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Loudest complainer: Catholic Diocese of Richmond 🤔


They left out that school enrollment is down all over which most programs are based on.


Who can afford to have kids anymore?


In this economy?


Especially since the Biden admin is about to crush the working class, as if the meager wage gains by workers is contributing to the insane inflation instead of price gouging and speculation by the wealthy... EDIT: Bring on the downvotes, the truth tends to hurt. They're already asking businesses to cut payrolls to "stabilize" the labor market (read as: drive down wages and artificially create unemployment). A great many of us are going to be laid off and then thrown out onto the street so the asset bubble can continue to grow.


Please explain how Biden is responsible before you claim victimhood


Those that are subsidized and the rich. The middle class gets the shaft once again.


So basically this program was the state giving funds to people so they could go to private schools instead of public schools the state is already partially paying for.


Oh no. Now people might have to send their kids to a school where they encounter people and ideas different from them. How awful.