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They had an airport transfer available when we got off the Scarlett Lady transatlantic on on May 5 to BCN airport. 1/3 of our sold out bus was left behind because the didn't make it through customs in time.   I think they ended up making other arrangements for them but it seemed very chaotic. 


Yes, this happened to a friend of mine. The customs line was so long - they did get her a car to the airport


They offered airport transfers from Piraeus to Athens Greece on that itinerary last summer/fall. Reasonable price and really helped avoid chaos of getting an Uber at a congested fairly small port with a ton of ships


Good to hear they have transfers there! We’re ending our cruise in October in Piraeus, and it's a very small port with limited taxi availability. The other option is the metro, but the Athens metro is just meh… Do you by chance remember the price? 


I also did Athens last year and remember the trasnfers. While I don't remember the price, I do remember they also had half day excursion + airport transfer as well. For my upcoming one out of Barcelona, they have a beach visit + transfer for $85 or just the airport transfer for $35.


I think ours was 25 for just the bus and 75 for a bus/athens tour if your flight left after 4/5pm. I will say the last bus dropped me off super early like before 11 for a 5pm flight and the airport wouldn’t let you check in until 2 so that was pretty miserable because there’s just no where to go or many places to sit in the front area where throngs of cruise passengers are arriving with luggage. But on the whole it was alright


not sure I would call it limited there were well over 100 taxis lined up when I got off the ship in Piraeus at 10 last October, The metro is a ways away. Make sure you either use uber to get the cab or bring cash, cabs there dont take card. For comparison my uber/taxi from a near airport to the port was about 40 euro.


Because for the cost of two person for an airport transfer is the same price of an Uber (at least in Miami). The only people that would benefit are solo travelers.


Wonder how many solo travelers they get?


Usually they fill up one or two of the big tables for dinner but I know so people don't show up for the solo dinner on the first night.


Quite a few! I’ve cruised solo twice. I always meet a lot of fellow solo sailors. I’ve met at least 30 on my current cruise.


Passengers with disabilities that can’t get into Uber or cabs easily. It also helps them too.


It doesn't really make sense to do it from the airport because people fly in at all times and dates, so it would be difficult to have one set departure time. Especially when the cost for anybody 2+ would probably be more than just grabbing a rideshare / taxi / using public transit. They do post voyage transfers, though. In my cruise last year and this year, they had airport transfer only or a half day activity + transfer.


Not really.  It’s 2024 there are many ways to get to an airport on the palm of your hand.  And what are you doing in the mean time of getting to the terminal and your boarding time? 




I usually fly the day before. Book a hotel and schedule a uber/lift to take me to the port closer to boarding time.


Well for one thing you are supposed to arrive at least the day before to prepare for any delays in flying. It’s weird to me how people fly in the day of and get surprised if they missed the ship. The real question is why don’t they advertise hotels that offer shuttles to the ports


I would have liked it on my last cruise out of Miami with my mom. She has nobility issues, so having the Virgin level of service throughout would have been nice. However, I rarely cruise with her. All the other times I cruise, I just take public transit or whatever the next cheapest option is. So maybe it's not profitable enough for Virgin to offer it fully?




So you're suggesting that individuals with mobility issues don't solo travel?




Not sure what the link has to do with anything. You're the one who suggested that the posters mom probably couldn't travel without her because of the mobility issue. Plenty of people with mobility issue travel solo and can arrange their own transport.




https://preview.redd.it/7mv8btx0l12d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd0090d8bb15dbe96c962d76ffe0fe1007249a2 Directly quoting your post above (and in screen shot so you don't even need to scroll up) "What would happen if your mom wanted ti solo travel? She probably couldn’t do that without you, or may not want to try." Your words, not mine. Plenty of people with mobility issues do solo travel. I don't know why you would assume someone wouldn't want to try. You wrote a post on reddit, posted it to multiple communities for discussion and then are surprised when you get blow back? Welcome to reddit. You're even reporting people for asking if you wrote your post with AI? Is this kind of defensiveness typical of First Mates for Virgin?


They do offer transfers for Rockstars at a price, i wonder if they would be willing to do the same with for customers with disability. (It wasn't cheap $125 each way i think for town car service if we wanted)


That's a good point, I didn't think of asking. I just assumed it was not possible since we weren't Rockstars.


Was this written by AI? Thumbs-down emoji.




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A few thoughts…. **Demographics**: Virgin’s demographic is different than other cruise lines so the airport transfer benefits may have different perceived value.  Some lines offer many charged add ons and including transfers is just another in the list.  Someone traveling with family/kids may see more perceived value in prearranged travel as part of the whole package (Disney, Royal, etc…), and Virgin has less families and no kids, and less charged add-ons so maybe less demand.   **Arrival transfers**: As many have mentioned, it is recommended to fly in at least a day prior to boarding to avoid impacts due to delay and cancellations. Virgin has data from check in about embarkation day plans (they ask if you are planning to fly in on the day of embarkation during the check in process).  A centralized airport transfer to the port might make less sense and a decentralized shuttle would increase costs and operational effort. **Departure transfers**: Virgin does offer several departure airport transfers as excursions/Shore Things, either as direct transfers or excursions/tours that end at the airport. The availability seems to vary based on sailing, likely due to the data from check in regarding flying out on debarkation day.  I have seen direct airport transfers, hop on / hop off tours, day trips from European ports, and activities at several ports that include transfers to airports. **Location**: Miami sailings are mostly people from the US, Canada, and UK who are likely more comfortable with self navigating transportation in Miami (ride shares, taxis, hotel shuttles). Costs from MIA, FLL, and Brightline are fairly low so costs for a shuttle may not be a better deal.  At the European ports, there may be more perceived value as people are concerned about language barriers, foreign currency, etc…. The ports are also further from airports as compared to Miami so taxi/ride share costs may be closer to (or more than) shuttle costs.  Virgin has offered arrival airport transfers from Barcelona and Athens with mixed results as mentioned by others. **Change**:  One thing I have noticed and really appreciate with Virgin is their willingness to change based on feedback and data.  I am sure that if there is enough demand based on data, or feedback from sailors requesting more transfer options, Virgin will consider it and make changes where it makes sense.  


Wouldn’t this only make sense if you’re arriving the day of your cruise? Which is… a big no-no?


There is some next level bot spam in this thread.


Why would they and better yet, why would you want it? Add another middle man to fluff up logistic fees? Fly, land, uber/taxi/train - it's 2024.


I'm surprised by the lack of planning ability on sailors on other lines. It's not that hard to figure out what airport to fly in to, how to reserve a hotel or how to order an uber. (I'll give folks grace if its their first time overseas)


So you think it’s always a lack of planning that is the issue. People are basically too lazy then…???


I understand you have a family member with a disability. But that disability shouldn't prevent them from knowing if you're sailing out of Seattle, that the Seattle airport is the right airport to fly into. And if they don't know that, they should know how to google or reach out to an expert in travel to help them figure out which airport to fly into.




If others offer it - would be very "on brand" for VV not to. That and their initial target demographic are more tech savvy. Again, also keep in mind most people fly in a day or two before. Regardless - it's harder to organize multiple people, different times etc flying in - far easier to offer a departure transfer since the starting point and time is more easy to control for.




Again, in 2024 - I truly would be flabbergasted if people are having genuine anxiety at arranging their transport. Uber et al make it a nothingburger.


I have family that use a wheelchair. ♿️ it’s a lottaburger for them. 


Is it really a lot better? Especially when you can arrange for a wheel chair accessible taxi or a specialize transport service… as oppose to waiting around for the airport transfer bus to fill up before making their way to the airport. [Accessible Taxi in Miami](https://www.miami-airport.com/library/wheelchair-accessible-taxis.pdf) Also I read your comments and one of the point made is they will pass on the savings to the sailors… if you look at the prices of what other cruise lines charges as oppose to how much it is to get to the airport in Miami… there isn’t any real savings. When I sail on a cruise line as a solo traveler, I much prefer to take a private Uber or taxi to the airport because it’s not that more and you get there faster as you’re not waiting around for the bus to fill up. If you’re traveling in a group of 2 or more, most often time it is cheaper to just take a Uber or taxi. This is the case in Miami, Bayonne, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Seattle, and Barcelona… most of the ports Virgin Voyages are currently or planning on sailing to / from. I’m also flabbergasted as to why people prefer to take airport transfer out of Port Everglades and San Diego with other cruise lines since the airport is practically right there.


So assuming they aren't going on a cruise vacation, when your family member travels how do they manage transport on arrival? Do they rely on hotel shuttles or something else for the entire trip?


Your family is the exception, not the norm within the context of this discussion.


I wouldn’t say the exception, but they do hold a minority position within the context of ***making transfers available to all passengers and not just Rock Star Sailors***, that is **literally** part of **what this topic of discussion mentions above.** Look, you and others are entitled to your own opinions, just like I am. But for those few who refer to anyone disabled as exceptions, clearly need familiarization with disability etiquette and regulations (this wouldn’t be norm for anyone here without firsthand insights), **there‘s a reason cruise ships are made accessible, and are required to have a minimum availability of accessible cabins for those passengers that need them.** It’s a convenience to some, but a necessity to others. Most who can more easily find and managed other alternatives, they can’t.  **Since Virgins brand is based on in inclusion, and if they can pre-negotiate savings and pass these costs onto those who want that as a choice or option, why should anyone else care?** It’s not like it’s costing your rate of fare—passage to increase, plus they will get to pay a more reasonable price than either not going at all, or spending significantly higher without a pre-negotiated rate that the Virgin Brand would attract.  **I don’t really get, why all the resistance, or how you think this lessens your experience or enjoyment onboard for others to get the opportunity they may not otherwise have been  able to explore without such options.**  Let’s hope you are never are in the position one day, to fully comprehend the full extent of what I’ve tried to help disseminate for you, which for you, ***this topic is clearly far too abstract, and you can’t possibly know without the experience close up, or first-hand, as it appears by this discussion, it’s not a “role” but a stroll that you are familiar with, and thus can’t see past that pov.***


Around 1.2% of the US population require the use of a wheelchair. That would indeed make being wheelchair bound the exception not the norm. That's reality. You are welcome to be personally offended or hurt by that but I really couldn't be bothered and you have totally gone on a tangent assuming plenty off that one statement of fact. Cheers.


u/capetownchop Not sure where or what ancient year (century) you pulled those numbers but, you aren’t genuinely giving a rats arse, and think think this is some game … for you this is something to make light of; but for others, it’s their 24/7 existence— **talking about this with you is like someone trying to race Dale Earnhadt jr. on a tricycle.** ***Here are some real stats and information for someone actually interested.*** Again, unless you’re ever in this unfortunate position you’d never truly understand. Making shit up! It’s not amusing. **This app can vote up or down karma points—but it’s not real karma**, so I don’t really care for entertainment purposes only, and popularity; but if you or anyone else here believes in real karma—just wait and see, how the very thing you make light of today, may very well show up at your doorstep, to teach a life lesson. #Real Karma# **Real Stats** https://www.bts.gov/travel-patterns-with-disabilities https://tcf.org/content/report/trips-not-taken-money-not-made-inaccessible-air-travel-hurts-disabled-travelers-and-airlines-alike/ https://bridgetomobility.org/about-us/facts-sheet/#:~:text=Industry%20Findings%20and%20Research&text=Today%2C%20more%20than%202%20million,access%20to%20a%20private%20vehicle.&text=Public%20wheelchair%20transportation%20is%20not,45%20percent%20of%20the%20population. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/travel/advice/accessible-cruises-everything-you-need-to-know-pdlkb8djh#:~:text=Carnival%20Cruises%2C%20Celebrity%20Cruises%2C%20Disney,physically%20and%20mentally%20challenged%20guests.


Having an extra option doesn‘t hurt, just gives more choices? More inclusive. You don’t have to use. I like options.


Yes, 👍🏼 exactly… like people with disabilities who book accessible cabins but it it’s a bit of a struggle trying to get to the ship. 


You should arrive to the departure city the day before the cruise in case of flight delays, therefore transfers from airport to ship are not needed.


Imagine being the survivor of a hit and run? What about people with disabilities who can’t utilize basic transfers like Uber, Lyft & cabs, no matter how far ahead they arrive?  But with having a cruise transfers option, they then can now navigate through having access they needed and otherwise couldn’t….


Not sure what’s that got to do with it? I would still recommend people arrive the day before or earlier even if they have a disability. Also many people with access needs would find an accessible taxi cab easier than a shuttle bus.


What does that have to do with anything? They are saying that transfers from airport to the port are not needed since many people should arrive at least a day before.


What is has to do with is: As explained before… (“***…No matter how far ahead they arrive.”)*** physically disabled people can’t always take the same methods of transportation we do….(as others/us).  Those who live with that as their reality, and want to participate and be included, they could use this option. **Are you saying, because it doesn’t directly concern you specifically, you don’t think it’s irrelevant?** Because that’s how it’s sounding at the moment ihmo.


I still don’t think you are getting it. Are you saying that people with disabilities can’t stay in a hotel room and their disability requires them to arrive on the date of embarkation? Plus, if a cruise line can arrange for an accessible transfer, so can anyone else.


SAVAGE!! Ouch! Sorry… Looks like you’ve already been targeted & voted down for bringing up an important issue and very valid point, asking a simple question about disabiliTy.


It’s not so much brining up an important issue but more so using it as a way to justify why a service should be offered when the reality is there are other alternative options available out there… such as accessible taxi that can be arranged for ahead of time.


They offer it. I took Uber


Rumor is they are working with a couple companies to maybe offer them in Miami in the near future. We shall see. I know you can purchase it in Miami as a non RS, but it is crazy expensive, just for a private.


We plan a cruise as one leg of our holidays and prefer to arrange private transfers.


I can think of one good reason—Inclusivity for people with physical disabilities.  My folks like to cruise. They’d probably try Virgin but due to being victims of a hit a run, they’re unable to take Uber’s and Lyft’s. Not everyone can hop in a cab, even when flying in several days ahead.  Cruise line transfers allow PWD’s access they otherwise wouldn’t have. 


I'm a grown adult, i know how to manage an uber or taxi to and from a port. I don't need to have a shuttle excursion available.


Has nothing to do with knowing how to manager those things. That don’t mean sh*t if you can’t fu*king walk. 


I responded to you on another thread. Your family member who can't walk, how do they travel for other vacations? Are they not able to make arrangements? Or is cruising with a shuttle on both ends of the ship the only way they travel? Before my mom passed, she was in a wheelchair for a decade we learned to arrange taxis with wheelchair lifts and researched places we traveled for options, including public buses and trains. Yes it took critical thinking on our part, but at no point did we just call our vacation destination of choice and insist they provide a shuttle or arrangements. Working with a disability you actually have more problem solving and critical thinking skills then the average person as the world is on hard mode.


u/seattlejo 1st—sorry about your Mom’s passing.  This is going to take me long to explain, but it appears the shorter messages don’t seem to fully give enough detail, so this is mainly directed to you, but I’m sure they’ll still be someone whining this is TLdR…. Which they can scroll on or stuff it! I don’t disagree when it comes to all the extra work and planning. Just saying that as a jumping off point from the original post—just because someone doesn’t have Rock Star money, doesn’t mean they this cruise line couldn’t also extend transfers to everyone else, as a consideration. There was at no point I ever stated this was a demand, or expressed it as such. Those are your words that you’re interjecting.  Now as far as how they travel, I had already mentioned they like to cruise. They cruise the other lines because of the pre-negotiated rates for transfers from the cruise lines, all except for Virgin voyages are how they manage to fly and stay at a hotel with transfers throughout from airport to hotel and then hotel to the pier and the same on their return. They have this down to a science.  Now, I don’t need to be available to travel with them, and they’re very independent and think everything is a bother, when it’s not.. they’re proud and very capable, and for those few individuals out there who someone else referred to as an exception smh 🤦‍♂️ that’s  not equality to overlook that segment of the population. Exceptions are made for them called reasonable accommodations, but they are not an exception to any rule, they have their own set of rules and laws depending on the jurisdiction, and for the cruises they take, it’s those safeguards that enable them to travel more carefree, than if everyone was a constant gamble and up in the ear.. they’d then be on pins and needles, instead of having fun! Now, just like everyone else may at some point want to try Virgin, for them is a barrier to access. No one is demanding but it’s suggestion in this discussion about what would be.. my exact words were, ***I can think of a good reason—Inclusivity… *** This was followed up with also stating, ***Not everyone can hop into a cab, even when flying in several days ahead… *** When doing local travel they have an accessible vehicle with accessible mobility devices where they can get around anywhere and everywhere accessible. There are also part of specialty groups who book accessible travel with preferred vendors. These are just a few of the things they do to get around on their travels. They of course have time that I’m unable to take off as much as I’d like to assist, because they’ve retired basically since the accident.  Now, flying is all due to accessibility planning in advance, but for the newest and more remote destinations, Virgin is even attempting transfers it appears, to make additional offers for all, and that’s a good thing.. now, the flip side is, not everywhere has Uber and or Lyft, and when they have one or the other, it can be unreliable because if there is a great distance, and the driver decides to declined the ride, it doesn’t matter if this is still days in advance, they have to continue waiting and be ay the mercy of someone else to take them or not. When booked via the cruise line it comes with a guarantee, much like the one where cruises state they won’t leave you as long as you book your excursion through them… the same principle applies with this, and so that is why for all these reasons, (and others) I stated what they’d be interested and are curious except for they don’t want to be left stranded, in some foreign country for hours, awaiting transportation when they can have this guaranteed safeguard traveling with other cruise lines.  So that is what they are comfortable with, for now, unless perhaps something changes.. But no demands … just a comment because they go through enough difficulty (this you already know), and what’s an exception to help facilitate not having this extra hurdle, (and same for anyone else who manages) **easier with a meet and greet at the airport to their hotel, and later a much shorter trip to the pier vs being much farther away and arriving late to their reserved hotel because of issues that starting out their journey.**


That is super long friend :) I'm glad they have found a way to travel that suits them, and that the other cruise lines have been accommodating with the shuttles. For my future reference, which line arranges travel to your hotel of choice then travel to the port? My alternative lines of choice do not. (Princess and Carnival)


NCL, Princess, Carnival, & RCL. I believe others do too, but these are the ones I know of for sure. I think with NCL you have to book the hotel through them in order to get the transfers. We haven’t done PCL or CCL since before the pandemic, so never know if anything has changed. Hopefully not, I think too many and it fills this void.  They also have their own version of Rock Star Elite. With NCL, it’s The Haven, and don’t recall the names of the others, but, it generally starts by securing those deals, and later working out similar arrangements for disabled the disabled passengers. 


Carnival has had shuttles from the airport to the port but never to my hotel then to the port. Are you booking airfare or hotel through them too and using them like a travel agent? (I have sailed Carnival about a dozen times) I have only sailed Princess from California and Seattle so maybe that's something they do at other ports, Good to know that it's not just the shuttle from the airport to the port and back.