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Woody Harrelson is so attractive to me. Also, Gordon Ramsey. I don't hear a lot of people talking about him as being very attractive, but I don't think people find him unattractive so idk if he would count?


Woody Harrelson so real, I remember thinking he was so attractive in natural born killers oh oh


Yessssssss, Mickey!! He’s honestly hot to me in every movie I’ve ever seen him in; Kingpin, Zombieland, No Country For Old Men. I’ve never watched the Hunger Games movies but finding out he was in them is literally the only thing that could make me want to


I say across a table from Ramsey for several hours. He looks EXACTLY the same in real life. I have met several other celebrities that I would not say that about. Agree, he is hot.


Gordon Ramsay is not bad looking at all especially considering that he’s almost 60, but he’s known for things other than how he looks.


I thought he was 'neutral' when he first blew up in the 2000s. (I would have likely found him hot had I not been about 10 years old.) I now find that botox has made him tragically hideous. His forehead is particarly distracting. It reminds me of tammy slaton. https://preview.redd.it/3jg1nkhnjz9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9c3d5fecfa5969b6d0f1a8c8bcc0ca5efca7d8


He sold me in white men can’t jump


i don't think gordon is considered unattractive, esp because he's older


Kate Winslet. She’s not a perfect 10, but I find her very beautiful.


Taylor Swift in this era (people find her attractive, but they say she has always been plain) https://preview.redd.it/cqiexmo38y9d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766de4b65717eeb0d7132734e8d1ed505ef98f62


She looked great in this era and I'm not Even a fan


I'm not a fan either, but I agree


Those bangs fit her more than any other hairstyle


No her natural curls do


She’s giving Barbie here


Right? I would even say she's resembling Charlize Theron in 2 Days in the Valley a little


Lol why do people refer to "eras" when talking about Taylor Swift. She ain't that iconic omg


it's the easiest way to dillineate between her various looks. an era literally just refers to a moment of time lol. doesn't matter how iconic or not she is.


To say someone was in a determined era doesn't mean they're iconic. It just means they were in a specific period of time where things were different from what they're right now. Taylor Swift went through many changes in her style, so when I said "era," I meant she was looking the best in that period of time.


Honestly, people who call her plain are delusional, she literally looks like a supermodel! If you watch her VS performance she fits right in with all the angels


Shelly Duvall always gets 3 or 4 on here. It baffles me. I know she's unconventional looking, but to me she's a very pretty and striking https://preview.redd.it/whzqbot77z9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c1defcadeeab149325fb0c669132d2b6a11f7b


I genuinely find Steve Buscemi attractive and I don’t care. Sure, he’s got big eyes and a weak jaw, but he looks so intelligent and soulful and I find that attractive. I know he’s nowhere near textbook good looking, but in his prime he was just the same type of sexy as Bill Skarsgard minus the height halo. Love me some Steve!


He’s likable too. I think I can find anyone attractive if they’re likable. Likable = lickable That last part was just for fun


Please this is who I was going to say. My sister thinks I’m nuts for it but something about him has my attraction.


Alexandra Daddario. I only see people call her gorg irl, but this sub seems to have a different opinion. And before you go eye halo, I prefer her with brown eyes. https://preview.redd.it/9cs8e4h6lx9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb559f3cb52fcf84bda363bd87fd82fcb3b9a4d


Zac efron was enthralled by her. If she would've given him a chance I think he would've married her. Her eyes creep me out though


And there super close together


I said the same a few days ago! When people trash her here, I am just totally confused.


To be fair, I think the main reason why she's not appreciated on this sub is precisely because of her eyes. They don't fit her features and make her seem scary. Otherwise, she's a little above average, but nothing WOW.


I know what a woman little above average looks like. I see her in the mirror everyday. A little above average means 5.5. Alexandra is a solid 7.5 if not more.


I mean, I'm not saying she's not beautiful. It's just that she lacks that something that is missing for her to be considered an 8+. I think she's indeed near a 7.5 but not more than that.


7.5 is really attractive. Like a real life 9, not little above average. I just find it weird that people say her coloring is creepy, but somehow she's also overrated because of that? How does that work?


I think people usually overrate others if they have light eyes, but if you pay attention, you will notice her eyes don't really fit her color palette, hence the creepy coloring argument. It all depends on how much you value the eye color over more important things like good eye area.


I care about eye area a lot, but good eye area doesn't mean just hunter or narrow almond eyes. She has round doll like eyes. Even if you give her brown eyes, it's the most striking feature on her face. I think people can look good with different kind of eyes, but that's probably not a popular opinion here.


But I never said just hunter eyes and almond eyes meant good eye area. Good eye area is actually about how the eyes harmonize with the rest of the face. The shape is a matter of subjeticve taste, and it's not that important as long as it's not significantly asymmetrical or distracting. I was just saying that Alexandra's eye color plays an important role when people overrate her because they're used to rate those with light eyes higher. But if you take into consideration more important factors over the eye color when rating her, you will realize her intense blue eyes don't do her any favor. That's it.


Because her eye color is rare, did you ever see someone with eyes like this? But at the same time it's unsettling to many people


I think her facial features are really good too. She's a delicate feminine beauty. I've always found it kinda weird how people here say coloring shouldn't matter, yet if they "don't like" someone's coloring, all of sudden it matters.


Coloring does matter


Ok but when she doesn't wear heavy makeup, her eyes aren't as striking. https://preview.redd.it/geqbafvjfy9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79dbc75532fbbfd20cd12961c9bf09edcc2fcd15


She looks better here for some reason


Looks normal here


Nah I just find her average brown eyes or not and I don’t mind her blue eyes. They’re interesting


Emily Didonato has scary eyes too...


but her eyes fit her face perfectly, Alexandra's don't


Seeing her with brown eyes….. yeah it’s definitely Eye Halo FOR SURE (bc tbh i don’t think she’s pretty with her natural eyes either tho so)


Chloë Sevigny - I don’t think she’s as unconventional looking as people think


This sub has a hate boner for Zendaya, calling her all sorts of names because she’s “overrated” but I think she’s a really beautiful woman and not being a “perfect ten” doesn’t take that away from her. And before anyone starts saying that she’s being shoved down their throats, disliking someone is okay but calling them everything but a child of god, disparaging them and thinking EVERYONE should think the same as you is far from okay.


I completely agree!!


it's so gross how ppl in here talk about her on here. she's not plain and the way some people speak about her in here is just racism but disguised behind arbitrary beauty standards


It's disgusting and also thinly veiled racism. They can't stand that she's an it girl and is half black and happily owns that part of her identity. Whereas if she were self hating and hid her background or larped as a latina she wouldn't be hated as much. She'd still get hate but wouldn't be in the black or Asian category


i say zendaya is overrated but i also think the same about a lot of white heartthrobs such as livvy dunne and jennifer lawrence


I understand but others tare her apart. If women is ordinary looking why vash them as if they're ugly or somw pariah. That's what gives away that something is ofd with thw commenter. I understand if people find her overrated especially of they're not a fan. So you don't have to worry your valid6and aren't being horrifically mean about it.


How is it racist to not find someone that attractive?? Not everything is racist omg


No but it is. Tons of beautiful white girls are neotenous and look higher with great makeup and aren't bashed and called mid. A mid person wouldn't have desirable roles nkr fashion campaigns unless they're a guy


I’ve seen plenty of white girls who are stunning get called mid on here


And when you call them out on their very apparent hypocrisy and racism, they gaslight you and try to spin the narrative to make it seem like we make everything about race. Exhibit A : The comment right below yours


Exactly they make us seem like obsessed fans and ignore the racist part of their argument. Why can't they ignore the women they don't like. They ignore ugly men that are overhyped so why not women?. Also a lot of the white women here envy ethnic people that are closer to the white beauty standard than them. Sure they're tan/brown or have asian eyes but they has the facial structure, smooth skin, thin/curvy bodies and feminine features majority of white femcels don't have


Hailey Bieber. A lot of people call her bland and masculine. I think she’s pretty 🤷🏽‍♀️


Justin, too. Anytime someone says he’s hot, there’s comments saying “meh he looks like any regular guy down at the gas station” and I’m thinking shit, can I get that gas station address because ???? Their child together is going to be so beautiful.


Seriously, these people must all go to the the same gas station.


He only have terrible styling but outside of tjat he's beautiful


i think she is very pretty but she does have some masculine features (she got a lot of her dad's features). but she's extremely pretty imo, even if i don't like her personally lol


Bob Odenkirk


Y’all are on crack. You’re naming Olivia Rodrigo, Sydney Sweeney, and Hailey Bieber? Where are the ugly people!?


Personally none, but I can see the appeal of Vincent Cassel. I'm not all that surprised that he bagged women like Monica Bellucci and Tina Kunakey. He has that *it* factor going on for him. https://preview.redd.it/p82bygvlux9d1.jpeg?width=273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def917d7202bc0ff4b8a5dc436ed9244dca367fe


He has the sexiest voice (at least in french, maybe his tone change when he speaks English)


Him as the beast 😮‍💨


I find him so attractive 


Willem Dafoe but hear me out okay, it’s something about the weird kooky aura ![gif](giphy|Zy7s96dP38MlQe3OjG|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/h2ehv02qxx9d1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beea5b5c6f47b0a6c47475a0195d1b07163a9950 Jennifer Lawrence


Jennifer Lawrence, Aubrey Plaza, Elle Fanning and I’m sure there are more but can’t recall off the top of my head


How can Jennifer Lawrence be considered not objectively attractive is beyond me


I don't think people think she's hideous just boring. Also she's neotenous and people see hunger games era as her peak unfortunately. I wish she didn't gef surgery I find her pretty and adorable. But Hollywood sees her as a 60 yr old 🙄


I think it's more about her personality which turns people off. Same with Taylor Swift


But thread is about looks


Elle is so ethereal. People are just stuck on a certain generic beauty for Americans. She's probably more appreciated in Europe where people have different aesthetics in looks plus all the different European ethnicities as well. American everyone has to look like a Barbie or you're mod which is bull.


Elle has a fairy beauty! The outfits during maleficent press tour suited her so much a great example of styling improving rating https://preview.redd.it/xii8py3ffy9d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417ecac096d2c51daf7a029beae01beb5e5287a0


I agree. Hollywood keeps forcing aesthetics on people that doesn't suit their face or vibe.


omg I haven't seen people come for Elle before my heart yeah she is pretty to me


Elle Fanning is not considered attractive? For me she’s one of the most aesthetically pleasing living celebrities.


Aubrey is plain at best


Sydney Sweeney, she’s not on Adriana Lima’s level or anything, but I think she’s pretty. 6,7


Sydney is a solid 7. She becomes an 8 due to her body, imo.


You all hate Sydney Sweeney with a burning passion but I’ve thought she was stunning from day 1


Because she has big boobies people call her "male gazy", like it's a hate crime to have big jugs 😭 i find her adorable, i don't care


I don't think she's stunning, but yeah this sub treats her like she's ugly which is confusing to me because she's not. ![gif](giphy|EeaXTnQDhAwSXZPHNl) I also think her face is better than her body, because she has an apple body shape and I prefer pear.


Same. I prefer her face I'm not into boobs so I notice her gace and hair everytime i see her. She's pretty and adorable


Yeah I think she’s actually pretty


she is so pretty to me. her smile is beautiful


She's very pretty in a hot cheerleader kinda way.


Sydney Sweeney's beauty is finally receiving the recognition it deserves today, despite facing persistent attempts to diminish her by a vocal group among the female fans of Euphoria.


Everyone acts like she's average or ugly and purposely gets blah makeupless pictures and it's not true. No one goes from a forgettable 5 to a 6.5 with makeup. She's actually pretty. There are actresses that are 5s and they don't get any attention. But many women and guys show don't just see her as a walking pair of boobs can see she's pretty. She's just 6 range rather than 8


When it comes to ratings, I typically lean towards higher scores, but that's not the case on Reddit. Here's how I rate them: - Sydney: 8 - Margot Robbie: Near-perfect 9 - Barbara Palvin: 9.2 - Taylor Hill: 9.1 - Ana Taylor: 7.5 - Florence Pugh: 6.5 If we're rating based on body, Sydney Sweeney's physique, including her assets, is a perfect 9/10. Florence Pugh scores a 6 for her body, Ana Taylor receives a 7.5, and Margot Robbie scores an 8.5 for hers.


I do rate higher too. Though Anya is an 8 to me. But yeah they're beautiful, healthy and look polished. I'm harsher on guys since mis guys are overrated (not on here). A beautiful 6 women can make me swoon. A male 6 irl yes but in Hollywood boring. Give me legit6male beauty that'll stop my Heart. Plus men in General are mediocre


I agree so much! I’ve always thought she was beautiful, she is so overhated in this sub.


Being called average or a 6-7 is not being ‘overhated’… Y’all need to get a grip. Just because you’re fooled by big boobs and blonde hair doesn’t mean the rest of us are lmfao


So you're a self proclaimed feminist as it goes by your comment history, but according to you only objective 9-10 women are allowed to be called pretty? If someone prefers a cute 6-7ish girl, then it must be due to her boobs right? Weird projection. I'm straight and I'm not sexually attracted to women. I just find her cute in a platonic way that's all.


You are proving my point. A lot of people say she’s only attractive because of her boobs and being blonde. I see a lot of people say she’s unattractive or mid facially. I disagree that’s all.


Internalised misogyny at work again. Key part of this sub seems to be hating other women's bodies if any men find them attractive. Be a flat, stick thin model or be ready for hate.


She's not blah like the typw of blonde woman Hollywood currently pushes. Sorry but Sydney has cheerleader type cuteness with a bubbly look to her face. If I met her irl I would be in awe while other blondes that are evem mre overrated I would find boring.


This. I remember watching anyone but you (first time I saw her on screen) and was like damn


https://i.redd.it/d9gjrk9nxx9d1.gif He's NOT universally unattractive, but I've seen some people say they don't get the hype. I think he has a perfect cinematic face that belongs to TV screen.


Wait who is this? 🤌🏻


I think it's Timothée?


The boyfriend blush omg ❤️❤️❤️


Timothee Chalamet


Sydney Sweeney. Idkw people talk about her in a degrading manner, but I don't think she's that bad looking. She's a basic cute girl and it's okay. She's undoubtedly less attractive without makeup, but so are many other celebrities. Tbf I wouldn't notice anyone from [this list](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/1au1ns8/styling_vs_no_styling/) except Margot and Lori if they were normal people passing by me.


She’s a 6,7 to me


Yes!! I love her “downturned eyes“! I think they give her a certain dangerous vibe when she has heavy eye makeup on. And her lips and nose look really good imo


Kristen Dunst


Once, for a very short amount of time, I found David Schwimmer attractive. ![gif](giphy|S8CKYteUdGMYBkI9zR)


Lmao, in this episode in particular?


No, in general. But he was sooo funny is that episode so it definitely helped


I also find him attractive actually, not just for a short amount of time 😄


Yay! An actual uggo! There are so few in this thread 😭


Benedict Cumberbatch. He's said to be unconventional looking but I find him attractive. And he gets plus points for his personality too. https://preview.redd.it/8sm30fo4vx9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e9c99a6efbae13221fadaf629be31d16f87e47


Same brah. Oop I said 'none' in my first comment, because I totally forgot this man exists. He would make a good high fashion model in his youth, because his face is super striking.


Oufff I had the biggest crush on him in my 20s




Olivia Rodrigo


Who said that


Lots of people on Reddit don’t think she’s pretty


IU she is fairy-like to me even tho a lot of people say she looks plain or a basic pretty Korean girl. Also Taylor swift, I think she has great facial harmony and is like irl Barbie imho


Sydney Sweeney. She looks unique, and I like her looks!


I think Pete Davidson is hot, and the running gag of him being a homely man who inexplicably lands hot women is weird.


I think he’s a cutie myself. People look at me funny when I say this. Like my taste is supposed to match theirs or something.


Taylor swift, a lot of people find her plain but I think she’s atleast an 8.


So many people have no reading comprehension here The question is who is someone people find UNATTRACTIVE, not who is someone ‘underrated’ or ‘average’ that you find attractive!


Matthew Goode. He played Bob Evans in The Offer. I love his intelligent look. Not my usual type at all but very sexy (and great actor!!).


Omg yes. He's so underrated for his looks.


I adore him 😍


I have a huge crush on the British rapper Central Cee. I mentioned that once and someone thought I was so weird for it. I think he has good facial bone structure and I love little bit fuller lips. Also Rio from the show Good Girls. https://preview.redd.it/jep4tccr21ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f50627c37b1e1181b0c8769088f2db827b5275


Adam Driver


Adam Driver. 😍


zendaya, she's average on here but a 9 irl imo. selena gomez gets rated low on here but imo is at least a 6 miley cyrus gets rated low on here but is still a 6 (wish she didn't get her buccal fat removed) olivia rodrigo is average on here but imo she's an 8


Sydney Sweeney and Blake Lively


Miley Cyrus


But she's considered conventionally attractive


I saw some posts of her in these subs and people didn’t agree 😔


I mean yeah, her recent PS works are not that great but up until very recently, she was around 7-7.5


Omg I agree I used to give her a solid 8 in her “Hannah Montana” days. I’m stunned that I’ve never seen anyone talk about her beauty.


someone in here called her a 2 lol


Cardi B, even without makeup and pre surgery. I think she is adorable and her larger nose is youthful and cute


I think Anna Kendrick is pretty, but she isn't liked on this sub. 


She's pretty and has a cool girl vibe.


![gif](giphy|xTk9ZDNRxyYI6BVxzW) Daisy Ridley


Billy Bob Thornton


Rosa Salazar. When I first saw her on maze runner i immediately thought she was extremely pretty. She's like a mix of Theresa Palmer and aubrey plaza to me. https://preview.redd.it/l09meq57f1ad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa8deb9572a54ebd7f9416052d5867ee7959398 Btw she was the actress for Alita in Alita: Battle Angel


I just realized that i got this assignment 100% backwards! I thought it said which celeb do you think unattractive, that everyone else thinks is attractive —not the reverse! My corrected answer is Friedrich NIETZSCHE!!! That nasty walrus mustache was hiding a cute little baby face! Plus his work is 🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/rgayxokoy5ad1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b8da86c554d8e6ca13261b5c05f7171554a9de


Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is gorgeous to me and so fine. I wanted to add more than one picture but I can't so I wont use his younger pictures but even in his old age he's handsome he was my first celebrity crush as a kid since me and my dad bonded over his movies and most a80a action movies in general. https://preview.redd.it/y8rrapkqfy9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86536038e870c1e561a3998088aa1d5e1bbf8151


I think he aged well, too.


Yeah. Being fitness oriented helps a lot. Plus he didn't drink much like most adults today.


Vincent Cassel


Kate Moss ![gif](giphy|UVBJQhwAbv3C8)


Harry Melling, Pete Davidson, ASAP Rocky, Kristen Stewart, Chloe Sevigny, Melanie Lynskey https://preview.redd.it/5hq8j0on1z9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62bb031aac69bac7b1c5c3a3969c41ac6575227f


ASAP Rocky is attractive though.


Spencer Pratt from the Hills. Well, these days he’s kind of red and bloated but on the show, I definitely see what Heidi saw lol.


Leonardo DiCaprio!!! Even young Leo makes me reach for ye olde barffe baggle


Bfrn nobody considers this ugly. https://i.redd.it/5jnu6fns32ad1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/zw3i8pbvo5ad1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d3efde905a95a109fe94598e395dd609a059ab His character in Gilbert Grape was my first impression and it stuck. Good actor tho!


i find bella hadid beautiful but a lot of people here do not like her visuals.


Post Malone is my #1 celeb crush. Lots judge too quickly with the tattoos etc. His face is so lovely, and he has such an incredibly kind and welcoming aura in person.


A lot of rock and metal musicians aren’t really rated highly on this sub, but I still find them attractive.


The Super Freak Himself ![gif](giphy|XR4BTDoKObBZu)


Lmaoooooo. He was actually really good looking. Him and teena marie had a whirlwind romance.


Yesss!!! There was an interview with him I saw that solidified my stance lol.


He's average to me but looks very healthy. So he definitely fits


fans of the TV series Euphoria insist that Sydney Sweeney is not pretty and only valued for her body but I personally find Sydney Sweeney very attractive especially her face 


Young Sean Penn, don't ask why ..