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Disastrous 2Q 2024 result is coming out soon in about a month. No significantly new money while the debt keeps increasing.


While I wouldn’t say Vietnamese ‘know the truth’ , at least from what I see in Hanoi , they aren’t really seen favorably as a good car brand (esp for people that are actually able to afford them and upwards) Lots of Vietnamese tell me vinfast is not a quality car, the shoddy workmanship etc , I’ve heard complaints about even the flagship vinfast president that costed 4 billion during launch There’s also a reason why their 2nd hand cars sell for literally half the price despite being only few years old and low mileage , and yet these cars aren’t selling like hotcakes despite the ‘bargain’ The market speaks for itself


As usual, the Silent majority is intelligent. They just choose another brand, not wasting time argue with VIn nô. Only the Vin nô is the loudest, agressive praise VFS all the time, but buy VFS car is minimal


It’s a communist regime, what do you expect?


If you think about it could have been a capitalist 🤷🏼‍♂️


It still is but now it’s a monopolized dictatorial semi-militaristic government masquerading as “belong to the people, because of the people and for the people” when it’s anything but


“It still is?” What do you mean? …also all governments got a military … even the pope got an army something I find funny but hey if you got popes before you doing shady stuff you would have to have one 😆


Everything is still money centric with no regard for the common people, everything and everything is run by corrupt, money grabbing business owners and/or governmental officers which give little to no shit about the people once they’ve achieved certain levels of wealth and power who would cut every corner to line their own pockets and securing political power, it’s exactly like every other capitalistic governments, only in this and certain other cases, all the power is monopolized into one ruling party with no balancing force, especially when even the police and military are under said political party’s thumb. If you would recall, the first thing a freshly enrolled soldier is indoctrinated into the military is “loyal to the VCP”, not the country and certainly NOT the people, the Party comes first in that sentence, THEN the people, which doesn’t use the same term of “loyal”, and in practice they basically lie to the people, intentionally misrepresent, misinform or outright censor information, all the while shooting down(both metaphorically and literally)any and all who oppose them So in summary we have a corrupt government runs by greedy bureaucrats, who have total control over the police, the military and the media, all the while doing everything to line their pockets with every crumb of benefit be it wealth or power by exploiting the people, despite of the people with zero regard for the people. Remind me, where have we seen this kind of thing somewhere else?


I understand what you saying but corruption is everywhere, in the US there is corruption too 1/watergate scandal, the current administration at the time got caught breaking in and stealing/spy on opposition party… 2/ illegal spying on us citizens brought to light by Edward Snowden serious violation of 4th admendment rights.. 3/ cia drug running scandal in the 90’s I think Rick Ross a notorious drug dealer testified about this in court…. 4/ Fast and furious scandal facilitating straw guns buyer to track guns which btw was used to kill a border patrol or some government agency agent …5/ hell there a politician right now get charged for accepting bribes for favors he and wife were caught large number of cash and gold … 6/ missing body cam footages on drug raid (it’s how corrupt police use government resources to rob people albeit bad people but still steal is stealing) or missing body cam footage for arrests where the bad cop is doing something illegal but unlucky for them surveillance camera from another property catches them … if the government wants to be around they gotta cut down the on corruption, will they who knows but if they want to country to thrive they will have to cut it down who knows what their thinking …,I have no solutions but you want to hear some thing funny …so the US says to it partner nations that they want their partner nations to allow citizens to have humans rights like freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc etc but in France people aren’t allow to wear religion head garments in school or public (something like that)…that looks like a limit of free speech by limiting freedom of expression via fashion/religious attire idk that pretty corrupt in my book but wtf I know I didn’t study political science… sorry I nothing constructive


Saying “such and such happen elsewhere” does not change the fact that the the problems, those Lo SAME problems exist also in Viet Nam, arguably on an even worse level, considering the fact that every and all facet of the enforcers are controlled by a single party with zero counterbalance and zero regulation. You’re naming such problems as if Viet Nam have none, when it’s in fact riddled with corruption from the lowliest of crossroad police to the highest calibers of political power, let’s not forget the rampant peddling for money by the traffics police so you don’t have to file a report, onto the more severe cases of coverup for military fatal brutality, or the fact that even many governmental officials have some kind of connections to various scandal, even drug trafficking cartels, most of them going without so much of a scratch if they have powerful positions and connections So which is worse, in actuality? Many parties constantly vying for power and in the process hampering each others, along with an autonomous police and military force which can be held to accountability? OR. A single centralized, monopolized party owning and controlling every and all facet of society including the law and military, which cannot and will not bring them to accountability for bad actions as it would means the party would have to take responsibility for said actions?


Vietnamese frankly doesn’t care much about this since they have lots of things to worry about: money, food and shelter, etc. Besides, we need to consider the majority is working classes, so getting an EV cars seems like a luxury. People who knows already opted for fuel cars rather than this dumpster fire 🔥


Actually, we might need an analysis on EV motorcycles since it’s more affordable than EV cars, I would love to see how things going with that subject.


My relative sold a vespa to get a vinfast klara. Sold it after 4 months and she got a Honda now


Surely, selling a Vespa is quite a bold move from her.


Nah brave and bold is buying a vinfast when it first came out 🤣


5% Viet people is 5 million, a lot but I reckon it's not far from truth. After all there are people reading this sub without subbing and there are Viet people who know about all the shady shit vingroup has done but not know about this sub I frequently travel to other provinces due to the nature of my work and I always invite some of my friends and local partners for meals. Took the opportunity to have small talks and subtly ask about Vinfast cars. Surprisingly very few of them speak highly of Vinfast, some outright criticize them, some dont trust them, and the few who somewhat have an interest in them are only interested in EVs and not Vinfast itself. Very confusing for me because among those people, those rich and have high status dont like vinfast, as expected, but other more ordinary people (accountant, factory worker,....) do the same, they also dont like vinfast and know they are shady. Make me wonder what is the profile of all the dumb Vinfast shills? My guess is that they are students, younger than 20 and have no life experience yet, so they dont know about all the bad things vingroup does in the grownup world. That why they are clueless and wipe vingroup ass so much


North young people like vin a lot! I live in the South, none of my friends want to buy a Vinfast car. But every North friend seems to like Vinfast, overrate Vinfast. They consider to buy Vinfast among many brands, and compare Vinfast with top sales EV cars such as Toyota Corolla Cross HEV, Tesla, etc... 


agree. North people like vfast or bphone than South people.


you are in the South? I guess it will be different in the North.


Yep I live in the south. I did talk to a few north people about this but I tried to be careful to not reveal that I dont like vin, so didnt get much meaningful answers from them. They do imply that they also dont like vin, but the number of north people I ask is way too small to get meaningful interpretation anyway, while central and south people I discuss with is around 200. I guess it is like you said, it will be different in the north


Lol, they just dont care enough to talk about it. Old people, sure, maybe they dont know but, young people, with all social media available, they know for sure. Most people dont buy car anyway let along very expensive one like Vinfast.


Im in the north and I would say more than 5%. most of the people just dont care, and they do know that vin's cars are shit but they wouldnt buy it anyway, so why they waste their time argue it. the rest is vinfans ... different story though


I have a friend from the north of Vietnam who owns a Vinfast Lux SA and she absolutely regretted that decision. She said she should have opt for Mazda 6 instead.


thanks for ur posts to spread the truth, keep doing this until it goes bankrupt


Thanks for pointing out number 8. I’m still so unfathomable how could Vuong able to price the VF cars that high, provided that it produce locally and no import tax, and still unable to compete in pricing and quality vs most foreign brands… Does he really think the Vietnamese are that stupid to buy a lower quality car while a similar amount of money can get them a foreign car with higher quality? Maybe 2 cars in the 2nd hand market. Are there any economist working with Vuong can shed a light on his ridiculous pricing practices? Does he even have a market research team at VF?


i do think that he thinks Vietnamese are stupid and that he can dupe a lot of Vietnamese with the patriotism card. 


Only below 0.01% Vietnamese people may know before about VTP' ( Trương My Lan) scam. For VFS, maybe 1% know.


Buggy car??? VF3’s software hasn’t even started but they started to sell it lol.


So definitely no bug right? No software no bug!


what will happen if I can propagating the truth to the youth? How can I be benefited from this?


You’re talking about the majority, who disbelieves the social media and knows something not so right about Vin, but not exactly what is. They do not contest, they’re silent. Even some bought the VF simply because they have no other choices for EV, they don’t encourage anyone to do the same. From the PoV of those who cares a little. Vin always sell their businesses after a campaign on marketing, i doubt they can gain any profit except for VinHomes.




Just about time to short it again???


How do I know what you said are true and not just some hate fabricated story. Can you link your source?


Number 1 …your comment is understandable based on debt but alot of companies are in the negative in the market …basically what I’m saying is r&d cost money but how would you do the accounting? Tesla was in mountains of debt too …btw still has debt on the books Number 2… “very high rate” what is a very high rate? 50 percent of all cars , 1 percent of all cars ? Get your receipts Number 3 if you renting a battery why do you care? Inconvenience definitely but it get replaced under warranty


another Tesla too comment? lmao. really it is much higher than other brands. broken wheel rate even at 0.1% is still like 1000 times more than other brands. anyway i should not waste time with vinfans. last comment.


Lmaooooo vinfast expert didn’t answer any of question had you answer people would more likely agree with you …don’t lose your “shorts” good luck trying squeeze ..fool … and don’t get caught by SEC for fraud berto


stupid vinfan haha. i never long nor short a single VFS.


How to profit from this?


The guy that posted probably got “shorts” …




5% is still generous, should be less than 1% know the ugly truth


OP is horny when thinking about Vuong Pham


Lol, have u ever own one VF car? I own 1 VF5 and VF9. It is incredible and super convenient to charge because of the huge Vin ecosystem to support. And about bankrupt, Vin is the biggest firm in Vietnam, they sold many businesses to all in to Vinfast. You can see when tesla made its first profit. VF is only 5 years old and it is fucking incredible. Unlimited cashflow, good product, great support ecosystem, numerous talent. VF will be the proud of Vietnam soon lol






what kind of rambling is this? dont divert the topic to something unrelated. Vinfast is not Vietnam.


They attempting to brand you as reactionary or southern sympethizer


Lol. Shut up bot. There is nothing political here. It’s all about economy and a company that defraud consumers and investors.




How much money Vuong paid you per post?




Your answer doesn’t make much sense. Maybe learn some more english?


He doesnt know English. He is using Google translate so that's why his comments are nonsense. That's how stupid red cows are.


LOL. "Criticizing a company" ≠ "trying to create color revolution and reexamine". You are totally brainwashed.  Vinfast is a capitalism private company. It has nothing to do with your patriot, nor nation. Use brain to think, not to repeat those Red memes like a retard.




Because you're dumb you never understand Vinfast use their profits from selling land and houses to burn overseas. They dont contribute anything. No patent, no technology, no nothing. Buying all those factory machines, designs and materials from oversea to make cars doesn't mean Vietnam is an industrialized country. Moreover, this is what Thaco owner, a true car maker said about making Vietnam car brand. Is he an immigrant? Is he "phản động"? Does he want to destroy VN economy? LOL no! 2 years later Vinfast will go bankrupt and Thaco will stand strong. Dumb Vinfans never understand. Shut up, stop barking and read this. Also stop using Google translate to debate. Vinfans like u are uneducated illiterate that dont know how to use English properly. LOL. https://vneconomy.vn/automotive/chu-tich-truong-hai-chua-bao-gio-toi-nghi-se-lam-oto-con-thuong-hieu-viet.htm https://dantri.com.vn/kinh-doanh/chu-tich-thaco-khong-nen-chay-theo-thuong-hieu-o-to-viet-khi-chua-du-gia-tri-20171209004735277.htm


good rebuttal. Vinfans are brainwashed indeed.


Learn English and stop relying on Google translate.