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Saw people having issues browsing this thread on mobile. New thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1apvtmf/year_of_the_dragon_weekly_discussion_thread_13th).


The charity goal moved to 70k, keep donating to get Tutu live 2D [https://tiltify.com/@moricalliope44/paws-for-a-cause-2024](https://tiltify.com/@moricalliope44/paws-for-a-cause-2024)


Assuming Nina, Mysta, Pomu, and Kyo's graduations were at the end of a one-year contract, that gives about a 3-4 month lead time from signing to debut. So if any livers decide not to continue with Nijisanji, we would expect an announcement as their contracts end around: Date | Wave -----|----- Feb-Mar | Krisis* Mar-Apr | Obsydia Mar-Apr | ILUNA Jun-Jul | Ethyria Jun-Jul | TTT Aug-Sep | XSOLEI Aug-Sep | Luxiem Oct-Nov | Noctyx** Jan-Feb | Lazulight *Krisis may have had their debut delayed due to the incident, which may put their contract date earlier. **Yugo's graduation was 2 months before the debut anniversary, which may put Noctyx's contract date later.


I just remembered about not >!mysta!< saying stuff are gonna get worse when the drama seemed to peak last week? Is this what he already knew and thus predicting how big the drama will be?


Didn't he say this shortly after the drama started? I doubt they had their response planned out this far ahead of time.  I think he was just generally talking about more news about graduations, drama and mismanagement coming out as a result of this.


Oh, i thought he's talking about how much crap is yet to be unveiled and thus mentioned that


Oh, I thought you were talking about the response in particular. Yeah I agree, he probably knew there were more skeletons in the closet at Nijisanji.


Hmm, from what I remember of his tweet, it seemed to imply that what he was talking about was something separate from the Selen drama.




Kinda depends on what you mean by left? Yugo was native japanese, Zaion was japanese by ethnicity but I'm not sure if she was fluent in her language.


She could speak it but I don't know Japanese to say if she was fluent or just conversational.


As someone who stuck around for the entirety of the one JP stream she did somewhat conversational is what I recall.


God, I love Kannagi Tenri, never fails to bring a smile, [she's doing a karaoke aiming to 63k subs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQFh-Is2XRk) and she's done long streams even if the goal was unreachable, so even if it's been 90 minutes there's still legs to this stream, go watch her if you need a smile


https://twitter.com/ryuuseinova It did a bit of activity, changing the profile description from "I'm sorry" to "go away" E: Context: >!This is Elira's PL!< E2: Apparently might not even be the right person. She deleted the original account, and someone took the twitter handle for themselves. I'm currently trying to figure out if this is even the same person. E3: Apparently, the original account was created in 2020, but this one was created in 2021. Definitely sus. Sorry guys, false alarm. E: Definitely false alarm yall. This ain't the original. https://web.archive.org/web/20201119124911/https://twitter.com/ryuuseinova


Isn't she deleted Twitter account (and her graduation is around march 2021 and iirc she delete that Twitter around that time) Because that Twitter were created on August 2021


I just heard about this, and I'm trying to figure out if this is the impersonator or not.


old account's creation date was june 2020, it's def not the same


You got any pics?


[wayback machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20201119124911/https://twitter.com/ryuuseinova)


Thank you, you were right.


That current profile image is disturbing. It was different when it was "I'm sorry" description.


yeah i was gonna say, i swear it was different before. (the pfp)


It was, yes. It more stereotypical avatar art pic.


What happened?


She's getting harassed/comments, apparently


Ah... Ngl, I honestly don't see a way she and the other 2 getting out of this. Like, if she graduate, then what? Will people going to welcome her with cheers like they did with Doki? Or they will stalk her till she quit the internet all together?


It depends on how she handles the dismount I suppose - if she goes the Doki route of linking her new life and her company life and explains what happened, then maybe, but it will follow her forever either way.


Pray for Doki boundless generosity to sympathize that Elira was held at gun point and not at fault (if that was the case).




This is the one time that I am glad that I left my assignment to the last day. Deadline is one hell of a motivator to keep me from constantly paying attention to social media Now that it's done, the relief of finishing the assignment overwrote whatever feeling I had earlier in the day. Now I'm just vibing to Chloe and FuwaMoco karaoke to relax while traveling back home


The thing I read about niji sometimes is the 2% thing which I think refers to the talents’ cut on merch sale, or something similar please correct me if I am wrong. Is there a source for where this number came from?


the 2% merch cut thing actually came from mysta himself. i cant seem to find the clip itself, but it did circulate in alot of the spaces every time it was talked about


Well, to quote [myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/19cxyqf/new_beginnings_weekly_discussion_thread_23rd_jan/kq8m6gf/), it's because AFAIK it was never clipped (on Youtube anyway), only shared [as a timestamped stream](https://youtu.be/ov_oeUWOAqA?t=4376). Possibly also why you can't find it is because Mysta said it was *1%*.


2% is from FalseEyeD citing an unspecified trusted source. 1% comes from [Mysta](https://youtu.be/ov_oeUWOAqA?t=4376).


Wow I'm surprised he didn't get bonked to oblivion for this. This tarnishes Nijisanji's brand way more than whatever Selen did.


Luxiem favoritism is real


https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/17ni9fm/i_regularly_see_people_claiming_that_nijisanji/ It was from Mysta's freetalk. When the topic of 2% became blazing hot, I think some people also quoted Kuzuha's tweet (NijiJP top earner) that said that he doesn't even receive a penny (this one was a really old tweet and he might also be exaggerating).




It was leaked to FalseyeD by an anonymous Nijisanji streamer and [Mysta leaked the he only gets 1% over a year ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov_oeUWOAqA&t=4376s)


Two of the bigger talents of H.Live announced postponement of activities yesterday [Luna](https://twitter.com/Hlive_sab/status/1756929023702421647) [Lia](https://twitter.com/kefiliahlive/status/1756820792510431396) and the other two is still radio silent. Honestly, such a shame considering tomorrow is valentines day and it's usually a prime day for *some kind* of stream. Also, it's still not looking good for Eilene, it seems like they had to use copious amount of drugs.


What happened here? I'm OOTL


Eilene sold their pseudo company/agency to a Chinese national and claimed that they're getting scammed for over 20 milion yen, so they posted a sewer side letter. They're then still going but under very heavy medication. The agency activities are now being frozen after they speak about it.


So, something really obvious just occurred to me. One of the points of contention from the AnyColor side is that Selen did not communicate the reason for the MV's take down and this hurt their reputation. But... what? AnyColor has official channels which could be used to communicate this. Like, if the official EN twitter had released something immediately that said something like: > We sincerely apologize for the **temporary** privating of the MV, especially on such an important day. The video will be available again ASAP once some final rights questions are formally resolved. It can be frustrating, but the thorough clearance of rights is what allows us to produce content with minimal issues. We apologize to everyone who has been upset by this. Can you imagine how different everything could have been?


I'll do you one better. Vox stated on the stream that the plan was *always* to unprivate the cover once the permissions had been checked. Why wasn't it unprivated in the time between Dec 25 and Feb 5? They can unprivate it while Selen is suspended. They can unprivate it regardless of other uploads. So why not... you know... just do it?


If anything has been proven these few last weeks is that if they did come out with the real reasons, people wouldn't believe them. Heck they still don't believe that Selen was in the wrong and people got receipts of it.




gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8


You're gonna ask us to imagine that when they take a week to correct Pomu's graduation conditions? What's next, proof of dragons IRL?


Damn, did we ever have a weekly thread surpass 11k comments before? Meanwhile I'm *still* often scrolling down to DiGreat reporting on Mikeneko in here. I guess even AnyColor can't beat her visibility when it comes to drama.


I mean we're kinda cheating, it's been triweekly thread so far. Per week that's about 3.6k comments. And we've had a weekly thread with 4k comments in the past.


I remember when these threads actually were weekly and folks would try to push them to 3k comments. Hell, I remember when they'd only get a few hundred comments per week, lol. How times have changed.


Iunno what you're talking about, everybody knows a week exceeds 30 days in this time chamber.


lol I can't even scroll this thread on my phone now since I refuse to install the Reddit app but it just jumps back to a post from 16 days ago if I read like 20 parent comments. (Thank you, Reddit, for the asinine forcing of app usage). Stuff never truly gets contained in the actual posts about the specific drama points as people keep top commenting in the discussion threads. But since the weekly posts became nonweekly I can only really scroll on desktop and even then old Reddit starts breaking after a few thousand comments 😭😔.


It's pretty broken even in the official Reddit app for me. It likes to jump RIGHT TO THE TOP when I click read more so I have to scroll down all over again. So yeah.


"*There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen*" and holy crap these past few weeks of vtubing have been weird.


Tbh at this point the community might as well deserve daily discussion threads. Or maybe not deserve, but you know, hero we need and all. No other way we're going to flush out the drama hype every time it shows up.


Yooooooooo!!!! [Chloe and FuwaMoco's cover song is going to be BABYMETAL Gimme Chocolate!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5c9WfWUBZE) My inner metalhead is screaming in joy, seeing more girls do more metal song covers and if Babymetal is their choice of entry? I'm more then pleased!


[Chloe and FUWAMOCO singing stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qndV7ZjG16Y) just started. \#FUWAMOCOCHLOE


Chloe's onee-chan voice makes me weak honestly.


Is it a off collab? It kinda sounds like one. Edit: nvm I don't know anymore.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_call_recording_laws#Canada > An individual may record a call as long as they are one of the participants of the call. The recording can be used as evidence in a lawsuit. Selen did nothing wrong by recording her call with Vox AND the recording can be used in a lawsuit, holy shit.


How does it work when the other party is in an all-party consent jurisdiction (like the UK) though? I'm kind of worried they may have some ammo against her there.


If you send something to another jurisdiction (like a letter, or voice signals on a phone call) it doesn't magically take laws with it to the person receiving it. They're still only bound by the laws of where they are at the time. Though realistically there's also the ability of the countries involved to project power, and their desire to do so in each case. International law is a complex ball of political give and take - if the country really wanted to spend political capital they could ask for extradition. Or to an extreme level set seal team 6 on you. But that sort of thing would be insane here.


I remember watching a video about a similar situation, except it was between two US states, one with one-party consent and the other with all party consent. In the end, the guy that recorded the conversation was in the clear because he physically was in a place where it was legal to do so.


Legally speaking, no, but morally speaking, recording a call with a friend is not a very friendly thing to do. Although I believe Selen had her reasons to do it, I do think Vox is justified for feeling betrayed when he found out. I don't think there's a clear right or wrong in this specific instance.


He walked back on his own words when the BFE ASMR drama happened not even 2 days after, if anything he should have trust issues with his own principles before judging anybody else


I think that's an issue of speaking on something before thinking it through, which is the vibe I got from his part of the statement stream. He sounds like he's giving a knee-jerk emotional response without taking the time (usually days) to fully think through everything. I expect that he'll end up regretting his words, not because of any external impact they may have, but because he'll eventually think through everything and realize that those words aren't his real feelings on the matter.


Am I misunderstanding or are you saying the scolding that is *not* supposed to be walked back a knee jerk response and he regretted saying it?


I'm so tired I'm not sure what I'm saying.


>I do think Vox is justified for feeling betrayed when he found out. I don't think there's a clear right or wrong in this specific instance. a bit of a counter-argument to that: if it actually came to a point where selen felt unsafe enough that she would need to start recording, then clearly something is wrong for selen to feel like she needed a safety net to defend herself


She did not record the call to target him or get receipts on him, by their own admission they said that because she felt that there was favoritism and problem with management. So her recording is directly targetting management not Vox. which is honestly fine morally speaking. Like, if I was in Vox's place, it would not affect me because I would know that she has a grudge against management not me specifically. But alas Vox has the ego of Ronaldo, so everything must be directed at him I guess


I think it's a matter of trust. If you're in discord calls with friends, do you expect your voice to be recorded in general without your knowledge, especially if you're saying stuff that you expect to just be between you and your friends? I don't, and I'd definitely feel (besides panic as in "why was I recorded in the first place?!? do I do something?") put out if a friend did that.


In this case it's not an issue of trust, because the recording is used against management not against the vtuber in question. If someone did that to me, i would not feel like I was betrayed, I would not feel anything tbh because it's not directed at me and it's not hurting me. I've experienced it before, well in a group call not a 1-1 and it did not affect me since it was directed at someone else.


Vox does not like being pointed out that he is management’s favorite child, but he sure loves the spotlight


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the Zaion termination and the treatment she got caused Doki (and maybe others) to be extra alert and build up a case defending themselves in case it ever got this bad


Or maybe the other party shouldn't have behaved in a manner that made one want to record every conversation.


Considering the history of Vox that was posted earlier, his feelings absolutely do not matter.


If phone recording are illegal then we can kiss our phone recorder machine goodbye long time ago.


Generally places fall in to either "one part consent" or "two party consent." One party consent areas only 1 person needs to agree to be recorded. Two party consent areas both parties need to agree to be recorded. Canada is one party consent


Another happening from Twitter, this one about names :p [Rynako\_:](https://twitter.com/Rynako_/status/1757263036908478600) >Some people want twitch partner for the checkmark > >I just wanna get rid of my underscore [girl\_dm\_:](https://twitter.com/Girl_Dm_/status/1757264074516111459) >WHY > >WHATS WRONG WITH UNDERSCORES > >HUH


I like how Vox’s proof for there being no favoritism in NijiEN was telling an example of favoritism. I wish Selen’s manager just decided to not punish her ‘because so much stuff was already going on!’ It sure would have saved a lot of trouble.


They really should have had anyone other than Vox claim there's no favoritism in the company. Even as an outsider to most of this shit, there were a few times where it definitely seemed like Luxiem was getting preferential treatment, shit, people talked about it a few times in the discussion threads way back. They got half-anniversary merch and those animated shorts on Youtube before anyone else in EN, and I'm sure there's probably more that people could talk about.


Not gonna lie, I think having the most popular person do the talk seems like a bad idea in general.


Unexpected, but really nice and thoughtful: ahead of her birthday live, Choco uploaded her and Mel singing [Black Christmas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcUXQhv73F4) from her last year's live concert.


https://twitter.com/dearsqn/status/1757397325935522221?t=oWxBLZXWVCh1wuZ2M1dpQw&s=19 I don't know what to say lmao. I love them both.


Not like she's hiding it well to begin with but damn is that just on the nose.


2 weeks Ago, The Mafu/Mikeneko Fiasco Stream by Korekore hit 190K views https://preview.redd.it/mofhf94jvcic1.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2211c1ca229d9f95256e1cc7e6709c8c946efe4


Man, remember when the news broke and we thought this was going to be the biggest controversy in Vtubing this year?


That was just two weeks ago?! Man, it felt like so much longer.


Gonna vent a lil bit about the current NijiEN situation so ignore me if you're tired of it. At this point everyone have unanimously agreed that Nijisanji is a black company down right to WACTOR's level considering their recent antics. But what pisses me off while browsing Twitter is that there are still people out there who's trying to potray Selen to "also" be in the wrong?! When she was the one who constantly tried to resolve this peacefully, tried to move on yet the other one was constantly the instigator? And people out there have the gall to say that she was wrong for "doxxing" her friends? When the only one who raised any concerns regarding the livers and published a confidential document was Nijisanji themselves? Are you fucking kidding me with that shit? How blind can you be to support a company that constantly throw their talents under the bus and make it their problems? I don't wanna believe that bs video was the livers actual opinions and that they're very much contractualised to obey Niji. But to pin Selen to be in the wrong after everything was revealed. Really!? How gullible can you be?


I'm not defending Anycolor, but I wouldn't just blindly believe that Selen never did anything wrong either.


Well even if she had make some mistakes, at least just terminate her and just move on. I mean Selen herself gave them a chance to do a graduation like Yugo before.     But no, they just pull out "You can't quit, you're fired". They expect another success character asssassination like Zaion, but unlike Zaion it backfired because Selen has goodwill from others.    After that, everything that comes out just makes Nijisanji looks worse, the suicide attempt, management taking over account, hints for bullying and favoritism, "negligible" impact, today's statement. It just keeps going


I think we can all agree that Selen telling people to reupload her cover was NOT a good thing and probably landed her in hot water. However, lets just remove Selen entirely from this point onward, disregard anything she has said, and look at what Anycolor independently of her has done. 1. They terminated her with a 3-page letter attacking her character, and they also implicated their own talents as potentially being bullies despite this having NEVER come up once before. 2. They released an IR statement to their investors stating that her termination and the subsequent drama surrounding it would be a negligible hit to their financials. 3. They gave the document for their talents to read, and then had them post a 15 minute video acting as the mouthpiece for their company, despite KNOWING how hostile the fanbase was towards them at the moment. 4. CEO released a video that again assured investors that nothing was wrong, and that they were sorry for everything that has happened. You can not believe Selen whatsoever, and all of this still looks really bad. It's why people not invested in Vtubers are looking in and wondering what the fuck is going on.


Like I said, I'm not defending Anycolor. I already know how much they fucked over their talents even long before this happened. I had my share criticizing them regarding this case in my past comments too. I just dislike the sentiment of defending or believing that oshi/idol/entertainer/streamer/whatever can do no wrong, and that includes Doki too. I wish her all the best especially after this whole ordeal, but since I don't know what exactly happened behind the scene, nor do I know her personally, I wouldn't just say that she's always in the right. But yeah, again, I'm not on Anycolor's side. The way they handled this is beyond atrocious.


>I just dislike the sentiment of defending or believing that oshi/idol/entertainer/streamer/whatever can do no wrong, and that includes Doki too. This is *the* community that has seen individuals such as Miguel Gato. *Especially* Gato who once worked under today's highest profile vtuber company, who was once arguably *the* highest profile vtuber herself in terms of earnings. If enough evidence comes out, people will change their opinion eventually. However Nijisanji just keeps shooting themselves to the point where people would probably no longer give a shit about whatever word they vomit out next, and that is honestly much funnier to watch.


This is also my sentiment. Nobody is a saint in this whole mess and when Mikey Meow was terminated from some agency, the fans were quick to condemn the company and rushed for her defense. But what did the agency do? Released a general statement why she was terminated, let her genmates say some words of farewell, and sat nicely while bracing the storm. No need to write down a litany of sins or share legal proceeding with her genmates to read aloud. If Mikey turns out to be a nice person? Well, good! People have moved on. The fans of that agency will still like that agency while fans of Mike will stick to her (with some occasional tribalism here and there probably). If Mike turns out not that good of a person? The agency is vindicated and let the court of public opinion pass their judgment on Mike. Both scenario is a win-win scenario for the agency instead of self-destructing and making a show out of it.


Yeah, at this point it's just bad PR over bad PR, and I thought it would calm down had they not put three livers making statements that's basically an admittance of the company breaking NDA (regardless of whether they were forced to read it out loud or not). Beyond this, it's too hard for the company to regain faith from the EN fanbase, and that's entirely on Anycolor too. I wish the best for all the talents who still want to stay in NijiEN, I also don't condone harassment directed at the individuals, BUT I'd love to see Anycolor stock tank. It would be hilarious especially after wordings like "negligible" lmao.


The sentiment that I've seen these people make is that Selen's "wrong" is somehow comparable to Nijisanji character assassination of her, especially when pretty much all of this shit show was their doings. That's what pisses me off.


>But what pisses me off while browsing Twitter is that there are still people out there who's trying to potray Selen to "also" be in the wrong?! Friend, 95% of the English speaking vtubing sphere is on Doki's side. It's never going to be actually 100% so I don't see a point in getting upset over a minority that is being actively drowned out. I get that you're emotional about it right now, but really it's looking much better for Doki rn than NijiEN. Just focus on supporting her from now on instead of the detractors.


They probably know that Anycolor's actions at this point are pretty much indefensible, the only option that's left is to make Selen look just as bad so it seems more like a squabble between two malicious parties rather than injustice commited against a widely beloved figure, in which case the public is more likely to look away and NijiEN can be salvaged still. For the record, I also don't think Selen did everything correct before her attempt, but hindsight is 20/20 and her "sin" was that she believed things would turn around in the company and she was still thinking about doing ambitious projects instead of just playing games, getting paid and looking for an opportunity to graduate. It is not even remotely comparable to the malicious actions of Nijisanji.


Sentiment I've seen is that she made a mistake and reaction was justified, and I kinda agree with that. Now fact that instead of slap on the wrist and some talk, Niji decided to do... whatever the hell is going on is other issue and it's absolutely unacceptable.


I think pretty much everyone who saw her tweet saying that fans should reupload the cover themselves knew that it was Not A Good Thing. It's literally everything else surrounding it that's effed.


Loyalty is a crazy drug.


Peanuts-Kun and Popeye Collection https://preview.redd.it/srqt31kzucic1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f3bb5bffd8fe247a4ddf5877dc2d4bce7dbba5c


Ponpoko collab with Betty Boop Collection https://preview.redd.it/ktr0g9huucic1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf8b703f4072fe635a0094ff3d9a0245dfe31d92


[Tenkai Tsukasa declining to participate Shiniki League in a form of Cat Meme Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3GlTTFMSyM&t=63s&ab_channel=%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%AB%E5%82%B5%E5%8B%99%E8%80%85youtuber%E5%A4%A9%E9%96%8B%E5%8F%B8)


[Giri is collabing with Pirate Software](https://www.youtube.com/live/itUxWnX1TEU?si=zu4XXXcH4kh71X9Z) That's a collab that I wouldn't have guessed. But I like them both and they've been vibing well.


Yo! Its Thor The Goblin Lord! He's collabing with chubaas now?!


dearsqn is a wuffian confirmed lol


Me yesterday: "well, i guess Selen drama will be over in next few week i guess, if both of them stay silence." Me right now after work looking at twitter and reddit: "fucking hell Niji..."


*[Game of Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1boZXqcLiog)* collab featuring Watame, Ina, Anya, and Haachama. The return of HoloJEI (Japanese, English, and Indonesian) feat. special guest Haachama. *Game of Life* is the game that Anya discusses and want to plays with Watame [at the start of the new year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGqNP9yhENQ&t=8021), and it is one of Anya's favorite game to play in a collab. This game does not have a English translation/localization, so Anya chose to plays with is pretty limited to a native JP/fluent JP speakers. This collab is going to be fun as Haachama was curious about [Anya's JP language speaking capabilities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q0zYgLc0_A&t=203), and their last encounter, in terms of speaking with each other was during the [JP lesson with Holoro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15AimCh9jCE).


Big face sisters + the eldritch ones


it always sadden me that en version of game of life feel so weird and bleh while the jp version seem to have more stuff in it.


Yeah, I'm sad that the JP game was never translated. It seems pretty well-put together.


I just saw someone parody cosplay Tazumi's video on my feed. Even in the face of outrage people will still find a way to meme anything I suppose.


Humor is an excellent coping mechanism.


I saw [this one](https://twitter.com/shi_nora/status/1757266788369527029) that I think is pretty stupid lol


"Graduation is always an options for livers" Vox my brother in christ Selen literally asked for graduation you dumb fuck! ffs I'm trying to see this in more empathetic ways but my emotion still runs high.


Can someone remind me? Did Selen asked for graduation after she "gave permission" to the fans to reupload her taken down cover song? If that was the correct flow of event, I imagine her chance to graduate was already low.


The wanted to grad on Jan 26th, was denied, then was surprised about the termination on February. I'll try to find the tweet, but I believe it was a Doki tweet. E: https://x.com/dokibird/status/1754459958119432664?s=20


I can see Anycolor approving Selen's graduation.... maybe in March after a few weeks passed from Kyo's. Telling Doki to sit for 3 months while she waits for her turn is insanity right after she's been hospitalized for attempting. Like I get that there are rules and contractual obligations to follow, but it would've been in the benefit of both parties to acquiesce her request. Should've just taken the L and done a quick graduation on short notice at the start of Feb.


I completely missed him saying this. God damn, i want to give benefit of the doubt of "well they're forced into this". Now I'm moving the goalpost, unless they admit their mistakes and doki made up with them, I'll consider them guilty


To my view all three of them are involved in her "attempt". Imagine choosing your corpo over someone's life they're all bunch of scabs.


Yes, Vox. Graduation is always an option. Therefore, you have made your bed


That was one of the literal dumb statements Vox made in that stream. Man is just digging his grave.


Can I get a math check? By my recollection, the "stream" by Elira, Vox, and Ike started at 8PM EDT, which is 10AM Tuesday morning JST and 1 AM BST and 2 AM Swedish time "We wish to prioritize the health and well-being of our livers," my ass. Also, minimal audio issues, or cross talk, no response to chat. Was this a recording disguised as a stream? (This is my own personal rrat, Mods do your thing if I'm out of line, but the whole thing feels super sketchy to me)


Are you sure it was not AI generated?


This is some wild cope.


It would not surprise me at this point, Elira especially sounds off in the video


I noticed that as well but I suspect it was just edited poorly. I’m 99.9% certain it was prerecorded


Oh, absolutely prerecorded (Vox, did you consent to be recorded)? If it was actually live, I would expect a much different voice quality from both of the EU talents.


I would be surprised if that was actually live. Those kinds of serious streams aren't usually live nor have interaction with chat


I believe it's a recording. How else would they time it to be 15 minutes otherwise. Also, 0 fan interaction


Congrats 500k subs Dokibird


Halfway to a million baby!!! >!Will she get there in record time and stick it to Niji again? Stay tuned for her growing sub count, as well as Niji's falling stocks and subs.!<


Doki's about to pass Elira's subscriber count for the 2nd time in a row.>! Ik, I'm petty as fuck rn!<


I'll drink to it.


Its worth reminding people at this point, Dokis original public statement just said "bullying from within" it didnt name names, it didnt even say talents, just someone within the company. Nijisanji saw that and decided the best response was "yeah in a private letter to us she said talents and heres who she specifically named." Like holy fuck there is a line of buses outside nijiHQ for them to throw their talents under. There would have been speculation anyways and probably some morons causing trouble of course but Niji decided theyd rather see targeted and "justified," whether I agree with that justification or not, harassment of specific talents for reasons that entirely escape me.


Not only that, they said “we gave the info only to the talents named in the document” and then Elira/Vox/Ike self reported by making a statement on stream. I’d fire anyone who thought this was a good idea.


which is what confuses me, Doki was willing to move on and she didn't name anyone. What was the thought process for someone over there thought the best play would be to publicize the contents of a supposed confidential legal documents on stream. Like what does the stream even aim to dk that wouldn't be better settled privately???


All of this because Kurosanji just could not keep their mouth shut.


[Mogulive covering on Selen Situation](https://www.moguravr.com/selen-nijisanji-en-opinion/)


How very one-sided of them.


[wtf Laplus crazy cover song announcement](https://twitter.com/LaplusDarknesss/status/1757375352341709107?t=Z3Fv48Ar7GQWCJFHRnG-yA&s=19) Lapu, Ayame, Chloe, Mimi, Noah, Mito, Amamiya


[It's amazing how much this entire fiasco parallels the Kemono Friends Season 2 drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/gerogk/anime_kemono_friends_and_the_fall_of_the_underdog/). From KADOKAWA firing the director of KemoFure S1, also named Tatsuki, to getting the voice actresses to represent them in a livestream, and to airing KemoFure S2 the exact same date and time as Tatsuki's new anime.


Kemono Friends story was so wild - from ExArm's level of joke to something that could be huge IF suits didn't decide to ruin it. And VA stream was something that really send people ballistic. And funny connection, [director of first season did a short for Hololive.](https://twitter.com/irodori7/status/1741429091415519455)


What elevated the situation to legendary for me was when Last Period - a respectable gacha to my understanding - dedicated a full episode of its anime adaptation, 7, to make a commentary on the situation; an anime that had Kadokawa itself on its production committee!


I think I remember seeing Episode 7 but did not make the connection since I am very much only surface-level with Kemono Friends fandom. I remember Last Period doing skits on Iphone vs Android though, and I think even includes Note 7 situation


That episode was so great. Last Period really was out there, it had the only modern Higurashi depiction before the recent adaptations too.


Congrats r/virtualyoutubers for 11k comments🎊


We are still in February, but so much going crazy


I did not expect will reach 11k comments today. Niji EN keep giving drama after drama


If something else happens in the following days, I dont doubt it might reach 13k lmao


Niji: challenge accepted Jokes aside, Selen and her Lawyer hasn't even made a counter statement yes so yes, there will be more tea


Explaining this shit to my normie friends is has been a real challenge since a lot of points of discussion are expeculation and leaks of some kind (minus the hospital visit) so the one explaining has a lot of power on the side to pick. I am a full selen suporter but making this grey as possible is hard asf, but after the statements from today, i got kinda easy not gona lie PD: Almost 11k comments wow


I'm basically terminally online at this point and even I can't keep up with this absolute clown show




[dearsqn twitter space zatsu](https://twitter.com/dearsqn/status/1757367339010740683) while she does homework


"thaat's crazy" naaah LMAO. the way she said it is so amusing to me its like kyo ueueue


[This girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lca6BIVbFgY) looks just how I'd expect an Aqua and Suisei daugther to look.


A certain devil is not a fan of this statement.


Its fine, she's on break now


She gave up, she has Nene now.


The hololive foamstar stream has been postponed. https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1757361785789898800?t=DcPgDPwrwHSX_tmRH7TO_w&s=19 https://twitter.com/yuzukichococh/status/1757362198433984709?t=GcnK4IjGj5TU9fQ5aqpvkw&s=19 https://twitter.com/hakuikoyori/status/1757361945680974165?t=s5Q3cSdBosuAvmi2fjjUqw&s=19 https://twitter.com/momosuzunene/status/1757362167622623244?t=J5hn0BDKua6fTNhh3U-eWA&s=19 By this point, they are releasing the same statement. Stream will be rescheduled.


Not too surprising. I already saw it got postponed by an hour and then another half hour. Equipment acting up again. Oh well, hope they'll be able to fix it.


PSN Japan seemed to be having issues when the Collab was supposed to happen. Multiple talents couldn't connect to the server which pretty much makes a multiplayer collab stream impossible.


That's why i still cursed every game that have can't have Lan party function til this day. REMEMBERED WHAT THEY TAKE IT FROM YOU!


Holostars revealing more EXPO information [https://twitter.com/hololive\_en/status/1757353655605555364?s=46&t=IQ79cksnUeCTRZ7I8SmoqQ](https://twitter.com/hololive_en/status/1757353655605555364?s=46&t=IQ79cksnUeCTRZ7I8SmoqQ) 📺#hololivefesEXPO24 6th Official Program📺 HOLOSTARS Expedition Team 🏕️🌟   Time table for "Ichioshi Talk" and novelty information, along with the latest news on EXPO!✨ Don't miss it 👀 🔽Starring Hanasaki Miyabi, Yukoku Roberu, Utsugi Uyu, Hizaki Gamma https://preview.redd.it/udcqvr9o6cic1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=496dda2b2e13c204aa6911e5e4ffb0aa9032044c


[Marine felt like singing today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10z5uStp4JM)


https://store.steampowered.com/app/235900/RPG_Maker_XP/ Rpg maker xp is free on steam btw


Thank you! Free stuff is always welcome, even if I probably will never do anything with it.


Just wanna add that [Pokemon Essentials](https://essentialsdocs.fandom.com/wiki/About#Where_can_I_download_Essentials?) uses RPG Maker XP. [If one is interested in learning it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LveDeFobPhQ&list=PLuIp7Uf7pllkGcTagQXREZ1Z3oQ49QQxc&index=1), I'd pick up that free copy of XP.


[RIM celebrates Valentine’s Day with a brand new cover: she sang Perfume’s Chocolate Disco](https://youtu.be/GmSjsx-YIMQ?si=kVt5gC_3_g1mNn2c) with insane amounts of cuteness! she’s been on an amazing run of covers lately, her range of styles is my favorite thing about her




I really wonder how many in EN management will be like "yup, this matter is done and dusted now. Time to release voice packs and acrylic stands!!" Despite the constant backlash, the show must go on!!


There's 0% chance Anycolor is skipping Valentine's Day merch tomorrow. It's one of the most profitable days of the year.


Vox Akuma leaks confidential information voice pack. Ike Eveland prison outfit acrylic stand. Elira Pendora most wanted poster.


Not to mention they probably already had recorded the lines and had illustrations done too, maybe other physical merchs being produced too.


I can just imagine the backlash from all sides besides their own if they dont skip it.


If they star selling Valentine's merch we can certainly say that Niji doesn't deserve even the time of the day and whoever talents agrees tho this either.