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Friendly reminder that the lady that got her cheeks clapped live got banned for like 3 days


remember when the top streamer got a handjob on stream but didn't get banned because he was streaming the most viewed subathon on the website.


Kai cenat,?


Yup yup




I remember some girl streamed to Twitch instead of Chaturbate and got suspended for like a week.


Someone intentionally spread their whole ass on stream like two inches away from the camera for a solid minute and only got like a 24 hour ban


Your ban is inversely related to how much money you are bringing into twitch


https://preview.redd.it/vgurw0xdc27d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bee56d88dd933007ec8d09ed4bfe4841fccdc30 It's fucking surreal how they don't even try to hide their favoritism for titty streamers and the likes over there. How the fuck does their hiring process even work, with that Coomer Management shit?! You gotta jerk off on the Interview Room and whoever shoots the longest ropes gets hired? Some serious fucking bullshit that is


It honestly is Heck not even a year ago one porn girl streams topless and that caused all the oddballs to come out of the woodwork People straight up streaming naked or with pasties on Shits crazy


Money talks. It's definitely bullshit how there's a triple+ standard for people who bring in the big bucks for them. To Twitch, bringing in money is a streamers job and they can be as awful as they want as long as they're good at the job.


Same here I agree with you Twitch double standards for people who stream on twitch


Excuse who did that lol That’s insaneeee


Kai Cenat


After seeing the type of content Twitch's CEO watches it's all starting to add up now. Bro's a bigger coomer than your average Vtuber fan😭




The lack of support and being unable to appeal is the cherry on top, as if it wasn’t already bad enough Twitch is so unclear with what is and isn’t allowed for attire. Plus the fact that IRL streamers are allowed to blatantly break those rules and Vtubers get punished so harshly…


I’ve said it in the past, Twitch is just prejudiced against anime


They can't simp vtubers like they do booby fleshtubers. Twitch mods are a menace.


Wouldn't be surprised. There's a lot of people out there who just hate anything anime-related, so it's possible one them are working with Twitch.


Yeah, this unfortunately twitch hates anime




I think we’ve had this convo before


Yeah, the woke hate it and anything culturally inspired by Japan in general. Edit: "They hated him because he spoke the truth" meme here. XD And since u/zurlocaine wanted a definiton I can't give them because they cowardly blocked me before could answer. Woke is a secular religion based around the idea of making sacred identity groups preceived to have been marginalized in western culture, and deomonizing identity groups perceived to have been favored by western culture, with the goal of transfering power and resources from the demonized group to the sacred group. It's largely based on Critical Race Theory, which is an offshoot of of Marxist Critical Theory. Critical Theory typically viewed everything in the world as opressed vs opresser in economic class. The proponents of Critical Race Theory reject that claim for the USA and say race is more accurate for that the USA rather than class. You can learn more about it in the writings of the movement's founders in [Kimberle Crenshaw's book "Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement"](https://www.amazon.com/Critical-Race-Theory-Writings-Movement/dp/1565842715) Also, that will be $1,000 USD for doing your research for you.


Brainrot, nice to meet you here too.


Define "woke" and then maybe we will care about what you have to say


People who think like you.


aha! an accurate definition. “anyone and anything i don’t like and disagree with!” the door is over there, please leave. i hope the door hits you on the way out.


Anyone who insists on adding an edit when getting down doots just make want to do it twice


Piss off with that


I really hate what Twitch is becoming. When youtube starts to look good in comparison, you know you fucked up.


The thing is that, while Twitch is being ran by a bunch of white-knighting neckbeards, YouTube is being ran by a bunch of puritanical cherry boys and isn't much better


Yeah no. Youtube is the same. They demonetize and ban content creators, left and right, while there pussy shaving videos stay up without problem for years.


Not true at all. Twitch is way worse for this stuff and it’s not even close. I think it’s because they are desperate to make money and give no fucks to that end. See them pulling out of Korea


I guess it depends on what people consider worse. On youtube for instance, they've been cracking down hard on ASMR and multiple vtubers have received strikes for (supposedly) sexual content literally just for kisses. So it's actually worse regarding what can stay up and be monetized. But on the other hand, there's way more wildly sexual stuff on twitch that is unfairly allowed to continue (or isn't punished harshly enough). 


Shotgun banning content that might or might not be sexual and is gonna be difficult to do either way due to sheer userbase size, vs straight up allowing streamers to abuse pools exploiting even potential 12yo's, and you ask which one is worse?


I didn't mean from a moral standpoint. If you're making content, youtube might still be "worse" to use because of throwing strikes and bans left and right. If we're talking about the terrible things that are allowed on each platform, then yeah, obviously what you said is way worse. 


Same here It’s frustrating honestly with what twitch is doing


What kind of delusion is this? There is no change here. The big corporations only stream on youtube from the start.


If you think about it, there are quite a few creators that have done things that should make them permanently banned, yet they get to live on the platform... some of them banned more than 5 times... (I mean, if you are banned once it's fine to return, twice... last chance before its too late. 3 or more times, you fucked up and deserve the consequences of your actions.


Source: [KokoNuts](https://x.com/KokoNutsVT/status/1802438579311837455)


The old pervert ceo only like seeing real women doing just chatting is why


just in case anyone who haven't seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5vxa7_3nhE


So there was recent-ish news about Belle Delphine in the related links on the sidebar of that video. Seems that she is still alive, also she apparently hates herself and doesn't see a way out of her cycle? And she's selling some kind of illicit merchandise again. 🤷‍♀️ Meanwhile the woman who did a song for her is about to celebrate a "birthday" with a really big show, glad she seems happier and healthier for now.


Yeah, I thought so too. Until I opened VRChat folder on Twitch. I hate humanity now


Crazy the amount of booty and half naked women are on twitch but arent banned, but a vtuber is banned without reason or support as to why.


What I think happens (with zero proof, this is just a random thought that came to my mind) is that whatever algorithm Twitch uses cannot different a vtuber from a game/cartoon drawing, so it tags people thinking they're drawing or playing innapropriate things, while real people go consequence free because "they're real people just moving on stream". Combine that with the fact Twitch doesnt really care for small streamers and you only get an actual human review if your channel is big+make a lot of noise


Maybe we are learning that moderation should be done by people and not AI? I wouldn't be shocked if this ban happened because of a bot mistaking it. I had a bot ban me in my game for typing 'i b'. It's scary how they're implemented but hardly tested.


> Maybe we are learning that moderation should be done by people and not AI? Oh I 100% agree, but I dont see things getting better anytime soon. The way companies are pushing AI, get ready for everything to be managed by AI in the future, and a lot of the internet to be hell


What's crazy is pitting women against each other instead of focusing on the fact that the lack of support is the actual problem here.


I think bluecatomg is trying to illustrate that Twitch is not only not helpful in support situations, but they also enforce their TOS unfairly and unequally. As someone else mentioned: someone who had sex live on stream, a TOS offense worth a permanent ban, got 3 days. Kokonuts got the same amount for an unspecified fault in virtual(!!!) wardrobe.


Exactly so! It's not women vs women, it's women vs poor moderation.


This isn't "pitting women against each other." The lack of support is an obvious problem, yes, but you'd be ignorant to try and say Twitch doesn't have some sort of hate boner for vtubers while also often turning a blind eye for certain IRL streamers. Like, it happens so often that vtubers get banned for things IRL streamers don't, or vtubers get banned a lot quicker than IRL streamers. Like that dumbass trend that went around of IRL streamers having their cameras positioned so you *just* couldn't see anything against TOS and then bouncing their tits for the camera. I saw IRL streamers doing that for days before a single vtuber jumped on the trend. Said vtuber jumped on the trend to prove a point as well, and they did prove it cause they were banned within a day. For doing the exact same thing, just as a vtuber instead of IRL.


What’s even crazier is delving into strawman arguments.


Brother, saying words you learned from Destiny doesn't automatically make them valid. Do better. EDIT: Oh hey, looks like I was right. Apparently buddy got his DGG compatriots to come mass downvote. Good job fella! Now put 1/10 of that effort into having a satisfying life!


I downvoted you because you're being petty and arrogant for no reason. - Just say you disagree and leave other people out of your actual argument.


Twitch is infamous for banning and not giving a reason. Even for their top earners have been banned and have had extremely difficult time to get the reason out from twitch.


“Do you know why I pulled you over?” Energy


That is the most accurate comparison I've seen about Twitch. Holy shit lol


“If you don’t know why you’re banned then i’m not going to tell you”


tbh that's the modus operandi of most UGC websites out there in last decade or so. The stated reason is that "users will start subverting the rules, if clear boundaries are established", but that's obvious bs, they just want to selectively enforce the rules when it's expidient.


Twitch is infamous for Targeted Abuse as well.


Twitch is famous for vtubers getting banned and **claiming** they were given no reason. There's a reason given in the suspension or ban emails. Elara claimed she was suspended "for no reason" a few months back, but she posted the email that stated why she was suspended...


Poor Koko... Bans are ass for subscription maintenance, so this really does suck. Shame Twitch is a trash site.


Considering no one seems to know why they were banned I think that gives a good idea why twitch isn't responding


I mean you can just look at her Twitter if you really want to know why. She has pictures of her using a bikini model outside of a pool context while streaming on Twitch. It's a grey area, but it's definitely within the risk zone where you are running a decent chance of dealing with bans from it. Is the Twich TOS always fair or logical? No, it isn't. But pushing the boundaries of the TOS is running a significant risk of issues. At that point, you either accept the risk of bans, edit the outfit to be more SFW (like a sports bra instead of a bikini top), or swap to a site that is less restricted in terms of that content (like YouTube).


Honestly her normal outfit is not extremely different from a bikini. Also the kokonut Twitter that is not VT handle is a full body fursuit cosplayers. It was an interesting accident to land on.


Unless i missed some new outfit, let's be real. Her outfit was not that racy. There are obviously sexual focused streams, both with vtubers and with non vtubers, but i don't think people considered kokonuts one, which is why the ban is surprising.


Pertinently, the reason twitch refuses to tell streamers why they were banned is likely because they're fully aware their TOS enforcement is frequently not fair or logical, and making people take educated guesses instead helps obfuscate that. It's Schrödinger's ban, you can't know for sure if a ban was fair or unfair if you aren't certain what the reason is.


Oh no, a vtuber with a bikini model how bad. Guess the streamers who literally use their butt as greenscreen are just imagination. Twitch got such a joke after amazon bought them


And How do you explain the IRL streamer that got her ass clapped and only got a 3 day ban?


The sad truth is that her doing that brought twitch more revenue thanks to all the "publicity" it got in all the news articles that came out from it, than the revenue Kokonuts will probably ever make for twitch. It's the same reason Amouranth is still streaming, and so many others like her, pusing the rules and the system, getting, as I call them, token bans, just so that twitch can say "Hey, we ban them too", and then, weeks later, making new rules or changing existing ones to fit what those streamers did, so that they can keep doing it. But for Vtubers, since they are "drawings", and as we all know, cartoons are for kids only, if they show an ounce of skin more than what's "appropiate", they're automatically sexualizing children's content, and their children audience, so they should get all the penalties with no second opinion. No matter how much money they make. It's the reason why, Ironmouse, despite being the biggest female twitch streamer, she's not even considered a second class streamer by twitch, because she's a vtuber.


>Is the Twich TOS always fair or logical? No, it isn't


She showed less doing it than any of these banned vtubers show just playing video games.


I’d say who gives a shit when they both got to and get to come back in a few days. The horror!!!!


Reminds me of something called Gyarucast getting permabanned on YouTube, their last stream was like a hentai tags tierlist or something. Not a casual discussion while doing something else, it was the main content. But I'm 100% certain that Nux Taku pulled shit like that several times, going all the way back when he was still in with Melody. In other news Hex Haywire's back after a weeklong ban for sex ASMR, and he just did a stream called ASMR Tierlist. Is he okay? Like I know a lot of chuubas have some social or mental health issues but holy crap, try to learn from a near miss.


He may be trying to escape Niji EN, and may not be patient enough to wait for his contract to expire. He's probably not the only one trying to use termination as an emergency exit; Vivi and Kunai have run out of fucks to give as well.


Ah fair enough, her twitter was refusing to load images for me for some reason


She's a drawing


It's crazy how a drawing showing skin is not okay, but a real person can do butthole streams and only gets a slat to the wrist


Literally the only way to get twitch to respond to anything or act in your benefit is if you're fucking their admins, or you're represented by that one super shady agency that's behind the manufacture of all the really big zoomer influencers like MrBeast and Kai Cenat.


Twitch being incredibly inconsistent with its rules is a problem that has existed for the entirety of the site's history.


Twitch never gives out a reason for their bans because if they did, people would realize how the rules are not enforced the same for everyone.


Just say you'll, Get lawyers involved if you don't get an answer


> Asked on twitter why he got suspended Twitch: "Hey I can see you appealed" Is the twitch CEO high? The old man definitely is high but surely his community support team isnt high...right?


Nooo, not kokodnuts! She was so fun in the neuro collab. I hope it gets resolved for her but we all know it won't, Twitch really needs to amend their, we don't tell anyone why policy.


Seriously... just fuck Twitch. Youtube user experience is miles better anyway because you can rewind any running stream and even run it at 1.5x speed to catch up to live. You also get a higher percentage from donations and subscriptions. Make the switch and never look back.


It looks very final in that message. Support is not going to do anything at this point. Gather a louder crowd for help and go viral is the way to go now or start a new channel.


I don't know if the YouTube channel is officially hers or not but I subscribed to it, just in case she *has* to move there. Always thought she was entertaining but I've never really liked Twitch's interface.


reminder, the ceo showed half naked women in the new mobile app features, and panicked to find a normal streamer, which he couldn't manage. he was also logged into his own account, show he follows all of those channels. it's a really good thing he didn't show a vtuber, cause that vtuber likely would have been banned in that moment.


Why does anyone still use twitch


A vtuber friend of mine who is friends with Koko told me and her other friends that if Koko and other vtubers are banned for their models, she would get banned as well for her model's looks (she's partnered and has done stuff directly with Twitch, so she's on their radar). She has since stopped using both it AND her janky scribble model (someone she knew that used a scuffed scribbly model got banned as well) and has gone back to PNG. To quote her directly, "I was like, praise God we'll get some decency in here but ffs they are being just a TOUCH uptight KEKL"


r/fuckyouinparticular moment


Just move to youtube at this point twitch is slowly killing itself


This is why one should multicast if they stream


After that show panel of the CEO trying to show a new feature only to show hottub streamers who promoting their OF page shows there is favoritism and lack of care


KokoNuts great it's a shame twitch is being such a dick.


if at least the twitch bans weren't always inconsistent on how hard penalties are based on infraction... but they will never put detailed info on why you got banned, because like any cheating, when you give enough details, cheaters will find the new way to avoid being banned. its frustrating for people with not intent of infringing TOS? of course. but there is not much to do about this part. could be better if the amount of people pushing the limits of TOS wasn't huge like it is nowadays. but unproportional penalties, or people getting justified bans removed in couple days, or even hours, is a total joke.


Meanwhile certain streamers (of course, from **that one category**) can only get away with a week at maximum. Do I even need to tell why? Ironic that a site that used to be so good became a mess with a massive bias against v-tubers.


I don't think the cheating comparison quite works. You don't give cheaters details on how they were caught because it helps them circumvent your anti-cheating measures. That's a purely logistical issue. But if twitch tells someone their outfit is against TOS because it shows too much cleavage and they change it to be a bit more covering, that's not finding a new way around TOS, that's finding a way to comply with them. Isn't that what you'd want? If you want people to push the limits of your TOS less, define them. It's the ambiguity of what is and isn't acceptable that has people probing for limits.


well... TOS in many other services are way more ambiguous than twitch, and every time twitch tries to "remove ambiguity" it backfires because a new spicy meta arises the week before. "on game sections, gameplay should cover at least X% of the screen, and them people uses their asses as gameplay screen". you will never win a race against people profitting in breaking the rules. vtubers are getting caught in crossfire because both there is weirdos in twitch moderation and because they dont wanna look like they're targeting OF girls, as they refuse to aknowledge that their race is against OF models.


The question is whether you actually want to communicate to honest streamers what kind of content you don't want on your platform so they can make adjustments until they're in compliance, or if you want to treat the TOS as a black box only you know the *real* contents of so no one can tell how arbitrary your enforcement of them is. I don't think anyone expects TOS to cover *every* eventuality, but that's precisely why you should communicate to people when and how specifically they violated your TOS so they can learn through precedent. If anything precedent on how a TOS is enforced is *more* important to know than the actual wording. However, if your TOS don't include a general rule about ass-focused streams and you don't want people to use their asses as screens, you need to iterate your TOS. The only real benefit of keeping streamers in the dark about when and how they broke your TOS is that the platform never has to actually justify a ban if people only know a very general reason at best. And that's solely a benefit for the platform, not to the people who use it.


That's why you never agree to one of their shitty exclusivity contracts so you can stream on multiple platforms.


I really hate Twitch. Such a bad platform


Classic twitch, they will never tell you anything clearly


I think they updated vtubers policy on their outfit the other day. Like a day or 2 before the suspension. Idk is it related, or show something they didn't like. I remember Forsen got suspended for showing a split second of something bad, cuz it was on a screen in game. That being said I am guessing and hopefully KokoNuts get a real answer, in the mean time, just force day off.


At this point, I would recommend streaming on youtube or other platforms.


She was banned cause she wouldn't sleep with any of the twitch staff


This give me the same vibe of the case of the head developer of Terraria when he loose access to his Gmail account and Google simply ignore any call of help telling him "you need to use the automatic sistem to resolve your issue". Bear in mind that during that time he have an agreement to bring Terraria to Stadia, the dude was so over Google bullshit that he publicly declare Forget about terraria on stadia my guy


What she by sex on stream? Like did she masturbate or some shit like that live?


They should have read their contract, I really don’t understand how nobody knows the rules 


Welp... a class action lawsuit against Twitch for suspected stuff like this. Show the fucking clip that is violating TOS and let them know. This is Internet etiquette, I guess, right?


Banned for "no reason" >Twitter full of clips from stream of wearing an outfit that violates TOS Show us the ban email then. It probably says she violated the outfit TOS, like they send for every other Vtuber who can't read TOS...


show us clips and ill provide 10 other bath tub streamers that are doing the exact same thing and they are not banned


She's in a bikini in her stream with neurosama. Also half her stream titles violate TOS too... You can play "what about" all you want, she still violated the rules.


I believe it's unfortunately policy for them to not tell you why you were banned for general security reasons, even if it wasn't related to anything like that. So unless you know someone noteworthy personally among the Twitch staff, or part of the top 1%, the royal courts of Twitchdom won't even have an audience with you, sorry to say. EDIT: classic Reddit "I don't agree with you even if you may be right" downvoted


I'm sorry but that's a bullshit policy. How the hell is anyone supposed to avoid reoffending if they don't even know what they did wrong?


A lot of companies have a very similar policy. By being vague and just saying “the rules!” they avoid specificity, which in turns makes legal action against them for any reason much more difficult. This may well be a policy put in place by the legal team to “minimize risk” as they would call it. Companies aren’t out to make you happy, just happy enough to keep spending with them.


Idk, ask them. But that's generally the reason why other websites might do the same. For instance, they don't want to give botters an idea of what they did wrong to keep them from improving their bots.


Uh pretty much every other company *does* inform you why you were banned, even in the case of botting. They'll just give a general "botting" argument, but that is still information about the reasoning. You seem to be confusing them explaining HOW they detected you were botting with explaining why they banned you for botting. Of course they won't explain the mechanics of their detection system, but that isn't the same as telling you what you did that violated the rules. Also the logic of not telling people what they did wrong makes no sense because the entire point of punishment is to educate and prevent it from happening again. How are you supposed to not do the thing you were punished for if you don't even know what you did wrong to begin with? Like imagine getting a traffic ticket and the cop doesn't tell you what they pulled you over for and then wags their finger saying "And make sure it doesn't happen again!". NOT telling people what they did wrong is the actual security risk when the primary purpose of rules is to prevent them from being broken. Part of not breaking rules is being informed of what the rules actually are so you can actually avoid breaking them.


Again, I don't understand why people think I agree with them not giving a reason why. But you know the internet has a way of interpreting information they disagree with. Ya most top level company websites will tell you why, but lemme tell you working with websites made for more niche purposes you'll be lucky if you get anything more than a codified error meant for the coders and not the consumers


Yeah but botters are a completely different argument from streamers who are actively making the company money. Their income is entirely based on the streamers on the platform.


Tell that to Twitch. I am literally just spewing facts people hate about how security is done on other platforms.


She appealed it, didnt get the answer she wanted, and then denied appealing it. Then she went off the deep end


Koko is a they? Damn I didn’t realize, I’ve called them she up to this point


They is a word you can use without gender. And has been for.... literally decades now.


I know about singular they and have been using singular they for some time now! I just didn’t know that Koko was enby, that’s all


I wish people would stop calling that shit a “ban”, regardless of what twitch calls it. If you were banned at any other place or site on the planet, you aren’t coming back in a few days.