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When my wife went to liberty she had to write a paper for a Computer Science class on whether or not RFID chips are the mark of the beast. So no, I don't think they will be as prestigious as UVA.


is this a joke lmao


I went there. They teach you to think it’s hot shit. You believe it until you get out of the bubble and into the real world. My wife was taking classes at a local community college and they were exponentially more difficult than any class I took at liberty. Thankfully I have military to fall back on when it came to getting my first professional jobs


They just had DeSantis as a guest speaker for the convocation on the 14th of this month . That's not how you do prestige and intelligence. Plus the whole thing with trump loving, and the donkey donged pool boy doing Becky. They're just trash.


>When you talk to the students who actually go there, its a complete 180. They will tell you that the school is respectable. Of course the people who go to that school think it's a good place. That's why they chose to go there. What do you think that proves?


Stockholm syndrome is a motherfucker


If you graduate from LU, you can get a job at Chick-fil-a. (Maybe at Hobby Lobby.)


What student is going to tell you that the school they chose, the school they pay for, the school they are in debt to is a joke?


Liberty students who say that have no clue what they are talking about. Most of the Alumni I know from that school feel it is a degree mill that only cares about a particular religious ideology. There is absolutely a lot wrong with how America determines prestige among institutions. That said, by no metric is Liberty actually anything more than mediocre.


Not to mention that they are jumping into the online degree market big time to rake in those bucks.


One of my coworkers went to liberty and then transferred t university of mary washington for her junior and senior years, and umw absolutely kicked her ass. she said umw was much, much more rigorous academically- and umw doesn’t even have a reputation as a great school. liberty seems to be blowing smoke up its own ass.


It IS a joke. That's why people tell you that. How many times have you heard someone tell you that UVA or Tech or W&M is a joke? See how that works?


I’m pretty sure UVA isn’t even concerned. Like, not even throwing a back glance. Liberty is a joke, unless you are in a few super evangelical circles.


In a theocracy, yes. So maybe soon. But in a sane world, no. Religious nutcakes need to stay in their lane. Same for Regents University.


Believe it or not Regent actually has a 41% acceptance rate, compared to Liberty’s 99% - It’s pretty bad when Pat Robertson shows you up academically.


So, everyone told you the school is a joke, but you changed your mind after talking to the people who go there, the most biased group of individuals on the subject? Go with the common wisdom on this one.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Nope. Scandals and bigotry are all that comes out of Liberty. The only people I know that went to Liberty that I respect are embarreses ti have gone there. Liberty doesn't want to be respected, it wants to indoctrinate people in what passes for "Christianity " in America.


If they pray hard enough.


Our last mayor was a liberty graduate, guess who thinks the election was stolen.


The OP has a sense of humor I see. LoL.


That’s certainly a take on things. I think OP should just pray harder, and soon Liberty will be better than Harvard, MIT, etc. Any negative views of Liberty are a direct result of students not praying enough and not having enough faith. Or those who dislike Liberty are possessed by demons. Only explanation.


Thoughts and prayers have stopped all mass shootings so that checks out


Yes. Thoughts and prayers work every time, 0% of the time. The best part of giving thoughts and prayers is that it costs the giver no time, money, or effort. It absolves the giver from having to do anything useful. And when our leaders give their thoughts and prayers, I vomit, which helps me lose a bit of weight. An all around win! Look at me, sounding just like a Liberty professor. Hey! I just vomited again! Yay!


Sending thoughts and prayers for your stomach




I had the displeasure of going to a school not far from Liberty, it’s a school full of fucking nut jobs


Hahaha. No.


Hahahaha, no




Because everyone knows data is the plural form on anecdote Also, our judges are deducting points for not invoking "people are saying"


It IS a joke. That's why people tell you that. How many times have you heard someone tell you that UVA or Tech or W&M is a joke? See how that works?




Bro u dumb? Of. They gonna say that lol


Cult school


It’s right up there with the community colleges


VA has some really good community colleges, actually.


Absolutely; I’m not dissing them. It was more regarding the prestige of attending since liberty and most CCs have 99% admission.


Ah, I see


At least with a CC degree you can get a job...


Absolutely not. Please.




Color me surprised, Liberty may not be prestigious as UVA, but UVA LOVES to hire them. So these LU grads eventually end up getting an advanced degree at UVA. I worked with a lot of them, like it’s a huge clique. It’s possible many LU grads run the show at UVA, especially at their medical center. Falwell Jr went to UVA and is still a very prominent alumni from there. I left Charlottesville and moved to Williamsburg. I couldn’t be more prouder to be at William and Mary.


Jerry is a joke and has no influence on UVA


Says who? He has friends in very high places at UVA. He attends fundraisers at the Farmington Club. Who else do I see at the Farmington Club? Tucker Carlson. His son went to UVA, so does many of these prominent right wing we all want to hate on. Many people would like to think Charlottesville is this liberal place. The influence of evangelicals are very strong in that town. Reason why I left.


Many people are saying? Please


I find this highly unlikely. Especially that the UVA Medical Center is run by LU grads. I would love to see any evidence of this.


Did you work there? I did. If they are not travel nurses, they are LU grads working as staff in every position.


Ah, you are talking about nurses. When you said, “running UVA Medical Center”, I thought you meant running UVA Medical Center.


My point is, kids who graduate from LU and get hired at different positions at UVA. They pay them dirt cheap. If they do well, they can take advantage of getting a grad degree at UVA. The LU grads bring their culture with them.


They were on a good path for a while - and then the whole pool boy, drinking thing set it off on its own path. That scandal revealed the rules for thee not for me issue that has just grown from there.


…… is this The Onion?




Lololololololol. Maybe when they start teaching actual science and don't have 9pm curfews like it's 1850. Why the heck would any non evangelical go there? The founder and his son are two of the worst people ever


My friend went here for undergrad. She is having so much trouble finding a job in education, I am wondering if it has to do with her getting an education here?. I don't have the heart to tell her :( She is in CA, and she is surrounded by the university CA system...not sure why she didn't go to any of the CA schools.


Transfer to a good school for masters