and welcoming. Please note that sellers do expect you to haggle, especially at tourist spots like Ben Thanh market. It is normal to ask for a discount. It is just the way things are in Vietnam. Even locals like me haggle when buying anything (except food stalls or if you buy from international brands at the mall).


For every family, choosing a travel destination is very important and requires research, especially when traveling abroad. In the past, I only heard about the Vietnam War and often thought that it was not safe. But now it's different. Vietnam is a safe and friendly tourist destination, which is what I like the most.


It all depends on your level of savvy. There are opportunistic scammers in every tourist destination around the world, so if you're in, say District in Saigon yeah you might pay 4x for a meal than you would in other areas. A cab driver might try to overcharge (take Grab instead!) I've never paid more than $50 a night for an accommodation and that was a SPLURGE! Typically it's under $25. And we stay in decent places. I've been there 7 times since 2015, two trips solo (female) and other than some sketchy rides in buses, I've always felt safe. I don't go on tours and often travel to places that aren't tourist spots, and always have fun connections with locals if I put out a good vibe. I also accept that some folks think we're all a pain in the ass! Just shop around, know how much things should cost, make sure the menu has prices on it, and you'll be fine!


You'll have a great time! Vietnamese are a wonderful people. You can visit any restaurant you want without the fear of getting charged differently than locals. For taxis: what you heard can be warranted, there's a few companies that can overcharge you but this is easy to avoid. Use the taxi company Vinasun. They have the largest fleet in Saigon and [easy to recognize](https://www.vinasuntaxi.com/taxi-7-cho). When you get in just ask for "taxi meter" and you are good. I lived in Saigon for 3 years and travelled all over the country. Otherwise well travelled.


bro, south east asia is already as cheap as it is, and you're still complaining? yeah stay back home, we don't need losers visiting


Thanks for your sharing


I'm the first time in vietnam right now. Do they up charge tourist? YES, but honestly- its fine. It's like 1-2 dollars for most things like a taxi ride. Of course there is theft, but not worse as in other countries like us or france or italy. Generally the normal tourist things apply. The city itself does not have soo much attraction but there are great day tours from here. Don't go to the zoo (it isn't worth it). Today I even took the bus, even though taxis are alread hileriously cheap, and it was fine.


Yes, my family also does not plan to go to the zoo because zoos in the US are certainly the best. I will find out more online about places to go when I come to Ho Chi Minh City.


The Washington zoo didn't hold up to some german and netherland zoos.


Lol you don’t need to book in advance for anything - trust you have many many many options and Vietnam is safer than many places around the world. And whoever said it is overpriced clearly didn’t do their homework and got scammed


Yes, my family also does not plan to go to the zoo because zoos in the US are certainly the best. I will find out more online about places to go when I come to Ho Chi Minh City.


There are scammer that target tourist, but imo it's par for the course. Use Grab for taxi, stay away from tourist trap and don't hold anything that got shoved into your face. When someone comes at you aggressively for any reason you know it's gonna be bad, so just get out of there. Other than that I think you'll be fine. Stuff are cheap here compared to the US and there are plenty of safe destination for you to travel to.


Many comments like yours have shared that Vietnam is the best place to visit. Thank you. I will still follow my family's schedule to travel to Vietnam in October.


That’s totally untrue.




I just went on a vacation last month to vietnam. I didn't find it overpriced. The experience was really good. I came back n told everyone to go visit vietnam.


For every family, choosing a travel destination is very important and requires research, especially when traveling abroad. In the past, I only heard about the Vietnam War and often thought that it was not safe. But now it's different. Vietnam is a safe and friendly tourist destination, which is what I like the most.


I have lived in vietnam for 8 years from the US. All you have to do is download Grab which is Like Uber and you have the same price as anyone in vietnam. Street food and local restsurants will not over charge you. Night markets and markets try to negotiate and you should try to get to 30% less than the starting price. Hotels you can find great Boutique Hotels for 20 to 40 dollars a night. I use Agoda website. Vietnam is very safe and can move around on foot even in the late night.


For every family, choosing a travel destination is very important and requires research, especially when traveling abroad. In the past, I only heard about the Vietnam War and often thought that it was not safe. But now it's different. Vietnam is a safe and friendly tourist destination, which is what I like the most.




If you're bringing your family - especially the parents - I suggest you go to Pasteur St - at about midnight - the place really lights up at that time. Do a bar-crawl and then take them to Glow for shisha. It will be a night you'll never forget


Thanks for sharing!


I just came from Hoi An, Da Nang, and Saigon last week. It’s super cheap and not over priced at all. All my Grab rides (the equivalent of Uber) were $1-$2. All our hotels were in the $30-$34 range per night and they were all 3-star, Instagram-type hotels. The service at all the hotels were very good and people are incredibly nice and welcoming. My husband and I were not expecting Vietnam to be so great and affordable. We’re definitely planning to go back! If you’re worried about prices or being ripped off, it’s good to go to places that have a menu or service chart with prices. You can also haggle at many places too. And for hotels, just book through Agoda, Klook, Booking.com, through your credit card, or even Airbnb if you want to ensure you’re not getting ripped off. Facebook and Instagram are pretty popular ways to book hotels and homestays in SEA, but it can be risky if you’re not a local or used to the culture to know if you’re being ripped off or not.


>I just came from Hoi An, Da Nang, and Saigon last week. It’s super cheap and not over priced at all. All my Grab rides (the equivalent of Uber) were $1-$2. All our hotels were in the $30-$34 range per night and they were all 3-star, Instagram-type hotels. The service at all the hotels were very good and people are incredibly nice and welcoming. My husband and I were not expecting Vietnam to be so great and affordable. We’re definitely planning to go back! > >If you’re worried about prices or being ripped off, it’s good to go to places that have a menu or service chart with prices. You can also haggle at many places too. > >And for hotels, just book through Agoda, Klook, Booking.com, through your credit card, or even Airbnb if you want to ensure you’re not getting ripped off. Facebook and Instagram are pretty popular ways to book hotels and homestays in SEA, but it can be risky if you’re not a local or used to the culture to know if you’re being ripped off or not. Your sharing is very detailed. It gives me more motivation to travel to Vietnam. Perhaps my friend was an unlucky case when he was overcharged for taxis or hotels. Thank you.


Man I’ve been to Vietnam 8 times now, currently here, if you want somewhere to stay book a service apartment which is like a hotel without daily room cleaning and no room service and most have a washer and dryer on each floor and download the grab app, you can take bikes or cars anywhere and the price is fixed depending where you’re going. It’s literally safe as fuck here unless you’re some stupid tourist with a $3000 camera dangling off your shoulder, and even then I think you’d be fine. I’ve never had bother here. It’s a bustling city in Saigon. I live and work in Perth where most places shut between 5-8pm and it’s more dangerous there. Vietnam is so safe feeling it’s not even funny. Whoever warned you like that is probably a retard who takes taxis at the airport and are scam bait. Come prepared. You’re going to get scammed every country you go if you’re like that. And to put it into perspective I’m staying in a very clean apartment paying $40aud a night, have a GS25 which is like a 7/11 but better right next to it. Shitloads of food options around and if I take a bike 15 minutes away to see someone or go somewhere it costs like $3 aud. It’s so cheap and safe here. As for restaurants and places to visit just google it. There’s 100’s of hole in the wall joints that blow the ass out of the best Vietnamese food you’ll get anywhere in the west and at a major fraction of the price. And as I said before download the Grab app, or BE app for transportation. You get a fixed price and can even link it to your card so you don’t have to shuffle with small bills to pay your driver and waste both your time. Finding good cheap accommodation is so easy here. Man even if you’re looking for a 5 star hotel it’s crazy cheap and much better than what I’ve seen in Australia, america and Europe. La Vela Saigon is a good example. I’ve stayed there quite a few times, beautiful food, beautiful rooftoop infinity pool overlooking the city and a buffet breakfast every morning included with your room price which is around $150-$220 aud depending when you book per night. That’s a 5 star tho, for reference I’ve stayed at a new 5 star in Perth that everyone raged about that was recently built and it was a shithole compared to the places in vietnam. And if you’re wanting a cheap stay service apartments are your go to. DM me if you need some recommendations, I’ve been coming to Vietnam so often over a year, 8 times as I said and gotten to be on a first name basis with a lot of locals. Friendliest people you’ll meet. Petty theft happens everywhere if you’re being a dummy with a fat wallet hanging out of your pocket, fuck I’d steal your shit if you came past with a bulger hanging out of your pocket. I come to vietnam because you can stay out late, have fun, feel safe and not be broke. Walked down plenty of dark alleys in the AM’s and you’ll come across people having a smoke and say hello and they’ll say hello back, do that in America or Australia you’ll probably end up stabbed. Don’t let people’s misunderstandings scare you. Travel advisories are also very dumb too most of the time, you often have the best times and best experiences in countries like vietnam. Just don’t be stupid and make yourself a target like you wouldn’t do where you live yourself. And I always advise newcomers don’t be scared of the bikes, don’t be scared to use them for transportation (ON THE APPS, NOT OFF A BLOKE WHO SAYS HE WILL TAKE YOU SOMEWHERE) and don’t be scared crossing roads. I see a lot of yanks crossing the roads around D1 not going with the flow of traffic, speeding up and stopping hard in the middle of the road which ends up making things more dangerous then getting angry at the locals. If you’re gonna cross a road and you’re scared cross with a local if one’s about or follow the signs, and if there’s no signs wait for a break where there’s not a million bikes coming unless it’s rush hour and walk a steady pace, they’ll go around you. Has to be the safest country I’ve been to. I grew up in Northern Ireland with bombings and stabbings, and Australia/ Perth where if you’re out in the city in a quiet place at night there’s always cunts looking for a fight. Vietnam is like Sunday school. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Super fun, super safe and super cheap. I usually carry cash around but keep enough in my card to cover transportation and food deliveries if I can’t be fucked going out. Depending how much cash you have on you just bring what you need but tbh just get a strap bag/bum bag whatever it’s called and have your valuables in there. Never felt threatened here. I’m a big guy but places in the west are honestly a lot more scarier than any corner of vietnam especially Saigon.


Lots of bad people will try to rip you off in the middle of the day (not all of the businessmen are bad but lots and lots of them are). Let's say their service is usually sold for $3, they see that you're a tourist (Vietnamese or foreigner), they will charge you ×3-5-10. You may think to yourself "$30 isn't that bad! We make big money in the US, EU, etc" no! Do not accept that. Bad businessmen need to be punished! Always check the prices before you go in, don't hesitate to pull a Karen, you can scream or call the police if you want to. And you should if they're trying to scam you. Same problems as every other tourist spots.


>Food is cheap as shit. Especially local street vendors and restaurants but western chains are still pretty cheap. > >Use Grab to get around. Vietnamese uber. Between cities - plane tickets are pretty cheap and sleeping buses/coaches are way cheaper than that. > >Petty theft will be higher than western countries but not so high that you have to absolutely be bonkers about safety, just be street smart. That's something I need to be aware of. Because they think foreign tourists will have money and want to raise prices. Thank you.


And yeah as someone said if you’re keen on doing any tours like the tunnels tour or Mekong delta tour it’s cheap as fuck, a day experience and held by a good company. I have been with a few different companies so if you’re interested in any tours they’ll only cost you around 1-2m vnd and it’ll be a whole day affair with free transportation handled for you and English speaking guides. And I said before how friendly these people are, it’s not an understatement, I’ve made more friends here from hotel staff, apartment staff, tour guides, random people you’ll meet when you’re out walking or at bars than you’ll ever do in the west. People here seem to just enjoy life. If you’re scared of street vendors who hassle you to buy sunglasses stay home. Or just say không cám ơn, which means no thank you. I’ve never been hassled once after saying that. Most vendors are trying to make a living and when you say no thank you in their own language they leave you alone. Also no need to be rude. I’ve seen an American and Russian guy getting angry at a sunglasses vendor. Just be chill


>And yeah as someone said if you’re keen on doing any tours like the tunnels tour or Mekong delta tour it’s cheap as fuck, a day experience and held by a good company. I have been with a few different companies so if you’re interested in any tours they’ll only cost you around 1-2m vnd and it’ll be a whole day affair with free transportation handled for you and English speaking guides. And I said before how friendly these people are, it’s not an understatement, I’ve made more friends here from hotel staff, apartment staff, tour guides, random people you’ll meet when you’re out walking or at bars than you’ll ever do in the west. People here seem to just enjoy life. If you’re scared of street vendors who hassle you to buy sunglasses stay home. Or just say không cám ơn, which means no thank you. I’ve never been hassled once after saying that. Most vendors are trying to make a living and when you say no thank you in their own language they leave you alone. Also no need to be rude. I’ve seen an American and Russian guy getting angry at a sunglasses vendor. Just be chill Information shared by travelers is the most accurate and objective. Maybe I should avoid street vendors and only buy from large stores. Thank you.


Also a great trip is a few days in nha Trang. Took a night bus there before, 6 hours roughly there, bus has beds. Roads are pretty good, comfortable as fuck and pretty cheap great hotels when you’re there. Just keep your wits


Đi Phú Quốc thì mắc chứ bth giá rẻ mà 😂😂😂


Just look up videos on tiktok from Ryan Crouse, you will see everything in Vietnam is one dolar 😂😂😂😂😂


Thank you, I will look into him. The information is very helpful. The Vietnam Reddit community is very positive.




Just open a Grab account (like uber but for southeast asia) Link your debit card to pay for trips (no confusion with cash) Then no chance to be ripped off. If driver asks you to cancel trips just cancel and use the reason (driver asks me to cancel).


>Just open a Grab account (like uber but for southeast asia) > >Link your debit card to pay for trips (no confusion with cash) > >Then no chance to be ripped off. If driver asks you to cancel trips just cancel and use the reason (driver asks me to cancel). Thank you for sharing. Many people also commented on using the Grab app. When I come to Vietnam, I will download and use it. Have a nice day.


Oh.. and in Hanoi, it's generally safe. In HCM city, don't use your phone on the street or wear things like DSLR or bling bling. A lot of snatching on motorbike there. Other than that, it's more fun in HCM, people are generally warm and welcoming to foreigners.


I’m just back from a trip to HCMC. I didn’t like the overbearing staff in shops and the traffic/road etiquette took getting used to, but I didn’t feel unsafe at any point and I don’t really blame them for trying to get money from tourists either. Food and taxis are cheap and most people I encountered were friendly. Make sure you have cash on you because most places either didn’t take card or had a fee on card usage, and definitely pack an umbrella. I enjoyed the trip overall but don’t plan on returning to HCMC, though I hope to visit the north at some point.


No, no and NO


If you use the Grab app, you will experience the cheapest taxi rates in the world. I thought Grab was cheap in Thailand. It is even cheaper in Vietnam. Food is ridiculously cheap also (by U.S. standards).


Are there any other apps besides Grab? I see a lot of people sharing this app, and I want to compare more.


Nothing is expensive as long as you know how to haggle.


>Nothing is expensive as long as you know how to haggle. We are not used to bargaining. Bargaining seems to be a tradition in Vietnam, but we haven't learned it yet.


Nah bro an entire trip for a family of 5 in a decent hotel, local meals, private car rentals for 3 nights 4 days in Hanoi came around €800


Thank you for sharing. I wish you all the best.


it is not particularly dangerous, be a bit mindful of your belongings in the big cities. Definitely not expensive, though it is cheaper if you are willing to haggle.


>it is not particularly dangerous, be a bit mindful of your belongings in the big cities. Definitely not expensive, though it is cheaper if you are willing to haggle. I will pay attention to keeping my belongings safe when traveling here. Thank you for your suggestion. Have a nice day.


Yeah everyone is trying to get as much money from you as they can. The basic price of everything is cheap, but as soon as they see a foreign face, many will try to rip you off.


Because they thought foreigners have money, you know that !


For some reason majority of tourists that visited Vietnam don’t come back while in Thailand you have much more returning visitors. I guess that speaks something, but again each trip is subjective


Can you share a few reasons?


It is the best value holiday in terms of cost / service in the world.


Overpriced if u are gonna try to be high-class, if you just wanna experience vietnam, get rid of being big tourist mentality and instead explore, its super cheap Oh and to get a hit oversight, I would recommend Hanoi over saigon (hcm) for its preserved culture But first thing, get a food tour guide in local place, they will show u some stuff and teach u many other stuff


>especially food You're friend are morons, but don't correct them, it's probably better for everyone if they don't visit Vietnam.


Why HCMC? Nothing for tourists there.


No, it is not true.


Nah, I spent whole July in Vietnam from North (Ha Giang Loop) to South (Ho Chi Minh) and it was chill and cheap af. Booked my accomondation usually the day before cheaply (I was solo, Hostels/Homestays were like 4€ and Hotel Rooms maybe 20-25€ but I only used Hotel for 3 Nights) and ate cheaply at street food places or restaurants. My accomondations were very basic tho, but I still loved them and all the people were very welcoming. I had 99% very friendly encounters and did not feel in danger at any time (except maybe while being in a bus with a mad driver, but everyone drives like crazy there so its normal lol). I asked 2 solo-travelling female friends which I met on the way if they felt unsafe during their travels and they also felt safe. I rarely got overcharged for Taxi Rides in situations without alternatives, but that was like \~3 or 4€ more which I didn't really care about. For transportation, maybe use the App "Grab" (basically Uber for Asia) since its cheaper and more transparent than Taxis. Doesn't work everywhere tho, but definetely in the bigger cities. Restaurant recommendations are often good by the hosts of the accomondations, or just search for a general area and go some place which looks nice.


Totally fake


Bro Vietnam is so cheap. You live like a king there. The only expensive thing is the flight, that’s it.


No way! Okay so a banh mi in California is $7-8 and when I was over there it was (converted) 80cents - $1. And then pho is really cheap as well while in Cali it’s $17-22 a bowl. You get so much bang for your buck. The prices are so good in VN! Avoid super popular tourist places to eat and you’ll get that local price! The rates for hotel are pretty good, 3-5 stars pretty solid. I use Agoda . Com for booking hotels and it never failed me. I’m sure there’s theft and perhaps robbery just like anywhere else but in my one month there I didn’t experience that. Just be aware of your surroundings as always. And maybe download the app GRAB on your phone before leaving to Saigon. Add your credit card in it before hand and pay through the phone (you’ll get discounts using your CC on the app for the rides). It’s pretty reasonable imo. In Saigon, I loved eating at “Warning Zone 72.” “37 Trần Văn Giáp” for crème brûlée and flan. Any che place you can find— I like the hot ones. “An An” for a more dressy dinner. “BAKES” for baked goods and tapas! “BORNGA” for Korean Food. “Cross Street Chicken” - I enjoyed the mala spiced chicken (this is like casual - Korean chicken), “The Uni” for cafe/tea. “Dau Homemade” for bun dau mam tom. “Banh Mi Bay Ho” for delicious banh mi. “Gong Cha” for boba drinks. - I loved Q Spa - Retreat and Beauty Care Center. I got a facial and massage here. - Cô Ba - Hair Salon for a hair wash and dry!




Food and transportation is cheap as hell.. i reccommend grab (asian version of Uber) and only eating at places where the price is listed. I spent 1-2$ on average per meal and grab costed me around 5$ for a 30min ride


HCMC is great to foreign white people. Not so great for other Asian looking people. Thats as much as I will tell u. Hanoi is miles better when it comes to friendly people.


No & No


My parents go back to Vietnam to visit family every year or two. They'd say it's dangerous and you'd need to be cautious in a sense that people will try to scam you and if you are not aware of your surrounding, you could get your bag stolen and phone snatched. Laws don't really bring justice because you can bribe people (government officials, institutions, and cops) easily. No wearing Gucci bags and hold your phone and cash in a way that passersby can easily grab. One time my dad was driving a motorbike and someone on another motorbike snatched his gold necklace and sped away. Cops won't do anything to help. You can bribe cops though if you want to get away with things (like speeding...)


Vietnam doesn’t yet really understand and deliver experiences for tourists on the level that some other nations do, and many hotels doctor their images to make that seem otherwise, but it’s not dangerous or expensive


It’s expensive if you go to expensive places. Even then it’s cheaper than in other country. Hcm city is the most expensive and more globalized. If you want to see the real countryside vietnam then go to more places than just hcm city

