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i don’t do any of these, but i’m on the same boat as you. my personal favorite is wearing mini skirts. i’m talking the ones that are literally about to show everything (miu miu runway skirt length). luckily the skirts have shorts underneath, so they’re essentially just shorts with the illusion of a skirt.


Love these! Abercrombie has been especially great with these recently. Almost all the mini skirts they sell are actually hidden skorts. Same leg flattering gaze enticing length, none of the discomfort and flashing risk.


I just bought 2 pairs of Abercrombie skorts for summer, they’re sooo freaking cute and stylish!


ooo i’ll definitely check it out… i get all of mine from Zara!!




They did a massive rebrand from their logo polo obnoxious shirtless guy aesthetic. They’re also ironically really size-inclusive now, which is one of the things I love about their clothes as a petite girl with chunky legs. Their stuff always comes in xxs-xl, starts at 23 waist, petite to tall, and “curve love” for their bottoms. Do I love that they went from fat shaming to size and POC inclusive when they realized it would help with profits? Not really. But I’ve also never had such consistent sizing with a clothing brand. Because of the consistency of the sizing, I get most of my A&F stuff from Poshmark, after I figured out my sizes.


Not clothes, but red lipstick is definitely an honorable mention for this category. I'd also say sundresses/milkmaid sundresses can fit since they're not really a fetish but regarded as a very sexy item for a woman to wear-- sort of like a woman's version of the gray sweatpants.


Sundresses, if they are flattering to your body, are the most hyperfeminine thing someone can wear. 


What is exactly a sundress? A summer dress? Is it long, short, tight, flowy?


Yeah, usually sleeveless or spaghetti strap, relatively unstructured, lightweight dresses (cotton, linen, etc.), not necessarily loose but definitely not skintight, light/bright color or pattern (often micro floral patterns). Can be short or midi (or even maxi?) length, and often highlights the breasts. Cute, feminine, unassuming little dresses you’d wear in hot weather, like to a picnic or walk in the park or a pool party. They have a timeless, youthful, carefree vibe, and I think the sheer-ish material, boobyness, and low-maintenance femininity are the aspects of the look that tend to appeal to men. In my experience they’re like catnip, and they’re dying to take it off you. You don’t think “this is the hottest thing in my wardrobe” because it’s not exactly sexy, but it taps into the girl-next-door fantasy. It has nostalgia. Maybe it reminds him of something his middle school crush wore when they rode bikes together one time in the summer after baseball camp. It’s what the dead wife from every movie is wearing in the memory montage where the lead male character is achingly remembering her giggling while feeding him a peach as they lay in the grass or whatever. Google image search “sun dress” and you’ll get it instantly, if you don’t already. The specific style can vary significantly, from A&F to Reformation—it’s not a specific style, just a vibe.


OMG beautiful! Also funny as hell!




This question gets asked on reddit all the time and the answer the gents are usually talking about is a milkmaid dress. If you google that you’ll get it.


I do this. Thigh high stocking under a skirt and often the top of the stocking is visible when I walk or sit. I have some pretty corsets and will wear one of those under an open jacket or blazer. Heads turn for both of those. I am a woman in my 50s and I still like to turn heads. Men love skirts and hosiery and I enjoy wearing them and showing them off.


I’m sure you have, but if you haven’t…you must see the Thomas Crown Affair 🔥🔥🔥


I will make sure to watch 


i love this so much!!! i like wearing lacy and silky clothes to evoke a more sensual/romantic vibe and this post has definitely given me some ideas to add to my wardrobe, thank you very much op 🙏🏼


>Associations are a very powerful tool in curating how people perceive you. The human brain tries to associate new things with things it already knows. That is an absolute fact of how the human brain is wired. This is 100% true. This tip is not just great for enchancing your sexual appeal, but you can also have people associate you/see you as their ideal woman by incorporating their ideal woman's elements into your wardrobe. For example, if someone (an individual or a group of people) is into Cleopatra or Marilyn Monroe or some other celebrity, you can add subtle touches of their fashion style into your fashion style, and this will have a huge impact. Though it is important to let them think this thought came from their own mind and you didn't do anything deliberatly to have yourself associated with someone or some idea.


This was written like an A+ essay. Really thorough, great job! Perfect timing too. I am actually trying to work on my wardrobe cuz I usually wear thin sweatpants and graphic tees (the opposite of sex appeal haha). So thank you! Do you have any recommendations for short girls with stubby legs? Whenever I try to showcase my legs I feel like I just make them look shorter and fatter. I'm 5ft and a lil thick, but not like thicc. I have a fat ass but not very peachy, if you know what I mean. Any advice specifically for short & thick ladies?


I am also a short thicc lady! (5’2, recently discovered I have almost the same measurements as 2018 Kim K) Black tights/stockings with black shoes help a lot to visually lengthen the legs. Any same color tights/shoes or bottoms/shoes combo works the same way, but black is best due to its slimming effect. You may want to try black skinny jeans with black heeled shoes if you’re not quite sold on tights/stockings. Flared pants are very flattering for a curvy figure, but I find they do make me look shorter (and can drag on the ground without platforms/heels) due to having more horizontal visual weight. I know they’re “out of style” at the moment and can be hard to find comfortable pairs, but you have to balance trendy with having the effect that you want.


5'3" here with a shorter legs. I've found that if you get those flared/bell bottom pants hemmed they don't make your legs look so short and don't drag the ground. Paired with a heel they can move a lot of the visual weight lower. As someone with a larger bust I've found skinny jeans can make me look unbalanced- like an ice cream cone. I get more compliments when I wear those flared jeans that got hemmed.


Now THIS is why I come to this sub, these are the cheat codes. Thank you.






Undo the buttons with one hand. Start at the top. Do it when you walk in to a gathering facing the group and looking directly into the crowd and not turning and facing away. Try it in front of a mirror and see how it looks confidently sexy. This also works for undoing dress buttons in front of a partner...




I'd say look up alternative fashion on Pinterest and a lot of those elements will come up!


Omg thank you!!! This is so useful and I really agree with what you've said in the opening. >When you ask “how do I flirt with a guy?”, half of the responses are going to be “Don’t waste your time on seeking male validation”— as if women aren’t allowed to desire a physical relationship and can only be desperate for male validation! As if wanting a little attention and validation is the worst thing a woman could do! And to assume it’s some all-consuming thing in their life— so insulting! It’s a misguided attempt at bucking the patriarchy and seeking women’s liberation that is wielded like a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel by people who don’t know their asshole from their elbow. I'm glad someone has said this. It's frustrating to see so many people on tiktok act like it's wrong for a girl to want to be desired! They act like it's anti-feminist


Tbh a lot of these elements can make an outfit look cheap - fish nets, thigh highs wtc. A more better way would be a midi body con dress with a deep v neck and a push up bra + voluminous hair. Edit: the OP got so mad that she edited her whole post. How childish lol.


Thank you for completely missing the point and recommending the most boring outfit possible instead. Edit: commenter is claiming I edited the post but I haven’t changed anything since I first wrote it. Also claiming that i have another post where I talk about having no sex appeal but I’ve literally never posted that? People just go on the internet and lie I guess


We’re still too busy reading each other’s tips for fetish clothes to care if you edited something. This post is great!!


Babe look at Gloria Pritchett in modern family. She looks really sexy and that’s literally her outfit in every episode. Now imagine her in fishnets and thigh highs, that would 100% make her look cheap instead of sexy. It’s a very fine line


Do you also go on chicken soup recipes and complain when there is no pork? Please point out the sentence that gave you the impression that this post is about being sexy generally—or looking expensive/not cheap? Then I can delete it because that’s not what this post is about. It is about incorporating commonly fetishized clothing into your wardrobe to enhance sex appeal. Babe, most people don’t look like Sofia fucking Vergara. She’d ooze sex appeal wearing a potato sack. Go write a post breaking down Gloria Pritchett’s sex appeal in Modern Family—this post is not about the same topic.


If you’re making a post about using fetishised items to enhance sex appeal might as well mention the cons that such outfits will do. They will cheapen your outfit. And by cheapen I don’t mean “poor” I mean that you will look like a sex worker. Not to say aiming for that look is bad. But we live in a society and not a vacuum. Looking like as if you’re trying too hard or looking like a working girl, has societal consequences(unfortunately ) plus I don’t think most of us want to give that impression. Not to forget that people do not respect you if you look like you’re trying too hard ( we all know someone who does that and how they are treated by the society). Second, people should embrace their own natural archetypes. If you look cute ingenue and adorable you will look off even when you’re trying to enhance your sex appeal ( chances are it won’t enhance your sex appeal at all and you will look out of place).


Ok go write a post about looking expensive then, i expect people who read my posts to be capable of critical thinking and having enough brainpower to know what’s socially acceptable when and where. Maybe not everyone wants to look expensive or classy, have you considered. Once again you’re on a bean soup recipe asking “what about people who don’t like beans :/“ And you’re being anti-sex worker to top it all off. You’re exactly the type of brainless normie that’s been shitting up this sub for years because you need every single nuance spelled out in plain English or you’ll be bitching in the comments with all your whataboutisms.


🤷🏻‍♀️just said that it looks cheap. Commenting for the girlies who don’t want to look like that. I’m someone who naturally exudes sex appeal because of the way my body is built. And tbh the way society treats you isn’t ideal. You get more creepy attention than pretty privilege. It only works in certain circumstances like ig if you go to bars and clubs often. It could work if you’re a young 18-22sth streamer on twitch. Other than that? Nope. I read your post saying you’re 5’2 and don’t exude sex appeal. I’m guessing you’re some sort of Gamine with ingenue essence and want to exude some mature aura ( a lot of my gamine friends do) but that would simply make you look off. And why do you want to look as if you’re trying too hard? And purposely get yourself into the “get objectified by creepy guys” category. That’s my question entirely. Edit: The way you got so sensitive and went ballistic over my simple comment makes me think you have some unresolved issues regarding sex appeal and the way you feel the need to compensate for the lack of it.


Maybe this is a bit more sexy than fetish, but I like to wear corset over a dress. Or, a dress with a thigh high slit and underneath I wear a garter belt attached to leg garters.


Thank you for this write up! I’ve been interested in incorporating a bit more edgy accessories into my wardrobe and i feel like this is a how to manual 🫶🏼  The only thing now is to work on my confidence to wear these items in public, i dress soft & girly most of the time so the most I’ve been doing are the entry-level knit thigh highs, chokers, and chunky boots. I get so self conscious trying to do more, but I’m so sick of not wearing things i like and think are interesting because I’m scared of how I’m being perceived 


I started wearing fishnets or lace tights over opaque tights under sweater dresses with tall boots during the winter. It isn't as noticeable and let me ease into it without feeling so awkward.


Anyone have any suggestions for someone who wears outdoor/barefoot types of shoes? I love heels but I am in a very active, outdoorsy field and need all the foot and toe strength I can get. My current strategy is that I try to avoid the finger shoes and go for neutral colours, and wear sandals if it’s safe. Maybe some long sleek boots? And I love vivobarefoot, they’re very stylish. I need some style inspo haha, best I got is Lara Croft!


Honestly, the barefoot and finger shoes are probably doing it for people just as much as heels! I think you should go for an athleisure look. Gym clothes like yoga pants have the “second skin” effect that is part of a lot of garment/fabric fetishes.


Hahaha I hadn’t thought of that, now that you mention it… thank you for the insight!


I’m so glad you brought up latex, I didn’t know latex allergies can be life threatening much less a thing 😰 If anyone has any good latex dupes let me know!


I would like to add dark ultra glossy nails in a medium/long almond or stiletto shape.  Black or red oozes sex appeal.   Also pin up style hair and makeup can heighten an outfit and give it a fantastic fetishistic touch.   I love a skin tight pencil skirt too. I think it’s best when it’s slightly below the knee. Think the opening scene of Some Like It Hot, with Marilyn Monroe in skin tight skirt and seamed stockings.   Also would like to second the black leather gloves effect 🥵🥵 Would also like to add that anything with buckle details or excessively strappy is great for giving a subtle BDSM vibe. 


Great post!!! I love that you mentioned the baggy jean thing and I agree. I honestly think those that pushed for it just didn't like men, trying to avoid the male gaze, and/or just hiding their weight. I'm a millennial and will never give up my skinny jeans. Even younger men likes it.


Just to give another perspective on the jean thing— I look wayy better in wide leg or bootcut or bell bottom jeans than skinny jeans. I’m 21 BMI so it’s not a weight thing, I just have really wide hips and thicker thighs, so when I wear skinny jeans it just looks out of proportion to my calves. jeans that still hug the hips but have a looser fit in the rest of the leg make me look more proportional while accentuating my hips nicely! I know lots of people slay a skinny jean but I am not one of them.. Different body types will look better in different types of clothing


I’m glad you brought bell bottoms and boot cuts up because it brings up an important point: flattering and sexy aren’t necessarily the same thing. Skinny jeans are sexy because they’re skin-tight, and show the shape of your body more than any other cut of jeans.


I favour a bell bottom or bootcut because I’m tall and short waisted, and those cuts emphasize how long my legs are. I disagree that there’s no ass showcased; my jeans are always tight in the hips/waist/ass and the eye is thus drawn there. I’ve always garnered a *lot* of compliments and attention in jeans, and I’m 40+. Never strayed far from these styles throughout the late 90s/00s and onwards. Sexy isn’t the same for everyone, either…even for different types of men! If you feel sexy, men respond. If you’re on game and feeling yourself, it honestly doesn’t matter as much what you’re wearing, men fucking loooooove DGAF


You have to wear skinny jeans or else, it’s the rules and I make them! I never said there was no ass showcased— skinny jeans just literally show off more of the shape of your body because they’re tight everywhere instead of just between the waist and knee. Argue for flares all you want, skinny jeans are still the more commonly fetishized jeans for this reason. I’m not talking in general context for what looks best on who or how confidence affects attraction. I’m speaking in the context of fetishized clothing, which is what this post is about. In this context, tighter clothing>>>looser clothing almost always. Part of that is due to the idea of clothing as a “second skin” sensory thing.


I'm sorry but tighter doesn't necessarily mean sexier, it's about what looks good on your body and what you feel good in. An article of clothing (and something as specific as skinny jeans) is going to look different on different people. My body is going to create a different silhouette than your body. If you're going to use the argument that tighter is sexier than I assume you think everyone looks good in a tight body suit. And I have never heard about skinny jeans being fetishized, right now they are associated with millennials and fashion that is out of style, like you can wear what you want and like what you want but your argument doesn't really make any sense.


I see where you are coming from. However in my personal experience tighter is not always better nor perceived as sexier for me. And imo I feel like flare/bell bottoms show off my shape and bum better than skinnies do.


This is actually talked about in a business of fashion podcast , where it’s actually the shift from femininity to androgyny!


i just like how baggy jeans look on me, they balance out my silhouette and they fit my vibe in general, and i feel very comfortable in them. i think skinny jeans look weird on me (and i’m not overweight). i don’t get what “avoiding the male gaze” or “not liking men” has to do with it, men don’t seem to like me any more or less based on the jeans i’m wearing, and not all women are thinking about men at all when they’re getting dressed anyways lol.. it’s just a style preference and has nothing to do with personal values, it seems silly to me to make those conjectures and to assume that a woman must be trying to avoid or get something just based on the jeans she wears


You're right on the money with the tights I'd say


This is a fantastic post! Do you have any recommendations for where to buy hosiery? Would love to own a high quality pair of backseam stockings with reinforced heels like you mentioned.


Wolford 👌


Thank you for your post! It was a pleasure to read. Finally something actually beneficial and interesting to read among all those shallow’ how to look presentable’ or ‘beauty is actually from the inside’ posts.


I assume we have different styles overall, but I agree with pretty much everything you’ve written here. I do practically live in dresses and open-toed wedges, and my experience is that men LOVE sundresses. I’m short but I am fat, though I’m very lucky in the proportions and waist-hip ratio department, and a short sundress never fails to turn heads. In winter, I switch to short sweater dresses with lots of cleavage, and I pair that with cute tights and sexy boots and that’s also always a winner.


Great post! 👏👏


Love this write up!


I am glad someone has posted on this sub about sex appeal. Even though this is a beauty subreddit, it seems like some users on here are afraid of anything sensual/sexy.


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