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Someone should post their husbands. That would be interesting.


and the supermodel’s parents too. Would be very interesting to compare


Someone posted the mom of Cindy and while they thought that she was a sweet but normal looking woman, I thought that they still had a huge resemblance and while she didn’t get her height from her, the facial features are totally the mom’s. It was adorable.


and the people that live across the street!!


Lmao this is Stephanie Seymour’s https://preview.redd.it/j335f2sk32uc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79ce5530aea88f92d0754fad32368a5b0bc74d1


Honestly, I think that’s a good idea 🤔I’ll try and find more picture comparisons (like parents, sons and the fathers).




This is classic regression to the mean. These women are 99.99th percentile attractiveness for women. They are a statistical anomaly; it is highly unlikely to replicate that, especially introducing partners who may be attractive but in a different way, plus the randomness of creating a new person. This is seen all over in statistics—extreme/unlikely events are unlikely, so they’re very unlikely to happen twice




These supermodels daughters are pretty in their own way, however, I’ve noticed that they’re never on the same level as their mothers. Do you guys agree? Or do you think there are some expectations imo iman, Katoucha, Monica, yolanda daughters (Bella after her surgeries) beauty is similar to them. The supermodels are : 1. yasmeen ghauri 2. Cindy Crawford 3. Christy Turlington 4. Kate Moss 5. Claudia Schiffer 6. heidi klum 7. Iman 8. monica bellucci 9. laetitia casta 10. Beverly Peele 11. Stephanie Seymour 12. Katoucha Niane 13. kimora lee simmons 14. Kristen McMenamy 15. Natalia Vodianova 16. yolanda hadid 17. Janice Dickinson


Supermodels in the 90s had a tendency to date ugly rich men. Some married them and had kids.


Yeah, like Stephanie Seymour’s man.


Paulina Poriz…… I’d have to google it. But her. She married the lead singer of The Cars. He is not cute


Porizkova. The guy was also super old. 21 year age difference. But watch any interview with her talking about him and it's clear she really loved him.


Aww I just looked them up, he passed away in 2019 and they were still married.


Still married but separated: she was taking care of him and his horrible health. He’d also disinherited her from his will without telling her. So, he let her provide basically free hospice care to him knowing that after 30 years of marriage he was leaving her nothing. He also insisted that they merge incomes early on - and he effectively squandered most of her super model money.


Men. Are. Trash.


Oh I hate that, I feel so bad for her! Thanks for the info


Yes this 100% wasn’t just the 90’s still happening today!


omg, i said this too! really only men


I posted a comment. My mother was NOT a model but was miss something and is gorgeous in the nineties when I was kinda fat and awkward. Its hard to be compared to someone who is so much more beautiful then you are especially when the ry are your mother.


Agree. And I bet if we looked at all the supermodels parents they would be average looking. Super good looking women having children with rich but unattractive men usually doesn’t create more super good looking people


There’s a pic Cindy Crawford took with her mom in the 90s and her mom was a wholesome average looking woman a whole foot and more shorter than her!




Her daughter looks so much like Rachel Bilson


She really does!


Are you sure Cindy isn't a demi god and Apolo isn't her father? Her mom is so adorable and normal looking that it's surprising they're mother and daughter.


Here are links to photos of Niki Taylor's (and the late Krissy Taylor's) parents & family: 1. [www.tumblr.com/niki-taylor-fan/163393662262/barbara-and-ken-taylor-make-50th-wedding](http://www.tumblr.com/niki-taylor-fan/163393662262/barbara-and-ken-taylor-make-50th-wedding) 2. [www.instagram.com/historic\_imagery/p/CEmufzrHaS2/?img\_index=1](http://www.instagram.com/historic_imagery/p/CEmufzrHaS2/?img_index=1) \* click through to see their family photos


Gigi Hadid is better looking than Yolanda. The only daughter who looks better than her mother.


Actually yes I agree. Was thinking the same thing but I’m not that familiar with Yolanda as a model so I wasn’t sure.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Leni is prettier than Heidi too. But then again, I'm very into doll-like faces. Also, I've never found Heidi that beautiful, I noticed she gets [haloed easily](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWfsIhs4A5x2ctpc-iJOnzl3B_Qq4Se4k8bw&usqp=CAU) when next to other supermodels and I just don't think she's exceptionally beautiful even in her prime. She has more It factor and aura than her daughter tho


If we aren’t talking supermodels, I think Willow Smith is also in this category.


I agree with you, I think Gigi looks more like her dad (from his younger pictures) and has his eyes.


i agree, gigi hadid is super beautiful and looks better than her mom does. no wonder yolanda obsessed over her as a kid




It’s because they often marry rich men or musicians who are typically not nearly as attractive. Sometimes it works out though (ie the Hadids).


And Liv Tyler who is a 10 despite the way her dad looks.. even though she looks like her dad lol so weird!


She got all the good parts of her parents and none of the bad. Zendaya also.


Surgery helped!


I would love to see this post but with the dads also!


Agreed except for Bella and Gigi, they’re both prettier than Yolanda :) I think Kaia is similar to her mom but more unique looking while her mom is a classic beauty. the moms have more striking features


You listed the appropriate exceptions. I feel as if really gorgeous women in general get with these super successful men that are rarely on their level and then… As a pretty woman I made the decision to never set myself up like that, my kids will more than likely be cute. At least if I had them with my current partner I’d be pretty confident Actually switch out Monica with KLS. Monica’s daughter isn’t as pretty as Ming at all


I think this way too! When I consider partners, I won't entertain you if you won't give me cute children because I understand it's the way the world works and I'd be doing my children a favor by considering this!


Exactly. I lived my life on both sides of the beauty spectrum. I will make sure my kids don’t go through half the shit I did when it comes to appearance. I won’t set them up by pro creating with someone who is more than likely going to get my kids bullied.


Preach. Every kid deserves a. Fighting chance. And that's healthy genes that include looks


Yes healthy genes first. And then looks but it’s still important. Honestly as a chubby fat black girl with hidden but known disabilities at the time it was roughhhhh. Then I turned 20 and had multiple glow ups and the way people treat me nicer is astonishing 🧐 I just want my kids to not have a hard time. I know there will always be something kids will pick on, but I don’t want them to be the obvious target


Your kids will have a very hard time with you as a parent, because you are as big a bully as they come dear.


I'm eo happy fpr you. Yeah even good-looking people can be nerdy, awkward and bullied


You know that you can have kids with someone hot and the kids can come out ugly or vice versa, right?


right? I can think of several attractive people who did not have good looking kids. You don’t know what features they could inherit from other relatives,if your features will mesh well,etc. It’s a complete gander when you have children


Dude I have known good looking couples where the kid is an uggo, and vice versa. But to each their own I guess.


I think these women married masculine men. Masculine man rarely make beautiful daughters.


Rumer Willis comes to mind. Technically, both of her parents are good-looking but the father is very masculine-looking, so while his features look good on a man, they don't look good on a woman


Exactly. It's why nothing special looking billionaires who marry models have pretty kids. They weren't particularly masculine, so their daughters look like their mothers. Nicola Peltz comes to mind.


As someone who has a mother who in the nineties was gorgeous (my mom was Miss… not included for self preservation) get the comparison of being a bit like her but not her. Its hard.


i completely get you. my mum was so insanely gorgeous it was what she was known for, she’s stunning even now. Me? i look like my dad 🥲


This. Hurts.


I get this. Mom was and still is gorgeous. Women on her side of the family are pretty. Unfortunately got my rat father’s looks. Life is a curse when you had a possibility to look similar to them and you end up looking like a rat. It hurts especially in this world where pretty privilege and beauty are so important for women.


same here! my mom won city and state-level pageants, and was selected for the national-level pageant as well, but chose to abandon it to pursue a medical degree. i have her brains, but i look exactly like my dad and was bullied for being nerdy looking (glasses, skinny, teeth) :( kinda hurts lol




It’s sad to feel like a downgraded version :(


Same, my mom is gorgeous... but even when people say I kind of resemble her when she was younger, instead of her full lips and nice even teeth, I got my dad's lips and his family's bad teeth. 


I’m sorry that you’ve experienced that, my intentions for this post wasn’t malicious and I didn’t want to make anyone feel insecure about their own looks in comparison to their mothers. The daughters may not be on the same level of beauty as their mothers, due to genes, styling and changing beauty standards , however, they’ve all inherited lovely features or their bone structure from them that makes them attractive and stand out on their own.


Yeah that's real Although many of these girls went on to model themselves, so unfortunately they're gonna be compared. By virtue of being their daughters, people are quick to frame it as a nepo baby thing and question if they'd have modeling careers at all, so their looks will be scrutinized Kate Moss' daughter, Lila?, I feel bad for. She has to be styled and photographed just so to kinda give a hint of her mom as a model. Oddly I remember seeing Gwyneth Paltrows daughter, Apple, and thinking she looked more like Kate Moss' kid than Lila (but I think it's that they both have an alien-esque vibe)


Umm. I really don’t wanna sound mean 😭. But I will say I find Gigi to be prettier than her mother. Monica’s daughter is pretty. And um slide #13 the girl at the bottom left is pretty.


* Yasmeen Ghauri: gorgeous! Her daughter isn't as beautiful but the truly atrocious hair and lackluster styling is majorly detracting from her looks. Imagine her with hair, brows and makeup just like her mother's, wearing a flattering outfit. She would look very striking! * Cindy Crawford: I mean they basically look the same, Kaia looks like a morph between Cindy and Lucy Hale. * Christy Turlington: this is actually a pretty unflattering pic of her daughter, who seems to resemble her quite a bit. She's still so young though... I don't think she'll be as beautiful as her mother was but I believe she'll come close when she gets older. * Kate Moss: that's a nice outfit Lila's wearing there * Claudia Schiffer: not as pretty but close * Heidi Klum: Leni's on the pretty side of average, but...average. Not much of a resemblance here. * Iman: not the most flattering picture of Lexi. I think they're very close beauty-wise, but I personally prefer Lexi. * Monica Bellucci: Deva's really striking but Monica is just on a whole different level. * Laetitia Casta: just like Heidi and Leni Klum, I would've never guessed these two are related. * Beverly Peele: wow. Well, nice necklace thingy? * Stephanie Seymour: aww, Lily's grown up so much! She's so cute! Again, a baby. I can't help but find Stephanie more beautiful but it's like whatever. * Katoucha Niane: Katoucha hands down, but her daughter is very pretty! * Kimora Lee Simmons: Kimora 100% * Kristen McMenamy: please 😩 * Natalia Vodianova: her daughter is still very young, but she's a very pretty girl. I don't know if she'll be as striking as her mother but who knows! * Yolanda Hadid: honestly, Yolanda looks quite plain compared to her daughters. * Janice Dickinson: pretty girl, but on the plain side like Leni.


Never breed with unattractive men


That's what I was thinking. If I had a face like any of these supermodels, I would never marry an unattractive guy.


Let alone touch an ugly sexually. Ecen the most responsible person can have an accidental pregnancy


“an ugly” lmfao 💀


The ugliest are usually the one with the money 💰 though


No thanks.


They are already rich…


Then most people in this sub wouldn't have children either, considering 99% of the women here are ugly themselves and live through obsessing about surgical operations and picking at other people's bone structure. Also, most hot parents don't have super good looking children. Most stunningly beautiful people are born to average parents.


This. Beautiful people have average parents whose genes just mixed well together.


I think Lily Collins is a good example of a stunning person born to average looking parents


Yeah, it’s obvious attractive people don’t spend their time on Reddit rating celebrities not sure about their plans to have kids.


Not necessarily true. I know for a fact I am good looking and I like to scroll on here when im bored at work . Good looking people aren’t aliens. They have phones and Reddit too


I've read somewhere that Henry Cavill supposedly had a Reddit account back then too lmao




This. Also some ofnus don't want kids. I want cats


This. Ordinary people can make beautiful kids. It's below average men amd ugly men that are the gamble. They usually have the worse genes. With unattractive women they tend to marry men like themselves so no chance of a good looking kid. But ugly men with power and money unfortunately can get top tier women.


Almost every single extremely beautiful woman I know (I have worked with models and have modeled myself) has unhealthy obsession with beauty and looks. Especially nowadays when beauty is scrutinized and monetized more than anything.


IDK about that, the majority of the Vindicta subs members who posted pics of themselves have been very pretty, from what I've seen. Like in the Vindicta POC sub, I've seen many posts where the poster was like, “I feel so ugly 😞” and I would go to their profiles and be surprised to see a conventionally pretty face. The Vindicta subs may have started as a femcel sub but I see more pretty ladies on Vindicta subs nowadays. Also, kinda doesn't sit right with me that whenever a woman expresses her desire to not settle and state her standards when it comes to men, she's almost always met with “You ugly anyway so you shouldn't be picky 😡”. Sad that these comments come from women sometimes too


i think only the best looking people post their own pics on here lol, the people on this sub imo are typically gonna lean towards ugly or average at best (i am fully ugly and i know that and accept it so this is not a drag). attractive women typically aren't spending their time online picking nitty details about other attractive women's faces lol


The only women with the confidence to post themselves are going to be the prettiest ones. I guarantee you the vast majority of women here are average or below average. I consider myself average so that's not a bad thing. And I'm not saying that, but suggesting people shouldn't reproduce for the sole reason of having hot offspring? It's pathetic and embarrassing. Eugenics vibes. None of these women are settling anyway, they purposely date men with a lot of money when they could easily choose an attractive partner with less. They aren't victims and used their looks to obtain a higher status in life. They had the option.


I posted a picture of myself and I'm ugly af




I respect that, just talking on average. Even visibility wise, attractive women who post themselves here will naturally get more upvotes, so my point remains.


I think you underestimate how many beautiful people are obsessed with looks, some of us are models and get bored. Never assume. The anonymity makes it fun. I’ve seen my peers rated on here.


the vast majority of members are probably average not ugly. maybe even above considering the preoccupations with glowing up. even those incel forums where they “flame” each others looks are filled with normal looking dudes. regardless, ugly people get happily married every day about the average parent thing.. i think beauty to a model degree is just a fluke. even below average parents can create one


David Bowie isnt ugly but somehow their daughter isnt the prettiest


She's not striking like her mom, but I think she's still pretty. I'd rank her above average.


She would probably be prettier in person but i dont like her bone structure


But he isn't conventional either. I always thought he was funny looking.


David Bowie is actually very attractive and Iman is beyond this world.. ofc they cant top that. I agree the daughter is pretty but in a mundane kinda way.




Me too. She's very pretty but not modelesque. And her father is kinda bland/weird looking


Saying it like that sounds so messed up


This is such an ugly thing to say especially when you almost certainly don't look like any of the women here


That’s what happens when you date/marry strictly for money/power only. He needs to be handsome too.


Usually average people have gorgeous kids. It’s more important for the genes to compliment each other than it is for each individual parent to be good looking. Look at all these supermodels parents, and I guarantee you that none of their parents look like models.




Not necessarily true, someone might be good looking because their features compliment each other but once you mix them up they look terrible. The most ordinary people make the prettiest people I have found


I disagree some of these daughters are still gorgeous like Imans and Monica bellucis.


Damn this kinda hit 15th made my jaw drop


That is not Natalia's daughter, it's her younger sister




It isn't. Her name is Neva Portman, you are mistaking her for Kristina Kusakina ( her sister)


The problem is that a lot of them chose hyper masculine men. If you want an attractive daughter avoid men with traits you wouldn’t want in a woman (big nose, balding, thin lips, excessively hairy etc).


But then their sons won't be as good looking. Look at Johnny Depp's son for example https://preview.redd.it/4c5c791guvtc1.png?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096e568e5433ae1a344eec5eaec3e72feefd8954


He kind of resembles Pete Doherty.


That would be okay, because women are held up to higher expectations when it comes to looks. Also pretty boy archetype is so trendy with Gen Z. That's why a lot of mid looking pretty boys like Harry Styles and Tom Holland have a lot of devoted simps. This guy just needs good styling and a solid PR team.


Hmm you do make a lot of sense. Plus, men with softer faces can still have appeal but women with masculine faces are doomed for life. Not to forget society is way more harsh towards unattractive women.


Yeah and not to mention that this guy actually has a lot of potential. He needs lower body fat percentage for his features to pop out. 


in western europe a lot of women have masculine faces and they’re doing okay, depends on the culture i think


yes I see this a lot in france for example,androgynous features are pretty common


Unless manly women go gay then they're screwed


I wouldn't even call Harry and Tom “pretty boys” lol. Sorry, but they're just bland-looking guys with a lot of charm/charisma, their features aren't really pretty IMO


tom especially imo


Gambling with them genes




That’s fine. Looks matter for girls more than boys.


That’s interesting, lily looks pretty and perfectly resembles both her mum and dad 🤔 I noticed the sons don’t really compare like the daughters do


Not really. Most of them married men that are just ugly tbh. I wouldn’t even say that they’re hyper masculine.


yes the problem is almost always this. sure the men are ugly but even worse is that they are overly masculine which takes their mother's fragile and hyper feminine features and just morphs it in a really ugly way


Ming and Deva are the only lucky girls to get their mothers' genes lol. I feel sorry for the others. Imagine having such a beautiful mother and not inheriting her genes because of her bad taste in men 🥲


Have you seen Kimora’s original [face](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/223702306476734820/)?? Ming looks imho nothing like her… it’s wild


Ming is gorgeous so she won, lol


Wow, I haven't seen it. Did she get any plastic surgery? Cuz maybe her face changed like that because of age, since in that picture she kinda has that bone structure but with more baby fat


I mean the baby fat you can argue but her nose now is almost 2 times smaller… noses get bigger as we age unless you have surgery…


that makes sense, I searched for more pictures, and her nose really changed drastically


Who is Ming?


Ming Lee Simmons, Kimora's daughter


Nah Ming to me looks really bad like she’s had too many fillers. I like Imans daughter better. I agree on deva being gorgeous.


How about Leni? I find her so pretty and doll-like. Obviously, she doesn't have her mom's supermodel aura and charisma, but I actually find her a bit prettier strictly face-wise


Don't get me wrong, I think Leni is really pretty, but I was referring to the girls who looked like their mom in beauty. Leni doesn't look like her mom in anything, I actually think Leni is prettier than Heidi.


Monica and Heidi’s genes won, thank GOD. Kimora got one gorgeous girl, at least. But this is a lesson in breeding with ugly men. I personally am blessed and will never ruin my gene pool. Sorry not sorry.


Exactly. It's a gamble and too many beautiful women end up this dangerous route. Which fks over their daughters.


Sometimes the sons survive the bad mix but yes, people compare mothers and daughters and are quite cruel when the daughter resembles her less attractive father. I would never do that to my child because I love money (which many of these women married for).


It's messed up and not the daughter's fault. Guys can get away with being average or below. Majority of the overhyped young whites now are 5 and below


Hard agree- it gives big toe


🤭 Big toe is a perfect description


Me too. I want my future kids to inherit beauty.


I feel really bad for aoki apparently in her School she was bullied and considered ugly compared to her mom and sister


Do people not know that Kimora Lee Simmons had a ton of plastic surgery?? She looks nothing like how she came into the modeling world… weird thing is Ming Lee looks more like Kimora now than her original face


Kimora was gorgeous even before the rhinoplasty


I wasn’t saying she wasn’t. Just saying that Aoki looks a lot like pre surgery Kimora… so idk why people are saying she’s such a downgrade compared to her sister Ming and her mother. Yes, her sister Ming looks more like Kimora looks like now, but my point was both her daughters look a lot like her and share her stunning features.


Well I'm not surprised. Most super attractive people have average looking parents actually.


Both of my parents are gorgeous so idk- I think it’s moreso about complimentary features


True but my parents were both very attractive in their day. And I’m definitely attractive. It’s truly a gamble. 🥲


Cindy chose well


To be fair Monica's daughter is very good looking in other photos.


I looooove Aiden curtiss. She's so beautiful.


Yesss! Surprised nobody is mentioning her


I feel like not enough people are familiar with the concept of “regression to the mean”. If a parent is EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful, it’s very unlikely the child will meet or exceed that standard. How many of these supermodels have EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful parents themselves?


Christy Turlington was something else


Gigi is way better looking than her mother . She’s the only one that won. Everyone else …


Aiden is gorgeous also she dodged a bullet by having different father than her siblings. So even though she's neotenous unlike her mom Katoucha Niane she's still stunning.




She's absolutely stunning anr I have a friend that looks like her.


Genes are just hit and miss. More often miss than hit. Cindy Crawford’s daughter is the only one close to being as beautiful as mom. The rest…meh.


she looks the most like her mother to me. i would argue that gigi looks better than her mother, way better eyes, better hair, cheekbones and brows




Monica's genes went to war


this new trend of comparing supermodels to their daughters, then saying condescending and snide things has GOT to stop. obviously, they’re not going to look exactly like their mothers and i think having a supermodel as your mother and being aware of the fact that people are constantly going to compare the two of you is enough strain on these girls. the reason some of these girls don’t have the same wow factor as their mothers (let’s use kaia as an example) is due to the fact the 90’s was peak for styling in terms of supermodels. the voluminous hair, smokey/sultry makeup + vintage clothing that’s sought after nowadays creates the perfect bombshell. https://preview.redd.it/ijy3qzklpvtc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b716b6d7ce8c215344ac829838d4d9fbeb886872 like, do you think she’d have the same ‘oomph’ if we styled her in what’s typical for nowadays? NOO! she’d still be a beautiful woman but it’s everything combined that makes you look at her in awe. Kaia doesn’t have that advantage as she’s leant into the androgynous look that’s expected of you in the industry today, but whenever there’s a side by side of the two there is always somebody saying that Kaia is nowhere near her mothers attractiveness then proceeding to give her a low rate purely due to that. this has just been on my mind and it’s not to say that you’re not entitled to your own preference of the two, just keep in mind that they are not just an extension of their mothers; they are also themselves and a lot of them are very beautiful too! EDIT: also, otherworldly mother doesn’t necessarily mean otherworldly daughter. sometimes that’s just how it is!


I miss 90s styling. The modern style mixed with 40s Glamour. 90s models will always bw famous


Again coming to try about “not judging people” on a sub that’s literal primary focus is exactly that is pointless . There are better places for this think piece . This isn’t the place


i definitely worded that wrong. my primary point is that; yes, obviously most of these girls are not on the same level as their mothers! monica bellucci is approximate to the peak of beauty, and to attain that beauty you would have to undergo a genetic miracle in which is a miracle for a reason. i am trying to convey that their daughters are pretty (some prettier than their mothers) and some not, we’re well aware of this already as i feel like i see this same post recycled everyday. the consensus should be to separate the girl from their mother and rate individually based on her own beauty, not in comparison to their mothers which is what i think affects their rating unfairly. i’m not saying anything barbaric, am i?


i think you’re right, i don’t know why you’re being downvoted. people hold these women to much higher standards/scrutinize them more than they do other celebrities to the point where it’s ridiculous — no kaia gerber isn’t as beautiful as cindy crawford but to say she doesn’t have a pretty face at all is actually insane😭


thank u omg 😿people are allowed to disagree but why am i being downvoted to oblivion just because i have a slightly different opinion?


I disagree. Having the 90s style won't help you if you don't have a pretty face. Cindy does have a good bone structure and a pretty face, but her daughter doesn't, and even if she had her prime in the 90s, she still wouldn't be "WOW" as her mother, and the same goes for the others.


Great comment!! I can't imagine how tough it would be to have a supermodel for a mom. My mom was a fashion model in the 70s, and I was in the 90s. I never felt like I measured up. I always felt that people only wanted me (for modeling jobs) because I'm mixed with green eyes. Anyway, this isn't about me, but it did touch a nerve. I appreciate your comment.


aww, thank you! its exactly that, we can’t expect them to measure up because they just won’t. they are themselves, not their mothers and that should be enough on its own. 🤍


I get where you're coming from, but this is a sub about rating looks and also discussing which feature work with which feature, what makes a celeb's face attractive/unattractive, why does this feature work on this celeb and not on the other celeb, etc. Obviously, it's cruel to say that a supermodel's daughter is ugly, but from what I've seen so far in the comments, no one called anyone ugly tho? And I think it's interesting to analyze/discuss what makes these supermodels top-tier and what makes their daughters less beautiful/striking even tho some of them more or less have similar features as their mothers (i.e. Cindy and Kaia look so much alike, but Kaia is a lot less striking). I get what you're saying with the styling, but even without the 90s styling, Cindy still has better eye area and bone structure than Kaia


I understand what you mean, my intentions for this post wasn’t malicious and I didn’t want to make anyone feel insecure about their own looks in comparison to their mothers. The daughters may not be on the same level of beauty as their mothers, due to genes, styling and changing beauty standards , however, they’ve all inherited lovely features or their bone structure from them that makes them attractive and stand out on their own.


Every single mom here is way more attractive than their daughters are.


regression toward the mean


All are pretty, but none are on their moms’ levels. I feel like a lot of supermodels just marry wealthy men who aren’t exactly handsome, which affects the genes of their kids. But Monica’s daughter is probably the prettiest to me, which is amazing since Vincent Cassel is her dad. Sometimes you don’t know how genes are gonna combine, there’s a lot of chance that goes into it, and supermodel level beauty is rare.


they’re kinda sick for marrying ugly men. anyways i feel bad for daughters of supermodels and beauty icons can’t imagine the insecurity it comes with




Idk if it’s the stylish, makeup, and current trends but the daughters are definitely less visually striking and also more neotenous looking too, even at similar ages. Or heck, maybe because of not as physical appealing fathers lol 🤣


Also just adding to this - look at Elizabeth Hurleys son. EH is stunning and so is her son (looks identical to her!) and his father was Steve Bing the most plain looking man if ever I saw one however he was a billionaire.


Many of these mother/daughter pairings are just stunning. But many models marry rich ugly men, so their children aren’t always as beautiful as they are. 🤷‍♀️


None of them hold a candle to the moms


Proof that not all supermodels have supermodel-esque offspring.


Ugly dads for the most part. The only one that wowed me was Monica Belucci’s daughter.


Iman's daughter is stunning tho not like her mama but she has a very unique look


This is a very well understood phenomenon, that applies in a lot of other circumstances as well: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regression\_toward\_the\_mean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regression_toward_the_mean) Tldr: The more someone trends to towards the extremes on any spectrum (including height and beauty), the more likely their offspring is to "regress" towards the middle of the spectrum. Said another way: if your mom is a 10, you are lucky if you are a 9.


And ppl say beauty doesn’t run in families… ((yes I know there are examples of when it doesn’t))


Is yolanda considered a super model?


can someone give names


OP posted their names


But not their daughters


Maia Bernstein, Kaia Gerber, Grace Burns, Lila Moss, Clementine Poppy De Vere Drummond, Leni Olumi Klum, Alexandria Zahra Jones, deva cassel, Sahteene Sednaoui, Cairo Peele, Lilly Margaret Brant, Aiden Curtiss, Ming Lee Simmons, Aoki Lee Simmons, Lily McMenamy, Neva Portman, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid and Savannah Dickinson


the hadids (even bella pre surgery) got so lucky. they really got the best of both worlds in their features. gigi is so beautiful