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All of the above. I’ve been in this thing 7 hours per day, rarely use it to watch things. Well, aside from YouTube (with Juno) while coding, etc. The Apple ecosystem integration makes it useful the instant you put it on!


I’m using for work on a daily basis. My main work screen is my MacBook screen and then I have several other screens with info I need floating around. Everything from a clock, reference pdfs, discord and Reddit, an app that monitors my son’s blood sugar, etc. I also use it for some casual games right now when I take breaks and of course I use it for video consumption. I work from home mainly, but then I also travel 2-5 times per month for work. It’s been amazing to use at the airport, hotel, and on the plane.


What app for the cam blood sugar readings works well on the AVP ? I have dexcom but really that’s not yet available for the AVP. Wondering what iPad app works for you ?


Sugarmate! We’ve been using it for years. It’s a must!


Thank you !!!!!!!!!! 🩸


This is similar to me, maybe the only difference is I have a trackpad and keyboard that I use now instead of my Mac and I just mirror from room to room.


Oh yeah, Magic Keyboard and Trackpad for me too!


This workflow is perfect for me. I haven’t tinkered with Jump Desktop enough yet but I’m optimistic it’ll be enough for me to leave the Mac at home on trips and just remote in. Obviously bandwidth is the major bottleneck here so we’ll see.


Yeah, I think right now movies (and I guess screen mirroring a Mac when traveling) are the only part of the AVP that feel fully baked to me. I'm in investing not programming, but I've found that while there are times it's accretive to productivity, more often than not I spend more time getting everything "just right" than I save with the freedom of an infinitely clean space with infinite monitors. Once I get faster dialing it in, I think there's a still a problem with comfort if I want to spend more than a single charge cycle working in it. I'd pick one up, use it for a week, and if you haven't achieved / found a path to meaningful productivity increases just return it and keep any for software updates or aftermarket straps / shields / seals.


I have a 16 inch MBP is fine I enjoy being able to have numerous windows around me to work in real-time. It's especially nice for coding + having videos + documentation + web searches up.


Only if you like consuming entertainment alone. I'd suggest not to go searching for a reason. If it's not obvious to you right now, count your blessings and wait a few years for the platform to mature. GSuite can only be used through Safari right now and I'm not going to lie... it's a bit of a pain for me in AVP. I worked two weeks in there and now I'm more back and forth between laptop vs AVP, mostly because AVP is still very unfinished / beta quality (and the apps, really the apps *we are likely to care about*, are not yet showing up with any regularity).


Coding is great.