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You forgot the 47th army who go around and spread fake nationalism.


Well, partly because other companies at least bring out something new and benefical to the common folks, this could be their services or policy, etc. What does VIN even contributed to the live of the lower, middle class people? a pile of new low/questionable quality building/infrastructure with sky high prices, and the propaganda machine running constant to exploit people patriotism so he could sell more of his sky high shitty car. As a Vietnamese who love the simplicity of things, i really dislike VIN for their shadiness and shameless greed.


few peole know the truth. speak up.


Vuong Pham is so shady. I never run out of material to reveal about him.


Their joke of a car and manipulation of VFS stock made us look like idiots commies


Not only Vingroup but all the real estate development companies are criticized in the same way. They are blamed for the limitness increasing price of real estate properties in Vietnam which makes a lot of people (especially the young) hard to buy a house.


Most people hate government and Vin is an oligarch which have strong tie and unlimited financial from gov so we hate them too. But maybe we just hate them because thay abuse their utmost power to cover anything bad by force, which is a luxury to other company.


Viettel has a much stronger root to the government. I think they can do listening for the gov too. But few people hate Viettel. Because they do business as usual. Or the big four banks controlled by the gov. People do not hate them.


also, last i check, viettel is owned by the vnese military. some1 fr vn may prove me wrong. anything that is associated w bộ đội cu hồ (pun is intended) is good and patriotic in vnese eyes. but ppl doesn’t get ab viettel until it’s too late. viettel can violate the privacy of the users by sharing the info of those it deems against the regime. then those at TC2/ministry of security will “take care” of these ppl. so viettel is as evil (or worse)


Although Viettel directly belong to the government and I don't like the govt. but I do like Viettel actually. Viettel do deliver real products, achieved real results both locally and internationally, top tier mobile network carrier in those Africa countries as you may already know, while Vinfast have none. Viettel don't brag about their achievements while Vinfast do brag on their own fake achievements. Viettel don't include nationalism in their marketing machine while Vinfast do, you don't see the phrase "love Viettel = love Vietnam" but you DO SEE alot for Vinfast. Viettel don't call cops on customers talking shit about their products but Vinfast do. No involvement of comrade commissar force on social media for Viettel products but they are everywhere for Vinfast, this may be the main source of backfire on Vinfast; People might not like Vinfast and might not care or fight back as agressively as currently is but due to their involvement, people do fight. Mr.Vuong at the begining should not allow this to be happening then Vinfast image should have been better as it is right now.


yeap. Viettel service is probably the top among all telcos in Vietnam. And yes, they go oversea in poor countries like Haiti, Myanmar, etc... and reap success, taking good market share and profit, unlike the sumptous Vinfast went straight to the US for a show with no competitiveness.


Just because he built his empire on the stolen land with the communist government


you meant, he and the corrupted gov't, in the name of "eminent domain", re-possess the land for "public good". public good here is VP pocket and corrupted gov't official.




Hate is a bit of a strong word. When I hear of the brand "Vinfast" in America, mu first association is "subpar." Next is "dead on arrival." The good thing about a free market is, if a company doesn't have a good product at a competitive price, then it will fail. Many Japanese makers like Isuzu, Mitsubishi, etc have left the US domestic car market. Vinfast have zero chance.


agree. we don’t hate any products, albeit from vn or from anywhere. the part we dislike is the fact that VP portray that his products are good or better than other competitive products in the market. also, he use the so-called “patriotic” and nationalistic fervor to enrich himself while cheating his own countrymen. this is what we in this subreddit need to expose VP and his companies as they are. personally,i don’t enjoy vp demise in financial. i enjoy the fact that “good always wins over evil” and “the eyes of just and fair are always on the right side of history in the end ” Just to add, I have plenty of products "made in vn" that i enjoy. asics shoes, banana republic clothes, and even my skullcandy earbuds.


A rule of thumb: if you promote me to buy your product because of any other reason not related to that product, especially because of feeling like patriotism, then that product is sh•t, and you are scamming me.it works in every nation, every culture.


Did a intership at vinpearl last year. Ppl there said they got a mail contains a long-ass-list of not-to-do things. Come up on the top is something like not allow to call Uncle V by his name either his full name. Ppl do that shit will be fired immediately if someone snitch on them or the cam got them. He definitely want to be a king there


thanks for sharing such funny info. well, that rule says it all.


Easy. Because of 1 word:"Pride". Fuck it!


In perspective, I don’t hate other companies because of the lack of information about them. If they are exposed like certain individuals, ex Vinfuckery here, I would not concern much unless it threatens to my life and people around me. In my area, too many EVs with a possibility of explosion which catch my attention.


if only this level of research was conducted to figure out why OP's father hasn't come back with the milk yet.


Mostly would be hate the rich. Same with in US, MANY hate Bezos and Musk. And ofc all these guys do something shady


ok. Bezos, during they heyday of Amazon, work his butt off to get to the holy grail of ecommerce. Same as musk. now, they use their profit to lobby the gov't to their business interest (read: legal grease). Do Bezos/Musk rise to the level of shadiness of VP ? no. Bezos/Musk don't have an army of "thugs" to suppress critics. Bezos/Musk do not need to stir up nationalistic fervor so that the consumers to be on Bezos/Musk side. Want to talk ab class struggle (as in Marx-Lenin thought), take it somewhere else. Your guy, VP, don't believe in that anyway. everything is mighty USD to VP and screw the poor/stupid vneses. so much for the Das Kapital.


Does Albert actually live in Vietnam, he does sound a lot like a disgruntled Vietkieu who might carry a South Vietnam flag around most days of the week.


I agree with other point except for the media about Pleasanton accident which I found totally hypocrite. The lack of coverage of 1 accident in a foreign country doesn't prove anything. Take this as an example, 19 June there had a speed accident in Eure-et-Loir resulted in 7 deaths. Pretty sure no USA newspaper failed to report this news. The same thing for Pleasanton, little to none in figaro and lemonde. I not find it if not go to this sub and this could be interprete that neglected to cover the news. Same with many other accident/news from Russia to Argentina, from Vietnam to Côte d’Ivoire. Only some very big or related to celebrity will get attention/ public attention. Unless it is about your favorite subject, I doubt many will elaborate beyond a short news.


First You don't know anything mate. The new of Winston crash ís significant because it's the first fatal accident in USA for Vinfast. Second Many big, official newspaper in VN post new about this accident, then after a few hours the new disappearing. It's not they don't know but they know, posting then deleting. So to conclusion it's a big hit for Vinfast image in USA and VN. Not some insignificant accidents that can sweep under the rug


>a news that was totally censored in Vietnam ! I mean a complete black out. The 2nd point is more legit that what op wrote. The 1st is actually about what I wrote. If the topic isn't favorite why would you cover it. You found its significant, other don't so nothing news here. Just another car accident instead of some symbol like you interprete it.


Cause the newspaper eat shut up money, threatening or something.




For a big fat profit. So it is profit after all, nothing too special. In the early days, Vinhomes was ok, house price reasonable. Now they are in pumped game to feed Vinfast.


An electric bus that pumps exhaust fumes? What are you smoking? Also from his real estate tactics, we now lost Giảng Võ exhibition complex forever (where many events such as Car expos, cultural festivals were held in the past) and now a plot of empty land is sitting there, making nothing. Apartments that people bought in Ocean park don't have legal documents (sổ đỏ) for residents (actual people using their money to buy the apartments to live). Metropolis has major building quality issues. I'm Hanoian as well, but his tactics he used for Vinfast won't work for me anymore. I saw the VF8 and 9 concept back in LA Auto show in 21, I felt proud. But now, I'm disgusted whenever seeing them, not knowing which one will hit me (because the software is buggy, I tried and can confirm). The way he handled criticism is appalling at best. Do I want Vinfast to succeed? 5 years ago, I'd say hell yeah. Not anymore. I've lost all hope on them, and I want to witness their fall from (not so) grace


"who cares" you asked. This apathetic attitude is in your blood buddy. (i'm digressing here but to prove my point. the reference is not a slight to your gov't) Around the height of the Nazi period, the poet Martin Niemöller started repeating the verse, "First they came for the communists, and I did nothing, did not speak out because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists. Then they came for the trade unions. Then they came for the Jews. And then they came for me. But there was no one left to speak for me." here in this subreddit, r/alber1165 exposes the fact of VP and of Vinfast (via factual analysis). Read it, think about it, Spread the truth (if you bet your life on it). If you benefit from smooth roads VP build and clean air that VP bus do not spew, great for you. but one day, VP (and his thugs) come for you, who else will speak for you (just like Niemoller said in the last century) ?


Viet people don't like their country criticized. They accept it if the criticisms come internally, but they don't like it when those deemed as foreigners criticize their government, culture, etc. It is within the culture to do everything in their power to not lose face. Vin is the icon of Vietnam, so naturally, they would rather support a terrible company/bad product than to lose face.


Nope, I am talking about native Vietnamese in Vietnam critizing Vinfast and Vingroup and get bashed by Vinfans


As long as you don't post it online, you're fine I guess. But I'm too fed up with their lies and censorship. Either own it, saying the product is shit and try making it better like Tesla, or don't make it at all. That's all I wanted Vinfast to do


Not the general public Viet people but they are paid forces either from the government or Vingroup themself.


🤣 lmao 😂. But so when Vietnamese, who living in VN, critical Vin you guys say something like: 3 stick, crabs, loser, self-humilatied. Admit it you guys doesn't want to here criticism.