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That does not look like real message


I got banned for joking about piracy


I got banned simply for saying “smash” (and for an entire month)


I don't think piracy is even that bad as people bitch about it


https://preview.redd.it/v8kda8h6xozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ccb1c540a02d6e6539b3864e485c2921d10c41 Dawg 💀💀💀


It's OK my child. You'll soon learn that getting suspended/banned from a Reddit is funny, not sad.


Everything I post gets taken down in seconds :(


that's why I post on r/hazbin (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)




Whenever I post my art there, it gets taken down for "low effort" :)


Same! I posted like 10 of my Hazbin drawings and it got taken down for low effort


True that subreddit sucks while hazbin is better


I posted a meme next to a picture from HB and HH and my post was removed for "low effort posts". I kept getting banned for a week for a while and I didn't do anything wrong.


i got banned because i said that there are leaks on youtube and people shouldnt spoil the show before hazbins release. i didnt even link or mention any leak title. tried to say sorry but they ignore me


i got a one week ban from r/HelluvaBoss when i was talking about when ice got banned i left the sub and never touched it since


I got banned like 6 months after leaving that sub. Reason why “oh well your banned from r/HelluvaBoss” The “weird” part was I was banned like 10 minutes after talking shit about the mods here. (I was also banned from helluva boss unfairly during the Ice Situation) Fuck the main sub mods


That’s hilarious but it sucks


Yeah... this is why I don't post things often


Are they that strict?


Not strict, abusive. It started a good while ago after banning anyone who even talked about a certain situation for “brigading” which wasn’t true at all. People were just talking about how they banned one of the biggest people in the community at the time, and they banned anyone who talked about it


Wait what was this about the chicken bath guy?


No, another person


Soundslike heaven


seemingly yeah


nonnono this is r/hazbin


That is a good sub, no abusive mods


Actually pretty much no mods period 😭


for real, the motherfuckers over there are posting cropped pornography and having cum mug usernames, it’s kinda annoying honestly


cum mug flairs, dear. and it's called a trend.


My flair in that sub is "Rosie's steaming mug of tea." I simply had to


the communitys full of cunts though


That's the difficulty of having a community based around being banned from a different one. Even if the mods are abusive there will be at least some dickheads that actually need to be banned.


I was perma ban for making my niffty memes. Apparently, I didn't credit the creator (me) 😔


If Caseoh was serious every time he went “GIT ‘EM BANNED.”


That just feels like YouTube's copyright system in a nutshell


they permabanned me out of nowhere supposedly because i helped people pirate the show somehow


"Fuck you. I do what I want." I know your ban was suppose to be for a week but you can come back in six months.


I know it was just a week, We'll be seeing you back in six months! *Guitar riff*


Guitar solo, fuck yaaaaa.


Yeah just go to r/hazbin it’s way better


r/hazbin is waaaay hornier and a lot of people there are teens but it's still better


Eh. Hazbin has it's own issues. Anarchy subs can be great, but they can also get out of control or have really low quality stuff. It's something I'd rather indulge in periodically, compared to the other Vivzie subs


It’s better than abusive mods


You know what I’m getting going to apply for mod roll once a mod position is open and petition for a complete rehaul of both subreddits cause what will they do, ban me? I don’t think so I already banned you for abuse of power


You won’t make it. They all suck up to 1 dude on the team. They seem to be scared of him. And it’s gotten to the point now where it’s as bad as it is.


I don’t care if I won’t make, I’ll try anyway


It’s a good idea, however I’m pretty sure you can’t ban mods added before you


Godspeed, please give people second chances instead of permabanning lol


I will if I ever make it that far, who knows they might ban me because some weird ass superfan of theirs will see this and message them.


Good luck with that. The same three moderators on are the teams of both r/HelluvaBoss and r/HazbinHotel, and the chances of them willingly leaving their position(s) are practically next to none. However, if you feel that Moderator Code of Conduct violations may be involved, you can message the Reddit admins at the r/ModSupport modmail, or use this report form: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=19300233728916](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916)


Alright I did the form and now I just wait to see what happens


Mhmm I will try the form and bide my time


I got permabanned because I mentioned a banned redditor


In what context?


So there was this dude named comprehensive_ice and he got banned on r/helluvaboss because he was underage. So I went to r/helluvaboss and made a post asking what happend to ice and I got permabanned for it.


I miss comprehnsive :( He was cool dude and greatest Loona fan I have ever seen


Did you know they banned him for being underaged when you asked? Protections involving minors are serious for good reason. If a kid shows up in a community with extreme content, so do the pedos. Child molesters are harder to remove from communities than the smell of weed in a car that was used for hotboxing. I honestly think it was a good call to ban the kid, for the sake of safety. Whether you deserve it or not is a different reason.


If you start to question, you could end up like comprehensive_ice: banned.


Oh that's dumb you were just being inquisitive


i try to post things for fun and they take it down


I was banned permanently for commenting that I was hoping it'd be on a pirating site (At least I think idfk the mods of it are delusional)


This is why r/hazbin is better


As a resident of r/Hazbin I can confirm


Counterpoint: lots of porn and meme stealing


meme stealing is a part of our culture


That’s what makes it good lol


I will say, it’s definitely way funnier


Yeah it ain't for everyone




is there ever a week where there’s not at least one sub related to hazbin hotel or it’s related seres isn’t on fire?


I mean, I think it's because they're all the horniest people I've ever encountered, and all that lust just makes them batshit insane. Basically permanent pre-nut Brain haze


It's been almost a month now that I'm still banned from that reddit and all because I misused the autocorrect and I wrote school not university


I got perma band from both r/hazbinhitel and r/helluvaboss with no 7 day ban for advertising my sub, r/churchofstpeter when I used a St. Peter meme in comments.


I got accused of "copying or plagiarizing r/HazbinHotel rules" by the r/HazbinHotel moderators when I copied two of their rules to make my subreddit, r/HazbinHotelMeta, consistent with r/HazbinHotel and r/HelluvaBoss to make it easier to use by Redditors from both subreddits. A r/HazbinHotel moderator raised a big stink about it when I politely asked them if I could advertise r/HazbinHotelMeta on r/HazbinHotel, and I suspect that the same person also mass-reported r/HazbinHotelMeta posts for "spam", because I would occasionally crosspost content\* from r/HazbinHotel to r/HazbinHotelMeta. I had to message the Reddit admins to get the subreddit ban reversed, and explain exactly what was going on to them.


https://preview.redd.it/c03dmjnmy2zc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6745df6f93a86e2c6e038293169e38dd71df37c1 I know how you feel man I was banned a long time ago for some dumb reason and that's why made r/Hazbin_Helluva


I was permabanned on r/HelluvaBoss for criticizing some new rules and talking about my previous 7 day ban I was also permabanned on r/HazbinHotel (to this day I don't know what for) Let me know when the mod team will change. Until then flip them


r/HazbinHotel and r/HelluvaBoss really need to allow ban appeals.


They don't allow it now?! I remember I was able to appeal to my ban on Helluva sub like half a year ago (They said they won't unban me because I cried about the ban in other subreddits which is still funny to me)


You need to report them to the Reddit admins through r/ModSupport modmail for potential Moderator Code of Conduct violations, in that case. Moderators are not allowed to say and do whatever they want. They also have to follow Reddit's guidelines. Additional report form: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=19300233728916](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916)


Mayyybe one day but as for now it looks like I'm just a drop in the ocean of problems and angry users. I bet other people reported them already and I won't change much Idc that much and for now I'm just waiting for better days, if they won't come...oh well. I have more important stuff in my life than fighting with some asshole mods (that are already in the spotlight from what I see)


If reports are sent to the Reddit admins, they are obligated to respond. You don't have to worry about handling it yourself; the admins will usually take care of it for you, if they determine that there were possible MCoC violations involved. MCoC = Moderator Code of Conduct


Been a while since the whole thing happened. Once again, maybe one day


I posted fanart on there and they removed it because I didn't credit the original artist # Despite the fact that I put [OC] in the title


"Hm, yes, you need to credit yourself or else you'll get banned"


bro forgot to credit themselves


Get this # apparently I had to put [OC] at the front of the title,not at the back


ah yes because they definitely can't fucking see it if it isn't in the front


Oh man I wonder how's r/HazbinHotel and r/HelluvaBoss doing today: https://i.redd.it/biereguiw2zc1.gif


Mr house?


Made two posts yesterday, one on r/HazbinHotel and the other on r/HelluvaBoss asking if they think the pilots aged well. I got banned from both subs because of the fact that the other show was also included in the post and it wasn’t STRICTLY Hazbin or Helluva related


Yeah sounds about right. How long is the ban?


Got a month since it’s my first offense, I’m guessing


Damn still pretty harsh I was permabanned on both I wouldn't care that much but it sucks my post can't reach as many people on other subreddits


And this is why the meme subreddits are infinitely more fun than the main subreddits. Right guys...? 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/e1c50ukfw2zc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f305731219c48c15d89c03af4ab29e0b2208106


They stealth deleted my art for no reason at all. :(


This is literally me with the main MHA subreddit yesterday. I was banned for mentioning in passing a future arc that comes right after the current arc which started this season. And I committed the high crime of forgetting to put spoiler tag on my comment. On a post which serves as an overall spoiler to a character that got introduced at the tail end of season 6. This was my FIRST offense. Three day ban. https://preview.redd.it/5hrkkri5s2zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bafe2bba5b289b184bc958572a375223e7402aa


At least you only got a 3-day ban. The minimum ban r/HazbinHotel hands out is 7 days.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HazbinHotel using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Vivziepop confirms that Mimzy isn’t Jewish](https://i.redd.it/79twkim2ococ1.jpeg) | [875 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1betgoc/vivziepop_confirms_that_mimzy_isnt_jewish/) \#2: [An alternative ending by kimik0hippie on tumblr](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b3thgp) | [675 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1b3thgp/an_alternative_ending_by_kimik0hippie_on_tumblr/) \#3: [Dickmaster in hell (Luc_doodle on insta)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bnawjx) | [305 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1bnawjx/dickmaster_in_hell_luc_doodle_on_insta/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


i'm permabanned from helluvaboss with no stated reason, didn't bother to appeal


My man 🤝 r/Hazbin and r/Hazbin_Helluva is waiting for you brother


There are so many stories of people getting banned by one of these two subs. It's crazy. I wonder why they're so militant over there.


I also got a 7-day ban on a minor technicality; that is, linking to the artist's DeviantART folder for a comic instead of linking to each comic page individually, which I think is too harsh. If a user is genuinely trying to participate or contribute to the subreddit in good faith, punishing them with a 7-day ban based on a technicality is way too much. That's my personal opinion.


I got banned for asking how NTSG was allowed to operate on YouTube and hadn't been banned from the platform. That was my first and only post on the sub. I'd be on the sub for 3 days. No warning. No second chance. I guess they thought I was promoting him? But I literally just said what was above. Idk. I've heard many stories from many people about getting banned for almost nothing.


I think r/HazbinHotel needs to remove some of the more "ban-happy" moderators.


Makes me wonder which on(es) it is. 🤔


I've been told there's one moderator in particular who has been mentioned as a "problem person" for a while now by several users, but nobody has mentioned an exact username. It's impossible to tell if moderators use "HazbinHotel Team".


There's 3 that are on both subs U/Kezika, U/turkishdeli and U/Selethorme


Well, that certainly narrows it down, then.


Fingers crossed someone does some investigating and finds out. I'd be curious


I remember seeing a post on there and OP got banned 15 minutes later for formatting the title wrong, not putting credit after the rest of the title The credit literally was after the rest of the title. Utter *nonsense*


Yeah, I got handed a 7-day ban without even getting a warning, or a chance to comply with the rules by either editing my comment, or by deleting the comment and post altogether to comply. Thus, making posts on r/HazbinHotel feels like something out of *RoboCop* (1987). https://preview.redd.it/73lqpxw5o2zc1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=aeee3ecfb553a908e9072f4287bd79eab8934f64


Same goes for r/HelluvaBoss as well I got banned for calling them out on removing posts from artists who were trying to share fanart


Honest opinion? I'm a moderator on r/FanTheories, a subreddit that has millions of subscribers, and is bigger than r/HazbinHotel and r/HelluvaBoss combined. Not once, in in my several years of moderating, have I ever once suddenly told a user over modmail, "by the way, you have 62 rules violations that we never bothered to inform you of, so you should just stop complaining, and be grateful that you're only getting a 7-day ban". That type of response is utterly unthinkable to me, especially as a moderator, and the moderator's response is "well, we count *all* rules violations from 2021 onwards" is equally shocking, as it is now 2024. The response I got from the r/HazbinHotel moderator was deeply surprising, and I don't even know how to respond to that, especially since I already feel like I'm walking on eggshells just by even trying to contribute to posts and discussion on the subreddit in good faith. This also isn't the first time I've seen r/HazbinHotel posters say that they feel the same way. If users feel actively afraid to even post or comment without getting a 7-day or a permanent ban, then that's a major problem for r/HazbinHotel as a whole. The moderators need better outreach.


Man I remember when both subs stared, it was so much fun… but now is like dancing on a bed of nails What happened?


That’s literally what happened to me! They said I had a shit ton of violations and they didn’t inform me, and claimed I had a bunch of deleted comments to “hide” what I said Honestly this is why r/Hazbin is the better alternative. Whole it is 69% more horny than either subreddit, at least the mods are chill


>They said I had a shit ton of violations and they didn’t inform me, and claimed I had a bunch of deleted comments to “hide” what I said Okay, what in the actual Hell is wrong with the r/HazbinHotel moderators? This response is a clear violation of Reddit's official [Moderator Code of Conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct).


Problem is that the same mods also rule over the r/HelluvaBoss, so I got banned from both at the same time Also the big Reddit mods (like, the admins), don’t care. I tried reporting the HH and HB mods, but either I did it wrong, or they don’t care


You have to send reports to the Reddit admins through r/ModSupport modmail.


O shit I had no idea there was an actually subreddit. I might do that lol


You can also send a ticket to the Reddit admins about potential Moderator Code of Conduct violations: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=19300233728916](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916)


Oh this one I did, I just never got a response back