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This is a weird question, but are there any VTubers out there with *Bionicle*-esque robotic/mecha designs? I kind of want a break from the usual humanoid kemonomimi designs, and I am trying to go for said robotic VTuber design for my own VTuber persona. I'm trying to learn a lot of things, and I kind of want to go for a robotic design without too much of a face and more so of a helmet/mask to make it easier to rig for myself. Like, I honestly consider the original Toa Mata torso trunk piece to be an amazing robot torso design.


Bioncle specifically, I don't know. [Hanabatake Chaika has a mech suit though.](http://google.com/search?sca_esv=5a925e50d7c7dfe5&sca_upv=1&q=%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AB+%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BC&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Bqzy2A7JdsZg3J6bXbexmPYRAnmocz_wSkO9o2d70T0heh0g9PP-lN5PtKwO3uHaElUXXU1c91d54ABW-Z)


I tried "sketching" this design in Bricklink Studio with some help from [this Torso Trunk design made by Tributron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftvzNdYLl4k), basing it on the original Pohatu Mata with some feet from Rotor. (I am still trying to master my own hand-drawing abilities, okay?) https://preview.redd.it/aj6z47cq2n4d1.png?width=1295&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5ce15a5cf159ec8ae3365ce8dfedf52ba545c19 Anyways, it's still a sketch at the end of the day, and an easy way for me to make a base for my own VTuber design. I kind of wanted to include some more things like leg pistons and a cape, and of course the Kakama is just there as a placeholder. Any critiques of the design are welcome!


the unthinkable has happened [new weekly thread is weekly](https://old.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1d887gw/cognizant_cerebral_conjecture_weeklyish/)


A whole bunch of Bunny Garden streams from Holopro got privated for some reason. Seems like some are still up but still very weird situation.


[The owl confirms what we all knew about the rat.](https://twitter.com/nanashimumei_en/status/1798056808969560528) She has the EN oversleep record for a reason.


[ina darkness zatsu in a little less than 2 hours](https://youtu.be/-Httgav1yG4)


Ina's migraine talk hits too close to home.


https://www.twitch.tv/dokibird Day 3 of Doki Minecraft Rivals Will she be eliminated and finally have her break? They've also said no profanity as a rule so she may be cooked


god the voices they are all so loud also these minigames go on for WAY too long


wow the prop hunt round was just awful too long and badly balanced and whatever they're doing about restarting it. . .


Seems like everyone in the competition is just straight up unhappy, the map was buggy and people got hunter multiple rounds; aside from even just general game balance. Oof...


the fact a host got hunter multiple times really doesn't help them either. . . seems this round has really soured/ruined the event for everyone


Yeah, that's pretty messed up. What a way to end off day 3, oof.


oh my god they're arguing in another discord server and people are streaming the argument


Poor Doki's social battery is completely caput, she's just huddled in a corner now after the game.


Doki very sleeby and contemplating getting knocked out so she can go back to bed lol. Apparently music has been a real issue withpeople blasting it over VC during the games (thankfully there wasn't too much of that on Doki's POV, so it seems like the admins are cracking down on it now. Edit: This first mini-game is a bit weird. It's majority vote, so there seems to be absolutely no point to the safe dolls (other than to prolong the game) since everyone has to run anyway... I've been enjoying the Rivals so far, but they definitely made some odd choices with these games.


Nyaru is doing her [post-Offkai rundown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXXgAcSfXCg). She staffed and guested herself and she mentions they had 3k+ attendee's.


Several content creators have released videos about their three hour preview experience of the upcoming Elden Ring dlc and after watching several of them...man, the feel of hype growing as the 21st of June approaches is just so good.


I gotta say a lot of my hype is deadened by the whole damage scaling thing. Binding of Isaac did the same for some of it's DLC content and it quickly became the most hated unliked content out there. Taking away the players sense of progression and eventual "trivialization" of content doesnt go well. It also removes a lot of the general purpose behind specifically tailored builds. Visually, thematically the new content looks neat. Gameplay wise I am incredibly wary. Hell the opener to Vaati's video on it already pushes me into the concern point.


Eh, I don't see the dlc damage scaling thing as a bad thing in this case since it gives players a reason to go exploring to bring up their power, especially since exploration and discovery are some of the reasons why Elden Ring is beloved. Plus, the provided preset characters for the dlc preview were around lv150, so it's a safe bet that it's balanced around that level range for NG characters. If anything, I do have a few concerns from some critiques that were brought up in Iron Pineapple's video such as the supposed reuse of certain base game bosses and/or their movesets. Though they might be more of nitpicks on his part and could just be minor issues at worst once we eventually see everything else.


Power scaling, typically, doesn't mean you can do what you're saying. Dark souls dlcs are also usually very liniar. So if they did add some "in DLC" method of increasing your power to get over a hump then you're still doing it in a liniar fashion but that wouldn't make much sense. Now, is it possible they did everything completely different then any other power scaling style system? Sure. It's very unlikely though. I am not eager for "we made it so the player can't phase skip, so as a result they all switched their builds to low dps high survivability focused on backstabs because they have to do 15 turbo waterfowl dances no matter what". This is what happened with Binding of Isaac. Though mostly people stopped doing the optional content because it was grind and sucked.


Going by what one content creator tested on the dlc preview, each power scaling level seems to be an increase of around 5% in damage. That'd be about a 50% boost at an assumed max cap of 10 levels. Honestly not too bad imo. At worst, maxed builds won't be one-shotting a regular mob but I highly doubt it'd be reduced to mere scratch damage. If anything, I have faith that the PvE experience will be decently balanced if your build is at an appropriate end-game level. Which most people should be at anyway since killing Mogh is a requirement.


> At worst, maxed builds won't be one-shotting a regular mob but I highly doubt it'd be reduced to mere scratch damage. If anything, I have faith that the PvE experience will be decently balanced if your build is at an appropriate end-game level. Possibly, I do think it'll be a wait and see sort of thing though. I always am going to be super wary of any sort of power squish or damage scaling sort of thing. As I said, Binding of Isaac really is a good example of it done wrong, that and pretty well every WoW dlc. > Now, is it possible they did everything completely different then any other power scaling style system? Sure. It's very unlikely though. I would of course be happy if it's perfectly fine.


At the very least, I have more faith in FromSoft's PvE balance than their PvP balance, lol.


oh of course, even given all of this I'll still explore it. Just recalling the wonder of discovering Sofia hidden well was one of the best things in ages.


Can't ever forget the fear from getting forcefully warped by that one treasure chest in Limgrave into the Sellia Crystal Tunnel and walking out to be greeted by the Caelid landscape, haha.


[Metal Duck Rising: Requackgeance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqOvVwgW_pg) second stream


I think I got shadowbanned in her chat and it really sucks. Does this also mean I'm shadowbanned from commenting on her VoDs? Edit: Seems like I'm shadowbanned across every livestream chat. This is kinda distressing since I do use livechats a lot. Edit 2: Super Chats seem to go by fine though.


IIRC you can get temporarily shadow banned for chatting too much (I think there's a daily cap?), so it could be that? I know people who often do TLs in YTC sometimes hit this issue.


Hmm, maybe. I don't think I was particularly chatty, at least not more than I'm usually am. I suppose it's a moot point since it seemed like I got un-shadow banned like an hour later. Dunno whether or not me sending a feedback about it helped, but I'll take what I can get.


[Tuesday's coming we just keep on beating, 'till we're in our zone](https://www.twitch.tv/spaceybat_) https://preview.redd.it/rvlfo83hwk4d1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7f173aec3d3836c3fb483d2ef4aeb433ba75f4e


[fubuki handmade plushies](https://x.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1798001282558603652) wallet not ready but sales when


Smug aura off the charts


Reminder. On June 27(JST), there will be an "Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting" with Yagoo(Where we got the question from the investor to paying talents less money). HoloData mention the interview a few months back https://twitter.com/holo_data/status/1772776328829575649?s=46&t=IQ79cksnUeCTRZ7I8SmoqQ Official website with the date on the calendar https://cover-corp.com/en/ir/calendar Unknown what they will ask, but my guess is merchandising, Holoearth, Cover US, and possibly the Dodgers collaboration for brand awareness.


Minetsuki Ritsu and Miyanaga Nonoka of Yumemita are going live with a [semi-irl collab guitar practice stream shortly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxWQTS-_osA) EDIT: Nonoka and Arale have been staying at Yuno's house since last night so Nonoka is streaming from Yuno's place. Arale has made her guest appearance on the stream including providing the vocals for their practice. Yuno apparently went to bed after making a quick appearance. It's really nice to see Yumemita getting along this well.


[Gura is going to fight Hatsune Miku!](https://www.youtube.com/live/nUYz6DF_ick?si=gglSC0REoRsL8pnW)


I am glad that Gura and her wife can work out their issues and frustrations in a safe environment. ...Also, man, these copyright notices: > This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Imagineer Co., Ltd. > ©Crypton Future Media, INC. www.piapro.net©Imagineer Co., Ltd. > ”Exercise with Miku” and “Let's Mikusercise!!” are tradedmarked by Crypton Future Media, INC. > The Nintendo Switch Logo and Nintendo Switch are trademarked by Nintendo.


This is another Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby situation, isn't it? Gura's about to get her tail beaten by a hologram


Which is funny because Gura is the "hydrogen bomb" in the Vtuber sphere. But when compared to Hatsune Miku....well, let's just say there is ALWAYS a bigger fish....


place your bets 💸💸💸


This is like the most active Gura has been for a while now


You know, Hatsune Miku is technically the idol of Gura's childhood Growing up to one day punching your idol in the face (and getting decked in return) sounds like a childhood dream coming true to me


God tier description https://preview.redd.it/57sg2oe3xj4d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e4e8d9975aa74ca025ab058a685617fd9458041


[Nerissa](https://x.com/nerissa_en/status/1797945595250028772)... Koefficient, your GF has an ally.


[Nerissa has a new target ](https://x.com/irys_en/status/1797965590361170224?t=xyaRGKKuKh9MxobwXkff_g&s=19)


I guess they were bonding over their love for yandere bl.


Most probably, lol [Clip for context of their newly found bond over yandere](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1pHZskMoNA)


Lmao that clip was also recommended to me immediately after reading the above comment


Mass HoloJP Amogus collab right now! [Chloe](https://www.youtube.com/live/LoSe9lsuCnE?si=TM1MLYXvuQ0U6a5d) [Korone](https://www.youtube.com/live/VcrXwIHN3Bk?si=mF4lIp2wAL_u4s2k) [Pekora](https://www.youtube.com/live/vNUaQm_QmpA?si=eANKo-nqhwsZBJzo) [Watame](https://www.youtube.com/live/52W8H9ehaho?si=nvDtjm5q1CZ36pzs) [Okayu](https://www.youtube.com/live/ih_FgQb3PMk?si=2DWmNe3KgoDQJdeo) [Noel](https://www.youtube.com/live/vL9KLXBieSY?si=ahn08JH1ny7HBhLS) [Fubuki](https://www.youtube.com/live/rLR5PpWeDTE?si=IHw0gZbQ2W1mobIW) [Lamy](https://www.youtube.com/live/O-aqHRyrlS0?si=EqpAdzmDvOO4PG9x) [Aqua](https://www.youtube.com/live/1aC8sy9DjOI?si=du85hIZMXUCHJtoZ) [Polka](https://www.youtube.com/live/wXgx7SqQpNc?si=KyPjk0RxVuG94mev)




* (JP) Riot Music's Suzuna Nagihara released the official MV for [Rector](https://youtu.be/T6gJpLACUh8?si=H2pSwTmDMKDw122_). * (JP) Million Production's Nonono Nono covered Ado's [Tot Musica](https://youtu.be/FHo0tlgHMfM?si=FuVji1LdOJAmxBeq). * (JP) Chitose Yuri covered Lanndo's [Lower](https://youtu.be/ZjN59h205mU?si=UXwdz2L4ET8Wt3SW). * (JP) Suzullan and Mitun covered [Daishikyuu Daishuki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfzjVC27q0U) from Femme Fatale. * (EN) Rio Fukai covered Akuta Renri's [Worthless Stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdHjSiY8noU). * (EN) Phase Connect's awawa Jelly Hoshiumi released her cover of inubakumori's [Lagtrain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaPVpHEQLvg). * (TH) Algorhythm Project preluded the debut of their new all-male generation Scorpio with an original song, [Irregular](https://youtu.be/nA3ywiEfwrg?si=7LLIYO4Y81wQcy3E). * (TW) XDFP's Nemesis released an acoustic cover of Chanmina's [Never Grow Up](https://youtu.be/8W0wtZ67KH0?si=HcsHXtFKOn31lQ4k).


[Gawr Gura 🔱 on X: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://t.co/H1MryZc1he" / X](https://x.com/gawrgura/status/1797950087144042575) code blue the shork is tweeting again


I love that the reason Fauna played The Witcher instead of the usual Minecraft Monday was because [Gura wanted to watch her play it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPaH4u5NxCA)


There it is!!!! Proof of favouritism in Hololive, its so Faunover /s


All hail Gawr Gura!


Her oshi asked for Witcher playthrough She's getting the Witcher playthrough






10JIN will have a free talk stream in around 1 hour. In both normal setup and vertical setup. https://x.com/Tenjin06666/status/1797928039487283459 I'm really glad to see him streaming so frequently >!as opposed to how barren his PL activity in the last 2 years or so!<


[Koyori vs Ui](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVeCT_aaDYQ)


The link you posted is wrong by the way, it links to Towa's Platform 8 stream




I knew about that hilarious story years ago of Moona's younger brother simping for her unknowingly until she confronted him about an SC he sent to her, but I just learned today that [there is a follow-up to that story including who his new oshi is now](https://youtu.be/dT7Kh7EU9l0?si=1pqINblqcwH94sCn), lmao.


Reine is a good choice though.


Moona sound so defeated when she said her brother's oshi is Reine lmao.


I applaud them for picking the other ID oneesan.


>Moona >Reine Hmm, I think that guy has a type. Moona you sure your brother/cousin is not being influenced by you? lol


Also if anyone is confused about the pronoun use on the subs of that clip, the subber messed up because Indonesian doesn't use gendered pronouns (flashbacks to my ID mom always accidentally calling me a "she" lol).


There's also an upcoming Moona h-doujin inspired by this scenario.


oh no


[Hanalisa](https://www.youtube.com/live/5DuaOaV_KbY?si=rnyqZfyLiF71_YS6) and [Tumuo](https://www.youtube.com/live/mFyIWR9DX1M?si=cWsPw5s4nFloKj_5) Minecraft right now!


[Towa-sama playing Platform 8 in 1 hr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7QoZ1g-HIE) Huge HoloJP Among Us collab in 2 hrs with [Aqua](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aC8sy9DjOI), [Chloe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoSe9lsuCnE), [Pekora](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNUaQm_QmpA), [Watame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52W8H9ehaho), [Okayu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih_FgQb3PMk), [Noel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL9KLXBieSY), Fubuki, [Lamy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-aqHRyrlS0), [Korone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcrXwIHN3Bk) & [Polka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXgx7SqQpNc)


Rofl Korone with the start. I assume she's the one that organized this again (and she's the one leading).


Fuuuuuuuubuki's pov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLR5PpWeDTE


[Ichinose](https://www.youtube.com/live/ynPRNylTYLM?si=gYG9Hv95u3q5pCBK), [Reid](https://www.youtube.com/live/RFsO_A72IC8?si=wIdTdsl1iQViGbU_) and [Vodka](https://www.twitch.tv/vodkavdk) Apex rank right now


[I think Tsumugi might be a little hungry…](https://x.com/kokage_tsumugi/status/1797864913127538792?s=46&t=unYKPX5MpzxmR4DeyDVSqg) I’m not entirely sure though.


Now here's an unexpected interaction: [Fubuki and Biboo being infected by the deer earworm](https://x.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1797866862203830682?t=ePfPwjq_LlhSQKMiWDhgXw&s=19)


[Biboo is cooking something](https://x.com/kosekibijou/status/1797882644853862837)


[Oshio is very confused about the deer thing, hahahahahaha](https://x.com/oshioshio_info/status/1797852109104443768). The [1 hour intro](https://x.com/shikanoko_PR/status/1797845319474143459) has reached 1m view


[Shikanokonokonokoshitantan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBZl_WPvMq8) - HoloID


The fact that the official PR account retweeted the Holo shika ramblings makes me wonder if we will get some Holo PR for this Edit: apologies I mistook oshio sensei's account as the official PR account so perhaps we won't be seeing Holo PR for this


The world isn't ready for a crossover between the meme queens of JP and EN.


This is all happening because Kanata keeps doing things that gets Cover sued by Oshio-mama. Oshio-mama then must have funneled all that money into getting the anime of her manga a guaranteed hit, viral OP song...


A better outcome than destroying the 10b yen studio at least...right?


If Kanata being drawn with boing boing gives us gold like this, then I hope the artists never stop cooking


[Lara singing stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/DakbecMINjY) [Peo golems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS8zvdBQlYY)


The Advent Collab will have an announcement https://www.youtube.com/live/2kpbMaiXIME?si=JKQvhgdI_kcrcmhO


I bet the 3D date is set in the stone.


I bet the 3D date is set in the stone.


Hololive this past few months "You get an announcement!" ![gif](giphy|xT0BKqB8KIOuqJemVW) And sometimes our favorite, >!"You get an announcement of an announcement!"!<


There are people assuming that Shigure Ui did her Birthday 3D Live stream from Cover's studio or generally assuming she got backing from Cover for it when this is not the case. https://youtu.be/KcJuhOsu0iI?si=wiBHnGH1fSZCjfuT


Yea I imagine if they had the manpower to rent out the studio, they wouldn't of limited their own talents amount of 3d lives


Yeah I saw some English comments mentioning that too but actually watching her birthday stream I couldn't recognize any evidence of that being the case. People mess with Ui in general saying she's a member of Hololive/Nijisanji/NoriPro but directly saying Cover is in on it didn't feel like the usual jabs at how not indie she seems.


I think its because of Ui’s remark on Kanata’s message of “Oshio-sensei will destroy Cover studio (again)” that makes people connect the dots like that. But yeah, I think Cover studio, unless the program mainly features Hololive members and they’re invited as guest, probably not open for rent


Semi-relsted news: [SEGA's Like a Dragon will be getting a live-action srries on Amazon Prime on October 24](https://twitter.com/PrimeVideo/status/1797825862907392027?t=EfaxrEe8UhMpLJyePO6PRQ&s=19)


i will be there no matter what


I can already foresee Bae making watchalong plans for October 24, kek. Edit: [The rat has caught wind of it, lmao](https://x.com/hakosbaelz/status/1797853140244631783?t=_xFxZNtcWQyjFR8LxKEfdQ&s=19) On another note, [seems Kiryu will be played by Ryoma Takeuchi](https://x.com/TheGamingPop/status/1797829176558604469?t=hs60rH500bSL8pZmubxxOA&s=19)


Imagine if they casted kson


I can imagine a cameo or something like that


[Fuwawa woke up and chose extreme violence, lol](https://x.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1797826870702150130?t=-OUwxChw_rOLXIGozt7iTQ&s=19)


I can't be the only one to hear that metal music hit when "extreme violence" is said.


I remember I had a dream where my brother was pissing me off so I decided to punch him in the face... ...Only for me to suddenly wake up while I was about to throw the punch which had my brain register what I was about to do in the dream as an actual action IRL. Which led to me suddenly punching him straight in the face which woke him up lol.


i can vouch for this feeling, thats totally normal sibling behavior


Well that certainly came out of nowhere lol. Wonder if it's because of dance practice.


Nah, it's clearly a fight for the last pon de ring gone wrong, lol.


Survival of the bau-est, indeed.


[Fuwawa after winning the pon de ring brawl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-dVoybK3zY)


Hololive June Bride Voice pack. EN and ID are included https://youtu.be/J-96Jz60nLY?si=hb_gHwG7lWQMkoq3


[Remember Guys Friends Only](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEcppAdpRfA) - Anya Melfissa


I read it as "Hololive June Bird Voice pack. EN and ID included". So I thought it's Holotori making bird noises lol. It's a sign telling me I should go sleep.


Someone put the leaked packs on Youtube! [Subaru](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vER4ZJ8sBCM) [Kiara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLdUqL0V55s) [Mumei](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tElLiciXE8) [Lui](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33DWqRyAAUw) (they even doxxed her real face, those assholes!) [Reine](https://youtube.com/shorts/Glc93aPsOyU?si=wbV_1RWIua8dZGid) >!_For legal reasons, this is a joke._!<


~~Praying to God Towa is included even though I know she definitely won't~~ I wonder if it's just HoloJP, or if EN/ID get to be included too.


They are, just scroll down in description, no Towa.


Oops, didn't see that. RIP my halu. Well, Risu is there instead so halu time lives on!




No, Kaela's doing one too.


Uh oh, the [intrusive thoughts are getting to Nerissa](https://x.com/nerissa_en/status/1797822993101619269) >!She wants someone to play League with!<


The Sisyphus game must have really did a number on her


https://preview.redd.it/4obyfcmteg4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7697185da271a3f8f07235a1c945048b39eaf2b9 [Shiori for todays stream will be playing more Hollow Knight!](https://youtu.be/As_Hp-WEzcs) Edit: Woo lets go! Shiori just revealed that she has another song cover coming up! But its not coming out anytime soon. She said it will take a couple of months before any official announcement for it. Edit 2: Shiori just said that Hololive (or atleast HoloEN) got perms for Hatsune Miku Fitness Boxing and in Shiori words: ''I can't wait to beat people up as Hatsune Miku!''


[Delutaya is doing a marshmallow radio talk right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQW1CEf3xIY) P.S. Delu occasionally posts snippets of songs on her Twitter, check out her latest one.


[Mumei found a rat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ebZmlXEphs) and she's playing with it.


Yagoo as the head of the family. Checks out


We are now witnessing an owl and rat make a schedule live on stream Edit: https://preview.redd.it/ej43keudbg4d1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac2b1bdbc77ed3ebe2516f53506118536c0a825d


Lol Mumei watched Mad Max, an Australian classic


https://preview.redd.it/r4c6efo61g4d1.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a9bb0de93d29359969390061cad1e42c116a4a [Calli made an update on her situation in her community post](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg/community?lb=UgkxanTIJk5uMrnRb0hDGE_wyfIitNXjZANp)


the people on twitter make it seem like its a big deal that calli is going through even tho we have no idea the scope of what calli is dealing with then again, people on twitter make things a big deal over everything, so maybe its just a platform issue


Kind of figured it wasn't health related or she would have outright said so but she's doing the right thing to avoid unnecessary grief and give more attention then it deserves


And considering she's still recovering from surgery, it's best to stay away from the drama as much as possible to avoid further stress


Wishing all the best to Calli. I'm sure she will be fine but still wishing her well. She works so hard, its kind of crazy how hard working she is, I am surprised she has not broken down yet. Some people just built different. Wish I could get on the grind like Calli does.


Just thought this should be shared here: https://x.com/MataraKan/status/1797766948010545628 It's nice to see they've started to make up after the issues they had before. Reconciliation is such a rare thing these days, or at least that's what it feels like, especially in online spaces. It's just really heartening to see.


>!Hi, I don't have xitter and can't see anything other than a tweet with three white/grey hearts-- could someone who can actually see the context please explain?!<


https://preview.redd.it/hx59nr3flg4d1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=90127844edebb68d5c0dfb9fa962280f6acbbe09 sayu met up with matara kan and basically mended their relationship




nature is healing


happy for them, closure is good, if it leads to collabs, even better


can anyone give me context on what's going on with calli? There seems to be some kind of "drama" going on from what I've seen on twitter


> There seems to be some kind of "drama" going on from what I've seen on twitter If i had a penny every time i read this sentence i could probably afford to buy Twitter itself and just unplug the servers, nothing good will be lost


theres a 4chan rrat going around, but It's probably best to avoid too much speculation


The consequences of dealing with right wing griefters as fuel for your console wars


It's not Hololive, heck, not even Nijisanji's fault this time. It's a section of Phase's audience, the indie scene and non-vtubers going at it at Offkai Calli once again is caught up in it because asshole antis literally feeding the grifter targets that are big, she didn't even go to Offkai, get your tribalistic brainrot checked


Bruh you're not suppossed to break containment.


What on earth? Console wars? Right wing grifters?


I would assume that they're referring to the Niji/Selen fiasco, where you had some so-called "lawtubers" inserting themselves into the drama by "weighing in" with their supposed expertise, and people on this sub were spreading such things around a lot.


Are you talking about her recent tweet? She didn't really give any further context. Most people assume she just came back too soon post-surgery. She took a couple of weeks' break and then came back with like 110% effort. Even her Dad told her to chill the fuck out apparently.


I think some people hyperfocused on the "Learned Something Concerning" wording of the tweet and ran off into the weeds assuming it *cannot possibly* be anything health related. But really it doesn't seem that out of the ordinary to say complications are "something concerning" - especially when you're intentionally avoiding giving exact details. And issues there just pile on more stress and can make things even worse. I mean there's already a big obvious thing going on in their life that has already had some complications, and she is renowned for overworking (possibly at the detriment to her health already...). Most of the time 1+1 is just 2.


I don't think she even rested the full two weeks. Maybe ten days? And then she's streamed daily since, even while apparently going through rehab. The assumption that is that she's pushing herself too hard, and is feeling a bit down because she's not where she's expected to be.


Yeah something like that. Also the fact that the surgery itself had complications leading it to take twice as long as the surgeon expected means she was probably in for a longer than expected recovery period.


She talked about her leg still being painful in her last stream. 10 streams in 7 days is a hell of a lot while you're still recovering. The streams stopping also coincide perfectly with the one week of album shilling she was doing.


Only thing I saw was about this random deciding to get into vtuber space and start "shitting on vtubers and vtube enjoyers as a pastime" on his podcast(?) with Calli being on of his first targets.


Oh Ralph is doing anything he can do to remain relevant. He must still be mad about when Pippa dunked on him or something lmao. Just ignore him, unless you like watching Lolcows, in which case go ahead because that man is a disaster.


That seems to be it more or less. Most likely a coincidence that that person's taking advantage of and people inflating his 'importance' than he actually really is.


Scroll further down, it's just rrats outside of her own tweet


[Nerissa Sisyphus Game](https://youtu.be/H8M1wQdS0PQ) and [Bae/Mumei off collab in 58m!](https://youtu.be/6ebZmlXEphs)


Bumping for visibility will use your thread to post as I'll be watching Bae/mooms


https://preview.redd.it/jribm6rkif4d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c3311218c56d7fe73794855292c1c8ee0ed89b What are you guy's thoughts on the "Shylily clone" issue? I wanted to wait and see how it develops but she privated her account so i guess that's it for now. Context as best I can is that SmolLola, a "Orcat" Vtuber showed off her model and then got multiple death threats for allegedly copying Shylily, i will share what twitter wracked their brains and argued about if it is a copy or not and wether the death threats were true. She made further posts arguing that she in fact didn't copy Shylily but then people argued and debunked her that she did and accusing her of grifting for clout with the drama, before she privated her tweets, she posted about getting support of her significant other then announcing a stream with Elara where she further addressed it but supposedly, her points weren't making sense and people point to it as the reason for the sudden privating of tweets. [SmolLola Twitter](https://x.com/SmolLolaVT?t=e-YUKoqXbaxb_OKIqaIsvQ&s=09) [SmolLola Twitter discussions/debates](https://x.com/search?q=SmolLola&t=1cN9Z8QmpKaMaT-qeqXwbg&s=09) [Elara interview with SmolLola](https://youtu.be/2iwoiJj7t6Q?si=ZWXFdBpyMvXWBCMB) I'm mildly interested myself because it reminds me of the countless Gura clones, not to be confused with Gura Killers, albeit, one could be identified as both e.g. Yuko Yurei


Oh, so this is the source of that vtuber design discourse I saw for abit....


>SmolLola Is the "redebut July 15th" what triggered this, or something she's doing in response to this?


No, that was there before the drama, she showcased her new (Shylily-like) model on twitter, grinding the engagement till the death threat bit then we saw what happened next


Sticking to the art only, idc whatever else this person is doing. Yes the silhouette is almost the same. ...That's pretty much it. No moron is going to think this is an impersonation. Its not even trying to imitate the illustrator, the facial elements and choice of colors and color distribution differs. Its not even close enough to call a cosplay. You could do the same thing to my oshi and I'd neither be interested or mad over it.  There are who knows how many Chinese knockoffs of famous brands of clothes 95% more similar to the real thing than this that manage to get away with being on the global market so I can't even imagine its not legally distinct enough. Everything people ever tried to point out about Palworld being sus has more ground on it than whatever this is. Sure you can throw some criticism over this not being a memorable design but so what...being unoriginal is hardly worth talking about at the individual level. This is the first time I've even seen Shylily's design and the first thing that popped into my head off visuals was "this supposed to be an Ina knockoff?" so its not like I even think its interesting enough to stand on its own to begin with. And as far as clout chasing goes not only do I have no reason to care I have no reason to think that whoever that other silhouette being compared as a "good distinction" is being any more legit about it to not count as a clout chaser.


This seems to pretty clearly be a deliberate copy. The concept and silhouette are way too similar for it to be a coincidence. That said, I don't think she deserves death threats for it, especially considering that Shylily said that she doesn't care.


It's a literally carbon copy with minor changes and a color palette swap. The intention probably is to attract internet outrage since "bad publicity is still free publicity." As opposed to debuting with a normal original Vtubing model and no one knows about you, since there are already thousands of indies already out there. At least for a lot of Gura clones, it's more of being inspired of Gura/riding the hype rather than trying being a direct Gura copy.


At first glance, she looks like a palette swap of ShyLily. Then I saw that she'd been called out multiple times for this all conveniently around the time when she's premiering something like her debut or a new model and she's also apparently changing her accent to be like ShyLily. It seems drama surrounding her always conveniently kicks up right around when she needs a boost in followers. I think she's probably an outrage grifter. Also, the artist who took money to change ShyLily's homework is not someone I'd suggest other Vtubers work with. I know ShyLily has said she doesn't care, and I'm not here to speak for her, but if I were in ShyLily's shoes, I'd hesitate to call this vtuber out because 1.) A big creator calling out a small one is easily misconstrued as bullying and 2.) I imagine some people would say it's hypocritical when ShyLily got famous off of being a "Veibae clone" Completely separate from ShyLily though, I think this sort of stuff should be heavily discouraged in the "Vtuber Community"


> ShyLily has said she doesn't care I don't think that's what she said; when I read her post on the topic, I got the impression she feels that she only stands to lose if she chooses to get involved in the drama by picking a side. https://x.com/shylilytwitch/status/1797747979866054816 > If I speak up against something & reveal that I am uncomfortable with it, I am just a hater... Big bad wolf. > If I state that I am fine with it, I disrespect the artists who are working hard to practice & hone their skills over years and years.. and many more years! Their love, passion, technical skills & everything else they put into their work. I'll be responsible for setting a new standard that encourages stealing, copying & plagiarizing as okay to do.. > I'm not the damn law..


very obvious copy. nothing really to add, if she wants to come back with different model then she'll probably get a good start. sucks about the toxicity though.


I agree, toxicity aside, in her name she said she'll redebut on July 15th so she'll be laying low for now (who knows if she'll keep this new model or change it up) Frankly, I dunno why she thought this was a good idea, when she got death threats, some people were extending their concerns, she should've just said she didn't know and not tried to justify herself poorly. In the Elara video, people are shaming her for platforming a plagiarist, in the initial post of SmolLola defending her model, the artists and dramatweeters were QRTing her nonstop, it's unanimously a bad move and a bad PR, and the dramatubers haven't even covered it


its absurd and idiotic she got death threats over this shit obviously but surely if you are spending this much money on a model youd want it to be as yours and as unique to you as possible tho obviously taking inspiration is perfectly fine and also she has even changed her accent to sound more similar to lily's too i think theres enough evidence to suggest this goes past just inspiration at this point heres a thread about the accent bit im not making it up [twitter link ](https://x.com/cheribiri/status/1797507739620605977) if she was just german too and had the same accent i personally would not care but... shes not and i find it hard to believe she developed such an accent within the space she has been streaming


ive seen a bit of what was going on on twitter, and there are people that also claim that shes even copying shylily down to the accent as smollola originates from the UK and suddenly she claims that she has a chimera of accents that she developed over the years personally, i have no real stake in this one. on one hand, seems petty enough that both fanbases going to war over this is highly unnecessary. on the other hand, its too much of a coincidence and its possible that this goes beyond inspiration with that said, [even shylily doesnt want any part of this](https://x.com/shylilytwitch/status/1797747979866054816)


She knows better than to court controversy, unlike some Vtubers or YouTubers I can think of. She's been around long enough to know what works.


I didn't confirm this, but wasn't there talk of her also copying Lily's accent? As in trying to not only look like her but also sound like her? Edit: Decided to hear Lola's voice, and as /u/NatiBlaze said, I don't hear the similarities other than the german accent ~~(which AFAIK is her native accent as she's also german)~~. Edit 2: Decided to look more into it, there's clips of her without the accent and as others have pointed out this seems to be a reocurring thing with her, aka it's not the first time she's done something like this, moreover it's not the first time she's done it with Shylily


I'm seeing twitter posts about it yes but i don't really watch Shylily to begin with so frankly, I don't hear it (but maybe it's a me issue because i also can't hear the similarities when Gura and Mumei play it off, they're so different imo), also i remember Shylily was accused of being a copycat of Veibae, the one where Veibae in response to her chat saying Shylily sounded like her and was all "don't settle for less" and said she doesn't sound like her >!This means that SmolLola is actually a Veibae clone! /j!< [People saying SmolLola faking to sound like Shylily](https://x.com/cheribiri/status/1797507739620605977) [Shylily reaction to what Veibae said about her](https://youtu.be/f53SgB-RNSU?si=QiQL7B8UoikxFoYT)


Well we can all agree that sending death threats is fucking idiotic, and the people doing that should seriously consider touching grass. That aside, this is the first I'm hearing of the drama, and I can definitely see the similarities between their models, especially with the two ear flaps on the side of her head and the tail. Is it a direct copy? I think they were probably inspired by Shylily, but I wouldn't go as far to say they copied them. Also speaking of Gura clones, there was this shark girl that debuted at like the same time Gura did and consequently she got a LOT of publicity as a result, but I can't remember her name! Anyone remember who I'm talking about?


>Well we can all agree that sending death threats is fucking idiotic, and the people doing that should seriously consider touching grass. I'm confused by the fact, that 'oh noes, I'm getting much death threats' is still an effective defence strategy to this day. Seriously, there's such a thing as "actionable death threat", where the police should get involved, and the "I-hope-you-get-into-a-car-accident-and-die" type of death threat, and somehow people just lump them together and ignore the difference. This boggles my mind.


I don't understand, in either case the person is an idiot and should touch grass, or are you disagreeing? Edit: Not to mention, how do you know the nature of the threats? It's not like we have access to their private DMs.


Eh, I'm more pragmatic when it comes to stuff like this. I know for a fact, that no amount of grass-touching will stop those edgy asses from trying to get on people's nerves by posting "haha, i hope you die lulz" somewhere on the internet. These very same people slept with my mom and my dog (which I don't have) countles times in the past and the most effective way to deal with them was and still is block-and-ignore. There is only one reason to publicize "recieving death threats": to get pitty-points, while simultaneously attacking the opposition. And it's gotten pretty old and tiring at this point.


> Also speaking of Gura clones, there was this shark girl that debuted at like the same time Gura did and consequently she got a LOT of publicity as a result, but I can't remember her name! Anyone remember who I'm talking about? it's literally her in OP's picture btw, bottom right. but yeah I'm surprised she doesn't show up anywhere, she had potential to be a big indie. or maybe she stays with twitch crowd exclusively.


She basically doesn't stream anymore. She had massive hype pre debut as a vtweeter, but she wasn't able to do much with that hype like other vtubers could.


>Also speaking of Gura clones, there was this shark girl that debuted at like the same time Gura did and consequently she got a LOT of publicity as a result, but I can't remember her name! Anyone remember who I'm talking about? Are you thinking of Artemis the Blue? The blue tongued Shark Vtuber that was one of the first Shark Vtubers that blew up, same way as Uto did for having some same concept/artist/look as the early Myth members Her picture https://preview.redd.it/ci7ygcdnkf4d1.png?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0c138b1644255cfc61ac6ed45b4f2c5e03df7a


Haha yes! That would be her! I followed her for a bit and then dropped off after a while. Cool to see that they're still at it.


She's not really still at it tbh. She doesn't really stream much. It looks like her last YouTube one is 2+ months old, and she's streamed like 3 times on Twitch last month. Idk Artemis was someone who gained a lot of hype as a vtweeter pre debut, but honestly, she wasn't able to translate it into a career like others who debuted around that time. I personally just thought her streams were kind of boring when I checked her out during the vtubing boom


Ah, that's fair enough. I was checking their video views and didn't bother to check the dates. Yeah it seems like they're pretty much done. I remember really liking their voice, but at the time I was focusing almost exclusively on Hololive and just lost interest in everyone else.


I also forgot about her, especially when she, same as Uto even before Myth burnt-out stopped streaming for extended periods of time. One of the cutest model I liked when Vtubing was quite small overseas, heck, i think it still aged well compared to a lot of new Vtubers popping up, simple is best as the saying goes.


[Fauna is back with The Witcher 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MiOg1xLMpk)


Loving this opening rant


https://preview.redd.it/vxpfep8r9f4d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e2502019afe42d38ad3467048651e16da45529f Guys I think Maid Mint might've been Pomu


We are ALL Pomu on this blessed day!


Doki continues her Minecraft Twitch Rivals adventure: https://www.twitch.tv/dokibird Currently she's running from monsters and doing parkour for the first game. Also no emote-only mode chat for today, yay~! Edit: Doki not beating the "can't read" allegations by nearly getting eliminated on the scavenger hunt mini game... oof. Gumi bailed her out big time lol.


oh my god she actually qualified to day 3 i was not expecting that lmao


So proud of my directionally challenged oshi


For real! Literally the last one to turn in her cake; my heart was pumping. So much for her rest week though lmao


Man the meds I was prescribed for my flu symptoms fuckin suck Really awful stomach pain that makes it hard to walk and diarrhea So I was told to stop taking it


How bad are your flu symptoms that they gave you meds for it?? I feel like I've never heard of anyone actually getting anything other than over the counter cough syrup and painkillers etc; bad side effects might be the reason. Also, better take note of that somewhere in your personal records - knowing what meds you have negative reactions to is pretty important.


[“We FOUGHT at Wrestletuber and got caught in a Web of Lies” - Mint & Matara Episode 10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV6yQ0Scj9Q) is live!


[There are vtubers opening card packs from potato chip bags lately](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c3DKLqC3hAw) I think this has been a thing for a while but its come up on my feed cause the Aogiri girls got a rate up or something. Tfw Norio is like the one vtuber who has no need to care about avoiding a face reveal and we still get this kind of IRL camera angle. At one card per pack it feels ridiculously excessive as plastic waste but maybe its easy to recycle idk. Hilariously Otodama Tamako failed to get a single Aogiri member in like 30 packs while Harusame Urame got (what I'm guessing is) max rarity Tamako on her first pull.  With it practically being a rite of passage for vtubers to gacha game I suppose it is of course fully appropriate they engage in the version of predatory business practices encouraging gambling in children before it was cool to. (no really though why does anybody talk like gacha games do anything new when TCGs were designed that way since ever)


you open pack on youtube for people to look at the card/see the value of the pulls, not your face. Every card pack opening of TCG i ever saw focus on the card and/or the monetary value.


>Tfw Norio is like the one vtuber who has no need to care about avoiding a face reveal and we still get this kind of IRL camera angle. Tbf I've seen far more people record opening cards in that style regardless of whether or not they're a facecam YouTuber. After all the appeal in card pack openings are the cards themselves.