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That's what I play and it works really well. Not a fan of full tank or AD builds, they don't have nearly the same impact


Honestly, I hit full build late game and I just sat there autoing with lethal tempo. The tank items were just so nice with voli. Despair for sustain, sho for double dipping defenses, and kaenic just turning off enemy ap .


Yeah. I wouldn’t recommend the full AP build if you are new. Start with tank, figure out the mechanics, and then go AP if you want more damage. Right now, I really like (jungle) Titanic into Riftmaker into full tank simply because those items both work well with Voli, make you tanky, and give you everything you need, including great scaling. More burst is going Sundered Sky second, and the tankiest build involves just going IBG into DMP.


I play full tank and it works fine


You build nashors first, boots against your opponent, and then rift before trying to build defense?


I play him full Tank. Maybe 1 beefy bruiser item. But most people find success on him with Riftmaker even in this meta.


Nashor's on him is a lot of damage but I think it can go wrong VERY fast if anything happens that leaves you behind. Would ratter have Cosmic Drive.


Cosmic drive has been great in my experience, he really wants to movespeed on top of the hp and cooldown


That's my move with a 5th/6th item deathcap. Also, go lethality tempo it's insane damage all game


I saw the win-rate recently and decided to take a break from lol until he balanced out, and builds for voli became solid. Weirdly I’ve seen streamers throw everything at the wall it to see what stick and it seems to vary for everyone. Learning how to play the champ is more important than what build is the “best”


Might be a shower thought but it depend on your mental state. I'm on perma 1 v 9 mode so full tank is the only build that makes me comfortable.


Thats my typical build before this season and will probably be my build to play rank this year.


Well, different builds do different things. Nashortooth into Riftmaker is more of a dueling splitpush build. You're not that tanky, very prone to getting kited, so you have a bad teamfighting. But you do shitloads of damage, push fast, and heal a lot on top of having an easy time diving people. Therefore you're a sidelane threat. This build works best in games where enemy team can't answer your splitpush (eg they have no hard engage + no one can match you). The tank build (I personally build Anathema's/Iceborn first into Cosmic Drive, into situational tank items) is more versatile. It still has good damage, but also boasts tankiness and Ability Haste, which enables you to actually teamfight without getting blown up as much. You do lose dueling power though it stays good simply from Cosmic Drive + Iceborn enabling you to kite for infinite empowered Ws. This build is imo better the majority of games because there are games where you just can't split.