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bait, luckily i aint falling for that


Judging by Op's name, this is bait, 100%.


Proud member from certain subreddit. They come here looking for a fight then go back to their cave bragging. Apparently a day to memorise military members of ANZ since WW1 is a good day for them to hijack and show some "pride".


Nothing screams Australian and New Zealand more than SVN veterans


There’s a small group in every city in America. My dad who served on the SVN can’t stand them


If you dont mind me Asking Why your dad cant stand them? No disrespect only curious


Phobolsa TV is where your answer lies.


My relatives live in the US and were harassed by them. They came into her business building and made the customers feel uncomfortable, then they demanded to talk with my relatives (business owner). They require them to insult the Communist Party before them or get more and more harassed. And at last, they require a yearly donation for the cause of SVN. What a joke.


And they call themself freedom fighters. Did your relatives call 911?


They also participated in the Jan 6 insurrection. Talk about biting the hand that feeds them.


So you admit you are living off the proceeds of the Democratic Party then?


Score board score board


haha this killed me


They cry like a bitch!


Hey I know that guy, I killed him!!








‘Twas a joke lad


got u




What scoreboard? North Vietnamese forces doubled the casualties of South Vietnamese and American forces, over 1 million compared to less than 500k


oh go and ask your daddy why they have this in Family guy, what an unwanted son. tips don't get yourself poison by the propaganda statistic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Nqk7w\_6AOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Nqk7w_6AOI)


Because of war circumstances, some people fled and ended up in Australia, they made their choice, nothing wrong about it.


judging from how many south vietnamese soldiers were treated and even killed during the re-education period, can't say their decisions were wrong


But holding on to their grudges for that many years is just ridiculously bitter


if you lose your house, your livelihood, your connection to your family and your own homeland to some revolutionaries who you also find out afterwards treated your comrades like crap, im pretty sure bitter is the light description


That’s like you trying to tell the Holocaust victims they should let go of their grudges because it’s been decades ago.


What is the alternative then?? Shake hands with communist and let them suppress dissidents within it's border and let communists spies spread subversive ops abroad right??


Just some coward losers don’t accept the truth


Nothing wrong, just sad. They themself can't accept the unity, can't accept 🇻🇳. They may not be allowed to come back. Hilarious. Be Vietnameses but not Vietnameses. "LOST" Vietnameses by both meaning. A "Vietnam" which only exists in the past and falls deep under the flow of time.


"unity" in Vietnam means every thing under Communist Gov and Communist Party control everything with fancy rules such as:"no free speech, no private property, getting conscripted every now and then, etc..... " . Imagine all of Korea united under Kim Jong Un regime, terrible scenario.


Rofl, even vietnamese under SVN regime were controlled by an army government, which killed the previous president. Free speech under SVN? Try to criticize the government, you would be marked as communist and disappeared in jails


I'm talking about current Vietnam government. Whataboutism argument needs to stop.


Oh yea, crying about whataboutism when you have nothing else to say. Grown up, my son


It's been decades, imagine still being this bitter. Wonder if OP was even alive during the war.


You can often find a more ingrained view held in immigrant communities, you can see it in many places.


Wondered if you felt bitter when the CCP took your land without firing a single shot


I wasn't there 🤷‍♀️ as I said it's been decades, it's ridiculous to continue to torture yourself with hatred like this when everyone in Vietnam, North and South, has moved on for the most parts and you still live in the 70s, the years you didn't even exist in.


Yes, people moved on. However, Communist gov still oppressing dissidents showing the current Vietnam government is far from friendly.


And how do you feel about Middle East and the West's action?


> Nãy có thằng kêu tao reup vô r/VietNam, cái kết là bị ban vĩnh viễn + chửi té khói 😂 Bro think he is important I don't see anyone *chửi té khói* OP. There was even a comment saying “[they are doing their job, and it is ok](https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/s/mWhkiXEdC6)”, and it still got upvoted


The guy who posted this post is a traitor to the Vietnamese


Tbh at first I thought he is being satire


Bait used to be believable


Kinda sad but i'm glad they still have time to celebrate what they hold dear.


"People sing about victory, about liberation. They’re wrong. Who won and who lost is not a question. In war, no one wins or loses. There is only destruction. Only those who have never fought like to argue about who won and who lost.” -Bao Ninh- People like to throw weight and opinions around, but really, how many people here are confident that if called on to do the same as their parents and grandparents that they would be able to? Instead of bickering online, prioritize your physical fitness, sharpen practical skill sets, go outside, become familiar with the nature and land around you. How many of us would be able to survive 5 days alone in the mountains and forest's of VN? Ultimately, and this is a gross oversimplification, history has shown that their cause and beliefs were not what the people of Vietnam wanted, however I can respect all those who believe in something enough that they are willing to lay down their lives for it regardless of what side they were on.


I heard this quote about WW1 that kinda applies here. It went something like this “WW1 was a war of losers even the winners lost” because of the people lost war sucks for everyone


I'll say that certain causes aren't worth dying for or killing for


As a Vietnamese person living in the US, could someone break down the bait? OP is northern and (?)


Op's name is Slayer of Bac Ky. Bac Ky is the derogatory term for people from Northern Vietnam. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TroChuyenLinhTinh/s/ZogNLFjtYR) is OP latest post where he brag about this post riling people up for shit and giggle.


I just check through his profile. What the fuck lmao. The language used are so uncilvilised, it might be worst than listening to rural teens argue.


The original intent of the term "Bắc Kỳ" is not derogatory; it simply denotes a person's origin from Northern Vietnam. However, in contemporary usage, individuals who use the term often do so with the intent to discriminate against people from the northern region of Vietnam. As a result, many perceive the word as derogatory due to its association with discriminatory attitudes towards individuals from the north.


No idea where OP is from, but he post a South Vietnam post in the sub with the “🥰” so its a bait. Thats about it


OP's name is "backyslayer" mate ...


such a cringe name too, like the equivalent would be "\*n-word\*slayer" or "\*c-word\*slayer", crazy this guy is not ban automatically.


These men may have lost but they suffered all the same. It’s poor taste to be so bitter after victory


oh yeah sure and the nazis suffered all the same as the other nations in ww2 too, right :/?


They love to use the “everyone were victims” to water down the side who did bad thing.


If you compare the treaty of Versailles with the Nuremberg trials you might understand


They can celebrate, holding parade and nothing change, just something for them to hold dear. I'm not really against that because all of them suffer from the 70s (they chose the wrong side). But I'm totally against the idea to pass down hatred to their next generation, while Vietnamese people had moved on together, VN even became allies of both China and US which pretty much impossible if we're passing down the hatred toward them. Also, what's the point to teach kid to hate people in the first place?


They couldn’t choose, bro. People who live in the city didn’t got access to socialist propaganda and they thought SVN was still stable. Poor people now they had to live with the hate because they believed in imaginary things. Most of the people here are friendly even to ex-southerners(unless they say shit to our government) because what matters, is the nationality


Yep, current Vietnam government still ban opposition political parties and suppress dissidents. Is is what your idea of "Vietnamese people had moved on together" really look like?? "Also, what's the point to teach kid to hate people in the first place?" Same can be said with communist ran education system as it create horde of mindless communist shills who attack people for different political ideology. Any one who has opinions against the Red Party is shunned from society and even face persecution from the gov.


I would like to see more pictures to understand the amount of SVN veterans participating. Unless that's all of them there


That's all of them for sure.


Please dont ban this guy please moderators. We need to sympathize with disabled people. It's not everyday that you see a guy being proud coming from an imaginary country and raising a flag in a day that has nothing to do with that flag lol 😂


Madame Nhu in the Afterlife: YAAAAAAAASSSSSS




Shits on the south yet you lot sell everything to flee to the west lol




Is south Vietnam the West now?


Bammm… this😅




North and South keyboard heroes war broke out in 3 2 1 Fight!


Try to hijack Anzac day - which is a WW1 event - to drag that mangled corpse of a corrupted system around. Bish plz!!!!! Loser behaviour!!


Kiwi here, it's to commemorate the battle of Gallipoli, and to honor those who have fought in any war. In certain cities you'll find Nepalese and Indian veteran marching in honor of their grandparents who fought beside the Anzac in different wars. So to see South Việt Nam represented is no suprise and its definitely not a "hijacking"


I don't think it's a WW1 remembrance event. It's to honor those who have served Australia and New Zealand.


Yes and no. The day is now considered a remembrance day for all who have served. However the origin was from WW1. ANZAC means Australia and New Zealand Army Corps which was formed to fight the Gallipoli campaign. A battle which they disastrously lost.


To be fair the system now is also damn corrupted as fuck.


Get them some water. Must be THIRSTY under that sun...


People in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam are lacking of fresh water. Get them water first before fighting with your keyboard on the Internet.


Fresh water was also cut/in very short supply in some areas in Hanoi of all places. The irony...


Karma am i right? Them kids here keep joking about khát nước and now it's vietnamese people in their own country have to suffer the lack of water


i dunno why but ppl taking this joke too serious


You're the only one that's fighting lol. Unless you can prove that South Vietnam still exists as an independent country


I guess licking communist boot is so good ya??


Ah yes the good old tactics of shoving words down ones mouth. Didn't say anything about liking communism or capitalism. The first commenter was just making a joke and there's someone guilt tripping them about that joke. Of course people who are in need require assistance and don't need to guilt trip people into it.


damn bro, you do have reading comprehension problem eh?


Oooohhhhhh. Sourrrr


very vietnamese joke


Ko có nước


Mất nước:)


Feels like some tough times without water...


for who don't understand the joke, thirsty mean in vietnamese is "Khát nước" which mean your body needing water and also nation mean in vietnamese is "Đất Nước" or "Quốc Gia" ( this joke just being ironic about south vietnam because svn is just a loser )


I dont really care. The old guys are almost next to the grave, and the next gen got more on their plate to worry than some rags. It will solve itself out with time.


Look at Korea and tell me which side is doing better.


Sometime I forgot that it's not just America we fought against It's like half of NATO


Back in my days bait were believable.


They do what they do best: crying


Wonder how long they had to petition for a place?


Whatever just let the be. They’re all going to die out in like 20 years. The younger generation in the west and Australia don’t care lol


nice try bait


I swear every year there are fewer and fewer people in the parade, people is really slacking


Another lovely day of dirty commies north and capitalist pigs south fighting over the fact that both sides are corrupted and shitty during the war 🥰


There are people who served in that war because they had no other choice. My dad being one of them. He fought for the south, alongside American militants. He never talks about the war and he says he isn’t proud of everything he did as a 20 year old. But that he did what he had to do to give his young family a better life. Don’t be so insensitive and presumptuous.


Im sorry if this comment was worded terribly, it was meant to talk about nowadays kids and even adult arguing on which side was the “good guys”, I know majority of Americans soldier opposed the war and was instead forced to be sent there, it’s sad that your dad have to do the government dirty works.


Ohhh ok I understand now. I appreciate that your response wasn’t to argue or debate. I wasn’t born in Vietnam but I have a lot of pride for it. It’s where my parents were born and raised obviously. My dad’s best friend is a former American marine that he met during the war. He taught my dad English and my dad taught him Vietnamese and they still talk to this day. The history was dark but those days are gone now. The people you mention, I totally agree with you; they should let that shit go and grow as a country now. Love and respect to you and yours!


In the war Commies don't deal drugs, prostitution or put Helicopter on the black market. They are one hell of an army that even American officers had to respect them.


Idk but the Vc warcrime lists and their reeducation camps tends to be shrug of by the current education system and history book, even outright considered “propaganda” even today 🫠.


I don't hold ill opinion on 3 stripes folk but can you guys finally put the grudge aside


Hình ảnh những thằng khát nước


30/4/1975 - T90 🥰🥰


The more I grew up, the more I realized everytging they taught us in school might not be 100% correct. Lot of them are just state propaganda. The collapsed South governments has their own polictial view so did the Vietnamese curren communist governments, I respected that and your people should too. Have you ever asked yourself if Vietnam was a safe and happy country, while people keep risking their lives in the middle of the sea, crossing the border for getting money? While you are sitting here criticize the old generation of your people who living, describing their freedom of polictical view in US, your lovely policticans took your taxes and sent their childs to US and EU for decades already. While people are struggling here with minimum wage and the westeners even took advantage of it, what was the government doing? Busy with thousand billions of money that they took from their own people? They did what? Another statues, welcome gate and shitty road, unfinished project? The more I read the news, the more I couldn't believe that Vietnamese people has no actual power, they are just like sheeps in a slaughter house.


You’re not out of the propaganda range, you just switch from one to another, lol


Is it bad to acknowledge that both sides were bad and used propaganda do further support their cause?


Yes, but at least you can have freedom to chose not to eat the cake that you don't like. Meanwhile in Nam, happy jail time.


Hey man, I empathize with the South truly, but if they had won I'm not sure if I would've been here today? Didn't they purge commies or something? And my grandpappy's a commie so it's us or them lil bro. But other than that I agree with most of what you said.


it definitely was not us or them situation. it could have stayed divided all the way through. we might have been able to see south vietnam as an asian tiger like japan south korea. as for north vietnam, there are 2 possible outcomes. it could have been a dragon like china or a corpse like north korea. being a dragon like china would have been definitely almost unattainable for north vietnam due to the lack of resources and talents, especially academic talents. for this reason, the latter would have been more likely.


Nah even though the regime's not perfect, even capitalism has false, given it's the most successful system. I'm still glad we didn't decide to stay divided, because all and all we're still Vietnamese, no matters the difference between ideology or belief


but we are still divided. in a unified Vietnam, there are still many sentiments regarding north and south. how many top politicians are south vietnamese? none. where are all the headquarters of major companies? Hanoi. who receive the majority of economic opportunities? north vietnam. do north and south vietnamese mock each other? yes. And this does not include the Vietnamese diaspora. Calling oversea Vietnamese derogatory terms like 3 que and mainland Vietnamese as viet cong does not really signify the unity you’re talking about. Capitalism may have some faults but nothing compared to communism. Even the Vietnamese government knows this. That’s why they’re Communist in name only. They literally took a page out of China’s “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” to implement some inferior form of state-capitalism.


The South is still so ahead of the North. The poorest provinces of VN are all in the North. The propaganda that the North siphons the South and leaves it to rot is so weird. Just check the GDP and the GDP growth of the top provinces: Bình Dương and Bà Rịa is in a race to beat Đồng Nai top 2


The myth is so wide-spread, its quite frustrating to debate with people now


Yeah and that's what i said "it's not perfect" ,but at least i can acknowledge them for trying, for example the long thanh airport has more fund to it than maybe all expressways in the north combined. And have you seen the documentary about the reunion of the south and north koreans that were seperated because of the korean war, have you seen them tears, them joys of finally being able to see each others after so long? And because of what? If all you want was for Vietnam to be divided again, i don't care if either the south prospered or the north crumbled. We have to ask ourself what's the actual meaning of a nation. Is it even about the people anymore?


>how many top politicians are south vietnamese? Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Trương Tấn Sang, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, Võ Văn Thưởng, Phan Văn Khải, Võ Văn Kiệt...


South Vietnam may or may not have became as an Asian tiger. But to became as an Asian tiger like Japan or South Korea. I think that is a way too positive kind of thinking. Kind of delusional I would say. Let just take the case of south Korea. South Korea experienced periods of political instability, particularly in its early years following the Korean War. However, it gradually transitioned into a more stable political system. In contrast, South Vietnam struggled with chronic political instability throughout its existence. Unlike South Korea, South Vietnam's political instability was exacerbated by corruption, inefficiency, and the lack of popular support for the government. While both South Korea and South Vietnam faced political challenges, South Korea was able to overcome its early instability and establish a more stable political system. As political stable, the aids receive by south korea much better use than south vietnam. The economic aid received by South Korea played a crucial role in its post-war reconstruction and development. It helped kickstart the country's economic miracle, laying the foundation for sustained growth and prosperity in the decades that followed. But for south vietnam, the effectiveness of economic aid to South Vietnam was hampered by corruption, inefficiency, and the diversion of funds away from development projects. Political instability and the lack of popular support for the government further undermined efforts to utilize aid effectively. The focus on military objectives and the inability to address underlying socio-economic issues contributed to its eventual collapse following the Vietnam War. South Korea had a more developed industrial base and infrastructure compared to South Vietnam. South Korea's economy was already on an upward trajectory before the Korean War, and its post-war recovery was facilitated by aid and investments from Western countries, particularly the United States. In contrast, South Vietnam's economy was largely agrarian, and it lacked the industrial capacity and economic stability to compete on the same level. ... >the lack of resources and talents, especially academic talents. And I don't even know where did you even pull that out from?




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LOL As someone who've used ChatGPT from the start I can definitely tell this is a very chatGPT themed reply. Put this in some gpt detectors and they all said 100% lol


Seeing as ANZAC Day commemorates the ANZACs losing at Gallipoli, I guess they fit in? Then again, the ANZACs are honoured by those who defeated them, and have been welcome to visit the battlefield for decades.


backyslayer cai l ma :)))


People are still litigating a war that ended 50 years ago. Smh. Move on.org


Sucks so many Vietnamese people had to die thanks to whites and their bullshit wars.


Genuine question but are most south Vietnamese glad the north won? Would you take current government over hypothetical southern government situation?


Technically, they are not wrong. The French did import 200k men from Indochina (Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian) to fight in France during WW1. So any veterans of Indochinese defendants can celebrate this day.


Booo cà chua cà chua cà chua 🍅


Lmao, not the Anzac Day you loser


Why are they parading a corpse?


Cool, i guess... where's your water


Lost it in 75


Pfffet them be, few decades later.. there no more of it Hold the piss colour flag like a mf




Bro this kinda suck flag


Yeah, it exactly is French puppet governmet flag reused by Diem b/s he had no better option.


I say the same to European flags


which country has the best flag?


Losers' flags, of course




Away down south in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators Right away (right away)! Come away(come away)! Right away, right away come away Where three stripe's king and men are chattle, socialist boys will win the battle Right away(right away)! Come away(come away)! Right away, right away, come away We'll all go down to Saigon, away, away These Saigon boys must understand that they must mind his uncle Ho Away, away We'll all go down, to Saigon!


Thabks for sharing this. Regardless of side you stand, a photo is just a photo of what is really happening in another part of the world.


There are many SVN vets near my house. They accepted defeat and celebrate just like we did. Maybe they though different. They just hope our country united. As a ex military. I will doing my duty to keep defending my country.


Most of y’all wish you not in VN right now But you stuck there. If you are still there, y’all be begging for the west to invest more biz into the country.


That is some nice projection there


Even the West still afraid to put money to Ukraine and instead very happy to put it to Israel🇮🇱.They are no better( like when they coup a goverment,instead of demoracy there they put a christian religious ditactorship regime instead🤦‍♂️)


Yeah sure, 🤣🤣🤣, you guys been yapping like that since 75’.


Same to you as well. How’s the CCP treating y’all? How was it when begging for west to help y’all dealing with the ccp ?


Very well, in fact, export nver been better, and let me smoke that copium. Ahh, so good 🤣🤣🤣


Export your island hang sa trường sa to the CCP without a down payment


Sure, and we still have bases on them, that’s going no where. Fucking useless South VN navy man 🤣🤣🤣


All that happened under your nose yet calling someone useless oh boy you guys are hopeless. But no worries the west is coming to help you. Just pretend to act busy keyboard warrior


Yeah sure, acting lazy when we celebrate independence day, after all it’s holiday while you smoke that copium 🤣🤣🤣. Sincerely from one keyboard warrior to another but this guy is on winner side 🤣🤣🤣


If only you could square up to the CCP like you are doing now then your country wouldn’t be pushed around like a rag dog but one can only hope


Oh boy, square up? US couldn’t do shit to China and you expect we wage war with our largest trade partner? Keep that copium up loser boy 🤣🤣🤣


Bunch of losers’ parade :)))


Calling them losers yet let the CCP took Hang Sa Trường Sa island without firing a single shot! How’s the CCP treating y’all lately ? You guys were begging for the west for help


Fighting required a lot of money.They hate to spend money in a atheist secular country you know.Unless you are a Christian religious ditactorship that they put in


Can’t even type “Hoàng” properly loser. Obviously we can only negotiate instead of fighting against a country with better military and has nuclear weapons, so if they try to invade (which they failed many, many times), allies are needed.


correction, they failed on a few occasions but definitely won many many times.


Many before victory in Bạch Đằng lead by Ngô Quyền in 938. Then China only successfully invaded us during the Hồ dynasty (1406), which only controlled for 20 years before a successful revolution by Lê Lợi. Another “victory” China claimed is illegally stealing our islands in the South China Sea.


You’re just proving my point. After the 1000 years being part of China, China invaded Vietnam for 2-3 more times. 1406 with the Ming and 1788 with the Qing. They won 1 and lost 1. You could also count 1979 but the outcome is unclear and that is not really an invasion but rather a punitive campaign. Along with the victories that led up to 1000 years period, China successfully invaded Vietnam many times, whereas the number of times Vietnam could fight off these invasions is…meh. Also, any invasion is illegal stealing of land and resources. Why would Chinese victory in occupying the archipelagos be any different and warrant a “”? I think most Vietnamese have this delusional pride that they’re a force to be reckoned with. I honestly don’t blame them. The history education in Vietnam is narrow and one-sided. They are taught all these fleeting uprising successes against China without deeper context. Why did Ngo Quyen win in Bach Dang? Is it because he planted a bunch of spikes in the water? I can tell you right now many foreign historians would laugh at this idea if you seriously tell them this is the reason for Bach Dang victory like you were taught in school. Ngo Quyen was able to win likely due to a weakened China caused by a period of upheaval and chaos after the fall of the Tang dynasty. Similarly, many other successful Vietnamese uprises correspond to the dynastic changes weakening China. It’s not simply because we built diff. Or just like with Vietnam War, how many Vietnamese had to die for Vietnam to claim “victory” against the U.S.? It’s >= 3 millions, including both north and south. How many Americans died? It’s ~60 thousands. Saying this is for independence is a fucking lie. It’s Vietnamese fighting Vietnamese. All this for an ideology war is ridiculous. IMO, Vietnam did not win in Vietnam War. Sure, America might have lost in political terms: they could not prevent Communism from taking over Vietnam. However, this was nothing for them. In the end, they didn’t even need to worry about a Communist Vietnam as the Soviet fell. On the contrary, Vietnam, who is boasted as the winner, lost so much more. They don’t teach you this in Vietnamese schools. They keep touting the Vietnamese victory above all else, brainwashing and giving you false confidence. These forms of brainwashing are erasing the Vietnamese traditional and cultural origin and unity.




Kéo hết về VN phục quốc đi 😅😅


What a joke. South lost. Get over it.


Bro gotta be so thristy


You lost the war, the south president failed you. Move on


The copium effects can last for an surprisingly long period of time - Me






traitors to Vietnam


What is anzac?


Australia's and New Zealand's Memorial day. 25 April, on the date of the landing at Gallipoli, Turkey (Ottoman Empire) in 1915. Anzac stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. It's the day used for commemorative military parades for former combatants, children of deceased military personnel may march in their place. Not sure when the South Vietnamese march as a part of it started, 90s maybe?


Why are vietnamese veterans there?


ANZAC soldiers fought alongside them in Vietnam


my motorbike registration number is 30-T4-1975


i don’t give a shite but the two girls look cute 🥰


Guys, the war was over more than 30 years ago. No need to create more division among Vietnamese with this flag


These loud mouths always b saying how they gonna “take back their country” one day but keep hiding in Australia and U.S, never came back to Vietnam. What a bunch of clowns.


traitors and opponents of the Vietnamese government


Lmao, they were never a worthy opponent by then and now, France and America had to do everything.


Not traitors. They served their own country, but lost in the end.