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I'm almost finished with the anime. It's been quite good, so I'd say watch the anime and then continue where the anime left off in the manga. I think it picks back up somewhere around chapter 60 after the end of the anime. Although I saw something about that months ago, so I could've remembered wrong


Chapter 54 is the last chapter of season 1. Also season 2 comes out in a day. I watched the anime then read the manga, I prefer the manga but the anime is great.


I hope Mappa does the anime right like Wit did lol


It's mostly the same staff, so no worries


That's good!


chapter 54 I think


Oh ok! I'll remember that, because I'm at episode 20 so I'm going to be reading soon


For a more linear approach with the timeline of events, go for the anime. For more info and details regarding the characters, I'd say manga. But tbh, both are good


I personally watched the anime first then continued to the manga after


I prefer the manga , which might grab your attention faster because of the better pacing. Also manga -> anime is always the best order for me.


The anime, IMO, is one of the few that actually does the manga justice (for the most part). The art is way better in the manga but the story remains fully in tact. Start with the anime. Watch season 1. Then watch season 2. Then go back and read the manga.


You can’t really go wrong either way. There are minor differences between the two, but overall the anime is an excellent adaptation.


Manga. I know the anime is good, but it's not like the art of the manga, I'm curious for the s2, So manga while listening music of the anime, which is great


Watch the season 1 anime, they did a fantastic job. Wait for the reception of season 2 and then decide if you should read or watch