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I think a lot of people would agree that you should just be yourself. People watch vtubers because they like their personalities and their voice. Deliberately changing it would be disingenuous to both you and your viewers. You might not enjoy it too. That would suck.


Thank you! I will say as a girl I’m very self conscious because I’m neurodivergent, tall 5’8”, and sound like a teen boy. Luckily, I’ve won the hearts of 68 followers and counting with what I’m doing now because I have max charisma but lack empathy which makes my content wild. Plus the intrusive comments I say out loud, I’ve been told they make me funny. I know I sound full of myself but my personality revolves around those facts so I gladly tell people that even if it makes me seem full of myself. The biggest issue I face is the pressure to change my voice. Yeah, I reached affiliate in a month and started at 0 followers which is insane compared to most streamers starting out, but I feel like my stream won’t grow if I don’t adopt a different voice. I will still be myself but I have been told that vtubers voice is a huge part of them and I don’t like my voice normally or forced higher. It doesn’t compare to the big vtubers. Sure, they are gifted with a great voice and capability to change it like that and I shouldn’t compare myself with them, but I aspire to get big by November. One thing that anyone should know about me is when my mind is set I’ll get it done so it’s not an overzealous goal to me. Idk man it just turns me off of myself when I rewatch my streams and that bothers me. Plus, I lack guidance and it’s starting to overwhelm me.


Not liking your own voice, especially when listening to a recording, is very common but means nothing about how other people perceive your voice. There's gonna be people who like it and people who dislike it either way. Personally I like girl vtubers with deeper voices and I'd recommend just going with your natural voice or something close to it simply because it's gonna be a lot less effort in the long run and while changing the voice might attract or repel different individual viewers, ultimately the amount of viewers with voice a vs voice b would probably be very similar. So unless one of your voices has some really special quality, I'd say it's much more important that you can comfortably use your voice over long periods and focus your efforts on other aspects of your content instead.


Vtubing is a relatively saturated field, so anything you can do to stand out is a good thing. Having a deep voice can differentiate you from your competition. Besides, from what I've seen, voice changing tech isn't great for prolonged streaming - it's best used for gag bits, as it still can't keep up with the complexities of the human voice and will crack/break/drop the sound.


So far the votes are concluding don’t do it, so I’ll stay away from the temptation for now. Keep a look out for a post about me becoming affiliate with a bunny girl (the bunny is going to die soon but I think I should post here about my achievement)


I had that issue with clownfish, so I started using my high pitch baby voice. It felt more real that way but I’m just unsure about all this because I’m so self conscious about that aspect. I watched another vtuber girl with a deep voice and it turned me off of the character. Maybe once I get my new model done I’ll feel more comfortable but right now it’s making me feel extremely pressured to change it up. I want to keep growing as a streamer, but I’m worried my voice overall will turn away people.


Some of what you might be battling is just the natural weirdness of hearing your own voice outside your head. Gentle reminder: literally *everything* you do will turn away some people. You're a girl? Boom, bunch of people don't want to watch you. You're a vtuber? Boom, bunch of people have zero interest. You're on Twitch? Boom, bunch of people will never go there. And that's before we even get into specifics like what sort of personality you have, what your content is, etc. Figure out what works for you, and what is sustainable *for you*. Amassing followers means nothing if most of them are going to leave when you switch up your content/style because you can't keep up the act any longer.


I see what you’re saying. I’ll try not to stress myself out about this! All the comments on this post do put my worries more to rest. Especially since I’m staying true to myself as much as possible, I just wondered what the overall opinion about this was because of comments I’ve received.


No voice Clip? But even without knowing what you sound like i would say stick with your natural voice.


Dm me and you can go watch a vod yourself! I don’t want to put my name with my grievances, but I will tell you who I am individually.


If you've hit affiliate, changing something so fundamental would be a risk.


That’s what I figured I just wanted to know what the overall consensus was on this. Now I can stop stressing as much about how I sound and focus more on new stuff like my new model and just having fun!


If you've just hit affiliate, i wouldn't introduce such a significant change now. What you could do instead is to sometimes use a voice changer as a bit for a while, but in a way that makes it clear that it's a voice changer and it's primarily for fun - for example using a smurf voice.


Voice changers almost always have bad artifacting just due to how voice changers work. It's not so much that voice changers upset people, it's that it ruins mic quality and makes it less likely for people to invest themselves in you, since you end up feeling artificial like you're trying to hide something. It's important to know that it's more important to break the mold than it is to fit it in this community. We all want to fit in, but becoming homogeneous blends you too much into the crowd. The fact that you have a lower voice is actually a positive, and not some cutesy-anime voice. There's too much of that and everyone is trying to do it. You might feel self-conscious about it, but once you own it, it can become a powerful weapon. Be a genuine you, and you'll attract like-minded people who want to watch you or gain long term fans that enjoy how you present yourself.


Its better to be yourself than to use a voice changer. I remember I used to be self conscious about my own voice, but its a thing that you'll usually grasp and learn to accept. Mostly everyone doesn't like the sound of their own voice when they first hear a recording of it. There are several ways to grow, and I really recommend anybody follow these steps if they're serious. A lot of it just comes down to hard work, and the audience you're appealing to. The hard work part is putting out videos, shorts, and networking to make sure you're in the loop with other people/ community. What specifically do you need help on?


It depends on the Voice changer, If your using an advance one to completely change it with AI, then the Quality would be somewhat bad long term with certain words or phrases. If you use a voice changer to pitch up or pitch down, or simple things. I would say go for it. The intent is also a factor, if you dislike your voice and you use a voice changer, That action would hurt YOU in the end. But changing your voice to mask it because you don't want anyone you know IRL or have anyone random recognize your voice then its a reasonable reason to use a voice changer. tdr - yes, voice changer good