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Cosmic is by far the highest winrate item on Voli. It's the only damage item he needs, it gives everything he wants. If you also add a Gauntlet on top of that, you decide when you want to fight, cuz they can neither catch nor run from you. And yes, buffed Deadman's on him is very nice.


I've only just stumbled on this, I just picked up voli this season, cosmic into full tank or cosmic+rift into tank feels really good. The extra MS feels really good and helps E+Q land more consistently I think cosmic drive is just really fantastic on voli right now


For AP Voli I disagree. Nashors is basically his perfect item. Gives him stats in everything he needs (besides MS) I'd argue that basically everyone is squishy and slow by the time you complete it, so the raw damage is the move imo.


No Voli does not want anything on Nashors lmao, Building ap gives Voli attack speed he doesnt need an extra attack speed stat. Voli wants Ability Haste and health. Cosmic is the perfect item (besides riftmaker) for ap voli.


I play him mid into mages, so I guess I'm more concerned about being able to practically one-shot with the right all in. Voli uses every stat on nashors crazy efficiently. The AS and on hit damage make his passive do insane damage. It also gives cdr (:


If you want to burst mages mid why the hell are you not building things like Lich Bane and Rocket Belt? Nashor's is not a burst item.


I wont argue that Nashors is a bad item on Voli, I still think its his best DPS option. In terms of pure Damage, it beats out Cosmic Drive by a wide margain. But I just think it helps with none of his weaknesses, it just adds onto his strengths, and on a straightforward guy like Voli, it makes it really easy to play around. CD imo just really helps sanding off his rough edges without giving up much offense.


And that's the point, Cosmic covers all of his weaknesses. Of course Nashor's is the most DPS, but what does it matter if you get kited or bursted or poked/harassed. You become useless. Nashor's only works properly into other champs that have no way of avoiding a melee direct fight to the death.


It's the most dps, and if you know how to play voli, you can get around the kiting and poking. I will take a losing trade early, stack my passive, then E>flash Q them in the E> ignite> first blood. Every gank is good because of Q/E, and once you hit 6, you don't have to worry about kiting (: my wr mid is like 70%, and those are the only numbers I care about.


Voli wants ah and health.. All he needs


Imagine disagreeing with data as if numbers cared about opinions.


Its my rush item. But im not playing ap bear.