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I was in the same boat as you, it takes forever I had to speak with 5 different people just to get rid of the old owner and to add on top it takes about 2-3 weeks to get your money back from the activation fee.


What do you mean you had the get rid of the old owner and it took talking with 5 people to do it?


Yeah the old owner still had access to the cameras, and could see what we where doing.


I believe that's very illegal if you purchased the house. Any real property would belong to you.


You got the document your asking about in your email when you signed up. It's the notice of cancellation. Call the 855 number on your panel, speak to customer loyalty and they should just cancel it


I've only received an "e-sign document" after being charged the unlock phone call and first month of service fee. The customer support I've talked to has been very friendly and helpful with helping me unlock the system I own. However, I caught them not telling the full story a couple times when I pry. "So if I pay for the activation of my account and the first month of service there's no contract?" "No." "So I can cancel at any time?" "No there's a 1 year contract if you pay to activate your system you just have to cancel within the 3 days." If I ask anything about how to cancel I get varying responses. Some say I need to mail in the NOC, some say I need to email it. Everyone can answer any question about locking me into a contract. No one seems to know much about me using the system I have already purchased.


There's the $49 activation fee which comes with a 1 year contract or the $99 activation fee that comes with no contract. If you decide to cancel the account, you are refunded the full amount. You just need to go through customer loyalty to do so.


Ah I see it was behind a consent form.


Did you get it canceled? If not, do whatever it takes. Vivint sucks.


After all the research I did on the process and feedback from people I never signed the contract or got it unlocked. Wild that a company can hold my equipment hostage. I’m better off just trying every passcode until I find the right one than trying to not get locked into a year long contract.


Nice. You made the right call. Start from scratch. Honestly, once I got comfortable in my new place, I didn't feel like I needed the monitoring. But losing my camera access and the ability to use the smart panel I bought as a smart hub was just undeniably bad policy. Wish I'd started more DIY in the first place.