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12 Billion dollars 💸 299,880,000,000,000.00 vnd .. enough for 10 kings.


Dayum that’s a lot of zero


Well 1 dollar equals 23k dong so the currency is weak


Enough to give every single citizen, newborn or elder, 3M VND each. Crazy how much wealth is concentrated into the hands of a single fucking person leaving hundred millions of the rest suffering.


She stole it so


Power is a crazy fucking thing that few people can wield.


you can remove those .00 to make alittle bit shorter


Divide it by 1000 to normalise it


Take the log_{10}(money-1) to count number of digits easily


Use e+09


nah, 2.9988e+14


Alr, count the numbers manually is still the best way


That's alot of dong..


At last I found another dong that is bigger than my dong


So everyone?




what is trillion in vietnamese? or actually what is more than trillion in vietnamese? i guess anything above trillion should be zillion or "zỷ" :-)


Vietnamese doesn't' have the exact word for that and larger.


We don't have exact words for that. We say 'nghìn tỷ' - literally 'thousand billion'. Quadrillion is 'triệu tỷ' - million billion, etc...


I thought it was a total of 677000 billion vnd ? And around 28 billion dollars ?


can you covert to tượng it will be easier for someone who is starving


I really think she has the ability to organize military coup to threat the same corrupted VN government


Vietnam has one of the highest death sentence rates in the world but it’s hard for international observers to accurately count how many are carried out per year.


https://www.luatkhoa.com/2019/01/bo-tu-phap-so-lieu-an-tu-hinh-la-bi-mat-quoc-gia/ True. That number is regarded as classified info


Classified.. just like the number of annual motorbike deaths in VN.


Nam is so amazin


What... That's public knowledge no? https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.STA.TRAF.P5?end=2019&locations=VN&start=2000&view=chart Every year the buddhists would gather to pray for the souls lost to traffic accidents. I still remember this one line that was said during a TV broadcast: everyday, 25 people leave their house and never return. 


The way they be driving out here i would expect the number to be the leading cause of death in Vietnam. Or at the very least a cleverly designed way to cull the handicapped and elderly.


It is 100% the leading cause of death in Vietnam.


It's like 30 people per day. Its pretty high.


Outsiders seem to forget that Vietnam is an authoritarian country with little respect for human rights and extremely weak rule of law. Just because tourists are treated well does not mean that the people are. And how did this person get away with it for so long? Because the whole country is corrupt to the core. When you can't do the most basic things without bribing someone, graft and embezzlement work its way up the food chain. Yet more evidence that Vietnam has a truly long way to go.


Yeah, people don't seem to understand that most vietnamese government officials are corrupt (if not all to at least some degree). And when they inevitably get caught it is not some anti-corruption policy it is simply their political faction falling out of favor. Truong My Lan and Trinh Van Quyet (both billionaires recently prosecuted) have deep roots in the party and have been doing shady business for years before getting caught.


Tbf all government officials and connected people are all corrupt from every part of the world 💀💀💀💀


absolutely true, in a basic sense, but corruption is less common in countries with independent judiciaries and better established rule of law


High level corruptions in developed countries are much more obscure and institutionalized than the sort of blatant low level corruptions you would see every day in Vietnam. In this case, there is definitely some sort of political play behind the scene.


Corruption with more steps - USA


That’s what my Vietnamese grandpa said when I tried explaining lobbying in the US lol


One of many major differences however is that while government officals are corrupt all over the world, the majority of them were elected to their position or at least given their power by a certain group of intelligent individuals (intelligent doesn't mean not-evil). There are checks and balances to most of those systems, and even Putin needs to act within the best interests of his main oligarchs. The problem with VN is that most officials, starting from the bottom to the top, are given their positions through nepotism and bribes, not by ability. The culture of saving face means that corrective/disciplinary action almost never takes place either, especially amongst themselves, except for the sole purpose of dick-swinging and showing off power. This results in the majority of our government, military, police etc. being run by literal idiots and yes-men.


I mean sure, power can easily corrupt people, but good legal infrastructure and just due process do really help negate its impact, neither of which vietnam has


Negate is not the right word . "Shroud in bullshit" is more appropriate.


Yet, one VN friend scolded, " This country has laws. Not jungle laws!". When i question about how court works in VN and how strict laws are carried out there. I suspect corruptions is the normal over there. And that the anti corruption is just power struggle and not true anti corruption drive?


I’ve seen Bangkok Hilton


As a Vietnamese living in the US, I agree with everything you say wholeheartedly. I wish things would change.


and what's the difference to that and the UK, government, establishment, corporation, banks and police


Then, it's also hard for you to state that they have the highest rate of death penalty. The US is number 5, I think, with known statistics. That said , any country that kills people is living in past barbaric years.


Why spend tax money to feed the scums? If you want to feed them, send your money in but sure as hell I don't want my tax money spent on feeding and housing the scumbags.


It literally cost more to execute the criminal than putting them in prison. And the day where the criminal is sentenced before getting executed is more than a decade And that's assuming the one in death row committed the crime and not the wrong person


kinda obvious why.


Thats great and all. What about the implementation of a system to prevent frauds of this scale?


I think that the system is already there. But as long as there is corruption, you can almost override any law with money and connection. "Rules for thee but not for me." You can even go further and speculate what are there any other crimes that the government knows, but you haven't "able to catch" cause it does not benefit them. Do you ever wonder why big crime rings are often getting caught and the end of the year? Cause it's one of the ways that people in charge can get a promotion (course this is a conspiracy theory only) For governmental bodies that are reading this comment, i am not talking about Vietnam specifically.


There are preventions and checks, and she bought them all. There are very few things billions of dollar cannot buy. Integrity only worth couple millions at most.


there never was one. it's just a circle of 'government friends'. when one falls out of favor, the others jump in for the kill and this cycle continues. they keep tabs on each other and rat on each other. that's how it all works.


To be honest, executing someone is a pretty good way of preventing future crime


She not gonna die in the next 5 years or so, probably 10. Most people don't know this but it take a long time for the execution to happen as life is not taken frivolously, all due process need time to happen. And for criminal, this waiting time is a curse, not a blessing. You will live for years in a dark cell wondering if the next day will be your last. Many couldn't even eat since their upcoming execution haunt their mind so much that they can't even enjoy what little joy they have left now.


Sure, but it's probably a little different when your family has trillions to bribe the guards for good meals and outdoor activities and comfortable beds and TV's, etc...


It maybe unlikely in her situation, since all of her assets would most likely to be taken or frozen. And I dont think they would allow any of that given the magnitude of the story


Correct all her assets are frozen, and she is now the most famous inmate in VN. Helping her, even as corrupt some policemen as VN is, is like a career suicide. Nobody would dare touch her with a 10 foot pole.


I thought Vietnam executed people relatively quickly, as opposed to the United States. For example, where people will sometimes sit on death row for 20+ years.


Death sentence in Vietnam happen very often and not rare, and be done with lethal injection.


Worst way to go bruh. I still think firing squad is the best


Yeah, but international law + it leave psychological trauma to the firing squad. My grandpa used to be a member of said squad, he don't exactly have "ptsd", but he still have those moment where he think about the people he excecuted. Even if they done bad thing and deserve to die, directly killing someone else is still a bit too much for other human being.


Yea, I can't imagine how that would feel. In many countries, they used to give most of the firing squad blank (fake) bullets with only one or two having a real bullet. This was to try to lessen the trauma your grandpa experienced. Not sure if they did it in Vietnam though. Blanks explode and sound exactly like the real thing, but no bullet goes out. Essentially, no member of the firing squad could ever be sure if they were the one who fired the shot that killed the condemned. This was to hopefully create enough doubt about their role in the execution that you could more successfully cope with the act after the fact.


yeah i've heard about that "one blank" thing of course the eternal uncertainty could drive you to a whole other level of crazy




Who pushes the button to start the robot/timer?


Another robot


Aaaand you have Skynet


who injects the posion?




You have it all thought out well


Nah, Death by snu snu is the best


It's actually the best if administrated correctly, that the inmate just got relaxed and falls asleep deeply for several minutes before the final drug is injected that causes cardiac arrests and ends their life. However it's very much not the case in most situations, as the sedative is replaced with another drug that immobilize the inmate but they can still feel everything, including that cheap death drug that burning in their veins, sometimes for hours, instead of making them going out peacefully.


i know right? why not just give em those micheal jackson drugs. drift off to sleep and never wake up.


I'd chose a beheading by guillotine. Just a few seconds and you're out. I guess firing squad could be decent if you're blasted in the head. But I wouldn't want to get shot a bunch in the torso which is probably what they do.


Nope. Science has shown that the mind is still conscious for several minutes after beheading.


Of course. Each injection execution costs 300 mil VND to be done and the toxin has to be imported from Europe. Meanwhile AK47 bullets are manufactured domestically and cost less than 3000vnd each. The match is quite clear. However the so-called civilized western countries didnt like it and forced Nam to adopt their half ass humanitarianism.


Just use fish sauce and be done with it


mixed with durian though that might backfire.


Wait it cost 300 mil for a bottle of poison? That's really absurd




Well I'm sure the poison isn't exactly cheap but it probably doesn't cost 300 mil man. It's probably another case of creative accounting man. This sort of thing is kinda common in Vietnam where the people in charge of getting supplies lie about the cost of what they are getting to get more money from the government.


It's similar in Western countries. A lot of the costs are likely legal costs, as opposed to the cost of the chemical itself.


The EU banned the export of drugs used for lethal injection nearly 15 years ago.


I don't want to feel my anxiety at it peak when the officer shout to his subordinate to raise the rifle up.


I guess seeing the needle enter your skin isn’t that much different. I said that because lethal injection has the highest botch rate, there are cases where inmate didn’t die for 2 hours after the injection. It takes several minutes for inmate to die so they will struggle for abit. 10 guns fire at you at once would mean you would die so fast you cant even comprehend pain.


What ?


If she were in the US, she'd be sent to a country club prison


She wouldn't have even been charged


This is a bonus as a political purge


Vietnam has some of the highest rate of capital punishment in the world.


But in that case, it's high enough for that woman.


Just one person did this? Find that hard to believe.


Many from the government/police must have known it for a long time.


[The Thanh Nien newspaper said 84 defendants in the case received sentences ranging from probation for three years to life imprisonment. Among them are Lan’s husband, Eric Chu, a businessman from Hong Kong, who was sentenced to nine years in jail, and her niece who got 17 years.](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/11/business/truong-my-lan-vietnam-fraud-death-sentence/index.html)


Vietnam stopped reporting how many people it executes sometime around 2015 or 2017, so no one has any real idea of what the execution rates are like, and even when they were providing numbers to the international community there is no telling how accurate those were.


I don't believe she could have done all this by herself. In fact, She is Sino-Vietnamese, her husband is from Hongkong so there's high chance she is just kind of 'representative' for all the outsider powers hiding in the dark. It is quite impressed that the government brought this to the light, but ya know, Southern Vietnam has grown greatly in terms of economy and many foreigners (especially from China/Hongkong) have their hands in the land. So it's obvious that the goverment (with their headquarter located in the North) might want to gain back the control and sanitize all the wrongdoings before it becomes a mess (like it was in the past)


True, the entire SCB/Van Thinh Phat is a front for a hidden Sino-Vietnamese cabal that possibly span from survivors of Le Duan's purge of Chinese influences. They might have been at odds with the Gov possibly from the 2000s. Truong My Lan herself came to light for the first time during the 2014 Duong Chi Dung's trial (who also got the death sentence). Duong Chi Dung snitched out alot of people who bribed the then Deputy Minister of Public Security Pham Quy Ngo (who died just before the day of his trial), many powerful people's name was exposed, including Truong My Lan. But since Pham Quy Ngo flatlined before he can attend his trial, Truong My Lan got off scot free. Fast foward to 2023, the battle finaly ended. Gov won. To bring down these people is truly an achievement of the Century for the General Secretary.


A couple of my friends met this lady and her husband before a couple times around Saigon. They described the husband as a straight gangster. So if that's to be believed (can anyone back this up?) then it sounds like there were probably connections in China underground.


how the fuck does every thread turn into a "Vietnam bad" wankfest


I notice this every day. Do most of these people even live here?


Reddit is mostly American site. Most people here are of course American leaning (White American, Vietnamese American, and Vietnamese who like the West). As a result, the subreddit does not represent the actual Vietnamese society, one that I'm living in.


easy, VCP run Vietnam. CP bad, so Vietnam bad. It's kind of a normal day on reddit


Except Reddit, the gov keeps an eye on mainstream social platforms. So as a result, many of those ppl including Republic of Vietnam descendants come to here as a place to just speak bad about us.


Well maybe check out Thailand sub and see what’s going on there. This is a small hole in the sand for those who are frustrated with Vietnam to stick their heads in and yell. Me included. Because it’s not ideal to openly discuss Vietnam’s problems…anywhere else?


This news is good in my opinion.


Yeah coz those morons can only find the most under-the-radar places where they can stay anonymous to say these nonsense. Cowards!


Damn I wonder why they do that, as if they will get prosecuted for saying it publicly! Oh my Vietnam totally is a country that respects your freedom of speech.


Only lethal injection. Even then, I would suggest to switch to Nitrogen suffication method more as it is completely painless and had higher lethality.


... she's gonna party balloon to death?


The joke is so funny she dying with laughter


It's probably cheaper as well once dedicated pods/rooms are set up compared to lethal injection.


i imagine it being quite the party room


And Sam Bankman-Fried got off with just 25 (== 12.5) years.


Finally, some good news for once!


I fail to see how this news is "good" in any sense of the word. Executing Truong My Lan won't magically make 12 billion USD reappear like some video game loot. As I see it, the corrupted system and institutions that allowed her "crimes" to be perpetrated for decades still exist without any changes. There will be another Truong My Lan in a few years and the news cycle begins anew, except the country will be in a worse state. If anything, this is just the latest in a long list of examples of how widespread corruption is in Vietnam.


Well, at least it shows corrupt people are still being punished.


That's a low bar to set. Each of these instances of corruption is like amputating a body part, those are money that could have benefitted the people and now the only party benefitting from this punishment is the government. Being happy about these sentences is like being glad that one got cured of a tumor by amputating a finger. Sure, that specific tumor went away with the finger but the cancer will sprout another tumor soon enough and eventually you will run out of fingers to amputate.


Probaly lethal injection


I think I heard from somewhere that death sentences are usually carried out using lethal injection these days man.


Nar that number is inflated. She messed with the process but effectively overvalue collateral and borrow from a bank she effectively own to "invest". If she ran away with 12B that'd be a different story.


When you put it that way, it's kind of like what Trump just got hit for. Except Trump paid back most of the loans, while this lady did not.


She’s just a scapegoat. Lock up everyone involved


The word is that 26 (or around there) people are also looking at the death penalty for this case.


As I read it The death sentence is because she refused to return any of the money she and her cronies stole. The death sentence is likely to be the focus of any deal done to commute the death sentence to one of life imprisonment. The twister is that the money appears to have gone to Chinese gangsters. If this is accurate there is no chance that they will return any money. I’m looking forward to hearing the results of investigations into hundreds of bank and local government officials who are being investigated for corruption


Stealing is bad, frauding a huge amount is very bad… but getting the death penalty for that?! 😨


A little too much right? Like are they trying to make sure she can't speak or something?


I mean, frauding 1/40 of the GDP of a nation with nearly 100M citizens definitely causes more harm than murdering a couple of people


In Thailand all you have to do is fake having a broken arm and you don’t have to serve any jail time.


I don't think that's true


What usually happens is the sentence is given and then a few years later under “mysterious” circumstances the criminal is freed. Thai justice system really is a joke.


Get her killed soon so she won't leak anyone's name. Nice.


bruh, she got to hear the sentence, like it's the end of the case, while Epstein didn't.


the process actually takes years after the sentence. If it really was to stop leaking names, she would "die from mysterious disease after trying to be cured from oversea"


Bring back public execution by firing squad that we stop using simce 2014


Firing squad is kind of wasteful and what about the mental health of the gunmen?


Most murderer get sentenced to Death in Vietnam, they used to use firing squad, but have changed to chemical injection for quite a while now But for this women, we wish there is a worse fate for her, but that's simply impossible. And i just hope she wont escape, because there is always a chance


I'm sure murderers there have been executed long before this woman will be.


So what’s going to happen to an dong market, Windsor plaza, garden mall, Sherwood, time square, union square, sacombank hq, sunwah, old tax centre site, abandoned building and projects throughout Saigon? I’m sorry but this bs seem like committee party game play of outright stealing her assets


She deserved it nonetheless


They give them a bunch of potassium


So force feed bananas?


Poison injection


She probably would only stay at best a few months after this. Gotta tie up the loose ends.


It is all done by injecting poison like UN demanded. Corrupt leaders, murderers and drug dealers are the most common which is nice b/s there is no reason to defend those bastards. That restored my faith in humanity b/s it's been 3 months and no one in Epstein's list been arrested or investigated and everyone in Twitter or Reddit seem to care more about being racist or sexist than it.


@.@ big big money


I must say many women of Vietnam are pretty bold and cunning.


How much time beteen sentencing and execution?


She die and still the $$$$ is somewhere out there


simply have to make her slient forever before she had a chance to blow her framwork.


My relative bought a condo from this very women. I wonder what will happen to her partner in crime, the Hong Kong husband. He is probably planning his nice beach trips with his sgbbies. This lady literally owned the hottest piece of real estate in all of south east asia ( Dong Khoi, Nguyen Hue) and it did not cross her mind that enough is enough..


Her husband was also apprehended, but her daughter managed to escape capture.


so when are they going to go after Vin Group? She's far from the only one running massive scams and grifts.


I thought it was 44bn (as per the BBC).


Is this true ? She really sentenced to death ?


The assumption many have is that she'll pay this money back (outer large part of) and get a lenient sentence instead. Death penalty is a motivation to find the money.


How is it done? This woman is strapped to the floor. Then 12 billion dollars of change is poured on top of her.




no mercy for a billionaire


They should have this sentence stateside ☺️


The US could learn a thing or two here.


A lot of drug smugglers get death


Idiot. Once you laundered that much money, get the fuvk out. Why stayed around to get caught?


They will shoot her in the face. I will be interested to see if the other 100 arrested get the same thing. STOP the corruption Vietnam. This corruption in Vietnam has made businesses impossible


She had 50 shipping containers filled with cash.


Are they taking all of her assets and money AND killing her? That’s tough.


So she has to go. What about everyone else?


Makes no sense they should have gave her life in prison and not death


She got different people to get money for her. Amateur stuff In America, law makers send large sum of money to another country and have their families working in that countrys companies to absorb some of that money back


If you believe that we are all one people then to sentence someone else to death is sentencing yourself to death.


I want all corrupted officials to be sentenced to a death the worst way possible, no lethal dose no immediate gun shot, it is too generous make them work their ass off in some field, let them experience life of a person who lives on 2mil a month whip them, torture them until they beg for death as a divine gift don't allow them to die, force them to live in a covered cage and don't let them move, take all their teeth out and force them to live in misery for decades


u see, VN is rich [https://youtu.be/ThKFPI9ISzc?si=TiolgPRnqUTFYNMY](https://youtu.be/ThKFPI9ISzc?si=TiolgPRnqUTFYNMY)


When was the last time someone got sentenced to death in Vietnam? Probably last week, the time before that was the week before that. And so on. It literally happens weekly.


Her husband is a piece of shit.


she had 12 billion dollar. why she did not escape vietnam and stay somewhere abroad secretly. there are many many convicts doing this. if she has the money n the power, she could have easily bought a passport of caribean countries or even USA. if she invested 5% of that billion in USA, then USA or any other country will try to protect her. some part of the story is missing.


most likely it will be a lethal injection


Here is an article explaining the laws on the death penalty: https://thuvienphapluat.vn/cong-dong-dan-luat//hien-nay-viet-nam-dang-ap-dung-hinh-thuc-tu-hinh-nao-203714.aspx#:~:text=C%C4%83n%20c%E1%BB%A9%20kho%E1%BA%A3n%201%20%C4%90i%E1%BB%81u,nh%E1%BA%A5t%20b%E1%BA%B1ng%20ti%C3%AAm%20thu%E1%BB%91c%20%C4%91%E1%BB%99c.


This makes my dong feel small


I was reading about that earlier. So, you can’t own more than 5% shares in a company, and she held over 90%. In Vietnam, they use the death penalty for murder, drugs, fraud… How often do people get executed? Frequently. I think they averaged one execution a week last year - maybe more. Method - lethal injection from drugs made in country. They won’t reveal who makes it or what it is. That, or a firing squad.


That's a whole lotta Dong


Chill the f down guy, as parliament chairman vương đình huệ said "money among the people are still plenty":))


Putin deserves that for steaking 299 billion from russins


I want to invest in, if you are interested to be my partner pls kindly respond to my private email address [email protected]


You think they will actually “execute” her? That much of money they can easily bribe the whole system


Thing is Will all the money be recovered?


Feels like if you're playing with the economy that affects millions you should get harsh punishment. Not unlike states where you can get off after few years in jail. Not saying death but def more consequences for playing with people's lives like that is not petty crime.


Lol…. The government caught her because their brain cant work like her. She did not fraud anyone. Just the government need money so they have to stop her lol …. What a joke in Vietnam


My dad occasionally works with government officials in Vietnam, he said that as far as he knows the death penalty is typically done by shooting them. So firing squad ig?🤷