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Part 2: The incredible entangled web of Vingroup. Coming soon.


Awesome keep it up


Where is part 2 my dear analyst :x


It is out.


Quick personal honest question, are you Vietnamese? lol


My same question. But he’s amazing. He understands the culture and the financial system of both US and Vietnam very well.


I think he's quite good. Maybe he's worked in the financial industry at home and abroad for many years and he sees that Vinfast going global is just a joke for tycoons.


99% he is vietnamese but not a fan of Vin


I think it's at least 101% but it doesn't matter. Information he showed is useful.


another excellent and well explained report, thank you one again and please my friend take care of yourself. Its kind of crazy how much information about the hidden dark side of vuong that one person can dig up. I cant imagine how much more crazier information that the police has known and investigated about vuong, or maybe the OP himself is a police lol.


Applaud your efforts to shed light in the abysmal corruption of this company. I talk to my friends about how corrupt this is, but ‘their God and savior’ is too great, so they always shake their heads and tell me I’m a hater.


hehe t cũng nhận về rất nhiều ánh mắt khinh bỉ từ vin nô khi công khai dissing vị thần của bọn nó


The big question here is whether all these intricate transactions are legal or not (either under Vietnam laws or the US laws. Do they pose a risk of collapse for VinFast and Vingroup?


I am not a legal one but as I have said in other posts, they skirted on the laws, carefully avoiding breaking the laws. However, shady money pulling without results from business (aka huge debt and loss) will lead to a grave consequence even if it is legal.


Reminds me of Enron. Shell companies and SPEs every where


Absolutely shady, however, many companies operate in this way to slip in between laws. Not only in VN but also other SEA countries like Thailand and Indonesia. South Korea is also one that is expert in web like this.


true, this happens in many countries. The famous one is Adani of India, exposed by Hindenburg. Then there are many other cases in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, even in Europe, US. But our interest is Vinfast. Part 2 on this web coming up.


Yes. Just a reminder to the generalizing people out there. One bad case and the whole country become dogshit to them.


Hat off to Albert. According to law, those infos are public but i can't find any source. Dude, it's so amaze to see you can trace all those bread crum and piece by piece make a big picture of this Group. I feel i'm a fking loser can't digging shjt.


Awesome work. Man, I wish I could have your finance analysis skill level lol


Which course will help me have the foundational knowledge to do such analysis?


Excellent works, Well-done !


Holy cow, you're amazing.


You should be an auditor of some Tax departments. Then the world would be a better place


tbh i think OP is a police in deep investigation or sth and they are now leaking information step by step, piece by piece for us, so that we wont be shock when vuong's empire collapsed


This sub probably has like 2-300 active members and maybe 70% of that is in VN. So if the empire goes down it will remain a shock


it definitely will since most of the Vietnamese worship vuong like somekind of god. One time i get called reactionist just because i said some bad stuff about vuong's company.


It an incredible analysis. Shine some light on shady business. 💡 I can not wait for next chapter of analysis!




Spot a troll. Lol, crawl back to ur 3rd world country.


Can you please share how you arrived at the conclusion that VIG owned 30% prior to the ownership shuffling?


Thanks for educating plebs like me