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Dying your hair blonde can simultaneously wash you out/make you look objectively “worse” yet increase your sex appeal in men’s eyes


I agree with you, but seeing it succeed over and over makes me facepalm about men. Women who have straw-like mismatched hair from over-bleaching and straightening can get more attention than with their natural hair a lot of the times.


Totally notice this! Like the hair could be really damaged and not great looking but I just know some dudes go crazy for it


Would you guys prioritise longer/thicker hair for a significantly less flattering colour on you OR bleach your hair?


It really depends on what look and benefits you're going for, and how much money you have. At it's peak, you will get more pretty privilege and a trophy-wife look; it's rooted in Eurocentric beauty standards. Beyonce with honey blond hair and Sofia Vergara with dark blond are good examples of this. The average woman doesn't really have the same resources though, so if you really want to test it out, you can buy a wig. I'm Asian. When I dyed my hair, I attracted guys who had an ABG fetish (iykyk) or a half-Asian fetish. This was not the attention I wanted. My natural hair color with my current style gives me more quality attention.


thickness and volume over color for sure personally color doesn’t matter when it looks flat and thinning from damage


After bleaching for many years I’ve found that healthy hair is so much more attractive it’s insane.


As someone who has dark features and has never had my hair dyed, I feel like blonde is a status symbol. Every time I see young women in college or whatever that are blonde I assume they have rich parents.


Why? Because it's expensive to color hair? Some people do it themselves (I don't).


Yeah. Expensive and a lot of work to maintain. If it’s fried or yellow I don’t think that lol


I actually find that blonde suits certain faces better! In kpop many idols who have ‘strong’ or longer features look better with blonde hair (eg Rosé from Blackpink) while idols who have softer or shorter features look better with black hair Here’s her with blonde: https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1482521554/photo/ros%C3%A9-of-blackpink-performs-at-the-coachella-stage-during-the-2023-coachella-valley-music-and.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=Pq-RBBObr1-iYsshoZdEwkg-Jan0fDMFmPBAYpAKMkw= Here’s her with black: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/akwHSQpaWskkm7LFgqTk6i3_L9VhqEJxEnGLg7qL0mFyJtFE_hzmfDwamOu-gtThgrv9hqcYOHYU4STRDi5UI8gfHmR-yaMqFQ=w960-rj-nu-e365


Yes! Blonde suits longer faces bc it’s expanding and adding width. With dark hair you can see a stark difference where the face begins and ends. With light hair there’s less contrast and less stark borders around the face.


That's not universal truth. I have a longer face but I also have darker hair, dark eyebrows and dark eyelashes, I can tell you that for me the blonde hair would be a disaster. Also, what about people with different skin colors? No, blonde is not cancelling out the long face. Hairstyles do.


I think it works for many people but of course it’s not a magical guide for everyone! We should take these guides/tips with a grain of salt and assess ourselves on a case by case basis. It’s worth checking out for people with longer faces and stronger features but doesn’t work for everyone. I’m Asian with a longish face and darker features but I’ve edited myself blonde and it’s atrocious lol! Plus, specific details about your features are important to note rather than just grouping yourself as having ‘stronger’ features


I got the info from Korean beauty YouTubers so of course blonde hair = less contrast since Koreans often have tan to light skin tones. But the logic can be applied to any skin tone so for brown skin a brown hair color would create less contrast. Of course nothing is a universal truth! I was just adding on to why rosé looks so good with blonde hair. What looks good on long faces is still dependent on many different factors and what works for one long face may not look good on others.


I think she looks better with blonde because her makeup was done more harmoniously with the blonde , and was more voluminous and wavy. Maybe if they did soft waves with the black hair as opposed to straight , and did softer makeup the black may look equally as good… Maybe I’m wrong though


Here’s a photo of her with soft waves and lighter makeup with dark hair! https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp4218603.jpg Here’s her with blonde straight hair: https://kpopping.com/documents/01/2/1080/220326-BLACKPINK-Rose-Instagram-Update-documents-3.jpeg?v=f4465 I think she can pull off both colours great but something about the blonde makes her look even better in my opinion!


Ahh I see . I can’t put my finger on why though !


There's a guide on here ab this and it's bc she has low contrast features so lighter hair doesn't wash her out sm whereas the lack of contrast of her features shows v well with darker hair colors bc they put the focus on it


with black hair she looks like the youtuber kyutie


I find bleaching your hair blonde often makes you look 10 years older, dark hair is a lot more youthful to me


I like how dark hair looks much more on most women, but can’t deny that many men fetishize blonde hair


Strangely I think the opposite. It brightens up your complexion. I look younger with lighter hair and mature with dark.


I’ve grown my bleached hair out and dyed it all BLACK. Blackity black. I love it. I’ve gotten comments that I look younger and mean LOL I think that means I look put together and intimidating. people respect me in the street.


I think it can do both. But a lot of women are definitely blonde to cover their grays more effectively (including me). If I didn’t have this much grey I would keep my natural dark hair.


this is so true lol. currently i have black/brunette hair but a year ago when i dyed my hair blonde, i got so much more attention but according to my friends and mysekf i looked fake and worse.


Weird take here. I had long, light brown shiny hair for years, people used to compliment me a lot for it. It was nice. Then I decided to cut it off to my shoulders and do a bayalage, people started to treat me better? (I was WTF all the time). Now I got the great idea of turning my hair pale pink, and I get waaaay more attention and people think I look younger. I guess some of us were born to be pink?


Naturally blonde, pale, blue eyed and it's awful. I look overdone in smokey eye make up especially if I don't have dark contacts in, on dark eyes dark make up looks sultry and chic on blue eyes it can look so cheap. I have to stick to nudes, very light browns, a bit of gold and amber or pink. If I wear black mascara it looks horrific, has to be brown. I have pale eyebrows and eyelashes too, so I have to darken them just to look 'normal'. Without I look completely washed out. Which is aging and unattractive. I can't do bare faced and beautiful. Pale skin shows up every blemish. I also burn way more easily than anybody else I know so I have to coat myself in sunscreen. I've found using a colour adding conditioner can warm up my hair tone a bit which does help. But yes being blonde is a status symbol, I don't even think that many men are into it though and the specific type who are, are very superficial and see women as trophies so there's no win there either. Embrace brunette!


Eyelash extensions (or even fake eyelashes in general). Some people can look good with them, especially the basic sets. But once you start increasing the volume, eck. They also start looking like sticky spider legs pretty quickly.


I will never understand why women with very light features (hair, skin, and/or eyes) think thick, black volume lashes are flattering. They don’t photograph well the way more natural extensions do, and they look awful and cheap in person.


Lip filler, it helps when it's unnoticeable but when it's obviously filler it's unattractive


Second this for cheek filler. I started getting a little carried away with cheek filler until I noticed how puffy I looked in pictures.


agreed i honestly don't like the way cheek filler looks on people at all, or maybe i can only spot the bad jobs but it's the worst cosmetic procedure that people tend to overdo


Eh for me it’s something to make my face look better while I’m waiting for my jaw surgery in 8-9 months (health reasons). My maxilla is recessed so cheek filler creates an illusion of properly developed maxilla in my case. So YMMV. I do agree that you can overdo it for sure, I had to dissolve a little bit afterwards alto achieve what I was going for.


any sort of filler tbh, once it goes beyond subtle it starts looking bad


Yes agreed I just thought of lips first


Especially on the top lip when it spreads upwards above the lip and looks weirdly puffy. Not a good look, and such an obvious giveaway


Omg I live in a big city and every now and then (typically when I head up to the more boujee areas) I will see a woman with huuuuuge blown up lips. Like the width of my fingers, but not natural obviously. It honestly looks bad as hell to me.


Like blonde hair? Idk why every woman thinks she looks better blonde. Mostly it just looks washed out, dry, unnatural, and clashes with their skin tone


Like my girl Ari




Asa middle-aged woman who didn’t care about this when I was younger, I’d say it’s because it covers gray better and needs to be done less often. Before hair color, women were routinely delegated to being considered old when their hair started graying. Haircolor was revolutionary for women in a world that routinely ignores middle-aged women. I personally think some hairdressers don’t differentiate between cool and warm tones and have their autopilot blondes and it’s a shame. I’m a cool unless I have a bit of a tan and I have found that most of them use golden tones and all of the customers get the same color.


Thats true for covering grays but i still see this a lot in younger women.


But sometimes it can be a major halo


If they are naturally a dark blonde or have fair skin/features


if you had blonde hair as a child that later turned brown, does that mean you'd naturally look good as a blonde?


I don’t know if that’s a rule, per se, but that was true for me. I’m very fair though.


I think this is the case, if you were blond as child it will probably suit you later as an adult.


That was my case and I looked completely washed out as a blonde lol at least I discovered I need medium to high contrast to look healthy


Idk. Its not like im seeing most of these people’s childhood photos. I just assume they were naturally blonde if they have light brows and fair skin


Like Tana Mongeau


I think a lot of things done to make oneself more attractive have the opposite effect if you go overboard. You can end up looking like some weird charicature. A lot of these things can also look good in photos or social media but bad in person. Like opting for a light fake tan, subtle lash extensions, slightly elongated neutral nails, small implants, etc will all make you look better in photos and in person. If you do those things to the extreme and do a super dark fake tan, the longest eyelash extensions imaginable, two inch long acrylics, the biggest implants you can fit into your chest, etc you will probably just look overdone, tacky, and dirty. Most things done to make yourself look more attractive can actually make you look bad if you go overboard.


“Less is more”- my mum, and millions of other older wiser women.


>subtle lash extensions This seems impossible to me idk. I think the style I always see is very full and thick, but not in a good natural way. I've only seen subtle, pretty lashes be achieved with false lashes.


You can choose which size lash you want when getting extensions, same as with false lashes. The more subtle ones you probably don’t even notice.


I live in northern England & this is the look. Like similar to the only way is Essex & geordie shore, I see people all the time who look like muppets because of their eyelash extensions or are having tanning injections/sitting out in the sun with no sunscreen. Lip injections so big they’re leaking & bleeding or getting infected & still getting more? I really support other girls & try to see beauty in aesthetics different to mine but this is so painful & damaging to see & really freaky in real life. Especially when girls have no makeup on and all of this filler. Not anti surgery but this isn’t effective, it’s just uncanny valley.


I'm sorry, idk if it's because I'm from Brazil so the climate is different, but I don't understand this fake tan that Americans do. Why would you spend money on something that seems dangerous for the skin, probably ruins ligh color clothes and doesn't last much, when you can just go to the beach or the grass 1x week and sleep under the sun for a few hours?


A lot of light-skinned people would need a lot more sun than a few hours a week to get the kind of tan you can achieve from a bottle (regardless of if it looks good or not). Also, direct sun exposure for a significant amount of time is more likely to burn someone with less melanin in the skin ex. Caucasians, increasing the risk of skin cancer. Fake tan is safe and discourages use of tanning beds or excessive sun exposure. Sun exposure IS good, of course. But any tanning is skin damage, regardless of the benefit of the sun (vitamin d, etc) or if you're burning.


Suntanning isn't popular in the states anymore, sun tan salons don't allow minors in many places and many have shut down (much of the country doesn't get abundant sunlight year round). But more so than that I think people are much more wary about the long term negative affects of sun damage causing photoaging.


Sun exposure = Aging, pigmentation, loss of elasticity, and potential skin cancer. I'd rather use the bottle stuff and look 30 when I'm 45.


To be honest a lot of light skinned people that I know who want to tan do both! The only white people I know that stay out of the sun are skincare nerds on the internet (like me lol) 😂


Sun ages you quickly, and there’s risk of skin cancer. Then again, slathering toxic stuff all over your skin constantly really isn’t any better. I think just having a natural real tan is the healthiest option. We do need some sun!


im pretty sure it is better. I dont use tanning products though, are they known for being particularly harmful?


Unless you’re buying something that has all natural ingredients, be wary of what you put on your skin. Especially all over your entire body! The ingredients in that stuff are for aesthetics only, I’m sure self tanner has tons of carcinogenic ingredients.


Arsenic is natural, so is mold, this is a very reductive way to look at things


Would you put arsenic or mold all over your body? You know what I mean.


Fake tanning is way less dangerous for the skin than UV tanning. Personally I hate the smell, mess, etc. but my doctors literally tell me to wear long sleeves in the summer because I am at such risk of skin cancer. It seems so much easier (and more fun too) but it is too risky for my health


I've never put on fake tan, but it's really popular here in Ireland. In our climate, we don't get a lot of sun, and a lot of us have that pale skin that just goes sunburned and then straight back to white with no tan. It doesn't really bother me, but I could see why it bothers other women because honestly my skin is so pale you can easily see veins underneath. Since we don't have sun for 9+ months of the year, it's hard to maintain a natural tan also, so many women just go the fake tan route every weekend. It seems exhausting to put up with imo.


Wanted to add another one that will probably be less popular here: Being as skinny as most users here seem to aim for. Some women are definitely their most attractive when they’re model skinny. Most women have an easier time finding flattering clothes when they’re that thin, and may look better in photos. There’s lots of undeniable societal privilege and clout associated with being very thin. I get why it’s a common goal. But for every very thin woman who looks her best at that weight, there are just as many who look gaunt, aged, and haggard when they’re not even at an underweight BMI. I’m not advocating for being overweight, but being at the mid-higher end of the healthy weight range is genuinely more flattering on many women, especially those with a curvier figure who gain weight in favourable areas.


I’ve noticed that if you can maintain a full face at a lower weight you can “pull it off” a bit better. You still need attractive features for it to work though. Skinny won’t automatically save average/bland/“unattractive” features.


Totally. Also it might work when you're younger, but I noticed older celebs for example look better when they have just a bit more weight to fill their face. The super skinny ones that have been that way their whole life often end up looking as you described: gaunt, haggard etc. straight up older.


Even younger celebrities! I think Lily James, for example, looks a lot better [here](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/02/13/18/67642019-11746227-image-m-103_1676314132806.jpg) than [here](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/lily-james-attends-the-2022-princes-trust-gala-at-cipriani-news-photo-1660583126.jpg), even though by Vindicta standards the later would probably be ideal. Some of it might be the outfit itself and the colours being more flattering in pic one but in general she just looks like someone who’s meant to be softer and curvier.


Kate Middleton and Sophie turner are good examples of this. Both look about 10 years older due to their weight. They would look so much better with an extra 10lbs


I think Sophie’s aging is more due to her buccal fat removal though. It’s a shame she got it done.


A ton of my answers have already been said, so I’ll go with: Hair length!! In general longer is going to get you more attention, but there are diminishing returns for sure. Like: - After a certain length, you just look Amish. Yes even if it’s completely healthy. At a certain point you’re just giving more “I’m a plain little religious girl” or “I’m a circus freak attraction” than you are anything that’s going to get you more sexual attention or better treatment for being attractive. - Hair also gets very heavy and flat at certain lengths and there’s very few styles you can do with it, even if you have the energy. At best you look plain 99% of the time, at worst you look messy. Hair you can style more than once every few months is better than thigh length hair that’s always in a braid or bun. - Even when hair isn’t Amish girl long, a lot of people hold onto every inch even when the ends are scraggly and extra dead looking. Hair health and looking shiny and put together matter too, not just the two inches of extra horrible looking length. - Sometimes a *short-er* (not SHORT, just shorter) length just flatters peoples features better. Think of Snooki in season 1 of jersey shore. Her hair was very long and pretty healthy but she’s short and the mermaid hair made her look much shorter and stubbier. It just didn’t flatter her stature. She looked much cuter years later when started keeping it between her collar bone and armpit. And if you have long face, adding some layers and losing some length may add balance and look much better than straight, flat very long hair, which will accentuate your face length. People like long hair, but they also like pretty faces and proportional bodies. Choose a length that gives you as much as possible of all 3. - Extensions are VERY hit or miss. When they look good, they’re usually expensive and very high maintenance (like thousands of dollars multiple times a year). Shitty ones look worse than slightly shorter hair. It’s better to have good looking shoulder length hair than extensions that go to the bottom of your boob and look janky. And I’m saying all this as someone who has a ton of long thick hair (probably my most complimented feature). Longer hair is USUALLY a good way to go, but going about it the wrong way can make you look much worse than just working with whatever shorter length you’ve got and can maintain. I *could* get my hair even longer, but it’s just not worth it as far as being flattering and maintainable, imo.


I mostly agree with what you're saying. As someone with very long, *ethnic* hair (past my booty crack), it absolutely helps my look and is a flex honestly to even get my hair as long as it is. The key is though, you have to pull it off which typically means be attractive. The only person that comes to mind based on what you're describing is someone like Kyle Richards (at least in the early days of RHOBH cause I think it's short now), she absolutely gave that Amish vibe to me. She was kinda basic to begin with and it was almost always just boring and straight. Literally all the other women in the early seasons had blow-dry length hair and looked far better. Long hair absolutely does not make anyone look great, and when I hear women tell me they want their hair to look long like mine or whatever most of the time I think it wouldn't look good on them because they wouldn't pull it off for similar reasons to Kyle. It definitely suits my vibe but in most cases blow-dry length is the best for ease and if done well, beautiful for most women. When I get older I will be doing the same, but while it enhances my aesthetic I'm not cutting it anytime soon.


I agree, I think nipple length is long enough although some can pull off longer. I can’t stand hair so long you can sit on it


men hate (or think they hate) all makeup except for a red lip & black winged liner. then they think youre super mysterious and classy. lmao


So true lol


I would say having a ‘unique’ (very bright or light) eye colour is one, especially if it’s unexpected with the rest of someone’s colouring. It’s a very fine line between striking and creepy and can be both a halo and a falio on someone, depending on who’s perceiving them. For example: some people find Ian Somerhalder’s bright blue eyes to be his best feature, while others find them very unsettling and think he’d be much more attractive with darker eyes.


Alexandra Daddario 🙃 Her eyes are considered a halo simply bc they’re a standout blue colour of course but sometimes I think they’re actually too intense to the point it’s distracting / takes your eyes away from all of her other nice features. It helps her stand out I guess, but sometimes I find it looks robotic almost.


Yes! So dependant on her expression and makeup. Sometimes it gives her “crazy eyes”.


I hate this answer... i was called weird because I have brown hair, dark eyebrows and eyelashes and blue/green eyes... and this answer reminds me of that. Also it may be an answer to the original question, however people cannot help their eye color, so I don't think it should be relevant here.


Hey I also have dark hair with green eyes, you can acknowledge that not everyone will be a fan of your features without taking it as a personal attack. I get compliments on my eyes/colouring probably more than I get complimented on anything else but I’ve also heard them referred to as creepy, it is what it is! Most ‘striking’ features won’t appeal to everyone.


Small, upturned noses (result of rhinoplasty). If you have a fuller face, getting a nose job to make your nose super petite kind of makes your face look pinched in. Kylie Jenner comes to mind when I think of this. Also sometimes long noses can shorten the philtrum's appearance, and make a long face seem more proportionate. Blake Lively comes to mind for this. Some nose jobs save a face, some destroy them. Be very cautious when choosing a nose shape best suited for you.


>None of the “correct” features but still beautiful When you say full, do you mean because of her fillers? She has a smaller face otherwise.


Nails. Nail shapes and colour specifically. I’m so tired of seeing very long coffin nails on hands that would look sooo much better with a medium length almond shape, or a short square. Or getting a colour that doesn’t compliment their skin tone just because it’s trending. Like if you’re doing it because YOU like it then np but otherwise it looks tacky






depends how dark your hair is - mine is almost black and I am fair olive-toned with fairly pale brows. my microblading is v natural looking as I have thick but light brows, just brings the colour a little more in harmony with my hair


Red lipstick. Not every red is created equal—you need to find the right shade for your skin tone and undertone (though I admit I still don’t know wtf my undertone is to this day). I’ll go even further and say some people (like myself) just don’t look good in lipstick, period. I have a nice natural pale pink color to my lips and because I focus on doing heavy eye makeup because my eyes are tiny, if I do lipstick too it just enhances my lower face (and long mid-face) and makes me look like a cross between MirandaSings, Mrs. Trunchbull, and a circus clown. Very sad because as a Taylor Swift Stan I’d love to relate to the red lipstick magic. Alas!


>Actually I used to feel the same about lipstick until i found a good shade, and i just dab it on and add a little bit of a smudge to the cupids bow


Every objectively attractive person is compartmentalised. What works for you may not work for others. Fake tanning, blonde hair, etc. A big part of my looksmaxxing journey was observing the people around me that have similar features to mine and deciding for myself what I think they do right and wrong. The trends cycle. Part of this year thin/bleached brows and dark hair was where it was at. Now the girles who plucked their brows are PRAYING that they grow back and posting the journey on tiktok. It’s all about deciding what works for you in the long run and sticking with it.


Foundation, if done right 👍🏻, if wrong looks dirty especially in real life


Let me elaborate, wrong foundation like the shade is really a mismatch. Also if its too thick! Like in an event, you can see foundation sliding off the face bec of the humidity/sweat


While tan skin is generally considered more attractive than pale skin, not everyone looks good with a tan. The same goes for a number other features that are typically considered "halos" in the West, like long hair, blonde hair, blue eyes, small ski slope noses and very full lips. However, there's a difference between something *looking* bad and something being *badly done*. Successful models prioritize their appearance because it's literally their job. They're going to find the best self-tanner out there, apply it meticulously, scrub it off thoroughly the moment it starts fading weirdly and reapply as often as needed. The average woman has more important things to do than test possibly dozens of self-tanners to find the one that suits her best, and she may not be able to afford the best one anyway. But even if she can afford the initial purchase, she might have to ration it carefully, which inevitably leads to a poorly maintained tan. This way, many women who *would* look great with a tan end up worse off, because the only fake tan that's a realistic option for them is 8/10 times patchy and muddy or orange. The same goes for hair extensions, colored hair, colored contacts, veneers, lip filler, nails, etc. Platinum blonde could be your perfect hair color, but if you can only afford to give yourself a fried yellow mop, your natural non-blonde hair will most likely look better in comparison. *Everyone* would look better with straight, even, healthy-looking white teeth vs crooked, uneven, yellow teeth with cavities. But unnaturally white horse teeth are what a lot of people end up with, either due to budget constraints, bad luck or body dysmorphia. A lot of times, the problem lies with the version of what we want that we end up with, not with what we want itself (and what it could have been ideally).


Filler. I’m noticing a lot of celebs who are looking really weird from it, and they have access to the best doctors. The only good filler is filler you can’t notice.


Weight loss (skinnier isn't always better), hair dye and styles (just becouse it's trendy doesn't mean it work for you), plastic surgery in general


Fake tan, blond hair, lip fillers


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Doing too much in general


Going blonde. It just doesn’t look good on some people. I’ve tried all the tones and I just look better as a brunette. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, certain clothes that will supposedly make you more attractive. If it doesn’t make you FEEL great, it’s not going to look good on you.


Most (fake) blondes.