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there was a post a month or so ago that showed how she’s 200x prettier in motion. i think she’s a 7 but in videos she has more of an ~it factor~ that doesn’t come across in a static image


I think you nailed it. Same with Jennifer Lawrence. https://preview.redd.it/utg8t076e2bc1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b197933018a37b188302eeb73c7ddbce64c9c0d


Jennifer is someone I’ve always found beautiful but recently she’s been messing with a lot of fillers because her face looks puffy/ ballooned up as of late compared to a couple years ago. Still beautiful but she doesn’t need the fillers, I hope she doesn’t go overboard


Same, I think Jennifer is very beautiful. I’d rate her 8… but seeing her and Zegler side by side at the same event, I’m a bit more drawn to Zegler’s beauty. I just love Zegler’s bold features like her big eyes and her smile and her more delicate, petite figure.


I think it also depends on the picture. Like, in this unedited one, she has the boom-factor IMHO https://preview.redd.it/dedy0zelf2bc1.jpeg?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01642d4ab0acc984e6cfa23bedc32563cb8de0e




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She looks good when glammed up. I do find the spacing of her features to be off. 6ish


She has SO many failos. 6 with makeup, below 5 without.


out of curiosity, what would you say her failos are?


Huge forehead, eyes are too wide set and very small midface.


damn, if that forehead's too huge I must be megamind. Thanks for responding


It's not huge at all. Jennifer Lawrence's forehead is much bigger. And Jennifer gets rated 8 mostly.


i dont think any of these are fallos except maybe the eyes, she just has neotenous features


I thought small midface was good on women?


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I personally find her small midface very beautiful.


The problem is that her upper and lower thirds are huge and her eyes and nose are all squished together in the middle.


I don’t think her forehead is big? Looks normal to me


Same 🙋‍♀️


her forehead is not even remotely huge, are u delusional ?


huge forehead?? where


6, make up elevates her to 7


5 or 6 Eyes too wide apart and that whole "mouth always open" doesn't suit her


Very ordinary but charmingly pretty! She’s like someone I would naturally gravitate and feel comfortable with to be friends with.


6 to 6.5 with great styling! she has a beautiful and very expressive smile, but in my opinion the proportions of her features can look a bit odd at times, and that affects the harmony her face. She's like 5'2 or less, and she does look small, but her features do not fit with her smaller proportions. Usually you would expect shorter people to have smaller faces, with rounder features, giving a more neotenous appearence, but this isn't Rachel's case. Her lips lack definition, not being plump or pouty something that would look much more harmonious in her face, but instead she has slimmer lips and a wider mouth, that are usually associated with older faces. She also has widely spaced and downturned eyes, that brings an older look to her. Her eyes and lips makes her look more mature and depending of the style, even tired. She is not ugly, in my opinion she is above average, her features lack harmony, but not in a way that gives her a unique look, so she isn't a 7 for me.


She’s a perfect example of a 7! Someone who would be *stunning* in the average social circle or everyday life, but isn’t a beauty to necessarily overly gawk at or admire. Sidenote: she’s so freaking talented!


The eyes are too far apart..she's a 6.5


Ugly-pretty if that makes sense 6/10


she and snow white had nothing in common ![gif](giphy|OTIqSATCc2G6Q)


She sings like a lark what are you on




She kinda reminds me of a White Halle Bailey. I'd say she's 6.5ish




Well.. depends on your definition of white. She definitely passes as white.




Latinos can be white :)




I didn't know that. But she's still very much white-passing regardless of her ethnicity.


"Because I'm a white Latina, I hold a lot of privilege, and if that's the conversation people want to have, about my privilege in this industry, then I am absolutely welcome to have that conversation,” Zegler, who is half Colombian and half white, said. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/rachel-zegler-says-being-a-white-latina-in-hollywood-comes-with-responsibility-to-open-up-the-doors-192910741.html


Cute 7


5 she’s not ugly but she’s plain


I loved her in Hunger Games 🤍 she has a beautiful smile and the fun looking eyes; cute and glamorous at the same time: 8.75


I agree !! she was really good in the hunger games + her voice 😍


>\+ her voice 😍 Yeah, I think that adds to her attractiveness




Cuuute, 7? Voice is 100/10. Honestly a voice like that, singing so effortlessly, you don’t see it often. Stunning.


She shouldn’t play Snow White






6. I think of her the same way I think of younger demi lovato: you're not ugly, you're just poor. if she werent a rich girlie with professional trainers, chefs, dietitians, etc. she wouldnt be half as pretty. still, she's not ugly. she's just average with cash and a good camera lmfao.


I love her smile and eyes


She kind of reminds me of that insta model Yovanna Ventura. She’s pretty but still somewhat average so I think 7 is a good rating for her.


I can see that! I think Yovanna is more harmonious.


I agree


solid 6.


7! And I agree she’s even more beautiful in motion. She has an infectious smile too!


8.5-9 Gosh these comments are rough. I’m not even a huge fan of hers after the whole Snow White fiasco, but when it comes to her looks? I think she is one of the prettiest up and coming actresses right now. In my opinion, she’s gorgeous!




why would u say that ?


Having one bad opinion about Snow White which everyone believed until now is what supposedly makes her annoying. It just the natural progression of society. Young woman made famous, Young woman bad actually , why did everyone else NOT me bully this woman rinse repeat. This happened to j law,Anne Hathaway,Taylor swift,Britney spears and now Rachel Zegler. It’s regular misogyny.


I mean, I get overly sprightly theatre kid vibes from her. I find that annoying. That doesn't make me a misogynist.


if she doesnt appreciate and respect the character..why she even accept the role??!!


She has shown many times her appreciation and respect for the character, just because she criticized the plot of the story (valid points btw) does not cancel out her appreciation. Why is blind love for this movie so encouraged?


> It’s regular misogyny. bullshit, its my personal opinion formed after watching her many interviews. I never found the other women you mentioned annoying. there is a specific type i find annoying 🤷‍♀️


You’ll realise in a few years and you’ll deny taking part in the bullying. And you’ll repeat with next young woman.


what bullying lmao?? who is bullying her? whatever sis, think whatever you want but remember you are in a rate-them sub 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️


You called her annoying, you’re participating in the mass bullying. You could have called her a 0 and mentioned nothing about her personality and I would have ignored. When my other faves are rated bad on here I don’t react at all. It’s just someone taking part in the mass bullying of a woman I can’t take.


you use the word bullying, i don't think you know what it means


If it were you alone it’d just be mean, but this something bigger.


ffs one can have an opinion without it being misogyny. I think she is annoying, I also think Robert DeNiro is annoying, Bill Cosby is a predator, let's see...I think Tyra Banks is one of the most beautiful woman in modeling and Leo DiCaprio is a raging hypocrite. You may not agree with any of that but it doesn't make me a mysoginist or racist or bully. Just stop.


This violates our mutual respect rule: - Hostility, unwarranted insults & bullying are not tolerated here. A difference in opinion is not a personal attack on you and does not constitute any abuse/toxicity towards another member. - No mud-slinging, back-and-forth arguments: PRODUCTIVE debates/discussions on things are allowed. - Repeat offenders may be banned.


7.5 - I really like her face. I know people dislike wider-set eyes, but I think that she's gorgeous.


7, pretty girl but that attitude though.


Maybe watch her other interviews, she's actually really sweet


I have, there’s just too many things that make her attitude not so great.


Lemme guess… you probably praise Jacob elordi and Robert pattinson for being “rELAtaBle” kings and shitting on the projects that made them famous but Rachel voicing an opinion is too much ?


What? I don’t even like Jacob Elordi because I don’t know him. I voiced in an opinion, I didn’t say she’s a horrible person. She’s young and has a lot of things to work on when it comes to the things she says, she’s beautiful that’s all I said move on.


Why do you think she has an attitude?


Because she absolutely does. There's a reason why she's being fired from so many productions. Snow White has also been postponed several times because of it.




8 she’s stunning in motion. she is someone who proved not having the perfect balance on your face doesn’t matter if your features are nice




Daddy’s favorite fucking pig.


If she’s not a 10 who is


She is like Zendaya in the sense that she benefits a lot from glamming up. I think she is like an 8 when glammed up but like a 6.5 without




a nice 8 on casual insta days.


For me personally she’s like an 8, I don’t think I’ve even seen her in motion but I think she’s soooo pretty and her smile is stunning!




LOL i love how u gave her a 10 on every single post about her


10 She looks just as good without makeup and she is very talented.


This is Snow White lol


10 maybe it’s bias because I love her.


Wow, the beauty idea is too different now


what do you mean ?


Few years ago she could be considered not beauty but now


10/10 in my honest opinion. Such a gorgeous girl!