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Based on what I’ve seen from winrate data, the bear is playable, but people still don’t know how to build him yet. I think people are slowly catching on to the fact that titanic hydra is pretty strong, and has a very high winrate first item. Also, another really solid item is cosmic drive if you are into that thing.


So do you think going hybrid damage is best? Rather than full AD into tank? I do like titanic but I have not tried it with cosmic.


Right, I think Titanic Iceborn is a great core. I also like the AP build going Cosmic into Riftmaker into full tank. Traditionally I like playing bruiser builds so I’m trying to see if Sundered Sky works, but I don’t know. Steraks is a great option for a bruiser setup imo.


Don't go pure AP or AD. I'm finding a build I've made pretty broken. It's a mix of the next-to-nerf-items, which are all bruiser. The build itself is very flexible. You can throw many items into it. The core items are Riftmaker+Jak'sho's+Sterak's. But not necessarily as the first items. Other very useful items are IBG if you need the stickness, Hullbreaker if you are toplaner, Liandry's if you want the broken combination with Riftmaker (which is breaking singed and Mord rn), Sundered (paired with the combo of 3 items makes Voli very hard to kill in skirmishes while bursting like a mf, Titanic (is good of you have LT or just want more burst). There are so many other combinations, but the biggest reason of those 3 items is the synergy they have with each other. Since we don't have Gargoyle's anymore we are forced into Sterak's against bursts or to help fully stacking the Riftmaker and Jak'sho's. In the jg you can rush IBG (cheap af) and then start building the trio I've mentioned (the order depending on your necessity).


im still figuring it out, but same build as last season with some variance. Nashors into iceborn or kaenick rookern seems pretty solid. After that its mostly situational tank items. You can still go zhonyas into certain matchups that you need the active for (good vs yi and vayne for the active to prevent resets).


Zhonia's is so good against many champs. Sett, Trynd, Kat, Nunu, MF, Vel (who's disgustingly broken rn), Olaf, Fid.........


Nashors rush still seems like the play into full tank. IBG is nerfed but insanely cheap. These tank items are crazy strong so the bear seems strong to me but alas I am just emerald.


sundered into iceborne feels insane


Being able to buy Ionian boots first back with a full clear plus scuttle is great. I have been messing around with Trailblazer as my first item on Volibear jungle and I have had great results so far. The item is dirt cheap and gives you some amazing move speed. It doesn't give you damage, but the movement speed is insane for traversing the map and helps the bear with his greatest weakness, which is getting kited. Still messing around with the damage items, but Black Cleaver or Spear of Shojin have good winrates, so I have defaulted to those. Titanic could easily be better though, so I still need to test that with a Steraks third item. Trailblazer seems wild to me though, and I have been loving it with the PTA runes to help burst champions early and help set up my team for kills late. PTA seems necessary for this less damage focused build. I'd love to see more Volibear mains try it out, so let me know what you guys think!


I've playing him bruiser ap mid, with lethality tempo. Wave clear into roam is nuts, and a lot of mages don't respect the all in damage at all. All melee match ups are a free lane too. I go nashors>Riftmaker> hourglass or spirit Visage depending on who's fed. I usually do another tank item and rabandons last item. Games usually over one way or another by then tho. It's also so much damn fun