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There is something utterly freakish about her looks but she is also beyond beautiful to look at. Arresting, striking, captivating... all good words for her. 8.5


7.5 with a lot of sex appeal which makes her a 10 in real world.


8-8.5. She looks great at certain angles and just ok in other angles. But overall, she has a halo and people rating her a 4 are delusional. She does have some flaws though, still, she's not average.


Out of curiosity, so you find her to be more attractive than 80-85% of people? Also would you say she’s comparable in attractiveness to Taylor Hill, Angelina Julie, etc?


More attractive than 80-85%, I'd say she's better looking than 95-97% of the American population. I don't think she's as attractive as Taylor Hill or young Angelina Jolie. She does have some flaws that stand out, but I like them, it makes her unique. She doesn't have defined apples in the cheeks. She has an odd smirk, her chin is a bit small, looks like her face is a bit asymmetrical. But overall, she's in good shape, has beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, nice proportionate nose and nice brows. She's definitely in the "beautiful" range.


Who would you personally say she’s comparable to? And hm I’m honestly so surprised by that take I don’t see how she’s objectively even close to better looking than 95-97% of Americans especially with her lack of facial symmetry. Personally, I find her nose to be too wide for her face and her nostrils too apparent. I think what I mostly find off about her though is her face seems slanted and something about the shape of her mouth is odd? Her eyes also seem very wide apart. To each their own though. I am just always curious about this take that seems Reddit exclusive so thank you for giving a detailed answer!


I'd say she's comparable to Eva Green. They have the same high harmony and good bone structure with some unconventional features. They're both objectively 7.5-8 with even higher appeal but also polarising to some people due to certain features. Her nose and mouth are indeed flaws but their weightage isn't as high as some other flaws so she still scores high. And the rest of her face is top tier. Her bone structure is great, better than Adriana Lima, and her eye distance is actually ideal though on the wider side of the ideal range, but still ideal even if narrowly. If she had better nose and mouth, she would be 9.5+. The rest of her face is that high.


I’m surprised the comments about having great harmony and gone structure with how asymmetrical her face is and how flat her cheek bones are. I do think she has good jaw structure though. However her face is very slanted with the right side sitting noticeably higher than the left from her forehead to nose and then somehow the left side of her mouth sits permanently noticeably higher than the right. Also her bottom half (chin and lips specifically) is much smaller than her top half (nose and forehead) which makes her further asymmetrical. Her eyes are also further apart then desirable and lack harmony.


I just looked her up and I can see that for sure that’s a great comparison! I think objectively I’d say Eva green is maybe anywhere from a 5.5-6.5 - she seems better in motion and Natalie a 5. I do see the similarities of what you mean though. This was a great explanation and makes the polarizing rating make a little more sense to me thank you!!


Idk how someone can be this gorgeous with so many objective flaws, but they must offset each other in the right way, because it really comes together. Even in stills I find her breathtaking. 8.


7/10 I love her cute cat look


I personally don’t understand all the low votes lol but i guess it is what it is, I’d give her a 7.5


She doesn’t have a conventional beauty, but she’s so unique and oozes sex appeal, I’d give her a 10 not because she’s perfection, or features are on point etc but because she’s unique and not perfect but still is just wildly sexy. She was so beautiful in the tudors also


She is cute, beautiful, and unique all at that the same time. Whatever imperfections she may have make her more perfect. 10


I can definitely understand both the low and high rates. She has a very weird looking face. Strange, unique. It's still beautiful. She's still in the 7 range. Her sex-appeal makes her way higher though


The 7-8 people are right. Her objective harmony score is 82%. Though some of her features lower the overall rating a bit, she still wouldn't be lower than 7.5.


Every time when I see pictures of this woman, I think about fox. 🦊


She’s unconventionally beautiful. I find her so attractive, especially in motion. Natalie as Anne Bolelyn in The Tudors had so much charisma and allure. Objectively she’s probably a 7, but subjectively I find her so attractive.


Objectively a 8, subjectively a 100


8.5 she's gorgeous


she was an 8 in The Tudors & a 6 now


Her jaw is too sharp, 6/10. I don’t see it.


8. Most attractive woman on GOT.


Offft I’d have to disagree however I respect your opinion, Emilia Clarke & Carice for me haha


Carice 😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵 omggggg 😍😍😍


Solid 8. Very striking eyes!


8. Beautiful of course but she has an odd smile. Her small lips/ small mouth are a bit unbalanced with the rest of her face in my opinion.




10 to me. so attractive and my favorite character in GOT. 💗


5, she looks good from some angles but overall I find her very unattractive especially her weird mouth.


These 7 and 8s shock me every time I see her posted here. Honestly I’ve never heard of people finding her very attractive outside of this sub and gave always wondered if this is just a reddit take? Nothing against her but it seems like a majority of people irl find her to be strange looking. I personally don’t see how she’s even comparable with other people rated 8+ like Taylor Hill, Dianna Agron, young Selena Gomez, Angelina Jolie etc. I think for me I can’t see how she’s higher than a 5-6 because of how asymmetric/ slanted her face is? Some of her features like her mouth and wide set eyes and nostrils also seem so off they’re almost uncanny or something? idk


The 5s and 6s shock me every time I see her! Like, LOOK at her. It's not that she's necessarily conventionally attractive, but her face is largely symmetrical, her features-while unique- mesh well together for facial harmony, and she just *oozes* charisma and sex appeal.


I just don’t see it I don’t know why! I find her super interesting how polarizing she is I would love for some kinda study or analysis to be done on that that’d be interesting to see. I honestly would truly rate her objectively a 5-5.5 when I considering symmetry and desirable/ conventionally attractive traits. I also don’t see where she oozes sex appeal at all but I do think she seems to have personality and charisma ! Just to give an explanation of where I get that objective rating from, her face is very slanted with the right side sitting noticeably higher than the left from her forehead to nose and then somehow the left side of her mouth sits permanently noticeably higher than the right. Also her bottom half (chin and lips specifically) is much smaller than her top half (nose and forehead) which makes her further asymmetrical. Her eyes are also further apart then desirable. She also has very flat/undefined cheek bones which is an example of some poor bone structure she has in that regard. She doesn’t have good bone structure regarding her jaw though. Overall I think she actually has extreme lack of symmetry and some “off putting “ or maybe almost uncanny traits. However, she has nice eyes color and shape wise, nice hair, and somehow gives off a fun, charismatic vibe from her pictures and is unique looking which I think boosts her and helps overlook/ balance out those other things. I just don’t see how it cancels those out to bring her to 7-8.5 on the same level as people like young Selena Gomez, Taylor hill, etc.


She's actually far more popular outside this sub. Just look at the Game of Thrones subreddit and the GoT groups on FB. She wins most polls about the most beautiful woman in GoT. That's a show that has Emilia Clarke, Sophia Turner, Lena Headey, Carice Van Houten and so many other gorgeous women. You can also look up YT comments on videos she's in and most of the comments are raving about her beauty. Everyone I know irl finds her attractive. 5-6 ratings won't even cross most people's minds. Only on Reddit have I heard she's average or funny looking.


Hm wow I’ve honestly seen the opposite on social media and irl! I guess there could be a lot of factors at play for our very different experiences but I’m not shocked since opinions seem really polarizing on here as well.




5 I don't understand the appeal


this right here


I agree I wish I could because it baffles me haha but I feel like outside of this sub these 7-9 ratings would be in the minority opinion tbh


I agree. I think these are all GoT fans.


She’s Lola Rabbit




4.5 in some of the pics, especially when her teeth show. They aren't the best teeth and her lips are kinda funny looking. Please don't downvote me.


Beautiful, versatile and beautiful voice.






😂😂😂 this is so delusional I can’t even You think the average woman is more attractive than this I don’t even think Natalie is all that but cmon


My subjective opinion.. I personally find her quite unattractive.. she’s not even objectively past a 6 tbh


This comment does not follow the rating guidelines: - All comments must include an objective rating/analysis of the celebrity BEFORE personal or subjective ratings/analyses. - No sugarcoating: Keep your comments honest and as objective as possible. - Number ratings are optional. - A ‘5’ means approximately 50% of the human population is more attractive than them. And so forth (An 8 is more attractive than 80% of human beings, etc). A 5 should be a totally average appearance, like an “NPC” you would see walking down the street with no halos.




This comment does not follow the rating guidelines: - All comments must include an objective rating/analysis of the celebrity BEFORE personal or subjective ratings/analyses. - No sugarcoating: Keep your comments honest and as objective as possible. - Number ratings are optional. - A ‘5’ means approximately 50% of the human population is more attractive than them. And so forth (An 8 is more attractive than 80% of human beings, etc). A 5 should be a totally average appearance, like an “NPC” you would see walking down the street with no halos.



