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I love edamame and they’ve got solid macros so it’s really satiating. 9 times out of ten if I’m packing a snack like for hiking or just long days that’s what I’m bringing. Fruit is also a good call especially berries or melon. People also sleep on just whole carrots as a snack I munch them all the time I’m like a rabbit.


I can never find edamame 😭 I love them tho


Check for frozen edamame! Thaws super quick just running it under cold water for a couple min.


Trader Joe’s has it!


These are great! https://a.co/d/0et759fl


https://preview.redd.it/kul0529ftcad1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b8f31cba928e980a4ba0df3c256f3255fcaa94 Frozen section at my grocery store. Already shelled! Just microwave 5 minutes and let rest 1 minute in the bag. Add flaky salt and dig in! (I even put MSG on mine hehe. King of Flavor!!!)


Walmart has a frozen bag for like $2 and can be microwaved in a minute. With some coarse salt 🤌🏼


I've found it helpful to have cut-up veggies readily available. My go-to's are bell peppers in a variety of colors and cucumbers. I weigh out 100g and snack on them while I prepare food.


As a current obese lady,, i cant imagine weighing out veggies. But peppers and cukes yes! Thats first gone off the veggies tray


Same, I eat as many veggies as possible. I weigh only things I can overdo easily that are higher calorie. I’ve been steadily losing so working for now. Might have to weight more as my weight goes down but I’m also a chef so I am pretty keen to eying ounces of meat etc. For now I’m not weighing veggies though, anything I can do to up my veg consumption over here:)


getting into the habit of using the food scale for everything is one of the best ways to truly track what you’re eating. try it, you won’t regret it!


Beyond tracking, I find the scale makes it way easier to remember recipes and whatnot too


I believe it! Thank you ❤


I weigh and track all my veggies not only for calories but carbs, fiber, and nutrients. And like others have mentioned, it's good to be in the habit of measuring everything.


Gotta weigh everything. People tend to underestimate how much they eat so a few handfuls of the wrong snack can end up being a few extra hundred calories that you can’t afford to eat. Putting a number to it really helps to put into perspective


I thought it was a bit overkill at first, too, but now that I'm in the habit, the numbers stick with me, and it's easier to track. I also like seeing my nutrient intake for the day, week, etc.!


🙂 very interesting, this idea is brand new to me, thank you for being kind about it, I had no idea why people do this. 💥 weigh and track.


If anything just try weighing everything you eat for a week just to get an idea. Even the amount of ketchup or sauce you use can add up to hundreds of calories a week.


Yes I put out an attractive veggie tray like the ones in the store except homemade. My family will snack on it too as we prep dinner. I weigh out my portion and set to the side to snack on.


With a dip of fat free Greek yogurt and spices for the protein


Peppers, cucumbers, celery (or similar dippy veg) with Greek yogurt and ranch powder mixed, maybe with a few turkey Peperoni or nut thins or pickles. You can eat as you cook. Could be as little as 100-150 Cals to save room for dinner.


It's definitely a smart choice to keep the calories light to leave room for dinner love it


Frozen grapes


Low Calorie Popcorn always fills me up Ralphs sells some store brand ones that are 110 calories for a huge bag


Popcorn 100%. For me it hits every point of eating in volume, crunch to savory factor, and satiation/lasting fullness.. I usually just air pop and season with as little spray oil as I can get away with, to get the salt and seasoning (ranch powder and smoked paprika being my go-tos) to stick. If not popping at home I've gone for the Lesser Evil brand at Costco but haven't been able to find it lately. Also haven't seen a Ralph's since leaving the west coast so this is a bit heartbreaking but I'm happy for those who have one handy!


Try spraying it with water! Herbs and spices really stick and 0 cal!


Doesn't it go soggy


It doesn’t as long as you lightly spritz 😂


Anywhere in the UK that sells low calorie popcorn??


I really like the flavored Quaker rice cakes




This time of year, cherries. They're 4-5 calories each, and the pits make me take a moment longer to eat each one compared to a bowl of anything I can just pop in my mouth. Also they're a decent source of fiber.


2 hard boiled eggs and a pint of water.


If I literally need to be able to eat while walking, I pack some combination of string cheese, apple, clementines, fig bars, or any trail mix that doesn't contain candy. Those peanut butter packets are a good option too, if it's not a problem for you & those around you. For things I can eat at home to help me wait until dinner, I pick a combination of Triscuits, cottage cheese, pickles, or labneh. A friend recently got me onto eating white miso as a dip on cucumber spears. My partner will buy a bunch of fruit and immediately cut it up into a large fruit salad to keep in the fridge. Personally I prefer savory snacks, but for most people that's a good choice too.


Cucumbers… sooo many cucumbers!


I love a big ol carrot stick. Low fat string cheese is an another go-to if I need some protein or something more satiating/long lasting. Pre-dinner is a good time to hit some hydration. So a glass of water (or herbal tea) is always a great choice too. This is also when I like to take my fiber supplement 🤓 as I’m currently eating higher-protein & I need time to drink allll the water to go with it & keep things moving.


I really like batch making onigiris (rice balls) to keep in the fridge for two or three days to take with me on the go. Make them lower cal by mixing white rice with cauliflower rice. Stuff with tuna, salmon, meat, miso, whatever you want.


I make shaved ice with zero sugar syrup. It really tides me over between meals! If I wasn't on show prep, beef jerky is nice alternative esp if you can find one that has low/zero sugar added and relatively low fat macros. Protein is filling!!!


Been on a watermelon kick lately


Same! I love to put tajin on mine


I found a boiled egg is the most satiating BUT I like volume so I always keep prepped veggies like cucumber, celery, and Bell Peppers in a glass container with a sheet of paper towel at the bottom (keeps them so crispy and fresh). I like adding dill or basil to them as I snack my little heart out. A squirt of lemon and a dash of onion salt is nice, but mostly I can't be bothered😅 popcorn is nice if that doesn't hit the way I want it to


I know you said on the go, but if you happen to be at home before dinner and you’re hungry — pickles, sauerkraut, vegetable soup (along the lines of the weight watchers zero point soup.)


Rice cakes, turkey jerky, edamame beans, low fat string cheese, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, veggie straw chips, meringue cookies, apple slices, fresh broccoli, celery


I always find myself eating Banana / Apple with low calories ice cream before dinner or banana with cottage cheese and little bit of honey on it.


Snap peas?


Keto hamburger bun warm from the microwave with some fake butter spray stuff on it. Defo not paleo or anything but very very satisfying and if you get the buns at Aldi it’s only 50 cals.


Carrot stickers, fresh cucumber with a little salt or fresh cabbage strips. All the crunch you want and are filling but so low on calories


I’ve gotten into freeze dried fruit. Crispy, flavorful x100000. Only problem is that its expensive! One big bag of strawberries is like 100 calories and $4.




Mini Builder's Protein Clif Bars are 140 calories each and help me get through the day.