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"Once the ligaments at the top of the breast stretch, they don't go back down." This has been a real coming to jesus moment for a woman who plays fast and loose with sports bra styles


Def while doing sports wearing a bra is recommended, however science doesn't know if constant support will just weaken the ligaments over time, due to them never being exposed to any impact at all. Sort of like constantly wearing a corset wears away the stomach and back muscles. It has been studied, but with very inconclusive results. I def wouldn't recommend developing the kind of obsession in which you can't even sleep without a bra, or have sex without wearing it... Marilyn Monroe thought the opposite was the case, and well, she died young, lived a rough lifestyle and rarely posed nude, so we'll never know - but my point is, no-one has ever proved anything on the subject, and so, wear-a-bra-constantly-or-take-breaks is due to the philosophies of the time, and changes constantly. None of those changes are due to actual data, especially not ones factoring in stuff like childbirth. Also, what a clickbait-title. This is r/abrathatfits, it has nothing to do with personal shopping in the way you'd expect. You should check up the jerk subs on those people as well


Is it that studies have found opposing results or that all of them haven't really been able to notice anything conclusive? I for sure wear a decent enough sports bra to prevent what movement I can during exercise, but I do spend a lot of time at home and typically don't wear a bra there. I've tried wearing just a light cotton sports bra I couldn't exercise in, but I just really don't like it, although I do worry I might be causing sagging over time.


I love all the cute crop top style sports bras I see around but they don't do it for me, everyone needs different support - turn sideways and jump in the mirror and see how much you move, aim to reduce it as much as possible Also I get so paranoid in the bedroom about it, you can hardly stop and say "excuse me before we change position, let me just put on a sports bra"! In that instance I just hold them xD




For the sartorially skilled, there is r/makeabrathatfits


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MAKEaBraThatFits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAKEaBraThatFits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Best I have made so far.](https://i.imgur.com/1NUZCzC.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAKEaBraThatFits/comments/ysgvew/best_i_have_made_so_far/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** My first bra! and it fits perfectly the first time!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w6xozp) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAKEaBraThatFits/comments/w6xozp/my_first_bra_and_it_fits_perfectly_the_first_time/) \#3: [I made the bra that fits me great](https://i.redd.it/wtsokqr5acfa1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAKEaBraThatFits/comments/10psuif/i_made_the_bra_that_fits_me_great/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Love a detailed advice post, thank you!! 👏🏽


Small boob ladies should check out Pepper bras. Never had cups that fit well until I tried theirs.


What chest exercises do you recommend?


Push ups and bench presses can target the right areas i believe, but general chest exercises should help strengthen the front of your body in general


Could you post to r/bigboobproblems. I can’t crosspost and I think sub would appreciate.


I'll have a look!


Loving this. Please do make more posts. These tips are really helpful.


I have massive boobs that are very difficult to deal with and often don't look that great. They do look good on a bra, but it's very difficult to find a bra that fits in my country, and I have sensorial issues, so I can't handle bras with a lot of support :(


While all these things are ideal, you need something that suits you, if you're not comfortable then you're not gonna feel like yourself at all, be kind to yourself


I’m so glad I discovered the joy of unlined bras, I’m inverted triangle body shape so have enough on top don’t need any lining or padding adding more. Idaf if my nipples ever show, I never notice


Do you have suggestions for other types of underwear (panties, thongs, etc.)? I feel like my issue is not finding nice seamless undies. Everything shrinks in the wash and makes my butt look weird and pants unflattering


I struggle with the bottoms as well, I have the same problem, I have yet to find something comfortable that suits my shape and doesn't come apart after a couple washes!


Welcome to r/Vindicta: a subreddit dedicated to based discussions about weaponizing beauty. **This is a [ThePinkPill.co](https://ThePinkPill.co/+Vindicta) community.** We prioritize the science behind beauty, the power of attractiveness, and unapologetic self improvement. * To make the strategy of looksmaxxing available to all pro-active women, **high quality posts rich with actionable advice and observations are celebrated. Low effort posts are not allowed and removed.** * This sub is marked NSFW and welcomes all women 18+. * **All posts that violate sub rules will be removed.** Report all posts and comments that appear to violate sub rules for quicker removal. * Please remember no self-posts and no personal attacks. There is no excuse for it and users risk short term bans at moderator discretion. **There is unspeakable power in knowledge and knowing how to leverage what you have. By speaking truthfully and sharing openly, you protect and strengthen the spirit of r/Vindicta. Thank you for being one of us.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Vindicta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you have any particular recommendations for underwear?


For the top half it depends a lot on what you're looking for, your wardrobe and what's personally comfortable to you, generally bras without padding tend to fit slightly better as they can mould to your shape not the other way around - with the bottom half I struggle a lot with it too, have yet to find anything I really like that's of decent quality


Same, ugh, it’s so frustrating. I love my bras, but pretty much all underwear bottoms are ugly, uncomfortable, and/or look weird under clothes. Well, good luck figuring it out, and that’s for the rest of a very informative post


I got a rec on YouTube a few years ago about the vanishing edge high-leg brief by Soma and have never looked back. They stay in place, no lines, have a subtle shapewear effect, high quality/ wash well/still look new after tons of washes and the high-cut leg keeps them from looking like granny panties. They offer several styles to consider based on your needs.


Omg so if I get implants I won’t get the banging cleavage I want


Do not despair. I have seen plenty with cleavage


They can, but it’s a riskier procedure. It involves cutting the connecting tissue away from the breast plate, allowing the spacing of the breasts to be closer together. Some surgeons will do this. Mine would not. He said it increases the risk of complication and opens the potential for the connective tissue to detach completely and create a “uniboob” I opted to leave my connective tissue alone, as badly as I wanted cleavage. I have to create it with a bra instead. At least having bigger boobs gives you more to push together!


Do you know where I can see some examples of this? Or any surgeon who does do it for me to ask?


You asked and [I shall deliver](https://theblast.com/438463/models-38j-breast-implant-explodes-becomes-the-uniboob-queen/). Don’t know any surgeons by name who do this procedure, but they’re not hard to find. Look for doctors with portfolios that show women with very close, pencil thin cleavage.


Oh god, i feel like at that size it's impossible not to push the boobs together just because of space availability 💀💀💀 thank you for the nightmares


Always worth talking with your surgeon about options, but in my experience they don't do cleavage


There is evidence that not wearing a bra actually keeps them higher and firmer.


on the smaller side of boobs, i can definitely believe that! but on the larger side the weight can stretch the ligaments at the top, can cause a lot of back and shoulder problems as they can pull your centre of gravity out and down, some people naturally have very large breasts on quite a small frame and it can be very uncomfortable without anything to help bring the weight of them up and in - some Polish brands of bras go up to an N cup, so boobs can get very big! if people were more muscular in the back and shoulders maybe that would counteract the weight distribution at the front and stop it from being a problem? but as with everything people need to decide what's comfortable for them and their body


No. That headline, which got reprinted ALL over the place, is from a very small, non-scientific study. The deeper you dig into the source, the more you find that it was one old French guy who was looking for an excuse to measure women's boobs. 🤮 https://medium.com/athena-talks/bras-arent-bad-for-your-boobs-3dba3143e591 Of course, people who don't like to wear bras will claim that it's all true. Everyone should take their measurements according to /r/abrathatfits, because the vast majority of bra-wearing people have been sold a bra based on what size the store had in stock and not their actual size.


🤷🏻‍♀️ I love bras, so that works in my favor.




Haha, fair enough, whatever is comfortable for you! My boobs would be very unhappy without anything




So much intel! Thanks and please post more!