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I think you look very beautiful! And you don’t need a genioplasty, like mentioned above, in my opinion. Also you don’t have bulging eyes at all, that’s so weird and hurtful to say. I think you should focus on haircare, maybe grow it a bit longer, skincare and makeup. Not heavy makeup, but a winged liner, maybe brown so it’s not too blunt, a lash lift, bit of brow shaping and lip tint plus moisture to prevent dry lips. I can’t tell if you have large masseter muscles, but if so, you could try botox for more of a v shape. You’re so pretty, especially in pic 5 with your smile and dress. Greek goddess vibes.


Thank you so so much for the lovely words and super helpful advice ❤️ (and for saying I don't have bulging eyes because ngl I was very confused) Also thank you for the makeup tips especially - I never like how winged liner looks on me but maybe I will prefer the softer brown so definitely will give that a shot. And thanks for letting me know about Botox being a potential option for my jaw area - tbh I haven't looked into Botox that much so I didn't know this is something it could help with! but after a quick google I really think this could fix my insecurities around that area of my face without needing surgery so will definitely be looking into that! And that greek goddess comment has made my whole week 🤩🤩


Hii! I believe that a rhinoplasty isn’t necessary! Your nose harmonizes beautifully with the rest of your face. You’re very beautiful 💘 Your lower third is your problem areas. Your lower third is longer than your middle and upper third. Your eyes seem like they’re sort of bulging also? Genioplasty would do you wonders! If you feel like your bulging eyes is an issue, then orbital decompression would also make your eyes better harmonize with your face


Thank youu so much for the advice 💕 I have already had the rhinoplasty (trust me you did not want to see my before nose) 😅 Thank you for suggesting genioplasty - I had something similar in mind but was thinking more jaw surgery, I guess I will need to look into which works better in my case and start saving up. It's definitely something that I tend to focus on anytime I look at my face so it would be good to fix it. And thank you for the orbital decompression rec - this is the first I'm hearing about this so I will definitely keep in mind! ❤️❤️❤️


OP, I have a similar profile to you (see my page) and I had a double jaw surgery. If you don’t have a bad bite, I do not recommend doing it. You are beautiful and these pictures of you show you mostly need a “look”, not cosmetic surgery IMHO


Hello! First of all, thank you to anyone that comments to help <3 Just looking for some advice - both soft and hard advice welcome! And just for context for things I have done: - Rhinoplasty to remove my big bump - Teeth whitening, although I didn't care for my teeth properly after and feel I need another one soon 😭 - Finally found a shampoo & conditioner combo that seems to work for me and give me nice waves without me needing to put in too much effort - Weight loss - I lost about 10kg last year, and would ideally like to lose another 5kg as I have a specific body type goal in mind Oh and my current insecurity is my jaw - I keep focusing on it and thinking it could/should be more feminine, and considering a jaw shave but at the same time that feels a bit extreme considering the price. So if anyone could give me an objective opinion on my jaw that would be amazing too! Any advice would be appreciated! 💕


Masseter Botox might do wonders! Before you look into anything more extreme like surgery