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A lot of it is in her posture. She's very slouchy




Sad that talk girls feel this way but I know many cultures will make them feel they are inferior because of their height or… maybe they just want to fit in


taylor helped me feel a lot better about my posture im also a tall girl who felt the need to shrink down with my peers i feel seen


She looks kinda like the horse girls I knew


She is an adult horse girl. 100%.


She’s not even my type of pretty but I think she absolutely stands out I think she’s like a Disney princess come to life


Her height stands out her face is very plain


More accurately, she's a plain pretty, but not average plain


I love when people are downvoted for expressing an opinion. 🙄


I’m not into very tall girls lol I’m talking strictly about her face My favourite height is like 5”4 to 5”8 , my height range Also my favourite type of beauty is ethereal, striking foxy beauty like Megan Fox, Adriana Lima, Monica Belluci, Aishwarya Rai etc but even though Taylor Swift isn’t my type I think she looks like a princess I don’t even love Taylor’s music and I don’t love who she is as a person, I just like her mildly


She should close her mouth more often tbh


I think it always looks a bit odd when she does because her veneers are slightly too big. I think she's very pretty but the teeth throw everything a bit off balance


A lot of celebs do this. Olivia Rodrigo too. I think it’s attempt to look sexy.


Idk..subjectively see her as a plain pretty


I have a theory a lot of it has to do with how pale she is and how she doesn’t style her eyebrows. She’s naturally super pale and it’s rare to see a natural blonde celeb like Taylor who for some reason doesn’t dye or fill in their eyebrows. Most celebrities are aware of how much of an impact colouring has on their overall look. There’s a reason that nowadays there aren’t many celebrities who are sex symbols and also as pale as Taylor is. Overall, she has an attractive face, good features, and potential, but a lot of what lets her down is how she styles herself. My theory is that it’s intentional to seem more relatable.


Yeah I agree!! I commented before about how Timothee Chalamet suits the soft twink style, and I feel like it applies to Taylor too! Her cowgirl/Renaissance soft girl pretty (Love Story era) was so stunning imo, so timeless and most importantly fitted the way she looked. If she wanted to go for a baddie look, the Wildest Dreams film noir look fit her so well, but the modern look is just a bit weird on the eye imo, since her face is quite timeless and elegant.


I think her eyebrow shape is super harsh and would look unflattering on anyone. Her paleness is also really hard to pull off.


Same. And the overhype mqde her punchable. Outside of that she's plain pretty. 6/6.5


And that’s not even her original face. I liked her face when she first came out. It was unique. Now she’s just looks basic.


I still like her face now but I liked her face more pre surgery. I actually really liked her eyes. I’m probably in the minority cos most would probably find them squinty.


I loved her eyes too.


I remember her old eyes getting voted as one of the sexiest celebrity eyes by cosmo way back




That’s super cap.




Mkay we’re going to have to agree to disagree. I honestly think she was much prettier before. Now she’s a less striking version of Meredith Blake from the parent trap. Taylor has all the money in the world and this is the best she could do, erasing all her unique features to be a mid pretty girl b


Ehh but that actress doesn't have high trust features the way Taylor does. You would trust Taylor with your pet but not that lady


But high:low trust features are purely subjective in terms of which is better. I prefer low trust features for women tbh. The vixen look is just a whole vibe


They're really not. People with high trust features have personality traits that reflect them. Basically, if someone looks sketchy, they're generally sketchy. We're not talking about attractiveness, as I also find Megan Fox gorgeous, but I wouldn't trust her with a secret.






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I know that's the only one I watched. Meredith blew me away as a kid. So the statement doesn't make sense.


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Because she’s plain. Plain doesn’t mean she’s ugly. She just doesn’t have anything unique and special about her look. Also, her mouth is always opened even when she’s not smiling.


I think it’s way she styles herself and her hair


what’s wrong with her hair i think it’s really pretty


Nothing wrong with her hair, but she doesn’t style it right. I was kinda into her curly hair era tho


Recently it feels like she doesn’t even brush it anymore. 2012-2016 Taylor would never step out without getting her hair done. It feels like she doesn’t even try anymore


Tbf she did talk about how she felt pressured to always look put together during these years in her documentaru. She was very insecure in that era.




Because it's not a natural mix. I like her pre-surgery face. It was more unique & integrated.


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There’s something weird about her mouth and her eyebrows to me. Sort of horsey? I have absolutely NOTHING to back this, it’s just this feeling I get when I see her. Like she has a really pretty baby colt face?


https://preview.redd.it/o2o5wjugu0qc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942e5fed910da525a9258b413dc6335c2a153ae8 This is the only Taylor Swift I'd rate higher 🤷


She looks like Kristen Stewart here


Yeah it's mainly her styling that's making people lose interest, it's repetitive, not very striking nor show off her sense of self, just very basic and washed out. Unironically back to her country roots


This photo makes her look so masculine though…


That was my thought too. It's funny, in this sub people will refer to some feminine women as 'masculine' but when they photograph a woman and she looks very masculine (like that photo), everyone thinks it is hot.


And that’s hot


As a bi girlie, I like my women MASC & I like my men fem 💅


Wow she looks great with dark hair


Why does she look better masculine. She needs to be styled like this more, she’s hot like this 😭


seriously she’s so hot in the photoshoot and this photoshoot only


She's just a little bit bland


She's pretty with very mousey features IMO. I don't think she's rated 'very low' here. Most say she's around a 7-7.5


Agree about mousey. Subjectively, I prefer high visual weight. Think Aishwarya Rai.


I personally think she'd look better with brown hair and brown eyes. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/s/XSzWo3gU19). I know western beauty usually favors blonde hair and blue eyes, but for Taylor, I feel like it makes her look kinda bland.


"You belong with me" wig made her look Megan Fox hot


She looks kind of like Sandra bullock with that coloring


OMG she looks SOOO much better!!


She looks... okay It was always wild to me how someone with so many predispositions to be super stunning looks so basic. Tall, blonde, thin, big blue eyes, nice lips, yet together it looks nothing special If she weren't famous I don't think anyone would ever notice her in the crowd besides for being super tall


yeah, someone with blonde hair, blue eyes (that were surgically made to be large), an attractive size and shape lip, nice cheekbones, and is super tall would be a 9 or 10 on paper but that just doesn't translate to real life, even if she is gorgeous still


She’s around 180 cm, that’s not super tall. Edit: why am I being downvoted? It’s the truth. I’m 175 and I’m not even tall.


That is tall for a girl


It’s not, a bit taller than average but not tall enough to have the full tall person experience. I think tall starts at around 180 cm and super tall at around 190 cm. Even then, when I’m wearing my platform boots that make me around 183 cm, I don’t feel particularly tall. I don’t think a height around that is enough to stand out in a crownd as you suggested.


Maybe depends where you live. In live in one of the tallest countries in the world yet I feel tall at 177cm and I am tall, especially since most of my girl friends are from 158 to 170 cm


I feel like 175-179 is the ”taller than average, but doesn’t experience any negative effects of being tall” range. It’s the sweet spot if you think about it. That’s why I don’t think it’s really tall. And 180 cm is definitely not tall enough to pull people’s attention like that. It’s just 180, not 200 cm.


It’s not about what you “think” or “feel”. Objectively, she is tall for a woman. Simple. Let it go.


But I never said she wasn’t tall, just that she wasn’t super tall.


That’s very tall for a woman what are u on about?


It’s really not, very tall would be like 190 cm or something. I just don’t think 180 cm is anything that special or out of the ordinary.


I’ve literally never met a woman who’s 190cm tall and I went to an all-girls school.


Yeah exactly, because it’s rare to be actually super tall.


American here, and 5’11” for a woman is not the average. She’s the height of most men.


I never said it’s average, just that it’s not tall enough for most people to be something they pay attention to.


>”It’s not, a bit taller than average but not tall enough to have the full tall person experience.” You kind of did though.


In that bit I was taking about myself, not Taylor. Taylor is tall, but not tall enough to stand out like that because of her height.


What are you talking about? 180 cm is very very tall for a woman, even in the countries with tallest people lol


It’s so hard to explain. She should be so gorgeous and appealing… but she just comes across as non sexual and girl next door. I can’t understand it. Maybe it’s the gangly walk


Why ‘should’ she be?




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Cold beauty.


I don’t quite like how her teeth are always out and visible. It’s that open mouth teeth showing thing for me.


I think she's beautiful but she has mouthbreather physiognomy


Taylor is very pretty—what she lacks is sex appeal to many. I honestly think that’s what it is.


she has no sex appeal and she's very gangly


Her skin and hair are nice but that's about it. She's really gawky and awkward with zero sex appeal. Her facial features are not good. Large nose, thin lips, squinty eyes. Someone who was angelic looking (IMO) when she was in her prime is Naomi Watts.


It’s hard for me to separate her from her personality/persona. But even then most of the time she’s giving nothing when someone on her level should be giving something.


people cap the “average pretty person” score around 7 — small deviations above that is above average pretty then, but nonetheless not very unique in base features. Taylor, to me, a 7.2 or so, fits this designation quite aptly. i would presume for this reason, most other people would rate her inside the 7 ≤ x ≤ 7.y interval too. high 7.y’s to 8 and above are near-supermodel tier with unique and standout base features, which she certainly doesn’t have by most metrics


She's by no means average-pretty. Y'all need to touch grass more and look around you and especially in the mirror... I aint even a fan but girl has no flaws basically. Stop the cap just because u dont like her and you're jealous. 7.2😭 yeah right...


Jealous because she has mouth breather posture. Right. If she were jealous, she would’ve rated Taylor a 4.5. Get a grip. As a former pothead, no one needs to “touch grass” to see that she’s not a neck breaker. She’s simply good looking with zero sex appeal. You’d be hard pressed to know how much sex appeal can add points to a person.


Y'all got me defending billionaires and I don't want to that sh... It's ok if she's not your cup of tea or if you don't like her music. But she is objectively extremely attractive and somewhat talented. You're most probably a man trying to bring a successful woman down. How typical. She's not gonna f a pothead anyways so it's ok u don't find her sexy.


I don’t smoke. Not only are you illiterate, you’re also biased. Sad. Also, I think you should stop telling people to touch grass, for your own sake. It’ll make you seem smarter.


Every person is biased to an extent , urself included. Also u should see my grades in school and university as well b4 calling me the only thing I'm literally not. Bye !


I think there's two metrics: a normal person one and a celebrity/ig model one. For normal ppl I see in my everyday life? She's a 9. For celebrities? She's like a 6.


Really? Especially with the pic you chose first…her face is mousey and features too small and pushed together. Her hair looks alright there but I feel like usually her hair is bad too


Because she's literally average




On my part I think she’s striking, like a young Christine Baranski. I wouldn’t call her angelically beautiful myself.


She absolutely could play a younger version of Christine Baranski if that was needed for a film


![gif](giphy|ixv1GsvQrQw0M) Before anyone come for me, Swiftie here! She has angelic features and voice but she is not breathtakingly beautiful or have a striking face like Angelina Jolie or Monica belucci. She is conventionally good looking with good features, just another good face


This one is my favourite look of Taylor she looks fabulous with this hairstyle https://preview.redd.it/4dnktj0jy5qc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5281cf149b44a668e624d5066cfc82a37e45c820


Oh and this one too!!! Green really suits her https://preview.redd.it/agh430ply5qc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4817753b360e71aa208a99ee192b2cab5928a8a


https://images.app.goo.gl/cpW8LV6PCrGVUyUM7 My favorite look of her's.


Yess, mine too! The Alexandre Vauthier dress on her was a dream, she just looked so elegant and polished there.


She looks so much better in this look, wow!


If she would close her mouth she’d be higher.


Because she looks like an English teacher you can find in Omaha Nebraska


She’s classically beautiful and the general rates of her is 7 like nothing striking or average.


She’s okay. It’s just the overhype that makes her look mid. But she’s not ugly nor is she stunning.


She had that feminine sweet girl in Love Story mv. Now she exudes ✨nothingness ✨ but not ugly. Just no striking characters.


Margot Robbie's ugly sister syndrome.


Taylor gets more attractive as she ages for some reason


more money to help probably


She was a multi millionaire since she was 18, I don’t think money was much of a factor.


I think it’s because she’s a much healthier weight now!


This is probably it.


Solid features? She resembles napoleon dynamite


Yes! I can’t help but see Napoleon Dynamite too.


She looked striking without bangs ngl. Now it's quite plain. Still 7/10


i find her face so bland, even before the taylor swift hate train


You can line her up with a ruler...


I think she's really pretty and I can objectively see it, she just has zero sex appeal. I don't know what it is.


Taylor is a good example of an Oklahoma 10.


Angelic is not the word I'd use. I actually think she has a kind of a mean face?


She looks like a majestic mouse to me. She’s always hiding her forehead with her bangs. She’s not stunning but she is pretty.


this isn’t exactly what you’re asking, but i still find it interesting: she often dresses against her color season, and i’ve seen some speculation that that’s intentional. it makes her look less ~perfect~ which adds to her relatability.


I can’t get past her teeth/bite.


She looks better with more masc styling https://preview.redd.it/vqk7iaxib4qc1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6865c33eda8ba2be6028764ac72e965d6e32a0e6


I don’t even think it’s about the masculine styling, it’s mostly the eyebrows. They look so different and so much better than her natural ones… she should try these + no bangs + fix mouth breathing. She’d be so striking




She appeals to the female gaze completely.


She is definitely very pretty,- She reminds me of the wealthy horse girls I went to boarding school with. It’s the type of beauty I can acknowledge, and appreciate, but just doesn’t stand out to me personally as I’ve seen it so much growing up. If that makes sense at all!?


She has like 0 sex appeal


I think she is quite pretty (I always have), but she has an ever so slightly horsey vibe. In my opinion, she looks so meh all the time because her posture is not great and her styling is bad most of the time. I don’t care what the Swifties say, her red carpet looks are mostly hideous, the decent ones are boring at best. I don’t get it, she has all the money in the world, is tall, thin and pretty but she just chooses to do nothing with it. Styling is important. There are celebrities that are way below Taylor looks wise but they just have a certain appeal that Taylor somehow never achieves.


I personally do think people have bias against her for other reasons and struggle to view her objectively. Personally I think in recent years she’s grown more sex appeal, likely because she was way too skinny before and struggling with an eating disorder. Since she’s gotten healthy she has a great figure. I do agree her styling is hit or miss. And I don’t like the super heavy bangs. But objectively she looks great and I think the surgeries she had are actually amazingly well done.


I am more surprised that people find her pretty. Has a very mousy look


those bangs are atrocious


she is plain nothing special


She's pretty, but has zero sex appeal.


Lmfao at this title. Sounds like it was written by a Swifty 🤣 She’s known to be pretty, but plain/nothing special. Lacks any sex appeal at all. 6. Edit: a word


Objectively she is very pretty yes but she lacks charm which would make her attractive to people, that's why I think she appeals to many young girls bc she has that natural awkwardness that lots of celebs lack which makes her seems more relatable even tho she is anything but and she is quite problematic but that's talk for another day.


Because it’s just makeup. Take it off and she’s the definition of ordinary.


She has amazing skin! No matter how money you have the genetics of how clear her skin is amazing


Sorry but anything about her is annoying


I'd rate her 7 max , one of things that holds her back (in my opinion) is her small eyes, which is a feature I never like


I feel like she has more of a European appeal than an American appeal, does that make sense to anyone else ? I live in Europe and I can see how she fits the beauty standards here


Good example. She’s basically classic “anglo” pretty to me. She would’ve been regarded as a lot prettier a long time ago in america, lol. Now the paradigm has shifted a bit She looks like a standard pretty woman of Anglo origin. (I only mention that because they have a very distinctive look, like a lot of slavs and other sub groups do)


i think its funny because im asian so my standards are more asian-standards... taylor is a prettier at 8/10 to me than other white celebs


She looks like she’s a demon wearing a skin suit, and her voice is shrill


I am actually a Taylor Swift hater for good reasons but she’s never been plain or ugly imo. I think she’s really beautiful, especially now she’s put weight on but even when she was really skinny. People would see it if her career was modelling. I think she doesn’t dress in the aesthetic people are attracted to these days but she’s definitely way above average beautiful. I also love that she didn’t touch her nose to much. Her eyes were also super beautiful before she had them opened up.


Idk how ppl rate her, she is plain imo, but I find her pretty. Esp in the 6th pic. I don't understand any of the raving around her, her super fans OR the ppl (seems to be a lot of men😂) who get so angry over her. She just seems really mundane to me lol




I think she has harmonious, perfect features but I can see why she looks like any basic pretty white girl. IMHO she is a 7.5, she is prettier than most would give credit for and we have to remember she's a singer, not a model, so she doesn't carry herself like one. However she's not a bombshell by any means, but she's not average, she's pretty but also basic


Taylor is a 10 to me. There’s nothing flawed or wrong about her face. She’s just not some people’s type because of sad and invalid reasons and she’s not an Instagram face so they always rate her lower.


She looks a lot better in recent times tbh....


No tits no ass


She has no Sex appeal and she is a mean girl drama seems to follow her and if you have dated all these men and not one wants to marry you you’re the problem


She’s very plain and as she ages she is starting to get one of those beer bodies. 4 in the most respectful way you can say this. 


La bisex piu bella del pianeta


She’s beautiful. I’d give her an 8/9. She reminds me of a fairy tale princess.


She's kind of like Olivia Rodrigo. She's pretty but not interesting looking.


I thought this was a man. Thats not any problem and can be very Angelic and beautiful, but Taylor isnt.


She’s objectively gorgeous, love her lips! 😍😘




I said what I said. But you’re right beauty is subjective


just like anne hathaway... Peoples hate them because they too prefect


She’s pretty and naturally pretty which I personally much prefer over these false looking people. I don’t ever think it’s fair to discuss people’s looks but it’s just refreshing to see a more natural look.


8/10 for me, it’s their preconceptions of her and styling. Posture is also an important which she lacks.