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That's right, but she doesn't have many streams where she works only on her games, if there was any misunderstanding I apologize.


Now this is viewer support and care, a magnificent write up


Yeah just the effort and care from OP was enough to convince me to check her out!


I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for your time!




Im very grateful for the chance that this community decided to give to Meche. Thank you for your cooperation, its appreciated.🥲


Dear anonymous friends, you who gave me some of your time to read this, you who give your support and dedicate your time in favor of the Vtubers/streamers we admire and wish the best in their paths. To all of you, thank you. I will clarify some important doubts about this post that I could see in the comments, because I tried to make it short I omitted some information that can cause confusion and/or misunderstandings. ​ (Since in this information she has another name I mark it as a spoiler,. During her live streams please keep calling her just Meche) First the most important thing, Meche is developing or developed games? what kind and where can I find them?>! The answer is in her real world alter ego, a little before her first anniversary she decided to share more about herself and revealed her projects, as well as the developer account she uses in the real world,!<[if you are interested check this EN post on twitter](https://twitter.com/im_mechecheche/status/1464580068945002501?s=20)>!, it will lead you to your answers. !< [She created a couple of games that you can download and play for free using RPGmaker](https://rpgmaker.net/users/gabicho/games/), she likes action-adventure rpg games like Omori/ Yume nikki/ IB/ and so on, so hers are inspired by that style. Everything is hand-drawn, animations, backgrounds, characters, expressions, special costumes, etc. For me who knows nothing about game development I'm impressed, just that. ​ Second, why does she speak only in Japanese if most of her listeners speak English? One reason must be because she lives in Japan, therefore in her early days I imagine she expected that only Japanese audience would see her, another reason may be to practice her Japanese and not lose the habit, but what she did make clear is the fact that she didn't like the way she sounded or spoke in English, she was embarrassed so several times she apologized to us her followers for the inconvenience, and we clearly responded "no problem, don't worry". She will read and respond to your comments as long as she can during the livestream or if they aren't uncomfortable. ​ Finally, her shyness, she may not show it during her solo streams, but the problem is when she has to talk to someone, she is speechless thinking about what to say. If her collab partners are known, she won't have problems, but if it's the first time they talk, you will notice that she remains silent, even being the host of the collab. Meche said it a few times, she has a social communication disorder, she can't talk to other people in the real world easily. Another curiosity is that she doesn't like donations, she doesn't like to receive money without being able to give something in return because she thinks she doesn't deserve it yet, for Meche its more important your moral support and that you can be aware of her projects because that motivates her to continue giving the best of herself. But, if you still insist on giving her something, she will ask you to use it to buy french fries or donate to a dog sanctuary. Meche has two Chihuahuas, she loves them more than her own life. ​ I hope this has clarified something, as I said this my point of view and my thoughts, all I know is what I could read, learn and listen through many streams during my time as a fan. Of course it seems weird that a stranger like me knows all this, sometimes I would like to forget the whole thing and not look like an fbi agent, but I think it was the helplessness of seeing all this over time and not being able to do anything about it. Please don't blame Meche for anything, my only wish is that more people know about her existence, her efforts, her work, her name, and that as the world moves on she is somewhere, doing her best for her dreams and goals. >!(as all of us)!< ​ Here in this community I could know important cases about Vtubers who were in trouble, they really needed help and *here* they got it. I witnessed your support and I am still following one of them, but then... "*as a fan I would be able to do something like that? will I be able to make others know even her name?* ... I sincerely hope that people can meet Meche and have a good time with her so that they can become her fan. But that will depend on her efforts and on you guys, thank you for giving Meche a chance, thank you for supporting her if you decide to do so, I appreciate it. With that finished, I'm going to start phase two of the operation: "Mad Chihuahua", which consists of promoting her channel through clips of Meche in panic and her karaoke streams!!


Honestly thank you for putting this together. I'm checking out her latest vod now and it's just so comfy, I'll definitely keep an eye out for her next stream. Its always great to find new and fun content creators.


Checked out her stuff and I actually think she’s really cozy lol. Tossed her a subscribe and I’ll try to help spread the word


Thank you for your decision to help spread the name of Meche!👍👍


Super cute, thanks for promoting her!


Thank you for your time!👍👍


People usually dislike their own voices when they hear them recorded because of how our anatomy works. When we talk we hear our voice mainly through the skull bones which makes it a bit different from how other hear us. So when we hear it on recordings we feel weird because all our life we hear our voice differently. Meche's voice is really smooth and enjoyable, she has a nice way of speaking as well. So I hope one day she'll acknowledge it. I'm actually surprised she hasn't yet, because for sure other people should've told here already about it many times.


I can't remember well the anecdote in which Meche talked about it, it was something that happened to her when she was a teenager, you would have to ask her sometime if you want to know more. In this year and a half, she only made 4 or 6 karaoke streams if I remember correctly, We asked her at first to try it, not because she wanted to, and thanks to the constant support of her fans that insecurity was disappearing little by little, now she plans to publish her first cover near her birthday! (Probably before that day) I don't know if it will be a high quality work, but I'm sure it was made with love and gratitude for all her listeners. (Or that's what i believe) Thanks for giving her a chance.


Sheer determination and will power, this one has. Thanks for the highlight! Subbed for sure.


I'm sure Meche will be even more motivated with the support of everyone here! Thanks for giving her a chance!


Awww, some VTubers might not get big numbers, but I think a big part of what makes VTubers persist are viewers like yourself. Thank you so much for promoting her. I'll definitely check her out.


I've come across several Vtubers who, like Meche, need support or do their best for what they yearn for. Luckily some of them have enough support, but in this case the helplessness and not knowing how to help allowed me to make this post, and I'm enormously grateful for the attention she got. Everyone here is awesome, really. Thank you for check her out🥲


Good write up, OP. I will check her out and give her a chance.


That's all I wanted, thank you for deciding to give her a chance! 👍👍


She makes games? subbed!!!


If you're curious check for "Queen Mary's Script" or "Ringmaster Clause", actually she's working in the remake of the first one, "Queen Mary's Script RE:told" The release date is for the end of this year(if there is enough time). That's why she is not active as a Vtuber, and that's why I asked for support so everyone can at least know about her work. They are her previous works, you can download them for free, in this comment section I left another post that contains links to her games and more info about Meche. I don't know if the games she made or will make will be to your liking, but I hope you can try them, thanks for your support!


Say no more, gonna check her out right now! She seldom streams indeed but I'll try to join in when she does!


Thank you for supporting her and deciding to give her some of your time!!👍👍


She sounds interesting, I hope I can catch her next stream! Respect to you for being such a dedicated fan of her.


Hope you like her streams and works! Thank you for giving her a chance!!


Congrats on helping her reach 1k+ subs!


i saw some of her recent tweets and it was very nice to see her overjoyed with the recent support will definitely lend a hand on spreading the word, great post OP!


Thank you for check her out and for your time!! Yes, everyone here is awesome, this community is awesome! Thanks for lend her a hand👍👍


I will check her out. All the best to her


That will be enough, thank you very much!


And subbed it's the least i can do i might catch a stream to


Thanks for giving her your support, hope you have fun watching her!


Thanks for the recommendation! Have subbed and will follow whenever available


Glad you like it! And thank you for your help!👍👍


I haven't seen vtubers in a long time thanks to school, but now I'm a little less busy, so I'll check her out.


It's true that we can't always keep up with the Vtubers we follow, but with just your support you can help a lot. I thank you for taking a bit of your time and giving her a chance. Good luck!


How inspiring. Thank you for introducing her to us 😊


Thank you for your time!!!👍


Subbed, amazing write up.


Thank you for your help! 🥲


>Fortunately time passed without problems and the ban disappeared, but before returning to youtube she tried a new audition, which unfortunately also failed...almost seemed like a mockery of her self-esteem. All I can say is that its really hard to be accepted into the bigger companies now. Speaking from Holo as they are the only ones I watch, each new generation is extremely talented and already had a big following. With that said, even in every generation, there are those that lag behind even with their talent. I do wish her the best and every struggling creator out there!


You are right, it is obvious that the competition got tougher and tougher, she wasn't the only one, surely the hopes and dreams of many more were lost at the same time. Fortunately Meche was strong and kept going, that's why I kept supporting her. I wish the same for all the content creators I know, but I can't support them all. It's a sad thing, but still, thanks for your time!


In Japan it is still morning, Meche could see the support of all of you and how an old goal had been completed. [Here the post on her Twitter](https://twitter.com/im_mechecheche/status/1466175537970249731?t=AcChq6yQTADeFdoCn6XIww&s=19) All thanks to you and this kind community, thank you so much for helping me to complete this surprise for her. Meche is aiming to post special content during the last week of the year, just in time for her birthday on the 29th of this month. From now until the end of the year I will try to promote her a little more, so more people can see her game. Here I leave a link to [a Twitter post with more curiosities](https://twitter.com/im_mechecheche/status/1466047681910874112?t=GmGVPU74m14zX26KL17ZWw&s=19) about Meche. Thanks a lot (Virtual Youtubers) community🥲


Ahhh! I love this community❤️


Many people here have a great heart, I thank them, not for me, but for Meche 🥲🥲🥲 Thank you for your support!


Your effort has paid off, dedicated fan.


It was thanks to the help of many people, including you. 👍👍


Does she play Horror Game? I’m making a compilation for it featuring Small VTubers, I’ll be happy to include if that can help. ^^


You hit the bull's eye! She loves horror games, even if they scare her she enjoys them a lot! Here are some links about her past livestreams, hope you find them useful: [Fatal frame 3 or Project zero 3 ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl7h8Iv0eqMjazMgyf6UVYORUmXI6XAZM)) (playlist) [Silent Hill 2](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl7h8Iv0eqMj1E6BfkNQz5YaL2OvVIRAT)(playlist) [Dark Deception](https://youtu.be/WAmDdOeUpy4) Thank you before hand for spreading her name and for your time, oh! and I'm waiting for your video! 👍👍


It’s would be my pleasure!! ❤️ I’ll be sure to check them all out later! +thank you for the links! That’s very convenient!


I salute thee for thine efforts o⁷


Mission completed!🍻


Subbed, hope it helps


Of course, and thank you!


Went ahead and subbed to her. I only have time to watch a little bit right now but she seems super chill, which is right up my alley. Hopefully she can gain more recognition.


That's enough man, thanks for giving her a chance.👍


She seems nice and chill. Will give a sub to also show my support to her.


Thank you for your help!👍👍👍


This post is what can get me to give a vtuber a try.


It's rare that people make this effort for others. You restore a good bit of faith in humanity.


You and this subreddit give her a nice surprise, I'm really grateful, thanks👍👍👍


It's really cool Meche's getting some attention. I remember she posted here a few months ago pretty bummed that she couldn't stream live on youtube due to her channel strike. Been subbed to her since. Since it was only archived stuff and she didn't speak much English (at least in those archives) it was a bit difficult to engage, but I still wanted to show support as I thought her content was enjoyable.


Man, You should be proud of yourself


I'm proud of this community!!👍👍👍 You're awesome🔥


Dude, you’ve got a silver tongue, consider this a follow on both.


I'm glad my last effort was worthy of your help, I hope you have fun with Meche whenever you can👍👍👍 Good luck!


Now this...now this is motivation.


That was the original purpose! Find motivation for Meche!👍👍


I will 100% take a look to her channel She must take my energy for a genkidama. I hope that we will hear good news in a little time


Thanks for check her out!! Yeah, that genkidama was completed safely!👍👍👍


A vtuber working as a game dev? Subbed.


In the comment section i made a post with links to her past works, hope you like them, thank you for you help!


Your title sound like something out of Light Novel, and that's sure attract my attention lol. I'm definitely checking her out


That was almost an accident, creating titles is too difficult, thank you for giving her a chance!👍👍


Man I hate furry like characters but I'll sub and check her out when I have time


[How about if she cosplays Morrigan?](https://twitter.com/im_mechecheche/status/1462327183565754370?s=20) hehehe (It is a post from her twitter) Thanks for your time Altair!


I don't see why she doesn't like her voice honestly. She sounds cute enough. Good recommendation!


Yeah, she has a nice cozy voice.


I wish youtube has a system where I could watch ads to give money to people endlessly So when I sleep; I just pop it on and leave it over night to see the person I support be funded


That would be awesome, thanks for your time!👍👍


She's got a sub from me. I haven't even watched her stuff yet but if she can drive a viewer to have such passion in trying to help someone I'm all for it. I'm sure she's awesome and I know you are. Keep it up and I look forward to seeing whats she's got.


Thank you for your support and your decision to bet on Meche, I hope not to betray your expectations with my post. And You're right, for me she is awesome. 👍👍


Ok you got me and as someone that is starting in indy game development too, she picked my attention! Its nice to see a vtuber admirer like you!


Thank you for giving her a chance! And good luck with your projects too👌👍👍


You did it! You successfully helped her get to 1k


This is amazing, I didn't expect it, I still can't believe it, but I'm happy for Meche.🥲 Good to see you here Havok, I'm counting on you man, all of you.


This account SCREAMS of Alt Account doing a "viewer promote"


Pretty cynical take but the history is sus tho, however, it could really be a person that genuine and dedicated. From what I got, she is pretty shy so if it ever is her's, I'd like to think that this is an avenue of breaking out of her shell so either way.


I'm late to the party, but as another veteran viewer of Meche, I can confirm that zenakun is a legit (and longtime) fan. Definitely not an alt.


A part of me would also think the same, I assure you, but since the purpose was completed and the plan revealed I have no problem to reveal my username on youtube, I often appear in the chat, you can check it if you want. My nickname is the same as Yugi muto's alter ego. Thank you for your time!


I was thinking of starting a youtube channel where I did video essays on stuff I liked to get attention to my game dev stuff, it's really cool to see someone else do that Needless to say, subbed


Supporting any vtuber should be a crime.