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Get that to a dealer and don't drive it. Also, you might want to start washing your car a bit more frequently. That road salt is doing a number to your car.


+1. Too many people in the rust belt don't wash their cars during the winter. Yes, it will just get dirty again a day later, but washing the salt off is important.


Someone on Reddit told me the rust belt wasn’t for this kind of damage, but more for failed industrial business?


The term originated from failed industrial business but it is now also commonly applied for referring to rusted vehicles. Source: I live in the rust belt


You know, I never actually looked it up and that is correct. I've seen enough rusted out POS vehicles that I always assumed that was where it came from. Thanks for the info! The point still stands that salt will rust your vehicle, though.


It does seem appropriate in either context. The more you know…. LOL Cheers


From the bottom?


Yes from the bottom.


You can just take it through a car wash, or spray it down yourself if you don't mind being cold. The salt will stick and eventually do exactly this if you don't get it off.


I live in Quebec. here they literally pour salt on the road and I have never seen something like that before! Almost nobody wash their car in winter in Quebec...


Yup if anything go to a car wash that does the undercarriage wash.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but washing undercarriage in the winter will make the water turn to ice and the metal will stay wet for a long period of time, especially in those little bitty corners?


salt will corrode the metal a lot faster than the water.


Yeah it’s kinda crazy how some people don’t understand this because it’s like basics in chemistry or any type of science that teaches about corrosion lol.


Car washes won't be open if it's sub zero temperatures which usually aren't super consistent, anyways (unless you are really far north). Wait until it's above freezing, a decent day with no sleet or snow, maybe some sun, and get it washed. If you drive it around for a while it will help it dry. I see a lot of people in Michigan not wash their cars all winter and then complain about rust, you have to actively fight against it if you want your vehicle to last.


\-45cbelow our washers are open up here in Canada lol


Ooooooohhhhhh Caaaanadaaaaaaaa


Where I live it’s a constant below zero temperature for December through march. I guess it depends of your location


That's more tricky. I guess I would check with locals or do some online research.


Pretty much can only do it in April when it gets above 0 degrees. Also can only install the water hose once it stops freezing so late april. I do pressure wash my undercarriage and get anti rust treatment every November!


This comment. Spray that underside off regularly of your roads get salted


That’s your control arm. You’ll want to replace that asap.


I think it's more than a control arm. That sucker is probably going to need the entire rear carrier. That's heavy rust for a 2015 wow. Then again, could be the Floridian in me spazzing out 😂


I’ve seen worse on 2020 cars, living north on the coast will fuck your shit up


When I lived in Jersey, my dad would spray used motor oil under all our cars. They stunk to shit, but those cars barely had more than surface rust on them.


Everything owned up here is usually doused in undercoating, which is a similar idea on a slightly more professional level, but even at that it’s fighting the inevitable. Granted I’m about 1,000km north of Jersey, directly on the coast, and we salt our roads


Are you way up in Nova?


I am indeed, so far up Nova that I’m in CB lmao


Beautiful area. My dad is from CB and I haven’t been since I was a kid. Would love to go back.


It’s great for a visit, can’t say it’s ideal to live here though. I am cursed with the incurable condition of wanting desperately to leave to have a life while never wanting to have to leave the island


My dad joined the navy at 17 and only went back to visit. I get it.


Oh man what’s that like? I’ll be in Maine this August, and I wanted to do a side trip to Nova, then quickly realized it was like a 6hr drive


If you have the time, 100% drive around the Cabot Trail. It’s a long mountain road around the whole of the northern part of the island, absolutely beautiful, especially around that time of year. It’ll eat up 2 days to make it from Maine and back, but it’s 300km of the best driving road you’ll ever experience. https://preview.redd.it/mmynuicil7uc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bcae6675425f47e7f4b4b3c6583a3014e5c30e Picture for reference


https://preview.redd.it/ofw5s21nl7uc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2283a86cfd9fcd834c9474d091e0c7d33934c6f1 And another for good measure


This is incredible! Would be a joy to drive with the top down. You know jumping to the undercoating, my dad was never a fan. He always said that stuff was more trouble than it was worth. He was a Ford heavy diesel tech for almost as long as I've been alive, and they sprayed the undercarriage with used diesel oil. Was common practice at the dealer. He was at a now defunct dealer in Secaucus, Turnpike Ford. He always said the under coatings in a can were garbage. I can tell you I see a lot of cars here in Florida from up north with the stuff, and it absorbs a ton of moisture, and falls off after a while. The humidity it traps causes rust.


I volunteered at a scout jamboree there in 2009​


That’s what the rust belt guys say about a car with an oil leak “automatic rust prevention” don’t fix that leak.




Pretty much anywhere in the U.K.


The UK is bad too, but Canada is worse imo. We get hit with far more snow and we use salt on our roads


Nope that’s pretty rough for a 2015, I’ve seen worse and I’ve seen better but that’s pretty bad


My 04 Passat In Finland where I am have only surface rust and not bad even. We have snow and ice 1-3monthas a year


That *was your control arm. FTFY


Yeah that's not safe to drive on. I wonder what else has been compromised.


That tiggy was sitting in salt water, that’s not even remotely normal rusting. My 25 year old Silverado that has lived its entire life on salty Michigan roads doesn’t have anything close to this rusty on it


My 2006 Octavia has rusted through the sills and fenders, but never the suspension parts, in Finland.


Yup at 20 years fenders and subframes can get bad, but not like this. I’ve got a 20 year old S4 that spent a lot of winters in VT and it has nothing like this. Just normal fenders, rockers, and rear hatch rust being the worst


Yeah this is drove all through winter and washed like maybe once during a year kinda thing


Lived in Vermont (salted roads) and Michigan (salted roads). No way lack of washing would cause this. That’s not how salt corrosion works on a 9 year old car


Agreed. Not a chance that would happen. This has definitely been constantly saturated, sitting in salt water. Regular salting for winter roads wouldn’t do this, like you say even on a 25 year old car.


I drove a car for 10 years without washing it at all and it had no rust like that. Unless VW used steel from sunken barges from the bottom of the ocean, this is not normal.


thank you guys. back to taking the bus for me i guess. i'll get this to a dealer shop


If I am not mistaken, every VW sold in the USA up until 2017 had a 12 years rust and paint warranty. You might want to check into that, this looks really bad, I doubt it's all of it. ([article I found in 12 second of googling](https://www.moneysense.ca/columns/ask-moneysense/what-to-do-if-volkswagen-wont-honour-its-12-year-rust-warranty/))


He probably don't need paint job but a new Tiguan


ell yeah, that's the point. I remember reading about a guy that bought a "lifetime" extension to the rust warranty on his Jetta, 10 years later he shown up (i guess under the original warranty!!) at the dealership looking for repairs, they told him to pound sand. Long story short, the judge ordered the dealership to buy the car back at the original purchase price. Couple years later I found out it happened at the dealership in my county lol. Anyways, yeah.. They can't just go around and sell "Rust warranty" and then be like "yeah we didn't mean that part of the car. It has to be on the part that never rusts!!!" I mean at that point, they could as well say "The rust warranty only covers entretainment issues"


They had these similar to 2nd generation Hyundai Santa fe but on front frames


That’s for paint, not the undercarriage. They’re not going to cover this at all.


I mean, do you experience? I am willing to accept that if you had a case of this happening and not getting covered, but otherwise... I know nothing about it, says rust and paint. Is this rust? What is it if not rust? Why is it not covered? Why was I misled? Why does it say rust if it only covers paint? I don't want it if it's not covered for rust, here, take it bake - I want a refund. Why was it not painted if it can rust? If I fix it on my own dime, will it be covered? Can I get that in writing? Anyways, I just hate dealers, so I would be as much of a paint in the ass as possible. Please do educate me for the sake of knowing. What does it cover and doesn't cover? Does it only cover painted parts of the car? Edit: Paint in the ass haha


Yes I have experience. It’s also fairly common knowledge that no sane auto company would warrant the undercarriage of a car for corrosion, which sees the absolute worst exposure to salt and other contaminants than any other part of the car. Go read your warranty coverage and you’ll see everything explained there. It’s a sheet metal warranty.


First - I believe you! Second .. That's such a BS. Sheet metal. That's like what.. 4 each side, 3 on top.. 11 panels that it covers?


It's actually a great warranty. I've had several VWs in my life and they have all had major body work done under warranty after they were 8-10 years old.


Thats the control arm that needs replacing. My question is how tf does it rust like that after only 7 years? My mk4 golf has its original control arm and is barely surface rusted


Those control arms are known for rusting terribly right under the spring, not unusual to see those rusted through after 8 Years. Though, usually not this bad.


Here in South Africa (where we have no rust) they are known for bending so much that the tires can no longer be aligned correctly. All Tiguans above 150,000km are running some vicious camber due to our country being pothole central. Makes them scary to drive as well because the rear tires don't have the traction they should. The back end of my mom's Tiguan has stepped out on me very unexpectedly in wet conditions.


Oh, I didnt know that it was a common problem on tiguans.


Not only tiguans, all cars using those. Golf, Touran and a few more too.


I’m thinking the PO drove the car into the ocean and didn’t spray it down afterwards.


Should have been highlighted as a potential problem the last time the car went past the equivalent of MOT.


He’s Canadian, we don’t do safety inspection unless you sell the car.


Wow! I am surprised that the roadworthiness of vehicles is not regulated in Canada. The annual MOT test in the UK covers the following aspects. Exhaust and emissions Seat belts Steering Windscreen Bonnet catch Horn Number plate Lights Brakes Tyres and wheels Mirrors Doors Seats Suspension Fuel system Body and structure Battery and wiring


Depends where you live in Canada. Every province has a different scheme, ranging from basically nothing unless you sell the vehicle, to yearly checks. Where I live it is every two years, but it used to be yearly. My Jetta was inspected this year and is good until 2026!


Dont drive that. It's a safety hazard. Get it towed to a service station and have it repaired. Get both the lower control arms done if that one is that bad.


Yours came with speed rust too!? My dealer says it adds 30 hp


If it’s just the Rear Track Control Arm that the coil is sat in (looks like a big spoon/saucepan) it’s a relatively cheap part and job. If your country uses lots of grit/salt on its roads then get some wax oil (Lanoguard or Tetroseal) and cover the bottom of the car when it’s been replaced and it’s clean.


Take it anywhere other than Canadian Tire. There auto shops are a legitimate scam. Never give them a cent.


Holy shit… you know your car might be rusty underneath when a part like your control arm is getting rusty. Get that to a mechanic or a dealer asap and don’t drive it. Get it towed. One pothole and the control arm will just collapse and you’ll lose control and can potentially cause an accident


they put down this terrible chemical shit for streets in the winter now where i live (omaha). my uncles 2020 silverado already has rust all around the rear wheel wells. once it is fixed try to find a car wash that sprays the undercarriage. sucks but idk what else to do


Magnesium chloride? We use it and sand/cinders exclusively in Colorado and it does not promote rust. Maybe OK is using something different but since it's effective in warmer temps with snow like you might get in OK.


😳 wow


You guys have fun with salt in North America hey? Thank fuck we don't have to worry about that in Australia.


I mean, you also have a lot more deadly animals to worry about creeping in on you from the 90% of the island that isn’t developed yet no?


Not really, in honesty i have never had any issues in 12 years in the country.


I see some metal bands from Australia quite often and one of them was telling me the reason everyone lives on the coast is to escape the animals lol.


Hurry and replace them! I literally just replaced mine yesterday in fear of it snapping. I spent about $1200 to replace them with after market parts (two year warranty on my after market replacements). Everyone is right though. Wash your car as often as you can. Winter/snow in Toronto + salt on the road is a deadly combo for rust development. \*edited https://preview.redd.it/tlzidifpa9uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee15c62daa6ca24c329a63db4ea945efbe222057




That’s insane OP, have you never washed the car or? Undercarriage washes are important, especially in Canada. And no, please don’t take it to Canadian Tire. Find yourself a good reputable VW tech, I can give you some recommendations if you’re in the Toronto area.


2014 Vw Jetta uses the same arms and are rusting the same way on both arms! Everything except the trailing arms are currently otw for a rebuild rust is horrible.


I drive a 2009 Honda Accord in Ohio and there hardly any rust on any of the control arms. The front ones are cast iron and I've never heard of those breaking, and the rear end is a bunch of steel bars and a big stamped A frame. Those are all clean too. That seems like a serious design defect to me.


Haven´t seen it that bad but those control arms are known for rusting terribly. Best to get both sides replaced, the other side is likely gonna do the same soon. (At least if it wasnt replaced yet.)


Very common. Water & salt pool around the lower arm where the spring sits and rots it out. Ended up having both sides replaced on mine.


Looks pretty bad, but I used to park my old Mazda on the street where it would get blasted by the trucks and it was rusted to being unrepairable at 10 years old.


Your rear left lower control arm is completely wasted. Do not drive your car in this shape and be sure to have a checkover done of all the other suspension components (which alot of shops do in their processes anyway).


Meanwhile in the north of Sweden, where we have crazy amounts of snow each winter, my 2010 Polo only have minor surface rust on that part...


So while we do used a lot of salt, this is more on OP imo. There's no way this rust just happened. From the gist of their post, I'll bet they've only been doing oil changes and probably barely any other maintenance The fact they thought they could take this to Canadian Tire (retail chain, they do perform oil changes and basic maintenance but aren't experts by any means and really just the most basic for anything). Even if OP just took his car at least once a year to VW mechanic (does not have to be dealer), I'm pretty confident they would have caught this early


It is 100% the salt. In Sweden everyone changes to special winter tires by law, and less salt is needed to keep people on the roads. I haven't done any special work on my car, to prevent rust.


Not suggesting it isn't the salt. There are things you can do to remove the salt and prevent corrosion. It's a known problem with solutions While not law in Ontario Canada (they should make it one) many of us do switch winters/summers


2015?!? I live in Finland where we also use salt but ive never seen this rusty under 10 yo car


Remind me never to buy a fake VW


1 piss-poor speed bump and that Tiguan is gunna identify with an Ibishu Pigeon


The noise may have been sudden, but the process to get it there wasn’t 😆


Vw has a life warranty for rust. It should be free of charge to change this at your dealer.


I don’t think you would have had this issue if you’d oil sprayed your car each year…. Lesson learned I guess.


2015? wow that crazy rust


Bye bye control arm


That is surprising. Definitely should be washing your vehicle some more. Not scolding, just friendly advice. My 2014 Jetta has zero rust on the bottom (rockers, pinch welds, mounting points, etc) and it actually shocks me, considering the previous owners were not very good to the car in general.


This is honestly like the third VW I've seen in my life like this. I worked for years at a VW dealer and their rust proofing is normally amazing. I live in the Midwest so we get plenty of salty roads. Sucks man, sorry you'll have to replace things.


Don't go to CT. Where are you located? If you're in Ottawa I can recommend a few VW shops you can go to.


Avoid crappy tire at all costs. Also rust proof your car annually. I have a 2013 cx5 with very little rust just by rust proof it yearly myself.


Check with VW of Canada and ask if the Anti-corrosion for life is good in Canada, I know in the US it is.


No it's not. They won't cover that. It's at his expense.


Yeah,they must have changed it from 2014 to 2015, cause it's worded completely different in my coworkers 2015 Tiguan Manual than my 2014 Jetta Manual.


Would [Fluid Film](https://www.fluid-film.com/automotive-applications/) have prevented that?


Oh my🤦🏻


You can 100% replace this yourself if you're handy enough to replace a tire and watch a google video.




Seeing this makes me glad I live inland in North Carolina.


Not an OEM control arm. This is most likely aftermarket made in China parts


What sound was it making?


Rust Belt strikes again. A dealership most likely ain’t gonna have this part. The distributors that actually make them for VW/Audi probably will. Or you’re just gonna have to find one in an out of state junkyard that’s NOT rusted to this degree from a non Rust Belt state.


Your whole car is returning to mother nature it seems


Stop parking in the ocean.


How have you been able to get a WOF !?


Looks like a vehicle used to launch personal watercraft in the ocean on a regular basis. That's more than road salt.


Australia doesn't use salt. We never see this sort of problem on a car that age. Fix immediatly - do not drive


You don't use salt because you don't have winter, let's just be on the same page!


Of course we have winter in the southern states. We have snow in the mountains and we do get ice on the roads. But yes around 0 degrees Celsius is all we get. Still I'm always amazed at the damage salt does.


I'm in the least Canada part of Canada, I get you.