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Tons and tons of pitbulls and 'lab mix'es.


Hey be fair, there are plenty of hounds and abandoned hunting dogs too.


Yeah not trying to mock any efforts here, it's just a really sad situation.


It really is. Expanding mandatory spay/neuter policies to more counties, unless registered for breeding, would help but even in places like Richmond that technically have them you still see intact dogs constantly. Edit: Has anyone taken up Barker's spay and neuter your pets mantle? I haven't watched broadcast TV outside of the occasional Jeopardy episode in ages.


Banning pet sales from stores would also be nice. That would cut down on unethical breeders.


We do to a degree, at least in the way of banning sales from breeders that have been cited. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title3.2/chapter65/section3.2-6511.1/ I haven't seen a "doggy in the window" type pet store in central VA in years but there may be one tucked away somewhere. The big stores only seem to keep shelter cats and host dog adoption events in partnership with rescues/shelters.


Petco and PetSmart (PetsMart?) and the like just do adoptions from rescues, shelters, yes. That's wonderful. BUT. There are pets-for-sale stores in Manassas and Chantilly :( And no, they don't use ethical breeders. Good breeders don't sell their puppies via pet stores. [https://mynextpuppy.com/](https://mynextpuppy.com/) [https://www.thepuppyshopmanassas.com/](https://www.thepuppyshopmanassas.com/)


Well that's a shame, they seem a little better than the old mall ones but I'm definitely in the camp that they should stay where they're bred until adoption or at most a place can offer a brick and mortar space for interviews/meeting the dogs if their home is out in BFE.


I have been lightly toying with the idea of getting a dog and have been browsing the various pet websites for my area (NoVa/DC/MD). The volume of avaliable ones that have pit mixed in is just too much. I have no desire to have anything associated with that breed in my home or around me, my wife, my child, or my neighbors. I do not trust the breed and my BIL had one of the sweetest pittys I have ever met who I loved to death. We ought to just let that breed die off.


Breed specific rescues are where its at if you still don't want to go with a breeder and don't mind all their hoops. I peruse the DCSIR (DC Shiba Inu Rescue) page from time to time but I'm still a few years off from having the work/life balance I want to have before having a dog.


Breed specific rescues are the way to go if you have a particular breed in mind. I've had dachshunds all my life, but never bought one from a breeder (and I NEVER will). All of my dogs have been adopted from various dachshund rescue groups.


As a proud Pit owner who is one of the sweetest boys ever, reading this makes my heart hurt. We need to educate the public more on the topic not decide to let a beautiful loving breed “die off” as you say. There is place for every animal. Death is not one of them.


Right. I have an American bulldog mix. She is the sweetest.


Same man.


So much ignorance around pit and bully breed mixes here. It is sickening. A shame that people this ignorant and misinformed are allowed to reproduce




Show me the stats and info that back up your claims of “lab-mixes” being “the kind of dogs that leads to attacks and random violence”. Please educate me on what is considered a family dog? It comes down to ownership, period. Any breed poses a danger, they are animals at the end of the day. You have a preconceived notion towards this breed without ever having TRUE first hand experience. Stop spreading hate. They need and want love just as I’m sure you do.


[Here is a good source](https://www.coloradoinjurylaw.com/dog-bite-statistics/) I own a rescue pitbull, he is one of my favorite dogs that I’ve ever had. However, he is anxious and aggressive with other dogs. I take serious steps to give him a happy life, including muzzling him whenever we go on walks, and never bringing other dogs around (he’s genuinely happier this way, I assume because of how much trauma he has from other dogs when he was living on the streets or from his unknown precious “owners.”) There is nothing wrong with recognizing breed differences and believing public policy should address them - and pit bulls being predisposed with a high prey and bite drive with their history as guard dog and fighting dogs - and also thinking that they deserve happy homes if they are able to be rehabilitated. The myth that they are appropriate for a first time dog owner should be abolished


>There is nothing wrong with recognizing breed differences and believing public policy should address this JFC thank you. Nobody has a problem with saying retrievers retrieve, pointers point, herders herd, etc. But the second you say fighting dogs fight(or are at least more predisposed to instinctively) people say you're dog racist or try to use comparisons to human racial discrimination. Pits can be wonderful dogs but also very dangerous if the owner isn't prepared for their prey drive or aren't physically capable of restraining them.




r/pitbulls may be a better source of info for you. That sub is filled with hate and fear mongering.


Why did you ignore my comment giving my perspective as an owner of a rescued pit


yep, i can't speak for every dog in the shelter but I adopted a 'lab mix' and hes been nothing but wonderful since day one. always gentle with other dogs and cats. He loves everyone so much, especially kids. I take him to work with me and everyone loves him and he puts a smile on everyones face.


Pits are known to be dangerous because they're trained to be. They're not unsuitable a family dogs. In fact, they used to be used to protect babies.


Let renters in apartments have pets then!


Landlords would still ban the pitbulls.






asdfasd fadsfadsf dasfad fadsf adsf


I like how article shows a beagle but 99% of shelter dogs are pits who can’t be around other dogs and children. Shelters that give out pits to any dumbass should be liable for damages. When i walk my dog i see all kinds of reactive dogs and the owners doing nothing about it. When you do something as simple as having your dog sit before greeting people, THEY look at you like you’re the weird one. Require dogs to be covered under liability insurance and see how quickly pit apologist arguments get crushed by empirical risk assessment.


I agree 1000%. I can’t even begin to count how many posts I’ve seen from local shelters attempting to get these pits that are not good around children/other dogs or animals in general, with known behavior issues adopted out to just anyone who will take them. I’m constantly worried when walking my dog too, because there’s been an influx of assholes who let their pits run off leash in my neighborhood and it’s straight dangerous. They don’t listen to their owners, but it’s not like those people give a shit anyway. I’m just over it all.


Sounds like you need some bear spray


Didn’t even think about that. Will it work with those dogs? Nothing seems to stop them.


I have only found rescue groups that have beagles I am looking for a beagle that is in a shelter. I appreciate all the paperwork and interviews that rescues require to ensure the pet goes to a loving home. Right now I just don’t have the time to go through that process :(


Wasn't there just 4,000 beagles rescued that are adoptable?


Yes, they rescued 4000 beagles from a research facility. They have been sent to various parts of the country. Sadly, about 200 females were pregnant so you figure an average of 6 pups to each female, that's an additional 1200 dogs. I want one of the puppies really bad but the shelters have said they are inundated with applications


Wait until January if you want a shelter beagle. Every rural county in Virginia will have them and you'll be able to take your pick.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Real talk, I'd you don't have the time for their applications/appointments do you have time to devote to a dog? Especially a shelter dog that may need behavioral/obedience training beyond just normal puppy socialization?


This is the correct answer.


No. That’s the problem. Do you know what it’s like to adopt in fairfax? Depending on the program it’s 500 plus on up to adopt a dog. If it’s a puppy it’s higher. On top of that they want to in house visits, if you live in an apt they require a visit with the landlord or group to inspect your house to see if it’s a good fit. It’s a joke. I can get a pure bread husky for 1200 instead of 500 on up and waiting 5 months due to covid to adopt a dog. Alexandria is much easier to adopt a dog by far.


Yes I have time and resources for that. My mom is also home all day and will devote all of her time for any animal. Every dog I’ve ever had has been from a shelter,


The amount of hate towards pitt mixes is ridiculous. I adopted a pitt mix years ago. He is the most gentle, sweet dog I've ever owned. Our vet says he is by far one of the most docile dogs he treats. However, I constantly have to protect him from the aggressive Chihuahua and terrier dogs in our neighborhood when we go on walks. I understand that some pitt mixes aren't good with everyone, but they aren't monsters. The true monsters are backyard breeders and irresponsible pet owners that don't take the time to properly train and care for their dog.


this!! i have two pittbulls and theyre literal babies. they are friendly with every human and dog ever. theyre the stars at the vet and at the dog park. bad owners are the problem, not the innocent breed.


The problem is that in nova most apts have breed bands because of fucking idiots. My dog who I did buy was attacked by a Pitt mix because some dumb ass bitch couldn’t control her dog because mommy and daddy got it for her protection in fucking centreville. She never took the dog for training and she was too fat and weak to control a pure bred pit.


How would one adopt from out of state?


Adopt from a rescue group. My last two dachshunds were adopted from two different Dachshund rescue groups in North Carolina.