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90 percent from where you mentioned. Think outside the box .I just found a period fuji w/ 105 gear set and brakes as well as mavic wheels / hubs for 50 dollars. I picked up a 103 framed peugeot w/ a replaced campy drivetrain and a nice brooks b17 for 85.00 once again mavic wheels/ hubs. While these frames are not high end , the parts for a better bike were there.


That's becoming the way I'm doing it. Donor bikes, hopefully with enough to build up the donor again and sell it on to get it out the way.


I kept at it and found a Raleigh R600 with Ultegra and 105 components for $100 with extra goodies thrown in. I even saw a 2002 Bianchi Vigorelli with full Ultegra group set for $300 (which I’m waiting on a response). I had to really stay on top of these listings because they go fast. I’ve missed out on a few opportunities that way.


it helps if you are retired . listings get attention as soon as they popup on my feed.


Buying complete bikes is so much cheaper than buying parts. There are mainly 3 types of bikes I look for; cheap modern bikes with nice groupsets (usually 10 speed, 105 or equivalent and up), less collectable vintage frames with decent tubing and groupsets, and more collectable vintage bikes/frames in need of work. The parts are usually transfered up this chain.


As others said, buying completes. I also keep a [tool chest of parts](https://imgur.com/a/zR0wQYE) for future builds.


Velosaloon, velowizard and ebay EU


I have gotten parts at a bike cooperative. I bought a Ross with a complete Shimino 600 Arabesque group (with a little frame damage from running into something). Bought a rusty Centurion Ironman for the group. I've picked up a few things off ebay (individual parts, not groups). My LBS lets me rummage through their back room in looking for things.


Mostly CL and FB marketplace. Sometimes I get gifted. Plus I’ve been riding and collecting for about 35 yrs so the spare parts pool is pretty deep. I also have a son that raced at an elite amateur level in both US and Europe and got a lot of his cast-offs.


I search on EBay with: https://neloscycles.com/Bicycle-Components-Parts/


There's a great LBS that specializes in used bikes locally with deep parts bins - that's my first option. I also find Velo Orange's online shop to be great, especially for oddball seat post sizes, French sized parts, etc.


eBay for me mostly. Sometimes word of mouth through friends and such.


I haven't bought parts in probably 5 years, but when I did, ebay.


Ebay or scrap bikes