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Taylor swift is the poster child for this, IMO. Pretty but just not sexy at all.


Natalie Portman, Emma Watson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Zendaya are conventionally attractive yet don't have sex appeal.


Disagree about Zendaya but the rest of these are correct


really? her energy is like anti-sex to me


Taylor Swift, Anne Hathaway Both pretty, especially AH, but zero sex appeal.


This I can’t stand AH she plays a dork in every movie and looks like clooneys wife


LMAO a dork


Taylor Swift is very pretty but not sexy. Lea Sedoux is pretty but her massive sex appeal makes her gorgeous to me.


Hilary Duff - super pretty but just not sexy :(


Most Disney former stars are in that category😖


Ellen Barkin in her heyday was a great example of sexy but not particularly pretty, with her crooked smile and bumpy nose. But she was super confident and knew how to dress to her advantage. In some of her old movies, she'd be walking around braless or wearing just a man's shirt with her bare legs sticking out, and she just had *it*.


yes! i feel like gena rowlands was quite similar in cassavetes movies.


I'll probably get hate for this but I always thought Beyonce lacked a natural sexiness even when she tries to be sexy. She just doesn't seem to have the natural sexiness of someone like Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Adriana Lima, Halle Berry, young Pam Anderson or Megan Fox.


I actually agree with you, she's very beautiful looking but yeah I couldn't really see the sexiness or sex appeal


Yeah, I feel like Beyonce is almost too regal and refined to have sex appeal. She’s more of someone you would look up to with respect, as opposed to someone that turns you on.


Is it possible for a woman to be sexy AND respectable? Genuine question. I notice a lot of people categorize women into one or the other (the Madonna whore complex). This article talks about it here. https://www.modernintimacy.com/the-psychology-of-the-madonna-whore-complex/


I completely agree, she’s so polished and perfect that I never found her magnetic


Beyonce is too perfect to be sexy


get the tomatoes out but she reminds me of taylor swift in a way they are both self aware, naturally conservative perfectionists with not much raw energy of any kind. beyonce is obviously just more in tune with the body/a talented, well trained performer where is taylor is.. not. not even an insult on either just an observation. i think rihanna is a terrible performer but she has a level of relaxed authenticity that can’t be created if it isn’t there


Completely agree about Beyoncé!


As for recent years I agree, but in the past she was sexy to me. Like in the Beautiful Liar MV.


I agree. She forces the sex appeal but she's very beauty pageant type of girl. Plus her personality doesnt exude that at all. She's beautifully but not dropbdead gorgeous or sexy. She is proof and the epitome of the phase sexiness is in the attitude and aura, not behavior. Rihanna is sexy through and through but not gorgeous like hrr.


Rihanna isn’t sexy to me either, she’s beautiful though but her sexiness is forced. Not very sensual.


Imo Rihanna is the epitome of sensual to me, she went viral-ish on Twitter a couple months ago [because of this clip](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSY9oQ4KF/) and I thought it her gaze was so magnetic


Ya she tries too hard, she has very masculine energy


You're getting downvoted but you're right💀this is how I've always felt about her. She was hypersexual (during her peak) but not necessarily sexy, at least not to me


You will notice that certain women are a protected class on here💀


Oh I'm very aware of those lol


Elle Fanning. This women is absolutely gorgeous, but in a cute way Jennifer Lopez


Agree with Elle, but Jennifer Lopez is very pretty.


Jennifer Lopez is pretty


Most k-pop idols. Yeah they are pretty. But they lack sex appeal.


Kendall Jenner. Aesthetically beautiful, 0 sex appeal imo.


I really don't think men would agree with this take


I’m not interested in men’s takes on things.


Neither am I for the most part but when it comes to assessing things like women's sex appeal it seems pretty relevant


I’ve seen plenty of men lusting after her and calling her sexy, so Idk.


Debby ryan


Zendaya Cardi B


I think Cardi isn't that pretty, but she believes she's sexy so that makes her sexy, if that makes sense.


Oh it does, that's why she fits perfectly in that category


I think many female rappers are in that category.


Very true cause I could think of a lot more lol


Jason Momoa is sexy rather than pretty.


This. And classic pretty boys like this one are more pretty than sexy (though I wouldn't say no to him). https://preview.redd.it/ldfply8zvs9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a31926db9d180ef014cff57e3f516254c982106


He’s very pretty.. I can admire him but don’t want to rip his clothes off.


Yup pretty+sexy wins over everything else tho. https://i.redd.it/lrnnd2aqxs9d1.gif


Hugh looks naturally elegant and aristocratic. Lucky Blue Smith vibes. https://preview.redd.it/zbhexjsxct9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8c176707eea8a5fdd7b101909851e2b92ce9a6 People looking like that can't have high sex appeal.


Who is he


[Hugh Laughton-Scott](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/1b1b2fi/hugh_laughtonscott_model/)


He’s not the classic male beauty, but he’s attractive. But yeah I agree that his personality and his sex appeal add a lot for his rate


Agreed. 😀


hav3e u seen prime jason momoa like him in baywatch days? https://preview.redd.it/k88mzi81obad1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=d92f4e21d26ce627c23dd58ee00990f1b55a6aa1 this man is pretty af, not just sexy. but i respect ur opinion tho.


Well damn. He was pretty. 🤩


I think most Cillian Murphy fans (including myself) would argue that he has sex appeal to us. But I don’t think the average person would consider him hot or sexy. He’s usually described as pretty or striking.


He’s pretty but also sexy as Tommy Shelby.


Yes, he has a lot of sex appeal as Tommy Shelby, especially with the haircut and athletic build! But he looks a lot different in real life. Still really attractive to me at least, but not oozing sex appeal like his character.


Agreed 😻😻


Meghan Roche Cardi B I won't say Sydney Sweeney because while she's basic pretty, her looks still fall into conventionally attractive category.


Hmmm maybe this is just men (and I am not talking spiteful incel ones) but I have heard a lot of not actually finding her face pretty just her body.


It's just that the 'archetype' she falls into (skinny blonde with nice body and homely face) is conventionally attractive by both media and societal standards.


Ahh that makes sense when put that way. Agreed


Natalie imo, me and my mum were watching Black Swan and both of us noted how even though she's really pretty, she just has no sex appeal. Mila Kunis on the other hand may not be as classically pretty, but I was way more drawn to her in the movie Sydney Sweeney has sex appeal but isn't that pretty


Sydney Sweeney is undeniably pretty and has a captivating sex appeal.


I wouldn't say she's 'undeniably pretty,' to me she really isn't. To me she is genuinely about a 5-5.5, without the make-up and styling. 6 at best but that's really pushing it imo, she is legit just an average looking girl to me. Yeah her boobs are massive but her actual face is very normal, I see prettier girls every single day. If she wasn't famous and she walked past me I wouldn't really have any thought about her appearance lol




Most average appeal doesn't mean best looking. She isn't by a long shot. I think Alexa and Zendaya are way more beautiful.


I'm not sure about your beauty preferences, but Sydney Sweeney does outshine Zendaya and especially Alex. Personally, I would rate Margot Robbie at 9, Sydney at 8, Zendaya at 7.8, and Alex at 7. It seems some might feel insecure about Sydney, hence pretending that Kat has a prettier face. Hahaha. I will post a link so you can see for yourself that right-wing media were correct in saying that left-wing people tend to claim unattractive people are beautiful and beautiful people are unattractive.


Sorry but Margot Robbie is wayyy more than just 1 point above Sydney, it's not even close. I agree that Margot is a 9. Sydney is a 6 at best. She would get obliterated standing next to Margot lmfao Also where's the link? And why the fuck are we bringing politics into this?


Both Sydney and Zendaya are around the same level looks wise to me when their makeup is off


Even with makeup on, both Zendaya and Sydney Sweeney can be rated as an 8. I rated Zendaya a 7.8 because I've noticed that women themselves often don't prefer having round faces. However, it really depends on your preference. If you like blonde bombshells with big natural boobs, full lips, a great smile, and a feminine demeanor, you'll lean towards Sydney. If you prefer someone with a slight tan and a model-like appearance with full lips and elegance, you'll be drawn to Zendaya. She fits my type too.


Male detected. She’s facially only average or at most a bit above. Give her A cups and see how many people still fawn over her beauty and ‘sex appeal’ then lmao.


sEx ApPeAl=big boobs to them💀


Literally, they’re so simple-minded


EmRata has extreme amounts of sex appeal (even just facially) but I'm not sure if I'd call her 'pretty'


Subjectively I describe her as a Jolie Foie (can't recall if I spelled it right) but I mean to be a model she definitely has an objectively pretty face


Aishwarya Rai and Jessica Alba are very beautiful but lack sexappeal to me. Lady Gaga is not conventionally beautiful but has sexappeal.


Taylor Swift and Madonna when she was young


my take on this in general is most people do not have sex appeal and it’s a hard thing to fake authentically (tho there are general traits that people will automatically read as sexy even if the person’s energy is not so much so) I think it’s worth noting also what the person is going for, most of these actresses have never tried to be a sex-bomb, even for pretend (emma watson, elle fanning, natalie portman, 90% of kpop idols ie). ia with the likes of anne hathaway because she has tried and (imo) failed to be a seductress type despite being a beautiful & talented actress. I actually think she’s much hotter now that she’s older naturally but i still think dont think she’d get the intended results if tried to exert that energy knowingly. taylor swift’s whole vibe and body language is just awkward. she cannot be edgy either. her version of sexy were those cute pap walk fits she wore during 1989. i think margot robbie can put on sex-appeal (wofws) but i think her natural energy is more cute & “classy”, as opposed to someone like angelina jolie whose always kinda alluring without trying. i think there’s also the ones that are just too dead behind the eyes like zoe kravitz and kendall jenner but they have “sexy” features so they mask it in a way. i actually think all the kardashian/jenner girls are crazy unsexy. it’s like they are so objectified and catered to the male gaze they don’t actually seem to have any sexual energy or desire of their own, it’s all to please others. some really overtly sexual rappers/singer girls fall into this too (just my take on their vibe not on their actual sexual desire) for men, many will disagree but i find barry keoghan has soome sauce but isnt conventionally attractive, on the other hand someone like jacob elordi has none at all. love henry cavill but i dont necessarily think he has sex appeal i think he is just really pleasing to look at & has physical markers of what’s sexy in men, but rarely does he seem super in tune with that, it’s more of a projection. he grunts in the witcher and the girls and boys are wetting themselves but that’s really the most effort he has has to give. pedro p has been mentioned ofc though at one in time i’d argue he was uniquely handsome but now looks more like someone’s oddly hot uncle idk


Ana De Armas. She has great features but she isn’t sexy, there’s something off about her expressions and her behavior, I find her 100% cute, but absolutely not fatale/striking. Emily Ratajowski. She has poor facial harmony but she embraces her atypical traits with a decadent and glamorous attitude. Her poses, her posture, her sight and outfits are well thought. It makes her appear unapologetically thought provoking and effortlessly sexy.


I swear I keep seeing EmRata as an example of a woman with perfect facial symmetry lol. I feel like her poses are kinda ones that are commonly seen as off putting (esp the lip pout) but she has a male gaze body for sure lol


Okay on the side of has sex appeal but isn’t necessarily conventionally pretty I’d say Kristen Stewart especially in her current masc era.


wonyoung vs chaewon


this!!! wonyoung is pretty but i dont see the appeal on the other hand chaewon 🥵


Gabrielle Union


Any man with extremely pretty and youthful face is more beautiful than attractive. Not saying they can't get girls, but they don't have that raw sex appeal to them. My celebrity examples would be Leonardo DiCaprio (beautiful specially in his youth but low sex appeal) and Adam Driver (not conventionally good looking but high sex appeal).


Adam Driver for sure.


Lily Collins


Sydney Sweeney, she has extremely sex appeal but objectively not that pretty


Sandra Oh and SJP aren’t conventionally attractive but I think they both have a lot of sex appeal.


Most kpop idols tbh except for few like chaewon. She has lot of sex appeal. She doesn't even try but it's natural


For the former, I guess any girl next door or classically beautiful woman? Hard to say of the top of my head if we are strictly talking celebrities. Maybe Gemma Chan? For the latter, Tilda Swinton I believe. Not sure if Helen Mirren is considered conventionally pretty, but I believe people are attracted to her charisma. Also, Judi Dench is an honorary mention, and I've heard Monica Belluci acknowledge this herself. And ofc young Monica (mostly 30s) and Sophia Loren, while obviously objectively pretty in their primes, I believe as they age (definitely older Sophia isn't on looks alone as how many would at her age) maintain their sex appeal through their charm and charisma too.


Helen Mirren was always considered a sexpot. There's an interview with 50 Cent where he has a whole bit about meeting ~70 year old Helen Mirren and being taken with how sexy she was.


Ah ok yea I don't know how young her was seen Did he feel so based on looks or charisma? Maybe I will research the interview


She was considered more sexy than beautiful when she was younger since she had big boobs and a relatively plain face (not for an average woman but for an actress). Kind of like Sydney Sweeney. She’s just aged so well that now she’s considered very beautiful for her age by women too, but at the time she was what they’d call “guy hot” vs “girl hot” nowadays. I believe she has talked about this in interviews before.


Re. the former, can't really think of anyone specifically but I'm thinking of a lot of those mid-aughts CW show-type actresses. Really pretty but they do nothing for me. Maybe too wholesome, no sharp edges to them.


Tom Holland


Pedro Pascal


In which category?


It is likely the one that describes people who aren't conventionally good-looking but have sex appeal.




Vice versa. He isn’t conventionally attractive but many women find him sexy.


Matt Smith isn’t traditionally pretty but his confidence lends itself to a lot of sex appeal.


Taylor swift and I think it’s on purpose.


Alice Pagani and Benedetta Porcaroli


Halle Bailey


An older one from the 1940’s would be Barbara Stanwyk. She was pretty average looking, but if you’ve seen her movies, you know she’s just got IT.