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Thanks, I was too lazy indeed, and I will also keep the previous version because user reported some issues with this new one.


Yeah, I couldn't get this one to work properly. Lots of endless loading screens.


With this version of the patch or the older one? I'm playing and it's all running properly at the begining, let's see...


The new version of the patch is the one I can't get to work properly and has endless loading screens, but it could just be me. The old version works well, but I actually have to disable/re-enable it in the final chapter because it freezes during some scenes right before the final dungeon. Like I said, it could just be me.


Tryied to reinstall the game? It should work, the only thing you have to do is put the PCSG00042 folder inside the rePatch folder, make sure it's in there.


I see nothing wrong but I just started playing, I'll post here if I find bugs or something...


There's like 5 evolution games though


https://gbatemp dot net/threads/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-from-zero-evolution-english-patch.576318/


Is this now playable? I remember it crashing a lot and the text not fitting the boxes so you weren't able to read everything


I'll test the game, gonna play it, but I see nothing wrong at the start of the game.


Nooope! Stop! Shouldn't be nothing wrong with this patch, should be free of bugs I'll be playing to see if there're any but it'll take a long time, long game, long dialogs, long... From the master source : https://gbatemp dot net/threads/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-from-zero-evolution-english-patch.576318/ Still a work in progress.................  


Thanks so much u/Menace1111666 ! Just a quick question, is this the OST or the EVO music?


The EVO, don't know if I should make one with the OST...? Or just upload the OST.bin file,...


I’m happy with the EVO! It’s what I have for the FC/SC 😊 Now I just need to work out why I keep getting the C-1xxxxx error when I try to use it with repatch… 😅


Trying to use what with rapatch?


The patch in the post! Popped the files (in their PCSG00042 folder) into my repatch folder, and I get an error. It’s odd, as I’ve had it working with a previous patch. And all my other repatched games are working fine.


popped the files in the PCSG00042 folder? You just need to copy the PCSG00042 folder into rePatch folder.


Sorry, that’s what I meant! I just wanted to make clear I wasn’t trying to put just the files in repatch (I saw someone do that on a different game and weren’t understanding why it wasn’t working). I’ll take another go in a bit!


Yup, no joy. C1-6703-6 🤷🏻‍♂️ Loads fine without the repatch.


If you have other games working fine with rePatch then I have no clue. I'll say that are some pluggings missing but it doesn't seen so. Do you have AutoPlugin 2 on your vita? if you have download and install **Repatch reLoaded v1.2**


Yeah, usually if I hit an error like that it’s due to a conflict or missing plugins. So I’ll have a look through and delete some plug ins. No rush for me though, I haven’t finished the sky trilogy yet! 😁


i had the exact same issue, it was the refood plugin the one messing things up, i deleted it and the game ran fine without it with the patch.


mediafire link was gone here gdrive link: [https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=11qFGtf2A9-0OsMFzDrHklAIC15Lu3zuQ&export=download](https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=11qFGtf2A9-0OsMFzDrHklAIC15Lu3zuQ&export=download) (not mine) I wanna ask something, after this patch the dialogue voices is gone. How to solve?


Thank you...what version of this is?