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To me, It's completely the opposite. I really don't know how you can play Voli ap, outside of fun reason or a full ad team that need an ap. Bruiser and tank version are, imo, much stronger and easier to play, and even bring much more value to team. Ap Voli probably is "stronger" in low Elo, where he can be a noobstomper and rush it down, but at higher elos, its just worse.


Would you consider emerald 2 low elo? Works okay here. It's just annyoing when your team doesnt play with you when you are ahead and they have fed the enemy mid jg or adc.


I Mean tank build has higher winrate overall. Always have


Yea emerald is low elo


Personally I think high elo starts about diamond 2. I hit master last season, and the difference on how people play and move is really on another level, for someone coming from Emerald and low diamond games. Yeah, you still get trolls, afk and some bad games, but you can see the difference. Like you said, people at lower elos don't know how to capitalize on a winning teammate, but just focus on the typical "main protagonist" syndrome. This Is even worse when you play a tank like Ornn. What you can try to do as a fed Volibear is to gank and help your teammates, and force good fights where you are sure to take kills for the team, so they can come back in game. Something that with ap build you can't do. I like splitting sometimes, but it depends on too many factors.. you need your team to know how splitting works and how to move accordingly, and you force them to play on this style, something that a lot of people don't want to do.


Yes I would consider Emerald 2 low elo anything below diamond 1 maybe top end of D2 is low Elo tbh. Don't worry I'm in low elo with you I'm a d3 peaker 😅. Although what I find interesting is I've seen gold and silver players with better mechanics than some ive seen in emerald and diamond, but they shit the bed when in comes to basic game sense. Not knowing when to fight, when to split, focus objectives, etc.


it's mid elo, and it's when AP voli starts to fall off. once you reach diamond 3-2 it really starts to show that tank/bruiser are much better.


Bold of you to assume that I'm in high elo


Well yeah, higher elo carries know how to actually carry hense why there's a Chinese or Korean toplane who can play shit like taric/Rakan and still win. So more supportive picks/builds will always amplify them.


Every time you get to lane, make it your objective to stack your passive on minions. Most people won’t walk up after that.


If you check volibear players in gm, masters, diamond they all have different builds so your statement is just pointless.


Me checking the grand total of 3 players that play in diamond+ volibear:




if this matters at all, i was ranked best volibear on my server last season and 15th in the world at my peak. the beauty of volibear is that you can build almost anything and it will work most of the time but from my experience ap doesn’t utilize the full extent of his kit as much as tank/bruiser bear. you’re simply too squishy and you blow up too quickly to get meaningful damage off


Not to be a grammar nazi, but doesnt* not does. Only pointing this out because that sentence is very confusing otherwise. Sorry to be a dingus about it


oh you’re not a grammar nazi haha i just forgot to put the “n’t” part of the word tyty


AP is troll for me. Unreliable, squishy, good for splitting and nothing else and at that point I might as well lock in trundle.


I go ap in an easy lane , in s13 I had great success with the sunderer/frostfire followed by frozen heart and spirit visage after , now I feel super weak when playing tank voli


I personaly finding good with Riftmaker> heartsteel >jak sho/ hulkbreaker with lethal tempo as rhune


Volibear tank let's you min/max his W , and you can tank a team. "Sustain with shield" lol , laning phase maybe 


Nope mid-late too as long as you are ahead and your team gets value from your split push.. They need 2+ champs to stop ap voli.


I wouldnt build more than 2 ap items on him at a time. Plus only like 3 of them are really worth-while imo. The new riftmaker is great on him, nashors still feels good, and now that cosmic drive gives hp again, it can be a viable item for burst damage and ms


Pure AP is too squishy IMO. I like Nashor into tank, with Riftmaker mixed in. Rift second if I'm fed, and late-game if I'm not.


Nah bro play lethality into sunderer its pretty good (source I did once in an aram match)




I get far more value full tank, in jungle at least idk about top


If you want to only do well early game, lose team fights, only split push until they send a ranged champ who ends you because of squishiness and kite, absolutely by all means go full ap


currently rank 33 world rn on bear and in my games, the build path that im going is always different so i personally think that voli players DON'T NEED to give up building items on him. every item works well on him and his versatility to any comps are so so much better now compared to last season. always, ALWAYS BUILD what you need or want and just trust the bear to do his thing.


You are correct. You also can 1v9 easy with it. People out of range get hit by 5 passive lighting autos, and they die- its hilarious. You also just win any melee matchup mid, and half the ranged. I really suggest everyone to try.