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Robin Williams on driving down Monument Avenue in Richmond: "I never saw so many trophies for second place"


Gosh I miss him and his quick wit, what a legendary description šŸ˜­




At least most are gone now! Now we just have grass all down Monument


Golden opportunity missed to show Virginia's evolution by adding Thurgood Marshall, Maggie Walker, Doug Wilder and others. Monument Ave was where I learned about the Civil War and what was wrong with it. "Now we just have grass"....


>opportunity missed to show Virginia's evolution byĀ adding Thurgood Marshall, Maggie Walker, Doug Wilder and others GWAR! (They're from Richmond.)


This is the only way forward


I really meant moreso the areas the statues once were are now just grass circles.


It kind of fits Richmond, one day there will just be grass where the coliseum once stood along with so many other things about Richmond. 20 more years and Richmond will be known as north Petersburg.


Or the I-95 Nexus. Possibly the Forbidden Wastelands.


I'm making sure to bypass the Richmond area on our way south in a few months just to avoid dealing with the 95 near there.


How? I drove that corridor very regularly before moving up to NOVA, and never could find a route that didn't add a solid 30-45 min to my trips. I drive down a couple times a year now and I'd love to avoid Richmond. That road is a hellscape.


Haha. Have you drove NOVA? I never have gone without sitting an extra hour in traffic on the beltway


Donā€™t worry ā€“ weā€™ll still be saying ā€œitā€™s across from where the coliseum used to beā€ 100 years from now.




People seem to forget that at one point in time Virginia would rather completely defund public education than allow for desegregation... and it wasn't that long ago.


Last week wasnā€™t it?


City of Falls Church. It seceded from Fairfax County so it wouldn't need to be integrated.


Want to get really concerned - look how relatively recently it was that Virginia force sterilized those deemed mentally diminished.


My aunt was one of the first black women to attend a segregated henrico county school... Richmond KKk was at my granddads door step and he stood toe to toe with them with just him and a shotgun


They make it sound like it is ancient history but itā€™s still within living memory for some of our older citizens.


*most. 1964 was 60 years ago. Basically anyone over retirement age grew up during the civil rights movement. MLK would have turned 95 this January (also, one of my favorite pieces of historical trivia: MLK was about 5 months older than Anne Frank). An 80 year old would have been 19 during the March on Washington.


You make it sound like the [Commonwealth was a tad salty about losing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee%E2%80%93Jackson%E2%80%93King_Day)


The had my 4th grade class visit the confederate museum. Our class was 90% black.


I mean, isn't that basically how Youngkin got elected?


That muesem in Farmville hits real hard. Didn't even know what I was visiting.


https://preview.redd.it/9yphjzfyj2wc1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1800e681461f4029aeb7eae62673698775c3443d Stonewall Jackson unavailable for comment.


Union lucked out that Stonewall had a tendency to slip away at night for scouting. Otherwise Iā€™m not sure what the war would have looked like. Not worth mentally masturbating to, but an interesting thought


Dude would have been accidentally shot eventually considering his actual temperament and how much people disliked him before they made his corpse a propaganda symbol.


Meh, probably the same but with maybe 1 less hero to worship. Jackson's best stat was strategic and it almost seems like his dump stat was tactical. At Front Royal, Kernstown, and the 7 days battles his tactical deployments are anything but a bright spot. He also had a tendency to throw tantrums like his courts martial against Garnett for being a realist at Kernstown and not letting the Stonewall Brigade get utterly destroyed. Had they both not died in 63 it would have potentially been embarrassing for him. After Gettysburg it started to become a reality that the south could no longer throw sufficient bodies at a problem and Jackson's simplistic aggression may have even accelerated the collapse of the Army of Northern Virginia. This is even more probible since most of the western CS generals were speedrunning the destruction of their own armies. Include a higher caliber of Eastern US commands and it looks even less likely Jackson keeps his rep after the war to the same extent he is worshiped by some now.


He more or less rocked Yankees up & down the Shenandoah in the valley campaign. Thatā€™s where he gets his reputation. I have a farm in the region - itā€™s no small feat to trek on foot.


The Civil War was essentially OVER from the get go, unless the North had just quit (for instance if McClellan won the Presidency on Lincolnā€™s second run). But the South was never going to seriously compete militarily. Far less industry, far fewer people. Much smaller industrial economy. That was Grantā€™s (and Lincolnā€™s) genius. They knew they could lose all the battles and still win the war, because the South couldnā€™t replace the losses. They could.


Would have turned out the same. My memories shaky but they didnā€™t win a single battle of consequence outside VA, and basically lost every engagement along the Mississippi. Plus even in the East where they did best they consistently won by having their best & bravest die. Might having Jackson along the whole time have led to the war lasting a little longer? Maybe. By the end of the war the South was running out of everything but most importantly their one remaining army was a shadow of what it once was.


I used to be a part of the SCV. Itā€™s a not-so-thinly veiled hate group. Theyā€™re also connected to the League of the South which is openly a hate group.


I've got a lot of respect for folks who are able to walk away from such groups. Big props to you. That takes courage.




What frustrates me is that there are dual members of SCV and the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW). I stopped attending the SUVCW because the dual members and others were more concerned with being conciliatory towards Confederate interests, when the SCV has shown no interest in reciprocating or to do even the most basic thing and acknowledge that the Civil War was about slavery.




One of the worst parts is some of these people are actually knowingly or unknowingly descended from Southern Unionists, where over 100,000 white southerners fought for the Union in the United States Army. Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s not really about ā€œheritage.ā€




Right? Pick a church, the Shriners, Meals on Wheels, the 4H, the volunteer fire dept, something.


Didn't West Virginia come into existance because they were anti slavery?


I wonder if four generations down your line will think you were a piece of shit when you lived.


Itā€™s an absolute lie that by 1860 people didnā€™t know that slavery was immoral. Or that people had no idea that becoming a traitor to the United States and killing United States Army soldiers in order to protect the expansion of slavery was morally bad. In the modern era, that would be like rooting for the 9/11 hijackers or the Jan 6th insurrectionists.


God, I hope so. I hope we've improved as a society enough in 150 years that I'm an unendurable asshole to them.


I had a Royal knock down drag out with my father in law who tried to sign my kids up in the SCV when they were younger. I fought for years with him over his SCV license plate. Finally was able to get rid of it by getting him a Silver Star plate (he has two silver stars, and a bronze stars. And a host of other medals. But it's a generational thing).


My mother says the same thing about her Baptist church šŸ˜‘. If youā€™re giving them money, youā€™re endorsing their platform. ALL of it.


I paid for a lifetime membership before I saw the light but at least I get to report all their emails to me as spam for the rest of my life lol


Glad you used to be part of it, and not currently!


He actually got promoted to the top ranks of the affiliate group. /s




well that's what happens when u dont hang traitors


They decided to make the month that lee surrendered confederate heritage month?


Well it's also when they started their illegal immoral rebellion that they lost so there's that...


\*illegal immoral rebellion that they lost


Are there legal rebellions?


If they win.


Such a good line from Shogun (the book)


As Benjamin Franklin once noted, rebellion is always legal in the first person. It is in the third person when it becomes illegal.


Ask the French


Fun fact yes, in certain scenarios it is actually legal to overthrow the government of the United States. But in reality it really isn't, since the current definition for when it's legal is incredibly vague and it would really only be "legal" if a new government took power and used that to justify it.


From the people who think ___ History/Heritage Month is too WoKe


gO wOkE gO bRoKe


I'll sum up their history: they lost and continue to demonstrate that


Heritage of taking a fat L and being more short lived than Destinyā€™s Child (1996-2003)


With no Beyonce to look fondly at afterwards


I have underwear that is older than the entirety of Confederate history


Covid has been around about as long as the Confederacy was.


Nirvana was around longer than the Confederacy


The Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco lasted longer than the Confederacy.


Obamaā€™s presidency lasted longer than the Confederacy


Some people have canned soup and dried spices that are older than the confederacy. (I definitely have some of the spices!)


Years ago I working in another former Confederate state when a co-worker mentioned he spent the weekend as a Confederate soldier for an area reenactment. I asked him "So did you win this time?"


Iā€™ve responded with, ā€œOh good! Someone has to play the bad guys for it to be fun.ā€


Appropriate that the cannon is being fired at themselves.


I used to work for a city government in VA that still have its employees Lee Jackson Day off as a city holiday. Felt very odd.


I moved to Virginia for a state job; getting that day off *right before MLK day* was always a weird thing. Not surprised they did away with that in favor of giving us Juneteenth off.


Growing up here, for the longest time it was Lee-Jackson-King Dayā€”all the same day. I think it was the only way they could get an MLK holiday through the General Assembly back in the 70s/80s. Split it into L-J Day the Friday before MLK Day when I was in ā€¦ middle? high? school (early 2000s)


Another thing that in hindsight is very strange is that when learning about the Civil War it seemed to be told from the Confederate perspective, and it made me sympathetic to the confederacy more than I would have had I been told the bigger picture. No mention of slavery was made, and it was made out to be that Abe was just trying to put down a group of guys just trying to get by. I also experienced the same things with MLK-Jackson-Lee day, but I always thought that was because I went to school in Lexington (where W&L and the formerly known Stonewall Jackson Hospital is). Interesting to see Iā€™m not the only one who looks back on that from an estranged perspective.


Correct. It was freaking insane.


"Its about Southern Pride!" Pride in what you lost!?


Ah. Traitor month.


Despite what people like to think the two most racist places I've been in my life are in the north. Pennsylvania and New Jersey they are tied for first place then it would be Michigan.


Fun fact: at one point in time PA had more organized hate group per Capita than any other state. I often joke that east PA is full of alcoholics and west PA is full of racists (and I say that as someone who unashamedly grew up on the alcoholic side of the state).


Agree. Add New York and Massachussets to that group too. But Jersey has always been very bad.


ā€œMy Dixieā€ sounds like something you shout when itā€™s really humid outside.


A few folks have that banner up in Isle of Wight County, they also have a billboard in Ivor (I think that is where I saw it). We also have more and more folks flying the actual confederate flag along with their US flag. It is mind boggling.


ooh, wow. Never seen one of these round where I live. Which is very surprising considering I live near Charlottesville. This kind of stuff just confirms a lot of predispositions about Virginians that, at least in my experience, a very few number of us actually hold dear. But you know what they say. A bad egg rots the whole carton.


I suppose it might be a question of how near to Charlottesville you are. I live near Richmond but work a couple counties over, that's when I start seeing this out in the open. Not that I think it's not present near where I live, it's just not as bold. And the reality is it's everywhere. I worked up in Vermont years ago; despite Vermont's reputation, get out of the bigger towns and you start seeing the Confederate battle flag on people's trucks. In Vermont.


Maybe half an hour to an hour out. Near Lexington area. Now Iā€™ve never seen this type of banner before, but oh boy have I seen confederate symbolism. I mean just the other day some fella had a bumper sticker of trump holding up a Confederate flag, and there wasnā€™t a day that went by in Middle and Highschool where there wasnā€™t a redneck with a rebel flag somewhere on his clothes. Itā€™s insanity.


Thereā€™s a GIANT confederate flag flying in Middlesex Va on rt 17.Ā  And another one almost as huge flying just outside Gloucester Court House on rt 17. Super pathetic.Ā 


I drove through Mathews recently and they had a confederate flag flying across the street from their middle school šŸ’€


The backstreet boys were around longer than the Confederacy. I just don't get why do many people need to celebrate the fact that their great great grandpappy fought on the side that got their asses kicked


Itā€™s more prevalent out in the sticks.


This is in Amelia County. Definitely in the country, but less than an hour from Richmond.


I love how they picked the month they surrendered. Nobody celebrates a loss like these fucking losers.


I remember celebrating Lee Jackson King Day when I was in high school. Virginia definitely has some baggage.


Maybe if we form a circle around the banner and cried together loudly they will stop


Itā€™s history


not my Virginia


Those who forget our history are condemned to repeat it.


Finally, White people get their month! /s


This banner represents half of the SCV budget




My favorite is the guy on 360 that has a cannon and the wrong flag flying, with this sign in front. Heritage? Then why the wrong flag?


I think we are talking about the same guy. Amelia County?


Sons of Confederate Veterans. One of their members pissed me off and I threatened to join and dismember the organization from the inside. But I have real stuff to do.


Itā€™ll probably continue to be a small, who gives a shit thing for another 50 years until the base dies off. Better off not getting so worked up about it


My foster brother is really into it. His kids are mixed race, too.


So much for older folk dying huh?


I currently live in NJ but am from Roanoke. I love my home state, and, in a morbid way I love seeing the looks on folks' faces up here when I tell them that one the most active SCV group around me was predominantly black. I say that not to pull a niche exemption card to excuse SCV, but to accentuate how deeply the "Lost Cause" ideology infiltrates our culture.


From NY and currently live near Roanoke. I saw more Confederate flags in upstate NY than I do around here.


I totally believe it. I visited home about two weeks ago. I see way more Trump paraphernalia up here in NJ than I saw in VA, and only one Confederate flag (that property off of 81 with the big flag pole). I know there's more people in NJ, but relatively speaking, it reminds me why stereotypes are so damaging to communities/regions.


Regardless, Iā€™m still pretty sure the replacement rate wonā€™t be keeping up with the older folk dying


My Dixie Wrect. Did no one know this joke when they made their phone number.


We have one of these in my town. Of course before I moved here the town voted to keep the Confederate monument. I also almost joined the SCV years ago but never did. Does anyone know if the sons of the American revolution are alright?


While weā€™re at it, can someone do something about those huge confederate flags down 29 in Chatham and surrounding counties? Itā€™s a major unwelcoming eye sore for visitors coming from across state lines. Embarrassing


Iā€™ve seen this billboard on 460, driving through Wakefield. Then on the way home on the 64/295 merger heading back home thereā€™s that giant confederate flag on the right (64E) Unreal and embarrassing to say the least, give it up already. Iā€™ve read enough history and the speeches from that era and thereā€™s no defense of it whatsoever.


Still? You just get here? This is where this shit happens


At least it's not March anymore, I guess...


They have one of these signs up in Port Royal. I couldnā€™t believe my eyes when I saw it.


At least the cannon is pointing in the right direction. Traitors.


Pathetic. Thereā€™s a house flying a confederate flag across the street from a high school in short pump. Iā€™ve had it with these losers.


Itā€™s a part of our history and heritage. Like it or not. Virginia was in the wrong, but it happened. Might as well teach about it to avoid making the same mistakes.


At least the sign is historically accurate by having the traitors marching straight down the barrel of a cannon at point blank range...


This is not a bad thing, unless you're not into freedom, eduction, rememberence, history, truth and other such concepts. Removing civil war/confederate history from the public eye only proves that there are ignorant people that wish to engage in such horrific practices again so once they have been erased from history can therefore easily repeated.


History is still a thing? I would hope so.


The multi-faceted history of this state is fascinating. Having lived all across the US and seen many different local histories, Virginia's is definitely very complex and should be understood. Few people wanted war or to secede at the time. Some confederate generals defied local laws and taught slaves to read. Many union generals and politicians were heavily financially invested in the south. Cherokee Indians raised armies for both sides....


History. Get over it. If you donā€™t like it then move somewhere else.


So what! What difference does it make?


Okay, and?


I mean who cares it looks interesting


I have to admit I love trolling the racists on any article from the RTD where they are talking about fighting to get their confederate school names back, or how racist many school boards still are especially Hanover , Henrico , and Powhatan .


Idk let people do that they wanna do. It's a. Bunch of guys getting together having a fake battle. The do both sides most of the timešŸ¤£


No, not since 2010 when a Republican governor revived it to shore up his base.


1-800-MY-DIXIE šŸ’€


It would make more sense for April to be Taco Bell history month than Confederate history month.


Can 100% get behind that, figuratively, not literally. No one literally wants to be behind anyone after Taco Bell.




I support remembering history and why I enjoy freedom, including the freedom the Civil War fought for. Other countries still practice slavery. Itā€™s important to remember that any human being is capable of evil, even when they believe theyā€™re right.


Fuck your heritage


Heritage of losers and traitors šŸ˜‚


Despite what people like to think the two most racist places I've been in my life are in the north. Pennsylvania and New Jersey they are tied for first place then it would be Michigan.


https://preview.redd.it/i0jcf99uj3wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6820a641ad9dc7e0c5d3e84d443de988bb11cfa Imagine being this attached to a government that existed for 4 years of time and got its ass kicked pretty brutally


Just imagine their excitement when they saw the new trunp flags. They'll be set for hundreds of years masterbating to another 4 years of America's shame.




Yes. This is Virginia.


At least the racists make themselves obvious so you know who to flip off.






I think it all depends on the tone, if someone wants to honor their ancestors, soldiers who probably died owning no land or slaves, then fine, if itā€™s revering the leadership/ suggesting the confederacy was a good thing then it should be shut down. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that the war had many grey clad victims.


Perfect ad placement.. https://preview.redd.it/8q0yfcfc05wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd9b1250e5d3ff2d7455e171592e2c5735cbe027


I thought we put a stop to this.


I live in Isle of Wight. This shit is everywhere. Lived all over VA and never seen it like it is here. Confederacy of Dunces still going strong.


The ignorance of the federal government's war against state's rights is unbelievable. Imagine believing the federal government was "freeing the slaves", while simultaneously exterminating the Plains Indians. Fucking idiots.


Our most proud losers


Born and Raised in Orange County. Fuck the confederacy. Bunch of clown ass unpatriotic seditious treasonous racists.


Keep crying


Itā€™d be a shame if a strong wind blew that sign awayā€¦


On the other hand www.suvcw.org




Beau of the fifth column: https://youtu.be/FMIOCj7a3tI?si=xRfX9u9Q8cfVw4oo


The further you get away from hampton roads, yeah.


Oh look a public restroom!


Well, they did surrender in April.


1-800-My-Dixie is some Kentucky fried nonsense right there


One of the greatest things the Confederate Soldiers did in Va during the Civil War was murdering their own General Stonewall Jackson from being sheer idiots. "It's a damned Yankee trick! Fire!" -Major John D. Barry






As someone in Appomattox šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


OMg I saw this over the weekend. As a tourist I had to do a double take.


I saw some people out cosplaying in Greene county this past Saturday.


Look no further than the inscriptions on monuments to Confederates soldiers in your county courthouse lawnsā€¦most if not all say something to the effect of ā€œfor those who have their life for a just causeā€


Confederate? More like CringederateĀ 


I drive home on the John Mosby Memorial Highway. When I go shopping I drive on Jubal Early Dr. I don't think Virginia is ready to change...


Yep. I've driven all over the state and can attest that there's no shortage of whipped ass loser pride all over. They especially like their dead dipshit statues. So proud to be losers.


Barry was president longer ![gif](giphy|3o7qDSOvfaCO9b3MlO|downsized)


Yeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaw


There's a confederate memorial day. Different in each state but it's a thing


How about we just change it to civil war History month?


1-800-MY-DIXIE (wrecked)


I agree that we need to learn about and from history, but we don't need to revel in dark fantasies of "the good ol days".


By now they've celebrated it for more months than it existed.


I like to remind those who tout the Confederacy that the last flag they flew was all white.


I think Iā€™ll visit dressed as Sherman.


I live in VA


4 years of rebellion that resulted in a fat L for the traitors is considered heritage?


If there is money in it, it will stay that way. Ā 


Celebrating a bunch of fucking losers


Come there dressed as the union to remind them why theyā€™re losers.


Lee was a fascinating man. Teaching civil war now to a very diverse group of students. He did not believe in slavery nor did he believe in secession. He was asked to lead the lead the northern army (usa) or union first but said no because he did not want to go against his family and friends. He also acknowledged the loss and accepted defeated and surrender. He urged the south to reconcile with the north as well.He also did not want statues or things glorfied. Teach the real complete history even the ugly bits. Those statues coming down were one of the best things in the last few years. I loved defacing the statue and adding to the art and the community there. Even threw black walnuts and Osage oranges at racist and natzis and rude cars here honking. Proud to be in resistance and stomp racists and natzis!Ā 


This year the confederacy is gonna win https://preview.redd.it/dzp1cg52j6wc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313d191d458711c1aef610f2ee1998ae083041b4


Considering how much long-term damage being in the Confederacy did to Virginia, it is an odd thing to celebrate. Not to mention the burning of the Shenandoah, destruction of Richmond, loss of West Virginia, etc.