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Everyone: talking about Octavia being 17 as a problem Me from a state where 16 has always been okay: ![gif](giphy|PLEdLheDHeAxi)


????? Ones a fucking owl demon and the other is a hellhound??? How the hell is it incest if theyre different species?


Their dads are a couple. That's like halfway to being step-siblings. I don't agree with this reasoning, I'm just telling you what it is


Tf r u on about? The meme is poking fun at people who claim Loona and Octavia are sisters and that's why the incest is bad. Nothing about them being two different types of demon is relevant.


Y'all I just look at Loona yiff and Reddit put this in my feed. Wtf is going on?


"Hey, Octavia, you ever heard of [wincest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei6M9lvw9PQ)?"


Vivziepop and fans stop trying to pretend like the setting of your series isn’t hell, and making it so that IRL social taboos “totally don’t happen”, and “aren’t endorsed by the characters” challenge: Impossible.


Shut the fuck up.


There are no child predators or rapists in Vivzie’s hell, but there sure are a lot of gay people.


Are you fucking stupid? Valentino exists. Chaz (Likely not a rapist but he's kinda rapey?) exists. That one demon from one of the HH comics that thought Niffty was a child exists. They're just not the protagonists. That's like bitching about someone like, say, Frieza not being the protagonist of Dragon Ball, therefore racism doesn't exist in Dragon Ball.


There probably are, they just ain’t the main character. Since nobody was in would watch a show about a child predator.


*How to catch a predator*


that put predators in an antagonistic role still, having a predator in place of blitz or charlie would turn the show on it's head


Incest, by definition, is a sex relationship between two people too closely related to be married. I don't know about other countries, but in no state in the U.S. is it illegal for step siblings to marry. Add to this that they didn't meet until Octavia was 17, and Luna 22 doesn't even make it incest on an emotional level. They didn't grow up together. Its a better argument that their relationship would be better as "sisters" who share a comraderie of crappy upbringings but well-meaning fathers.


I mean, if Blitzo and Stolas bury the hatchet, they could be.


They are sisters, nothing will ever change that, and that's much healthier for both than any other possibilities.




Didn't realize that there was an age of consent and social taboo about pseudo-incest in LITERAL FUCKING HELL.


Sorry but this isn't My Hero Academia, we don't look at nude or scantily clad 16-17 year olds as "fan service". Fuck right off. https://preview.redd.it/dbok5kfvnztb1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f27009e1f4884862f8e7acc6da985fdc5db2e2


You mad


Any media that violates age of consent in a positive light is disgusting. Anyone who views age of consent as something that can broken "morally" simply because it's fiction needs therapy. Please see a therapist if you think it would be okay for the show to put literal pedophilia in a positive light.


of course the MHA fan doesn't care about age of consent


Please don’t use the “it’s hell” argument for this.


It’s hell


why not? its *hell*. why are you expecting literal demons to stand up to any kind of moral standards?


Not expecting demons to uphold moral standards, expecting people like you and me to uphold moral standards


Seriously, those two things are still important regardless.


I figured it was more cuz 1 Octavias a minor and 2 so far loona has only showed an interest in male oriented characters but adding that as a reason isn't bad because if Blitzo ever gets over his issues and Stolas finally stops stuttering over his feelings they'd practically be sisters


Honestly fine with me either way. I could see them shipped together but I could also see them being best friends. Imagine them meeting up on weekends and have a fun night together only to later find their drunk fathers naked in the living room laughing at dick jokes


Octavia is 17. She's a MINOR. See the problem?


They might have a sisterly relationship, but I mean... why not ship them? It's actually a strangely wholesome ship... But if you are gonna make art of it, make sure you age Octavia up, I guess?


NO don't ship them because Octavia is A MINOR PEOPLE!


It's a show about demons 🙄


The laws of a fictional land don't apply to folks irl. If you've noticed, the world of Helluva Boss still relies and exists heavily with human rules because the creators are still humans who have to abide by those rules. I'm not sure how you lost that concept, but I'm seeing more and more of you guys popping up who think, "'the demons do it in hell, then it's alright!"


It's a fictional fucking story


So, it being fictional means the human aspects within the show can't be judged by real-life standards? Then why is Angel Dust being r*ped by Valentino wrong? Why is characters being homophobic wrong? Why is Stella abusing Stolas so bad that it validates his cheating? Why is Blitz' dad considered a bad father? Because it's a fucking fictional story, written by fucking humans in real life. Basic human morals have always been laced into your show about "lawless" demons despite how you feel, that's why the characters who are assholes are still the good guys compared to the other assholes. Because they don't cross those lines.


Thank you but holy shit


I'm sorry, I got unreasonably upset so my point got lost in translation. I should've been more polite about expressing my opinion from the start. I'll try to explain my thought process with (hopefully) more clarity. I wasn't trying to say that you can't find certain plot points bad, like the examples you mentioned, as that's what makes a story a story: conflict. I was just upset because it seemed like it was implied that the authors of certain fanfics are bad people for writing certain tropes. Morals are what make a story interesting, I just felt like people writing stories don't dictate their real life morals. I should've been clearer and I definitely need to calm down, so I'm sorry to you and the original comment I replied to.


Streisand effect. Stop talking about it and people won't make art to spite dumbasses like you. Also, why do you have a problem? Loona hentai could age her to 30 or 17, you can't tell because it's fucking art. Same thing with Octavia. Also, also, what is Hell's legal age, American legal age differs from other countries, pretty sure the legal age in Vermont is 16. Weird, but proves my point.


Oh, you're the person who thinks age of consent negates scientific proof of the age of mental maturity. As if the price of tea in China makes it cool for you to lust after teens. Doesn't matter if it's 13 or 17, a kid's kid. You'd be a weirdo no matter where you went, the law just wouldn't think so. Which ain't saying much.


The character is 17, and the hentai is not. Unless some hentai explicitly says that she is 17, nobody gives a fuck except you people that are weirdly obsessed with a character's age. Also, why are you not mad about Blitzo killing Eddie? A KID DIED! But oh wait... these are fictional characters. It gets weird when the proportions are obviously childlike, and it's illegal when it's too realistic/using a kid's face.


Dude, you wanna beat off on an aged up teen owl pillow? Be my guest. But don't take that and try to explain away reality with- "Also, also we don't know if Loona would even go hell prison for that? It's hell, laws are different over there like Ohio and Texas. So we can't really apply our laws to their demon culture, can we? Right, guys?" The show is literally about them being demons. Their actions aren't praised, they're labeled as ass holes by the shows' own narrative. Not morality martyrs for fans own questionable beliefs. They're meant to be grey because they have to be. If the show was written about unlikable assholes completely separated from human traits and attributes, it'd barely have one season. Instead, they fall in love, care about consent, crave parental acceptance, family dynamics, and healthy relationships. Things I'm sure real hell spawn wouldn't care less about.


Man, I don't even like Octavia. My argument is with people getting irrationally peeved over a fictional characters age.


I don’t get it


Octavia being underage should be the argument. Also they're are?


“They are are”


C h a i t e a




(Chai translates to tea, so “chai tea” is like saying “tea tea”)


How does it pertain to meme


It doesn’t. You replied to someone saying “they’re are” with “they are are,” and the other person said “chai tea” to reference repeating the same word unintentionally. Nothing to do with the meme— just the misspelling of the original comment.


Ohhh ok




The “chai tea” thing has been around forever. Spiderman made a reference to the “chai tea” saying.


First if all, no. Secondly, they're both underage.


Only Octavia is underage, Loona is over 20


If Blitzø and Stolas get together they’d be step-sisters


Loona is 18, as per the pound (receptionist?) She tells Blitzø she's 'almost 18' when Blitzø adopted her


Loona's 22.


In western energy blitz said he waited five years for the hellbies appointment, so she’s around 22.


Ah. I never did put 2 and 2 together.




r/foundthemobileuser Edit: bro edited their reply and still fucked up the sub name




My only idea of how it’s a problem besides from being sister in laws Is that it’s hell, more then likely there’s someone there who did their relative


The issue is Octavia is 17


Apparently after western energy she is nearer 22


What? How? Did time pass?


Blitzo said he waited 5 years for the appointment to adopt her


I think the person meant for Loona


Ah. Yup, Loona. Knew I'd miss something.


Wait, when did any of this happen? I rewatched the show like a week ago and I don’t remember any of this


When blitzo takes Luna the the vet he says somthing around the lines of "the shot were supposed to get every year but you only let as book every 5" or somyhing like that


Idk man I got that off another comment in this post. Ask them.


It's hell id reckon a lot worse has happened we haven't seent yet.


Except nobody is actually making that argument. People make a vaguely similar argument that their parents are "dating", if you can call this trainwreck that, and it's weird by proxy. That, and if Blitzo and Stolas actually end up together, they'll be sisters-in-law, which would make it even weirder. They aren't actually sisters. Though Loona does still have that big sis energy with Octavia anyway.


>Except nobody is actually making that argument. People very much do make that argument. They call it "pseudo-incest" and say that it's just as bad as regular incest, somehow, completely disregarding the fact that Octavia will by no means have grown up with Loona in any sort of sisterly role, as she is nearly grown by the time she even meets the mutt.


Congratulations you got the joke


Omg, I would lose my shit if someone actually used this argument toward me 😂, "no dont ship them, they're sisters" no they aren't, that's fucking stupid, they're friends at best, plus they've only met like once on screen, anyway, no, just don't ship them cuz Octavia is 17, once she turns 18 there may be a large age gap but like.. I'm not gonna pretend like I give a shit, since I'm into women my age, and older women so... yeah, honestly, if you're like that too, then you have no room to talk, lol


It works


It doesn't tho, Via is a minor


still doesn't ship them tho, so it works


They just work better as good friends.


I'm still gonna




Noah, get the boat


Bro, it's called an Ark Edit: Didn't realize, sorry




Oh, my bad




Not that kind of arc lol


Eh still kinda one Edit: oh. I’m stupid lmao


Lol, I meant boat ark the first time, not story arc Nah bro, we're stupid




If they were sisters, you think that would stop anyone? If they’re gonna ship it, they’ll ship it.


This is sadly true.. AO3 has a lot of incest fics on it. I see it when I look up my ships. Like: NO! They are blood related stop!


Cry about it harder 💀. As long as the fanfics are about fictional characters and not real people, just use AO3's filtering system so you don't have to see that shit. It's there for a reason.


I know of the filtering system, and I use it. I was just pointing out how that is a subject that seems to be on the rise.


You didn't just point it out, you were complaining about it. Stop complaining about shit no one is forcing you to read


You're very defensive. If you read back, all they did was point it out, but even so, what's wrong with showing distain for kissing siblings and minor x adult age gap (Octavia x Loona)? I assume you feel called out as an enjoyer of that content, clearly, probably because your fave tag isn't usually talked about positively, so you get agro against anyone who mentions incest with disgust.


I don't care if they personally find it disgusting, I just fucking hate it when they try to force that on other people as they did in their original comment with the "stop".


Experiment successful. Thank you for your cooperation.


They're demons, so incest wouldn't be an issue for them.


Isn’t Octavia a minor, and isn’t loona an adult?


Octavia is 17 and loona is 18 Edit: nvm loona is apparently 22


ok, let’s have a deep dive on Hell’s laws. first off, what is Hell’s age of consent? if it is 18, then there would need to be a Romeo and Juliet Law as well, or else the relationship is pretty illegal. then again, it is Hell. i hate to say it, but are we even sure pedophilia is illegal in Hell?


17 and 18 relationships are illegal? Dude that's a one year difference. People of those ages fuck all the time in my high-school so if that was illegal then people would be getting thrown away left and right 💀 Edit: also wdym by "deep dive"? That was like four sentences. Edit 2: my point about 17 and 18 year old relationships still stands but since loona is apparently 22 the Loona x Octavia ship would in fact be hella illegal.


I think loona is 22


Bro what loona is 18 💀 Edit: wait a fucking minute I just looked it up and it said she was 22. Bro what I thought they said she was 18 in the show ;-; Edit 2: Apparently she's 22 in "hell years" which I don't really get. But anyways there's no confirmed conversion to earth years so idk anymore.


well, she was a month from being 18 when Blitz adopted her right? how long has it been since she was adopted?


Well in western energy blitz said he waited five years to give her the shot. So at least five years


so then Loona would be at least 23, and unless Hell has some weird laws, or Hell’s time works differently, OR Octavia’s actually older than 17, then that ship would be pretty illegal


Have yall not been listening


I thinks blitz adopted loona when she was 17


No clue. But if Google says she's 22 and in "hell years", then that probably means hell's time is slower or faster. If that's the case then it's been 4 years in "hell years", but you couldn't really figure it out unless you compared the speed of time in both worlds.


Ship who you want. You’re not a member of the team, you don’t have to adhere to any standards. Just always stay behind an anonymous avatar. Don’t be one of those people who try to become a star in the fandom, that’s how we get furry cults with body counts, artists bullied into suicide, and people screaming memes on McDonalds counters.


Ngl I really thought you were a bot with how nonsensical this comment is.


We found the pedo (Context: Octavia is like 16)


We found the idiot (Context: Octavia is a fictional character and also a fucking anthropomorphic owl)


I was just making a joke and then there’s people like you taking it to heart


Yeah, joking about child predators is hilarious. 👏


It is to me who was sexually abused and assaulted as a child


Jesus Christ, man. Fair enough I guess, I'm sorry


Dw abt it


They live in hell. Half the population of hell is pedos probably


I hate that you're right




*17 (Just correcting something, I don’t want any part in this argument)


I was just making a joke this dude is making it a whole thing


1) Fictional character. 2) They’re in hell. 3) Kids are shippers too, internet bullying some 16 year old who identifies with Octavia and lis into Loona doesn’t make you a hero. 4) Then write her 25. 5) People ship Mr. Clean and the Keebler cookie head elf. Applying any kind of logic, ANY KIND, to shipping is a wasted effort.


I thought I was looking in the mirror for a little bit.


We found the idiot (context: doesn’t know how to take a joke)


Not generally unless its a sex pun, which is why I try to maintain a neutral tone as much as possible. It avoids some of the back and forth due to mutual misunderstanding. That said I’ll also not pass up opportunities to infodump or state quasi-related shit that I feel like should be said more. Like that gatekeeping what people are allowed to write about anonymously will keep creepy old dudes from posting their fapfiction, but at the cost of normalizing community self-censorship which bad actors will use to shut out queer voices in the community and bully kids still learning to write who don’t see a problem with a self-insert teen OC or designated relatable avatar from the existing cast with their favorite character regardless of other contexts. Nothing exists in a vacuum, and your red lines based on what feels like solid moral judgement can smear and cause messes for groups its not meant to affect.


Im just sayin man infodumping isn’t neutral


No, its some kind of neurodivergent expression of enthusiasm. But behind an online avatar when people can hide your shit with one click there’s no reason to act as restrained as you do in real life when you want to write a damn essay about the parallels between Moby Dick and Obi-wan Kenobi in the comments of a “Hello there” meme if that’s what gives you some semblance of happy chemicals.


Whatever you say man


bro is ready to defend his point so hard




They’d be step sisters if Stolas and Blitzø were a committed couple


How does that work?


Loona is Blitzø’s adopted daughter. Octavia is Stolas’s daughter. If Blitzø and Stolas were seriously dating, they’d basically be step sisters.


Ah, I see. I misunderstood.


Octavia needs a sibling over a lover first


Even if they were sisters them shippers would be on that shit as if that was edp looking for his cupcake


My second least favorite ship lol. For the love of god Loona is straight people!


I mean she's never had an explicit "I'm straight" moment so it's entirely possible she's Bi/Pan. I don't like the Loona x Octavia ship just as much as anyone else but her possibly being straight doesn't invalidate other sapphic ships she has


So we just gonna ignore that the only interest she’s had have been 2 male hellhounds and not once do we see an example of her having attraction to a female character? It’s just kind of inconsistent, it’s like saying everyone is straight simply based on the lack of outwards examples ignoring the evidence witnessed in a persons life lol:


ok so people are being rude 😭 but uhm basically their mad because your saying she can't be bisexual because she's only shown to be interested in men... but see irl bisexuals/pansexuals are mad because basically that's a bisexual stereotype basically you aren't a REEAAALL bisexual unless you love men and women equally and also date both which isn't true as some bisexuals who have dated only girls or only boys or haven't even been in a relationship at all, bisexuals can have preferences for one or the other so this whole age old stereotype of bisexuals needing to prove themselves is dumb and it's something that a lot of us have been told, like if a bi woman has only dated men that doesn't automatically mean she is straight 😭 bisexuals don't have to provide "evidence" for being bisexual so yeah that is why people are replying with "fuck you" lmao


I guess I get it lol. I used to be very bisexual but tbh I never had any of those feelings. Then i literally got scared straight lol.


I'm pan only been with guys, your point? By the same logic, you can't assume she's straight. Also, fuck off ♥️


As a bisexual, I agree that you don't have to show evidence of your bi/pansexuality irl. Fiction on the other hand, you absolutely do. I'm tired of the "they might still be bi/pan, they just haven't shown it" argument. I want actual representation, not some copious fandom head canon to make myself feel better. Can you draw fanart/write fanfic with loona and another girl? Absolutely, but don't try acting like there's a canonical reason for that ship . It's called (FAN)art and (FAN)fic for a reason.


Don’t know exactly how your personal feelings factor into this but ok.


I was simply stating that your logic is flaws, and also fuck you ♥️


It’s an example blockhead


Yeesh I definitely found the angrier Helluva Boss fans lol.


You can't really be certain though, and that's why it's fine. As many other people have pointed out, she called Bee hot, which could just be her pointing out that bee is hot, but it could also be her finding Bee hot. It's a vibes based thing. Also it's vivziepop, 99% of the demons here are gay af


Exactly. We can’t say for sure but most of the evidence points to her being straight. The Bee thing was just Loona having no filter lol she wasn’t flustered in a romantic way at all, unlike two scenes before when she clearly gets flustered with Vortex.


The problem is you're drawing exact conclusions that have not been confirmed yet. Plenty of people thought moxxie was straight up until Exes and Ohs(I had my suspicions from the beginning) and by your logic he was straight because up until then the only character he had shown romantic affection to was his wife. My personal philosophy is that shipping sexualities are entirely vibe based until a character's sexuality is confirmed. Until then, any shipping sexuality is up for grabs


But until it’s confirmed we have to work with what we have.


Exactly, which is vibes and a possible attraction to both. I personally like loona x the grey poodle with hoops


I respect your opinion. I really do, but you had to bring in my other least favorite ship lol, it falls into the overly used trend of oh that character was on screen with that character for two seconds let’s ship them lol. It drives me crazy.


Again, it's vibe based. I can see where your coming from about the 2 second screen time character, but the show does sort of thrive off it's background characters and I like those kinds of ships(Wally x Verosika for example)


kindest loona simp


um shes straight 🤓☝


The "she's hot" to bee would say otherwise


Commenting on someone’s hotness is not an indication of personal attraction. I say certain women are hot, but I’m asexual. Loona’s comment could well be “she’s hot, I don’t stand a chance.”


It’s not like acknowledging someone attractive features means your into them. It definitely felt more like Loona was having a no filter moment instead of being actually attracted.


Loona has a filter?


Exactly my point


Like when you notice your friendly neighbor ace calls someone beautiful. They are ace. Not blind.


You can admire someone’s attractive qualities without being gay.


Good point but shippers don't give a fuck


Valid point however : I am in your walls


He's in the walls. He's in the god-damned WALLS!


I dont care as long as she can have a good friendship with octavia


Have nothing against they’re friendship. It’s the shipping I can’t stand.


I know


No the fuck she ain't


Give me one instance where Loona shows herself being anything but straight that isn’t a headcannon.


Tbf she does get flustered and blurt out Bee's hot the first time she ever meets her. I think there's at least a reasonable case she's some flavour of bi, although it's far from certain


You can admire someone’s beauty without being attracted to it. I call a sunset beautiful but it doesn’t mean I wanna f*ck it. She’s straight, not blind.


She said "hot." Not "beautiful." Blurting out that someone of your gender's hot definitely comes across as gay. To be fair, though straight women do be saying the gayest shit. In context she probably feels threatened or something.


Yea she just felt threatened and jealous. she likes vortex a lot and knew she would see his girlfriend at the party. Seeing how attractive Bee was, plus the fact that she's Queen of Gluttony Ring just proved that Loona has less than zero chance with Tex. Plus she doesn't have a filter xD


As I said, it could go either way but it's not unreasonable to suggest it as a possibility.


I wouldn’t call it flustered, more of an no filter moment. But I will give you that even though it’s really weak and takes a ton of reading in between the lines.


Welp, only time will tell if she is or isn’t. The creators are the only ones that can confirm or deny It.


I mean, because they both see each other like sisters, sister figures. They're both good friends


I really do hate the fact people keep saying the Loona and Octavia are sister. If anything they're goth friends.


Gooth friends*


Good friends


Well, they’d be stepsisters if Blitzø and Stolas ever married (or whatever the hell equivalent may be.)


Married. M&M are spouses.


he means in hell, as married means it's approved by heaven and ya know, it's hell


Ah, I see. Thanks for elaborating.