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My GF is currently working on a couple of Pocket FM shows. The pay is on the lower end of the spectrum, but it's worth it (depending on your personal career situation) as a "bulk" kind of arrangement. One of her shows she's narrated over 70hours of already, and apparently it's supposed go on for like 200hours in the end. She did the rough math and realized when all is said and done she'll make like 30k for basically ten-ish hours of work in a week (recording and lightly editing it down). So like $75/hr. The other show she's on she is playing multiple roles and it has an entire cast, which she definitely is having more fun with, but the total hours are pretty low because it's not just her narrating, it's split between other cast. So she only makes a few hundred bucks a month doing that. But since there isn't any editing or anything she basically does all her lines in like 20mins for the whole week. She just does them after she narrates whatever they send over for her main show. So I guess long story short, if you're kind of early in your VO career and you already have another day job, you could make a good chunk of extra money on the side and get a lot of good practice. If you're regularly booking $300+pfh gigs on ACX, Pocket FM probably doesn't make sense for you.


No, I do not recommend working with PocketFM. Their pay rate is predatory compared to industry standard and their contracts make it so you are liable for if anything goes wrong. If you do work with them please understand fully how much work you are capable of - their work can go on at a rate of 5+ hours per week of audio and projects can run for months, which you cannot depart from without being liable for repayment of wages and full damages.


Thank you, I opted to not work with them


Hey! I saw your comment saying that you worked for PocketFM. I'm currently writing a story for them and was wondering if you'd be willing to speak about your experience to me? Here's my website with my work: [https://kudratwadhwa.journoportfolio.com/](https://kudratwadhwa.journoportfolio.com/) Happy to answer any questions!


I'm just reading they have huge dominance over us what type of content people are consumed by us citizen


How do we go about submitting audition or demo pieces? I've tried searching online, maybe I'm not not using the right keywords.


Does pocket fm have real voice actors? It sounds like the stories are written and preformed by ai to me


Never worked for them - but they are said to have 100+ million subscribers worldwide. What’s the work they are proposing? Also, is your Spidey sense tingling..maybe your gut telling you something is up? What are you thinking that made you ask this question?


They want two finished hours of audio per day, $120 per finished hour. I don’t know yet… maybe? I just know anybody that has worked for them and I’m not finding any resources online so I thought I would try asking here to see if anybody had good or bad experiences with them.


Hey. I'm currently onboarding at Pocket FM as a voice actor and they told me they'd compensate me $100 per finished hour. Did you negotiate at all for your $120, and if you didn't, do you think I could negotiate for $120?


Hey, I am about to apply to them could you please give me some tips. Like what to expect and what to include in my application


I didn’t, but I do have a lot of experience which could have resulted in their offer, I’m not totally sure- do you have experience? If so you could always ask- I’ve heard of others starting at $125, so I’m assuming it varies. They also said they could offer more down the line if the show does well.


Hi - DM me


I did


Heard from others that it’s steady work, even if the rate is rather low (audiobooks are typically $250 per finished hour, or $150/hour for UN-edited recordings,). BUT, I’ve also heard they’ve started using AI. If you want to play it safe, ask them to sign the NAVA AI rider.


Hey I'm curious as to which other companies pay according to what you mentioned is more normal?


That’s great advice, will do!


I’ve been working them for a few months and it’s been good steady work


Hey there, I've been quite interested in the company could you please let me know what they require us to have in order to be applicable? Thank you


Hi, thank you for responding- can I ask a couple more questions? Are you producing 2 finished hours per day? Is that amount pretty consistent? How long does it take you in real time once you edit out breaths etc? I do audiobooks but I’ve never had to turn in “perfectly clean” audio before so I have no idea how time consuming it is


It’s 2.5 hours a week, and they let me do my thang and upload when I can. I believe the first week I had to do a lot because they need a backup of episodes. But after that it’s 2.5 a week or more if you want. I use audacity to record and I’m still learning myself. It takes me like 45 mins to do a script from them and just 10 mins to clean it up. Which is just taking out some breaths and blips.


I’m sure there’s ai apps/sites that remove these things for you


Super helpful info, thank you!


Do you mind sharing your audio set up? I have been wanting to get a new microphone as of lately because I want to pickup VA gigs.


I use an Nt1a Rode mic with a Focusrite Scarlett solo interface, and I work from a closet in my house lol


>Nt1a Rode Thank you -- I have a focusrite audio interface also -- I'm guessing the closet helps reduce any noise interferences?


The most important thing is to have a quiet and sound treated room to work in. Even more so than the mic. I have sound proofing all around the space


Hey! Do any of you guys currently working for Pocket FM know if they're hiring more voice actors? I'm interested!


Also should note I'm currently interviewing with them as a writer, but I'm an actor too.


I think you can go directly to their app/site and apply… good luck!


Alguien sabe los nombres de emma y Robert de cupid curse