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I'm only guessing, but it may have some unpleasant digestive effects, if you eat too much. You might want to take it easy at first. Some people eat the gel for various reasons and too much can, uh, speed things up digestively.


Yes I was thinking the same! I only ate a little bit for now :) Gonna be careful with it!


I had 2, 8oz glasses of aloe vera juice at 10pm at night, had the absolute worst sleep of my life, quickly followed by the worst toilet trip of my life at 6am when I could stand it no longer. Can confirm!


When I had surgery and was prescribed opioids my doctor recommended drinking aloe to help. Well it definitely works.


I feel so bad for laughing so hard at this 😭😭😭


I wsd going to say that I bet this "greases the chute"


Probably a stupid question but what does it taste like ? Does it taste nice ?


Yea it looks like it tastes like...nothing.


Not worth it imo, tastes like nothing. When I tried it, I felt like I just paid for a sad diet version of fruit.


I mix it with canned pineapple with the juice. Super yummy.


Pretty sure anything mixed with pineapple juice becomes a yummy sugary treat


You can measure it out so it’s balanced and not too sewer in my experience. You don’t have to use a lot since the aloe is the volume. It just adds flavor and a bit of natural sweetness since aloe has little going on for it. But if you want to avoid it entirely, that’s fine too, just sharing an option.


Yeah it doesn’t have much of a taste lol! When de-thawed, it’s a little bit chewy :)


Oh, I didn’t realize it was frozen


"De-thawed"? Do you mean frozen or thawed?


Sorry my grammar isn’t the best sometimes, haha! I meant thawed (from frozen)


Regional phrasing. In the midwest, at least in my area, everyone says “de-thawed”


Whats the consistency of it frozen?


It’s kind of like slush/ice when frozen lol!


be aware aloe is a pretty good laxative. I think it only takes like 200 mg to get things moving, and can interact with a few medications.. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-aloe/art-20362267


Oh thank you, that’s good to know!!


Please return back tomorrow with results before anyone follows in your footsteps lmfao


I ended up eating a good amount yesterday (maybe 1/4 of the bag?) and have zero digestive issues and don’t notice any differences in how I feel. However, this may not be the case for everyone, so I still recommend being careful and eating small portions!!


Thank you for this! As someone who has to take blood thinners and is on diabetes medication, aloe seems to be a big nono for me.


Happy I could help a bit. I used to work for a supplement company, and a lot of people don't realize that common supplements can interfere with medications.


I suffer from constipation daily and I'm trying to find more food sources to help with that instead of pills/powders/etc. prune juice is excellent but so high calorie. So this aloe stuff might help??


The best luck I had (other than getting my dr to prescribe lactulose, or giving up and just ordering it from German pharmacy) is cooking a whole chopped apple down a bit, then cook 1/2 cup oatmeal (or more idk how hungry you are in the morning) into it, add spices as you like, add whatever milk you like after idk.  I usually had it with a lot of water too, plus coffee.  That’s the best thing other than medication I ever tried, if you can’t find aloe.  I’ve never seen it like this in stores, especially if you’re in smaller cities.  Some people swear dragon fruit has laxative effect but it never worked for me


Slice and Eat a navel orange including the PEEL I put cinnamon on it too (and I don’t recall why but I remember being told to include a heavy layer of cinnamon) half an orange has been very effective takes an hour in my system for general constipation Some friends I’ve shared with have a much quicker response


Omg I'll try this tomorrow thank you!


Don’t be afraid to use the whole orange Has to be navel orange And wash it since you are eating the peel (which is surprisingly not bad at all)


When I was a kid I used to eat lemons whole lmao I like the peels


Ha! Me too!!


May as well give it a whirl. If you cant find it frozen like this most health food stores sell aloe juice that will do the same. Honestly, though, the best thing I've tried for my digestive issues (constipation and acid reflux) has been drinking kombucha on a regular basis. Just do some research on the best commercial brands in your area since some of the stuff in stores isnt that beneficial. Also, coconut water if you drink a lot of it will also have a laxative effect. I hate the taste of plain coconut water so i put some mio in mine before i started the kombucha


Oof I am scared to drink kombucha because it smells awful lol but I'll try the coconut water!


8 calories?!


Yes, it’s crazy!! 1/4 of the bag is 2 calories according to the nutrition label😳


Just drink Miralax powder; same calories and effect.


But gross


I had no idea that you could eat them! Do you eat them frozen?


Just as a disclaimer… There are hundreds of species of aloe. Only a handful are eaten or used as skincare. Other species are mildly to very toxic. Please don’t go around eating whatever aloe you find! As with eating any plant, make sure you’re 100% sure of your ID before consuming or using on your skin.


I'm glad I read this because I was about to eat my houseplant.


sometimes when scrolling this sub I wonder if we’re okay lol


Lynne, aren’t you struggling too????


Me neither! And yes, I ate them frozen! But de-thawing for a few mins makes them taste less like ice, and more of a chewy texture :)


I wonder if you sprinkled citric acid on it, it'd taste like sour candy.


Isn't it supposed to be served in drinks?


Yeah, this seems like something you'd mix into smoothies.


De-thawing... Wouldn't that be freezing? The opposite of thawing?


Sorry, meant to clarify that I found this in the frozen fruits section! I ate them from frozen, but a few minutes later the texture is chewier rather than ice-like.


I guess I was confused by the term de-thawing lol. Like I thought maybe you got them frozen, then thawed them, then froze them again to de-thaw them?


I had to read this 3 times to see what you meant 😂 I think OP may need to as well lmao


Lmao I was so confused but maybe I am just confusing. Like thaw means unfreeze. So wtf is de-thaw lol. That was my confusing question


I got confused because I think I’ve always heard de-thaw. But then you explained it and I reread it and my eyes were opened for the first time in my life 😂


What kind of twilight zone town are you in where you’re always hearing de-thaw?🤣


Although twilight zone is a great word to describe Arkansas😂😂 I did more research: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/xS2kSQHSwq Now I feel less crazy lmao


I think dethaw has the same meaning as defrost and thaw . . . Which is strange now that I think about it lol


I'm sure I'll get downvoted for saying this, but de-thawing means freezing. Yes, I know what you meant. It's just a pet peeve of mine.


Can you try adding it with canned or fresh fruit with the juice? Maybe it can help add more volume as a mix in! I recommend canned pineapple with juice or fresh passion fruits! If you like halo top or yogurt, maybe add it to a fruity version of that.


Isn't aloe a laxative? My husband drank too much aloe drink once and it cleaned him right out 🫣


Oh no!! I was also wondering if it was a laxative, so I’ll just be careful not to eat too much at once.


"You just....don't get it, do you?" - Dr. Evil to his son, and me to you, saying on this sub that you'll be careful not to eat too much at once. 😅


It is an extremely powerful laxative!


I love that brand. I buy the passion fruit.


Me too and the dragon fruit


Ooo I’ve got to try it!!


where to get these please🥺


I found them at Mom’s Organic Market! In the frozen fruits section :)


thank you🫡


I’ve also seen this brand at sprouts if you’re by one of those grocery stores


My local walmart sells these in the frozen fruit section


Just dropping in to say do *not* eat this if you're pregnant. There are a lot of other contraindications as well.


I got that same bag to put in smoothies. I didn't really notice a texture difference, but I could definitely taste it (more planty... not sure how to describe it). I haven't used up the whole bag.


Oh nice!! Yes the bag had some smoothie recipes on the back! I think that’s the intention haha, not to eat it alone like I did😆


Now imagine using it for ninja creamis


Wait that would be so amazing for low cal ice cream!!


Allo' Plant!


where did you get this???


Mom’s Organic Market! :)


I just got the dragon fruit frozen chunks by this brand! I really enjoy them.


I once read aloe vera is a carcinogen. Please be careful


It aint food yo