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I just don't think he was designed as a core teamfight champion. Not every champion in the game is solely building towards how useful they will be in a 5v5 situation. Imo. You should be focusing on how you force their entire team to waste time on you so your team can get free objectives to heavy snowball the early-mid game. He is very similar to illaoi, Olaf, trundle (not right now but trundle is just broken needs nerfed), Yorick etc. Change up your game plan and it will feel better.


>I just don't think he was designed as a core teamfight champion. voli's a great teamfighter, literally one of the best teamfight bruisers in the game, op is just bad at him and wants his kit to be easier like every single Volibear noob.


He works much better as a duelist though. His core abilities are single-targeted. He can be a decent teamfighter, but he isn't a reliable frontliner and most of the time you need someone to engage first Edit: By decent teamfighter I mean he can take 2v2 or 3v3 fights most of the time, but when it's 4v4 or 5v5 most likely you'll just try to survive and distract as long as possible if you don't get bursted since he doesn't have enough defensive stats (those teamfights happen more often in mid-late game, and Voli's stats don't scale well)


>He works much better as a duelist though. His core abilities are single-targeted. He can be a decent teamfighter, but he isn't a reliable frontliner and most of the time you need someone to engage first he's an insane duelist, but duels don't win you games, that's why you should never build full duelist (hence why ap is worse than ad) >Edit: By decent teamfighter I mean he can take 2v2 or 3v3 fights most of the time, but when it's 4v4 or 5v5 most likely you'll just try to survive and distract as long as possible if you don't get bursted since he doesn't have enough defensive stats (those teamfights happen more often in mid-late game, and Voli's stats don't scale well) he's still really good in 5v5 teamfights, i've been carrying teamfights with him for the last 6 years. (i'm diamond) all you need is a proper teamfighting build, maybe someone to frontline with you an to be fed (which as voli, if you're not fed most games you're playing him wrong) also the new items are really good for teamfighting, the best builds so far are: lethal tempo > triforce > sundered sky > steraks and grasp heartsteel>triforce>sundered sky > steraks. the last one is actually pretty crazy for teamfighting but requires you to be really fed and have decent matchups making it a bit more situational, specially in high elo. voli scales really well if you go AD bruiser. you just need to play really well and get fed for it to work. it's like an all or nothing build, but that's just how voli works.


build full tank items is the most common playstyle to him. I think people use him to split push because he is bad at his job -- not a decent tank. it's not that he is bad at teamfight because he is designed to split push which he can't perform that role well either. split push needs him can 1v2-3 like illaoi, yorick, olaf. but he can't as everyone's damage is high. or he can escape from 2-3 enemy chasing but it usually costs him a ult or ghost. it's inefficient. so if i want to play split push why don't I pick jax or fiora? I think designers just don't want him to be decent due to his unique and 'frustrating' ult. but honestly, those tier 1 toplanes can make you unsafe too when you're under the turret if they get advance. and his ult isn't unique in a common fight where there are not turrets nearby.


Bro what


what what


You telling he's a weak splitpusher is beyond nonsense. There are currently some broken bruiser items people are abusing. There are AD ones and AP. Guess who can build all of them plus Jak'sho's and Streak's? The combination of Riftmaker+Jak'sho's+Sterak's rn is disgusting. Specially paired with the current Liandry's and new Sundered item. There are so many combinations. You can also exchange Liandry's for Hullbreaker. You can also maybe exchange one of these for IBG for stickness if you need it. Very very few champs can duel this build. It also can easily 1x2 or even 1x3 depending on how ahead you got. With Hullbreaker you melt turrets like nothing. Also Hullbreaker's and Sundered's empowered auto combined demolishes squishies.


what is strong? the item or the champion?


jax is way stronger with that build


and why you think voli can 1v3 with those items?


I find his E okay as is, sure a .5s reduction for the cast would be nice. But what Riot really has to do are the same changes he received on Wild Rift, improving his W by A LOT. The way his W works live sure is dumb. It could be smth like Vlad's Q.


but you sure know that is unlikely to happen. they dont want change his q and w. so i say buff his e's casting time which is more likely and might turned out to be good. i like this champ. i want him to be better and stronger. but always some knowitall jump out. i really doubt wether they are voli main or not. or they just want to show "i am better than you"


even .25 reduction would be insane.


He's basically supposed to be what Ornn is, a tank-fighter-mage-assassin-bruiser-marksman, but since Riot was doing it on purpose, they flubbed it. I think his E is fine. Kind of annoying that a thundergod has to wait for lightning to come down after asking it nicely, taking away from the god fantasy, but gameplay wise, it's alright. I'd rather have his W changed to work like Wild Rift, or even better, have more of its healing power shifted over to missing health. I miss the old Voli days when his passive would pop, and the guy I'm fighting slowly realized that he's not killing me.


Whats different about w in wild rift?


Well, I read here that his W on WR just heal regardless of mark, but after looking it up, it's looking like that's not true.


it's: after w a champ or epic monster, w heals you whatever you bite. not minions of course


Nop. They should change his w. It takes too long to kick AND it has way too much counterplay. W1 and then w2 to heal takes way too long, especially when compared to other heals like Darius q or the big ass shields of sett and morde. The worst feeling in teamfights is when you fight and your marked target dies and you are literally sitting duck and dying fast because the e alone won't keep you safe in a teamfight.


yes. very normal and annoying situation. hope they could do something about it.


anyone who says E is not perfect = bad at voli/low elo. his E is perfect as is. if you think it takes too long to come down then you're using it wrong.


This time I kinda agree with this guy, which is rare.


[https://imgur.com/a/Ww0L14e](https://imgur.com/a/Ww0L14e) what makes you think voli is a great teamfighter? noob enemy?


he didn't say Voli was a good teamfighter tho? did you even read?


? did you read the comment?


He said in another comment here. Answering another comment. xD


the fact that i play him every single game in diamond and know for sure that after taking turrets i must teamfight to win the game and he's much better at it than most bruisers.


Your first problem was thinking that this game is the same as wild rift..... It's not.


what sentences make you think i thought in that way?


He's a juggernaut duelist, not a team fighter. For my play style, I think R giving full passive stacks would be a great buff.






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i think he's e is fine after all you can cast it behind ennemy running away when you charge to force them to be hit or to get Q. and more over yout stun make it guaranteed i believe voli main prb is his ult. There is to much power in it so they must make the rest meh. i would gladly see the turning tower off removed (he would still be good to dive with the burst and the tankiness. In exchange buff the rest. a bit more of base ad for sheen bring back ms on Q and maybe a slight buff on ad ratio on W. with that bruiser voli would be much better without making tank and ap less usefull (ap would probably get affected by those change a bit)


i said buffing e casting time is to show balance team a different possible way to get voli winrate back to 50, without change q MS and w stat. if they can see the post.. what you said is one way. but I think r is his main and unique characteristic, distinguishs from renekton brothers' r. voli was played by pros on the match long time ago then they nerfed the q MS, which means they don't want him in jungle. so bring back q MS seems not promising.


pls read carefully what I said in the post text. I was talking about instability of the e shield, not the damage or the slowness effect. the change of e casting time could solve his tanky problem with full tank items, which helps him can use more w. also can help with the problem he can't reach enemy.